An in-memory key:value store/cache library written in Go 1.18 generics


.github/workflows/test.yml codecov

go-generics-cache is an in-memory key:value store/cache that is suitable for applications running on a single machine. This in-memory cache uses Go Generics which will be introduced in 1.18.

  • implemented with Go Generics
  • a thread-safe map[string]interface{} with expiration times


Go 1.18 or later.

If Go 1.18 has not been released but you want to try this package, you can easily do so by using the gotip command.

$ go install
$ gotip download # latest commit
$ gotip version
go version devel go1.18-c2397905e0 Sat Nov 13 03:33:55 2021 +0000 darwin/arm64


$ go get


See also examples


package main

import (

	cache ""

func main() {
	// Create a cache. key as string, value as int.
	c1 := cache.New[string, int]()

	// Sets the value of int. you can set with expiration option.
	c1.Set("foo", 1, cache.WithExpiration(time.Hour))

	// the value never expires.
	c1.Set("bar", 2)

	foo, ok := c1.Get("foo")
	if ok {
		fmt.Println(foo) // 1

	fmt.Println(c1.Keys()) // outputs "foo" "bar" may random

	// Create a cache. key as int, value as string.
	c2 := cache.New[int, string]()
	c2.Set(1, "baz")
	baz, ok := c2.Get(1)
	if ok {
		fmt.Println(baz) // "baz"

	// Create a cache for Number constraint.. key as string, value as int.
	nc := cache.NewNumber[string, int]()
	nc.Set("age", 26)

	// This will be compile error, because string is not satisfied cache.Number constraint.
	// nc := cache.NewNumber[string, string]()

	incremented, _ := nc.Increment("age", 1)
	fmt.Println(incremented) // 27

	decremented, _ := nc.Decrement("age", 1)
	fmt.Println(decremented) // 26


Kei Kamikawa
Okinawapm, Previous: Mercari, Inc.
Kei Kamikawa
  • Improved performance/memory usage for items with an expiry

    Improved performance/memory usage for items with an expiry

    Hi! Thanks for a good cache library that provides generics – it's really handy.

    I've used this a bit for certain things, and found out that adding an expiry to items adds a new goroutine:

    A lot of goroutines is pretty expensive, both in terms of switching and in terms of memory usage (each is 2kb in size).

    Would you be open to a PR for a more performant implementation? uses a janitor, and I suppose this library could implement something like that -- falling back to the current behaviour if a cleanup interval isn't provided.

  • Maybe change containers/list to implementations on generics

    Maybe change containers/list to implementations on generics - for example this looks very similar to containers/list but without empty interfaces. I noticed what the library uses containers/list because my program sometimes crashes

    panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not *lru.entry[string,*[string,int64]]
    goroutine 241845 [running]:*Cache[...]).delete(...)
     /go/pkg/mod/!code-!hex/[email protected]/policy/lru/lru.go:118*Cache[...]).deleteOldest(0xc000234330?)
     /go/pkg/mod/!code-!hex/[email protected]/policy/lru/lru.go:113 +0xed*Cache[...]).Set(0xc00023a048, {0xc0061324b0, 0x42}, 0xc007a885a0)
     /go/pkg/mod/!code-!hex/[email protected]/policy/lru/lru.go:85 +0x339*Cache[...]).Set(0xc0002340f0, {0xc0061324b0, 0x42}, 0x48, {0x0?, 0x0, 0x0})
     /go/pkg/mod/!code-!hex/[email protected]/cache.go:158 +0x1f3

    It also can be problem in logic (maybe some races)

  • Add Count() function

    Add Count() function


    I was browsing the code, looks nice. However, isn't sorting for deletion slow? Iteration through just once is faster.

    The Keys() function exposing sorted elements is dangerous, I almost used it to do counting of keys. Therefore I added a Count function to do the same, for monitoring/telemetry purposes.

    Is cleaning code finished? It does not appear to be, is not called from the cache at all, only from test. I guess this is still WIP.


  • fatal error: concurrent map read and map write

    fatal error: concurrent map read and map write

    Problem: fatal error: concurrent map read and map write

    Reproduce Code:

    func BenchmarkConcurrentSet(b *testing.B) {
    	cache := clock.NewCache[string, string]()
    	group := sync.WaitGroup{}
    	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
    		var count int = 1000
    		go func() {
    			for count > 0 {
    				cache.Set("key", "value")
    				if count <= 0 {

    Result: image

    Expected: RWLocker for Set/Read.

  • fixed clock policy algorithm around delete

    fixed clock policy algorithm around delete

    Fixes #29

    Until now, if the reference count was 0, it was assumed not to exist, but the value existed in the ring queue, causing an inconsistency. So I have fixed it to set nil value in the ring queue after deleting a value.

  • Clock policy: Not show all the page with sequential access pattern

    Clock policy: Not show all the page with sequential access pattern

    Example test:

    cache := clock.NewCache[int, int](clock.WithCapacity(10))
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    cache.Set(i, i)
    cache.Set(10, 10)
    if len(cache.Keys()) != 10 {
    t.Errorf("want number of keys 10, but got %d, %v", len(cache.Keys()), cache.Keys())

    When the cache is full, and new page is set, the hand will iterate through all the element in the cache and set referenceCount = 0. In that case, line 122 of clock.go failed to get the keys that is still in the page (but with ref count == 0).

  • Refactor cache

    Refactor cache

    • breaking change simple, lru, lfu package
      • w/o thread-safe
      • removed Contains method
      • item options
    • added cache.Cache
      • added a watcher for expiration
    • added cache.Interface
    • fixed README
  • lock Increment/Decrement to avoid lostupdate

    lock Increment/Decrement to avoid lostupdate

    In current implementation, if multiple goroutines calls Increment/Decrement simultaneously, the lost update will occur. Let's consider below scenario:

    • The record "counter:0" exists in the NumberCache store
    • Goroutine A and B want to increment that by 1
      • After all, the record should be "counter:2"
    • GetItem called by Goroutine A returns "counter:0"
    • GetItem called by Goroutine B returns "counter:0"
    • Goroutine A increments it by 1, so the record is now "counter:1"
    • Goroutine B increments it by 1, but the record is still "counter:1" because Goroutine B incremented stale record "counter:0"

    I have written unit tests to make sure above behavior occurs. You will see tests fail if you pull this branch locally and comment out the changes in cache.go, then run gotip test .

  • Panic when deleting expired items

    Panic when deleting expired items

    Related codes

    cacheStore := cache.New(cache.AsLFU[string, SomeStruct](lfu.WithCapacity(5)))
    cacheStore.Set(someKey, someValue, cache.WithExpiration(10 * time.Second))


    panic: runtime error: index out of range [-1]
    goroutine 71 [running]:[...].Swap(...)
  [email protected]/policy/lfu/priotiry_queue.go:51
    container/heap.Remove({0x1e0c8c0, 0xc0006982b8}, 0xffffffffffffffff)
            container/heap/heap.go:72 +0x53*Cache[...]).Delete(0xc0006982d0, {0xc000322181, 0xbf})
  [email protected]/policy/lfu/lfu.go:92 +0x65*Cache[...]).DeleteExpired(0xc0002c2a20)
  [email protected]/cache.go:209 +0x158[...].func1()
  [email protected]/cache.go:175 +0x25*janitor).run.func1()
  [email protected]/janitor.go:39 +0x122
    created by*janitor).run
  [email protected]/janitor.go:33 +0x72
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