Repository for learning GO lang


Repository for learning GO lang.

What is Go?

  • Go is a fast, statically typed compiled language
  • Compiled to machine level code, does not need to be interpretted one line at a time
  • Static typed - picks up variable types
  • General purpose language
  • Built-in testing support
  • Object-oriented langauge in it's own way different from other languages

First Go file

  • One main() function allowed in the application
  • Methods on imported packages all start with a capital letter ie) Println
  • Running the program:

go run filename.go

Variables, Strings, Numbers

  • Strings in GO must use double quotes: ""
  • Variables can be typed or automatically infer it:

var nameOne string = "mario"
var nameTwo = "luigi"
var nameThree string // Variable is initialized. If no value is given, the string is empty
nameFour := "yoshi" // Shorthand that is only used to initialize the variable the first time

  • ":=" Can't be used outside of a function

  • Ints can be typed to use bits. Prevents certain numbers to be used within the scope.

var ageOne int = 20
var ageTwo = 30
ageThree := 40
var numOne int8 = 25 // 8 bits
var numThree uint = 25 // Prevents the use of negative ints (0 - 255)

  • Floats must specify the bit-size. Bit-size dictate the range of numbers we can use

var scoreOne float32 = 25.98
var scoreTwo float64 = 3845934578734859.234234234
scoreThree := 1.5 // Shorthand inferred as float64

Printing & Formatting Strings

  • Printing variables and strings

fmt.Println("my age is", ageOne, "and the score is", scoreOne)

  • Printing formatted strings using a format specifier "%v". The order of variables matters.

fmt.Printf("my age is %v and the score is %v", ageOne, scoreOne)

  • Specifier "%q" adds quotes around the string variables
  • Specifier "%T" outputs the type of the variable
  • Specifier "%f" outputs floats. This can be rounded to the nearest decimal point

fmt.Printf("you scored %0.1f", 22.55) = "you scored 22.6"

  • Sprintf = Save printf allows ability to save the string into a variable

var str = fmt.Sprintf("my age is %v and the score is %v \n", ageOne, scoreOne)
fmt.Println("The save string is: ", str)[email protected]

Arrays and Slices

  • If the length of an array is declared, the array is a fixed and can't be changed
  • Arrays are created using curley braces instead of square brackets

var ages [3]int = [3]int{20, 25, 30} // ages will be an array of length 3 of all ints
var ages = [3]int{20, 25, 30} // Same as above
names := [4]string{"yoshi", "bowser", "mario", "wario"}
fmt.Println(ages, len(ages)) // len() grabs the length of the array

  • Slices use arrays under the hood but can manipulate arrays more
  • When no number is placed inside the square brackets, it specifies to use slices instead of arrays. They have no fixed length
  • Can append items to a slice

scores := []int{100, 50, 60}
scores[2] = 25 // Set index 2 to be value 25
scores = append(scores, 85) // append returns a new slice
fmt.Println(scores, len(scores))

  • Slice ranges:

rangeOne := names[1:3] // Includes from 1 to but not including 3
rangeTwo := names[2:] // From index 2 to the end, including end
rangeThree := names[:3] // From start to index 3 but not including 3

The Standard Library

  • Strings package

greeting := "hello there world"
fmt.Println(strings.Contains(greeting, "hello")) // returns true or false if > strings contain value
fmt.Println(strings.ReplaceAll(greeting, "hello", "Hi")) // Does not mutate original > variable
fmt.Println(strings.Index(greeting, "ll")) // Get index of where the value starts
fmt.Println(strings.Split(greeting, " ")) // Split string into a splice by delimitter

  • Sort package

newAges := []int{45, 20, 35, 30, 75, 60, 50, 25}
sort.Ints(newAges) // Alters the original variable
fmt.Println(sort.SearchInts(newAges, 30)) // Searches slice and returns index

newStrings := []string{"one", "two", "five", "three"}
fmt.Println(sort.SearchStrings(newStrings, "five"))

Software developer at Reliable Controls. I enjoy creating data visualizations and exploring new technologies.
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