This process installs onto kubernetes cluster(s) and provisions workloads designated by the uffizzi interface

Uffizzi Cloud Resource Controller

This application connects to a Kubernetes (k8s) Cluster to provision Uffizzi users' workloads on their behalf. While it provides a documented REST API for anyone to use, it's most valuable when used with uffizzi_app. Learn more at


The Uffizzi Continuous Previews Engine empowers development teams to conduct feature-level pre-merge testing by automatically deploying branches of application repositories for full-stack and microservices applications based on user designated triggers. Uffizzi makes these on-demand test environments available for review by key stakeholders (QA, Peer review, Product designer, Product manager, end users, etc.) at a secure Preview URL. The on-demand test environments provisioned by Uffizzi have a purpose driven life cycle and follow the Continous Previews methodology - -

Uffizzi's implementation leverages several components as well as public cloud resources, including a Kubernetes Cluster. This controller is a supporting service for uffizzi_app and works in conjunction with redis and postgres to provide the CP capabilty.

This controller runs within the Cluster and accepts authenticated instructions from other Uffizzi components. It then specifies Resources within the Cluster's Kubernetes control API.

This controller acts as a smart and secure proxy for uffizzi_app and is designed to restrict required access to the k8s cluster. It is implemented in Golang to leverage the best officially-supported Kubernetes API client.

The controller is required as a uffizzi_app supporting service and serves these purposes:

  1. Communicate deployment instructions via native Golang API client to the designated Kubernetes cluster(s) from the Uffizzi interface
  2. Provide Kubernetes cluster information back to the Uffizzi interface
  3. Support restricted and secure connection between the Uffizzi interface and the Kubernetes cluster

Example story: New Preview Deployment

  • main() loop is within cmd/controller/controller.go, which calls setup() and handles exits. This initializes global settings and the sentry logging, connects to the database, initializes the Kubernetes clients, and starts the HTTP server listening.
  • An HTTP request for a new Deployment arrives and is handled within internal/http/handlers.go. The request contains the new Deployment integer ID.
  • The HTTP handler uses the ID as an argument to call the ApplyDeployment function within internal/domain/deployment.go. This takes a series of steps:
    • It then calls several methods from internal/kuber/client.go, which creates Kubernetes specifications for each k8s resource (Namespace, Deployment, NetworkPolicy, Service, etc.) and publishes them to the Cluster one at a time.
      • This function should return an IP address or hostname, which is added to the data for this Deployment's state.
  • Any errors are then handled and returned to the HTTP client.


This controller specifies custom Resources managed by popular open-source controllers:

You'll want these installed within the Cluster managed by this controller.


Environment Variables

You can specify these within credentials/variables.env for use with docker-compose and our Makefile. Some of these may have defaults within configs/settings.yml.

  • ENV - Which deployment environment we're currently running within. Default: development
  • CONTROLLER_LOGIN - The username to HTTP Basic Authentication
  • CONTROLLER_PASSWORD - The password to HTTP Basic Authentication
  • CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE_NAME_PREFIX - Prefix for Namespaces provisioned. Default: deployment
  • CERT_MANAGER_CLUSTER_ISSUER - The issuer for signing certificates. Possible values:
    • letsencrypt (used by default)
    • zerossl
  • POD_CIDR - IP range to allowlist within NetworkPolicy. Default:
  • POOL_MACHINE_TOTAL_CPU_MILLICORES - Node resource to divide for Pods. Default: 2000
  • POOL_MACHINE_TOTAL_MEMORY_BYTES - Node recourse to divide for Pods. Default: 17179869184
  • AUTOSCALING_MAX_PERFORMANCE_REPLICAS - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler configuration. Default: 10
  • AUTOSCALING_MIN_PERFORMANCE_REPLICAS - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler configuration. Default: 1
  • AUTOSCALING_MAX_ENTERPRISE_REPLICAS - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler configuration. Default: 30
  • AUTOSCALING_MIN_ENTERPRISE_REPLICAS - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler configuration. Default: 3
  • STARTUP_PROBE_DELAY_SECONDS - Startup Probe configuration. Default: 10
  • STARTUP_PROBE_FAILURE_THRESHOLD - Startup Probe configuration. Default: 80
  • STARTUP_PROBE_PERIOD_SECONDS - Startup Probe configuration. Default: 15
  • EPHEMERAL_STORAGE_COEFFICIENT - LimitRange configuration. Default: 1.9

