Automatic Service Mesh and RPC generation for Go micro services, it's a humble alternative to gRPC with Istio.

Mesh RPC Go Report Card Version Beta

meshRPC logo, image author - MariaLetta/free-gophers-pack

MeshRPC provides automatic Service Mesh and RPC generation for Go micro services, it's a humble alternative to gRPC with Istio. In a nutshell, a Service Mesh is an inter-service communication infrastructure, that includes adding an RPC protocol and additional client/server capabilities to existing services. This tool is a framework for quick onboardings onto meshy things.

With a service mesh,

  • A given Microservice won’t directly communicate with the other microservices. Rather all service-to-service communications will take places on-top of a software component called service mesh.

  • Service Mesh provides built-in support for some network functions such as resiliency, tracing, service discovery, etc.

  • Therefore, service developers can focus more on the business logic while most of the work related to network communication is offloaded to the service mesh.

See this article for a good explanation about this emerging concept, in terms of gRPC and Kubernetes.

The meshRPC tool paired with cluster package is able to transform any type of legacy Go service into a "new stack" developer's dream, without adding too much cost to infrastructure.

All meshRPC-infused microservices require zero-configuration and are load-balanced (round robin with sticky sessions) out of the box!

What about legacy monoliths? Should I rewrite 100%?

Of course not! Even for legacy Go monoliths that contain many layers inside a single process, meshRPC framework can be used to decouple things, using interface substitution. Consider an interface A, then use this tool to generate a microservice that implements interface A, but once called, instead of interface A invocation, there will be an RPC call over network to the corresponding microservice. In this way you can separate a big project by small pieces without hurting integrity (just adding a bit of network latency).

And you don't need to write RPC models and new data structures, we will generate them for you.

What about gRPC? Why do you keep comparing it with gRPC?

See, MeshRPC also does the same job that gRPC does. It takes a contract (Go interface instead of a protobuf schema) and generates both RPC client/server code allowing services to call each other over network, with streaming support as well. It is not cross-language and cross-platform yet, unlike gRPC, that's a simplification for now. Most of this package is focused on proper RPC generation and optimization, rather than service discovery and load balancing, with AstraNet being the core behind networking.


$ go get -u

Usage in Go

Create a service file like this one:

package greeter

//go:generate meshRPC expose -P greeter -y

type Service interface {
    Greet(name string) (string, error)
    SendPostcard(card *Postcard) error

func NewService() Service {
    return &service{}

type service struct{}

func (s *service) Greet(name string) (string, error) {
    // TODO

func (s *service) SendPostcard(card *Postcard) error {
    // TODO

Make sure to implement the methods, they will be exposed to other microservices in cluster soon. See the full example/greeter/service/service.go for the reference.

Now run meshRPC expose or using go generate, please note that when running manually, you must specify project dir and the target sources path as arguments. Also, if you have multiple service interfaces in the same package, called for example FooService and BarService, then Foo and Bar are module prefixes and should be provided using an additional flag -M on each expose call.

$ meshRPC -R . expose -P greeter service/

Actions to be committed
├── [1]  dir [project]/service must exist
├── [2]  overwrite file [project]/service/handler_gen.go with 152 lines of content
└── [3]  overwrite file [project]/service/client_gen.go with 123 lines of content

Are you sure to apply these changes?: y
queue.go:44: Action#1: dir [project]/service must exist
queue.go:44: Action#2: overwrite file [project]/service/handler_gen.go with 152 lines of content
queue.go:44: Action#3: overwrite file [project]/service/client_gen.go with 123 lines of content

Service is complete! Let's create a simple server that will handle cluster connections.

Connect to cluster

func() {
    // Init a new cluster connection
    c := cluster.NewAstraCluster("greeter", &cluster.AstraOptions{
        Tags: []string{
        Nodes: *clusterNodes,
        Debug: true,
    // Init a new service instance (that is your code)
    service := greeter.NewService()
    // Init an RPC handler (that is the generated meshRPC code)
    meshRPC := greeter.NewRPCHandler(service, nil)
    // Publish RPC handlers on the cluster.

    // Bonus: publish your own HTTP handler too:
    handler := greeter.NewHandler()
    // why not?

