Elytrium Billing: Module-based billing platform made with Go


In development

Elling - Elytrium Billing

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Module-based billing platform made with Go
The main idea of this product - make a stable billing platform for high-loads
This is only the back-end side of the API! Check out elling-app for the front-end.

Module system

Elling - module-based billing. You can create your own module, just export your module to the variable Module in your Go plugin

type Module interface {
    GetName() string
    OnRegisterMethods() map[string]routing.Method
    OnDBMigration() []interface{}

See more

  • elling-npd: Payments module for self-employed people

Basic modules

Basic modules - really simple modules, you can configure them editing their .yml files

  • basic/oauth: Module for OAuth authorization support
    • Create the folder with name "oauth"
    • Create the .yml file there
    • Fill it (example):
    • display-name: Discord
      name: discord
      oauth-gen-request: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=793481663077548032&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.elytrium.net%2Finternal%2Foauth&response_type=code&scope=email%20identify
        url: https://discord.com/api/users/@me
        method: GET
          Authorization: Bearer {token}
        response-type: JSON
        - username
        - id
  • basic/topup: Simple top-up module
    • Create the folder with name "topup"
    • Create the .yml file there
    • Fill it (example):
    • name: hevav-pay
      display-name: hevav.pay 
      account-limit: 10
      ttl: 3600000
      pay-string: https://hevav.dev/pay/{topUpId}
        url: https://hevav.dev/pay
        method: PUT
          Authorization: Bearer 1234567890
        data: id={topUpID}&amount={amount}&user[name]={user_name}&user[id]={balance_id}&expiryDate={date}
        response-type: NONE
        url: https://hevav.dev/payverify
        method: POST
          Authorization: Bearer 1234567890
        data: id={topUpID}&amount={amount}&user[name]={user_name}&user[id]={balance_id}&expiryDate={date}
        response-type: PLAIN
      check-request-success-string: OK
        url: https://hevav.dev/pay/{topUpId}
        method: DELETE
          Authorization: Bearer 1234567890
        data: id={topUpID}
        response-type: NONE


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