A download tools for clawing the ebooks from internets.


Downloading books from talebook, www.sanqiu.cc This is totally rewrite fork compare to its original version.


  1. Go Releaser is used for releasing and local building
  2. golangci-lint is used for code style.
  3. goimports-reviser is used for sorting imports.


Download books from Talebook

  1. Download from previous progress.
  2. Register account on website.
  3. Bypass the ratelimit from cloudflare.
  bookhunter talebook [command]

Available Commands:
  download    Download the book from talebook.
  register    Register account on talebook.

  -h, --help   help for talebook

Use "bookhunter talebook [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Download books from Sanqiu

  1. Find all the books update from www.sanqiu.cc.
  2. Download required formats from 189 cloud drive.
  3. Download required formats from aliyun drive.
  4. Record the download progress for crontab jobs.
  bookhunter sanqiu [flags]

  -c, --cookie string         The cookie file name you want to use, it would be saved under the download directory. (default "cookies")
      --debug                 Enable debug mode
  -d, --download string       The book directory you want to use, default would be current working directory. (default "/Users/jianyun/GolandProjects/bookhunter")
  -f, --format strings        The file formats you want to download. (default [EPUB,MOBI,PDF])
  -h, --help                  help for sanqiu
  -i, --initial int           The book id you want to start download. It should exceed 0. (default 1)
  -g, --progress string       The download progress file name you want to use, it would be saved under the download directory. (default "progress")
      --refreshToken string   The refreshToken for AliYun Drive.
  -n, --rename                Rename the book file by book ID.
  -r, --retry int             The max retry times for timeout download request. (default 5)
  -t, --thread int            The number of download threads. (default 1)
  -o, --timeout duration      The max pending time for download request. (default 10m0s)
  -a, --user-agent string     Set User-Agent for download request. (default "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36")
  -w, --website string        The website for sanqiu. You don't need to override the default url. (default "https://www.sanqiu.cc")

Download books from my Telegram groups.

  1. Download all the valid book formats from a telegram channel.
  2. Record the download progress for crontab jobs.
  3. Support proxy from terminal environments.
  bookhunter telegram [flags]

      --appHash appHash      The appHash for telegram. How to get appHash please refer to https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id.
      --appID appID          The appID for telegram. How to get appID please refer to https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id.
  -k, --channelID string     The channelId for telegram.
  -c, --cookie string        The cookie file name you want to use, it would be saved under the download directory. (default "cookies")
  -d, --download string      The book directory you want to use, default would be current working directory. (default "/Users/Yufan")
  -f, --format strings       The file formats you want to download. (default [EPUB,MOBI,PDF])
  -h, --help                 help for telegram
  -i, --initial int          The book id you want to start download. It should exceed 0. (default 1)
  -b, --mobile string        The mobile number for your telegram account, default (+86).
  -g, --progress string      The download progress file name you want to use, it would be saved under the download directory. (default "progress")
      --refresh              Refresh the login session.
  -n, --rename               Rename the book file by book ID.
  -r, --retry int            The max retry times for timeout download request. (default 5)
  -s, --sessionPath string   The session file for telegram. (default "cookies")
  -t, --thread int           The number of download threads. (default 1)
  -o, --timeout duration     The max pending time for download request. (default 10m0s)
  -a, --user-agent string    Set User-Agent for download request. (default "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36")

Example command: bookhunter telegram --appID 12345 --appHash xxxxx -k https://t.me/MothLib

Please refer Creating your Telegram Application to obtain your appID and appHash.

Download books from Sobooks.



Homebrew (for macOS, Linux)

brew tap bibliolater/tap
brew install bookhunter

Scope (for Windows)

scoop bucket add bibliolater https://github.com/bibliolater/scoop-bucket.git
scoop install bibliolater/bookhunter


Download the latest release in release page. Choose related tarball by your running environment.


Execute bookhunter -h to see how to use this download tools.

Books are the ladder of human progress. We build stairs on top of books.
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