Benzinga Backend Challenge, A HTTP receiver and webhook forwarder


Benzinga Backend Challenge, a simple webhook receiver and forwarder.

The application should be a basic webhook receiver that has two endpoints.

  1. GET /healthz - should return HTTP 200-OK and “OK” as a string in the body
  2. POST /log - should accept JSON payload
    "user_id": 1,
    "total": 1.65,
    "title": "delectus aut autem",
    "meta": {
        "logins": [{
            "time": "2020-08-08T01:52:50Z",
            "ip": ""
        "phone_numbers": {
            "home": "555-1212",
            "mobile": "123-5555"
    "completed": false


  • The application should have three configurable values that should be read from environment variables:
    • batch size
    • batch interval
    • post endpoint
  • The application should deserialize the JSON payload received at /log endpoint into a struct.
  • Retain them all in-memory.
  • When batch size is reached OR the batch interval has passed forward the collected records as an array to the post endpoint.
  • Clear the in-memory cache of objects.
  • Logger ("")
    • log an initialization message on startup
    • On each HTTP request
    • Each time it sends a batch
      • log the batch size.
      • result status code.
      • duration of the POST request to the external endpoint.

Addtional Requirements

  • If the POST fails
    • Retry 3 times, waiting 2 seconds before each retry.
    • After 3 failures log this failure and exit.
  • Testing for the Post endpoint output will be done against a service such as


  • Can be set through os env or overriding through flag args passed while running the build
  • Flags
batch-interval duration
        Batch Interval (default 10s)
  -batch-size int
        Batch Size (default 10)
  -http string
        HTTP  (default ":8080")
  -post-endpoint string
        Post Endpoint


  • Env


Algorithm / Implementation

  • A buffered channel is init at program startup, if batch size > 0, buffered channel = 2*batch_size or 100 by default.
  • Buffered channel will make sure, /log is not blocked deserializing while the forwarder consumer is processing.
  • At same, time HTTP handlers / receivers are regsitered. (Routing is handled via gorrila/mux).
  • /log recieves the json, deserialize it in the defined struct and pushes to the buffered channel.
  • A forwarder consumer is started in the background and it iterates over buffer channel and starts pushing to unbuffered channel to be processed by another background consumer.
  • forwarder consumer itself regsiter a background process which starts a forever blocking select channel.
  • select channel has three cases, either a batch_size is full or batch_interval is reached or accumualte the msg in in-memory array.
  • When the batch(size/interval) limit is reached, it forwards the accumualted msgs to webhook endpoint as per the requirement.
  • if there is a error in the "post call" after three retries, it sends the error to err channel and the programs exits as per the requirement.

Scope of Improvements

  • Start forwarder consumer in waitgroup so it multiple consumers could be started in background in case of high throughput.
  • Add more unit tests 🙈


  • On every push to github, it runs linter / test and docker build
  • #TODO upload the docker build to GCR (but it requires a paid gcr account)


  • make build puts the binary executable in $root/build folder.
  • it's good to run make lint test before the make build command to ensure lint and test passes.
  • make docker-build generates the docker image in $root/build folder.


  • make lint runs the golang-ci lint (installs it if not present) and runs the linter as defined in root/.golangci.yml.


  • make test runs all the test in main package and generates the coverage report.


  • main http service is inside the cmd/benzinga-backend-challenge

Postman Code for easy accesibilty

  • Log Payload
curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/log \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "user_id": 1,
    "total": 1.65,
    "title": "delectus aut autem",
    "meta": {
        "logins": [{
            "time": "2020-08-08T01:52:50Z",
            "ip": ""
        "phone_numbers": {
            "home": "555-1212",
            "mobile": "123-5555"
    "completed": false
  • Health Check
curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:8080/healthz \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache'
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