Generates a simple skeleton directory structure for go/gin/bootstrap web apps

Gin Bootstrap Initializer

Generates a simple skeleton directory structure for go/gin/bootstrap web apps


This package handles building a common and basic web project layout to allow the developer to focus on the code, not the directory structure.

Getting Started


  • None! Only standard library functions were used in this project.


  git clone
  cd ./gin-boostrap-init
  go build ./src/ginWebInit

Executing program

  • Super simple. Just run the compiled binary from above and pass an app name as a parameter.
  • Being that the binary is portable it can be moved to any directory you need to execute it in. You can also add the binary to your system path if used a lot.
./goWebInit.exe appName


Anthony Hopkins


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details

Version History

  • 0.1
    • Initial Release
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