Kubernetes API Server Connection

This process expects to be provided a Kubernetes Service Account within a Kubernetes cluster. You can emulate this with these four pieces of configuration:

  • KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST - Hostname (or IP) of the k8s API service
  • KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT - TCP port number of the k8s API service (usually 443.)
  • /var/run/secrets/ - Authentication token
  • /var/run/secrets/ - k8s API Server's x509 host certificate

Once you're configured to connect to your cluster (using kubectl et al) then you can get the value for these two environment variables from the output of kubectl cluster-info.

Add those two environment variables to credentials/variables.env.

The authentication token must come from the cluster's cloud provider, e.g. gcloud config config-helper --format="value(credential.access_token)"

The server certificate must also come from the cluster's cloud provider, e.g. gcloud container clusters describe uffizzi-pro-production-gke --zone us-central1-c --project uffizzi-pro-production-gke --format="value(masterAuth.clusterCaCertificate)" | base64 --decode

You should write these two values to credentials/token and credentials/ca.crt and the make commands and docker-compose will copy them for you.


While developing, we most often run the controller within a shell on our workstations. docker-compose will set up this shell and mount the current working directory within the container so you can use other editors from outside. To login into docker container just run:

make shell

All commands in this "Shell" section should be run inside this shell.


After making any desired changes, compile the controller:

go install ./cmd/controller/...



Test Connection to Cluster

Once you've configured access to your k8s Cluster (see above), you can test kubectl within the shell:

kubectl --token=`cat /var/run/secrets/` --certificate-authority=/var/run/secrets/ get nodes

Tests, Linters

In docker shell:

make test
make lint
make fix_lint

External Testing

Once the controller is running on your workstation, you can make HTTP requests to it from outside of the shell.

Ping controller

curl localhost:8080 \

Remove all workload from existing environment

This will remove the specified Preview's Namespace and all other Resources.

curl -X POST localhost:8080/clean \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{ "environment_id": 1 }'

Online API Documentation

Available at http://localhost:8080/docs/

Installation within a Cluster

Functional usage within a Kubernetes Cluster is beyond the scope of this document. For more, join us on Slack or contact us at [email protected].

That said, we've included a Kubernetes manifest to help you get started at infrastructure/controller.yaml. Review it and change relevant variables before applying this manifest. You'll also need to install and configure the dependencies identified near the top of this document.

Uffizzi is a Full-Stack Preview Tool. Improving how companies build and test software with a Continuous Previews capability for your entire app eco-system.
  • Improve `NetworkPolicy` for customer Namespaces

    Improve `NetworkPolicy` for customer Namespaces

    Right now we're defining NetworkPolicy Resources that block traffic coming into each Namespace from other Namespaces and Pod IP's. We must additional define "egress" rules to block a Pod's connection elsewhere. Right now customer workloads can make TCP connections to the k8s Master API, nodes, and other Namespaces that do not have a NetworkPolicy defined.

    Customer workload Pods in Deployments specified by this controller should only be able to connect to itself, the load balancer, and The Internet.

