This repo introduces a simple server, which provided some APIs for search DAS account's records or reverse records


This repo introduces a simple server, which provided some APIs for search DAS account's records or reverse records


  • Ubuntu >= 18.04
  • MYSQL >= 8.0
  • go version >= 1.15.0
  • Redis >= 5.0 (for cache, not necessary)


# get the code
git clone

# edit conf/config.yaml for your own convenient
vi conf/config.yaml

# init mysql database
mysql -uroot -p
> source das-account-indexer/tables/sql.sql
> quit;

# compile and run
cd das-account-indexer
make default
./das_account_indexer_server --config=conf/config.yaml
# it will take about 3 hours to synchronize to the latest data(Dec 15, 2021)


Here is the main document about APIs

  • If you are come from das_account_indexer, you probably need do nothing, the new APIs are compatible with the old ones. More details see deprecated-api-list, but we still suggest you replace with the corresponding new APIs
  • If you are a newcomer, just read api-list


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  • conf/config.yaml参数具体含义及获取途径


    在试图运行indexer的过程中,出现如下错误: 2022-02-12 02:35:43.007007786 INFO cmd/main.go:66 ▶ [main] db ok 2022-02-12 02:35:43.014012821 INFO cmd/main.go:79 ▶ [main] ckb node ok 2022-02-12 02:35:43.207004849 FATAL cmd/main.go:43 ▶ [main] InitDasSoScript err: ConfigCellDataBuilderByTypeArgs err: ConfigCellDataBuilderRefByTypeArgs err: ConfigCellMainFromSlice err: HeaderIsBroken ConfigCellMain 0 < 4


  • starting error

    starting error

    Hi. There were some errors after I started the server and I couldn't find the problem.

    2022-01-21 13:12:55.480654815	DEBUG	cmd/main.go:30	▶ [main] Start service:
    2022-01-21 13:12:55.553157034	INFO	config/config.go:20	▶ [main] config file path: conf/config.yaml
    2022-01-21 13:12:55.558226545	INFO	config/config.go:24	▶ [main] config file info: {"server":{"net":1,"http_server_addr":":8121","http_server_addr_indexer":":8122","http_server_addr_reverse":":8123"},"chain":{"ckb_url":"","index_url":"","current_block_number":4872287,"confirm_num":4,"concurrency_num":100},"db":{"mysql":{"addr":"","user":"root","password":"----","db_name":"das_account_indexer","max_open_conn":100,"max_idle_conn":50}},"cache":{"redis":{"addr":"","password":"","db_num":0}},"das_lib":{"thq_code_hash":"0x9e537bf5b8ec044ca3f53355e879f3fd8832217e4a9b41d9994cf0c547241a79","das_contract_args":"0xc126635ece567c71c50f7482c5db80603852c306","das_contract_code_hash":"0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000545950455f4944","map_das_contract":{"account-cell-type":"0x96dc231bbbee6aa474076468640f9e0ad27cf13b1343716a7ce04b116ea18ba8","balance-cell-type":"0xbdc8f42643ccad23e8df3d2e8dbdea9201812cd1b7f84c46e69b020529629822","config-cell-type":"0x3775c65aabe8b79980c4933dd2f4347fa5ef03611cef64328685618aa7535794","das-lock":"0xda22fd296682488687a6035b5fc97c269b72d7de128034389bd03041b40309c0","reverse-record-cell-type":"0x000f3e1a89d85d268ed6d36578d474ecf91d8809f4f696dd2e5b97fe67b84a2e"}}}
    2022-01-21 13:12:55.574569004	INFO	cmd/main.go:66	▶ [main] db ok
    2022-01-21 13:12:55.575863586	INFO	cmd/main.go:79	▶ [main] ckb node ok
    2022-01-21 13:12:55.576817904	ERROR	core/contract.go:87	▶ [das-core] GetCells err: config-cell-type Post "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
    2022-01-21 13:12:55.577170729	ERROR	core/contract.go:87	▶ [das-core] GetCells err: account-cell-type Post "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
    2022-01-21 13:12:55.577488694	ERROR	core/contract.go:87	▶ [das-core] GetCells err: balance-cell-type Post "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
    2022-01-21 13:12:55.577804497	ERROR	core/contract.go:87	▶ [das-core] GetCells err: das-lock Post "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
    2022-01-21 13:12:55.578160582	ERROR	core/contract.go:87	▶ [das-core] GetCells err: reverse-record-cell-type Post "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
    2022-01-21 13:12:55.580420991	FATAL	cmd/main.go:43	▶ [main] InitDasConfigCell err: GetCells err: Post "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
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    2022-07-15 15:54:37.38790774	INFO	cmd/main.go:80	▶ [main] ckb node ok
    panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:4] with capacity 0
    goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xc0005180c0, 0xe34d96, 0xa, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/mnt/server/go/gopath/pkg/mod/!h!q/[email protected]/witness/config_cell.go:137 +0x2b05, 0xe34d96, 0xa, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/mnt/server/go/gopath/pkg/mod/!h!q/[email protected]/witness/config_cell.go:219 +0x65*DasCore).ConfigCellDataBuilderByTypeArgs(0xc00009a000, 0xe34d96, 0xa, 0xd217c0, 0xc00044b080, 0x0)
    	/mnt/server/go/gopath/pkg/mod/!h!q/[email protected]/core/config_cell.go:157 +0x1a7*DasCore).InitDasConfigCell(0xc00009a000, 0xc0004de720, 0x1634c50)
    	/mnt/server/go/gopath/pkg/mod/!h!q/[email protected]/core/config_cell.go:65 +0xf0c
    main.runServer(0xc00042eec0, 0x0, 0x2)
    	/mnt/server/das-account-indexer/das-account-indexer/cmd/main.go:95 +0x57f*App).RunContext(0xc000126b60, 0xf70790, 0xc00011c000, 0xc00013c000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0)
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