A simple go program to proxy http request through a server with caching


A simple go program to proxy http requests through a server with caching


All cli options are optional, and have the default values of

secret: 'secret'
cachetime: '30m'
allowedheaders: 'content-type'

To change these defaults, just run the command with options

go-http-server --secret 'supersecret' --cachetime 30m --allowedheaders 'content-type,etag,date'

After running the server you can access the service on port 3000 http://localhost:3000/?url=<the-url-to-proxy&token=<the auth token>&expires=<token expiry time>. The token is a SHA256 Hash of the url + secret + expiry time. So as long as nobody knows your secret key nobody else can access the router.


Download latest release

go to the releases page and download the latest release

# Untar the files
tar -xfv go-http-proxy-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# And start the executable

Using go get

go get -v https://github.com/GQDeltex/go-http-proxy.git

Building yourself

Install requirements

apt install golang git

Clone the repo into your go workspace and get the dependencies

git clone https://github.com/GQDeltex/go-http-proxy.git ~/go/src/github.com/GQDeltex/go-http-proxyk
cd ~/go/src/github.com/GQDeltex/go-http-proxy
go mod download

After that you can either build the binary in that folder or install it into ~/go/bin/go-http-proxy

go build # Executable now in ./go-http-proxy
# Or install
go install # Executable now in ~/go/bin/go-http-proxy

Now you can run the proxy by starting the Executable

# Or if you've used go install

You can even add ~/go/bin to your path to have it even easier

# ~/.bashrc

Now you can run by typing

I'm a young guy from Germany. I mostly build Webapps, but also built CLI tools and experimented with ML/AI. For more Information visit my Website:
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