  • BUG: Multi-Attach error for volume

    BUG: Multi-Attach error for volume

    Floating error after next case:

    1. Create preview from cli (Using compose file with volumes) uffizzi preview create
    2. Wait until preview created
    3. Make changes in preview DB (e.g. add new user)
    4. Update preview uffizzi preview update

    Result: Preview failed. Error in the Event Log:

    Multi-Attach error for volume "pvc-ee60af29-0a88-42c4-94b9-81c5ccc766d1" Volume is already used by pod(s) app-deployment-4758-858df776cc-bfrhp
        image: zipofar/uffizzi_test_rails_simple:latest
          - share_db:/db
              memory: 1000M
      service: volumes_test_app
      port: 3000
      delete_preview_after: 1h
      tag_pattern: uffizzi_request_*
      delete_preview_when_image_tag_is_updated: true
      deploy_preview_when_image_tag_is_created: true
  • Add 404 when namespace not found

    Add 404 when namespace not found

    When we find, update, delete namespace we sent error to sentry if namespace not found. For avoid this we should extract 404

    E.g. error


    1. Try to create deployment Expected: all should be good

    2. Try to update deployment Expected: all should be good

    3. Try to delete deployment Expected: all should be good

  • Update github controller

    Update github controller

    Update make file. Needs to transfer data from GitLab to GitHub. Repo on the GitHub have some difference between GitLab. E.g. In the GitHub controller does not work command make setup_gke_kube

  • Add possibility to initialize data for named volume

    Add possibility to initialize data for named volume

    For example we have a compose file:

    version: "3.8"
        service: nginx
        port: 80
        image: nginx
         - app_public:/app/public
       image: app
         - app_public:/app/public

    Container app has data in directory /app/public and container nginx should be get this data when it start. As I can see this:

    • Start init container
    • Pull image which has named volume
    • Run container from this image and copy files to pvc volume

    Possibly problems:

    • We do not know size of image
    • We do not know size of files should be copy to volume
  • Increase volume size from 1Gi to 5Gi

    Increase volume size from 1Gi to 5Gi

    A customer has a 1.9GB database they'd like to import to a persistent volume. It looks like the GCE virtual disk volumes are only $0.04/month/GiB so we're going to increase from 1GiB to 5GiB.

    Support thread (internal)

  • Use toolbox Dockerfile from platform

    Use toolbox Dockerfile from platform

    The docker-compose up command fails locally because of some error in the Dockerfile. Let's use the working toolbox Dockerfile from the platform.

    When we have the new version, we need to build it, tag with v2 and push to the project's GHCR (it's used in the CI/CD pipeline)

  • Specify third-party certificate for additional subdomains.

    Specify third-party certificate for additional subdomains.

    Child of

    On our production platform, we're using a purchased wildcard TLS certificate for * For customers requiring additional subdomains, we must instead configure cert-manager to provision a new certificate for all subdomains.

    UX described in related ticket

    When a customer specifies any number of additional subdomains, our controller should add to the deployment's Ingress resource, including:

    • Add annotation letsencrypt.
    • Add additional rules for each subdomain (wildcard would probably work here as well.)
    • Add to list of tls.hosts.
    • Add tls.secretName (can be same as "root" hostname.)

    Example result Ingress in YAML:

    kind: Ingress
      annotations: letsencrypt nginx
        app: controller uffizzi
      name: ingress-1663013659
      namespace: deployment-5713
      - host:
          - backend:
                name: service-1663013657
                  number: 80
            path: /
            pathType: Prefix
      - host:
          - backend:
                name: service-1663013657
                  number: 80
            path: /
            pathType: Prefix
      - host:
          - backend:
                name: service-1663013657
                  number: 80
            path: /
            pathType: Prefix
      - hosts:

    Note that this change is almost, but not quite, the opposite of changes made earlier this year to enable using the single wildcard certificate. Do not revert these changes, do NOT use the CERT_MANAGER_CLUSTER_ISSUER environment variable as-is.

  • Add option to fetch logs for previous container instance.

    Add option to fetch logs for previous container instance.


    The Golang k8s API client has a Previous boolean option[email protected]/core/v1#PodLogOptions

    I think we should expose that option up through the controller's HTTP API. Add a previous option, match default value of false.

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