A fast subdomain enumerator for web URLs using the power of Goroutines.


A fast subdomain enumerator for web URLs written in go with goroutines.


  gosublister -u [URL] [Other Flags]

  -u, --url string         The target domain [Required]
  -w, --wordlist string    Set the wordlist e.g shubs-domain.txt [Required]
  -d, --delay              Set delay in milliseconds per goroutine request
  -r, --response           Filter codes separated by space: e.g 200 302 402
  -t, --threads            Number of concurrent goroutine [Default=10]
  -h, --help               Display the help page

Note: If the target has rate limiting, consider using the time delay feature.


A built version for Windows and Kali (Debian) has been created, please view releases page or check release folder.

Demo Run


Building Steps

Building gosublister only requires go-arg external module if you wish to re-build the project.

git clone https://github.com/n0mi1k/gosublister
go install https://github.com/alexflint/go-arg@latest
go build gosublister.go
I write tools for fun and learning =)
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