    // Start cluster connection and server
    if err := c.ListenAndServe(*netAddr); err != nil {

See the full example/greeter/main.go that populates config values and starts a server. It took just a few lines to expose the service over network, as well as your custom HTTP endpoints. But, the question is, how to access those endpoints? For debugging purposes it's easy to also use c.ListenAndServeHTTP that will start an usual HTTP server in the same process, so you could connect to greeter instance directly. But that's not robust, because you want to have an API Gateway with load balancing and authorization, am I right? :)

At this point users that would use gRPC usually put an Envoy instance that will automatically convert HTTP/2 gRPC protobufs into HTTP/1.1 JSONs. You're expected to write an Envoy config and an xDS discovery service or install Istio with automatic sidecar injection, on your Kubernetes cluster. It might be time consuming.

API Gateway for meshRPC

We'll create a simple server that will act as an HTTP server, but it will also be a cluster discovery endpoint. All service nodes you will start will simply connect to it in order to discover each other. Actually, any service node may connect to any other service node to get into the mesh. MeshRPC initiates persistent TCP connections between peers, and all virtual connections and streams are multiplexed on these persistent conns. This is how AstraNet cluster works.

func() {
    // Init a cluster client
    c := cluster.NewAstraCluster("mesh_api", &cluster.AstraOptions{
        Tags: []string{
        Nodes: *clusterNodes,
        Debug: true,
    // Listen on a TCP address, this address can be used
    // by other peers to discover each other in this cluster.
    if err := c.ListenAndServe(*netAddr); err != nil {

    // Start a normal Gin HTTP server that will use cluster endpoints.

func httpListenAndServe(c cluster.Cluster) {
    // Init default Gin router
    router := gin.Default()
    // Wait until greeter service dependency is available.
    wait(c, map[string]cluster.HandlerSpec{
        "greeter": greeter.RPCHandlerSpec,
    // Init a new meshRPC client to the greeter service.
    greeterClient := c.NewClient("greeter", greeter.RPCHandlerSpec)
    // A greeter.ServiceClient instance sucessfully conforms the greeter.Service interface
    // and may be used in place of the local greeter.Service instance.
    var svc greeter.Service = greeter.NewServiceClient(greeterClient, nil)

    // Set an endpoint handler for the Greet function.
    // Example Request:
    // $ curl http://localhost:8282/greeter/greet/Max
    router.GET("/greeter/greet/:name", func(c *gin.Context) {
        // Service call is actually done over meshRPC...
        message, err := svc.Greet(c.Param("name"))
        if err != nil {
            c.JSON(500, err.Error())

// See the rest in:

See the full example/mesh_api/main.go to get the idea of a minimal API gateway. It took just a few lines more to create an API gateway for the whole cluster. Make sure that :11999 port is closed from ouside connections, but :8282 is okay to be exposed, or connected to classic reverse proxies such as Nginx and Caddy for TLS.

Example Run

At this moment we have:

  • that is a server executable exposing service to meshRPC cluster.
  • that is an API Gateway for all meshRPC services in this cluster.

Let's run our API Gateway we just created:

$ go install
$ mesh_api

[GIN-debug] GET    /ping                     --> (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /__heartbeat__            --> (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /__error__                --> (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.

# ...waits until all depencenies respond to ping...

# Then starts an HTTP web server that is our API Gateway.
# Make sure you run greeter in another tab immediately after starting mesh_api instance.

[GIN-debug] GET    /greeter/greet/:name      --> main.httpListenAndServe.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /greeter/sendPostcard/:recipient/:address/:message --> main.httpListenAndServe.func2 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /greeter/check            --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /greeter/greet            --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on

Meanwhile in a separate tab:

$ go install
$ greeter -N localhost:11999

[GIN-debug] GET    /ping                     --> (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /__heartbeat__            --> (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /__error__                --> (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /rpcHandler/Greet         -->*astraCluster).Publish.func2 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /rpcHandler/SendPostcard  -->*astraCluster).Publish.func2 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /handler/Check            -->*astraCluster).Publish.func2 (2 handlers)

[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:03:10 | 200 |         2.1µs |    StVzkmMmyzEA | GET      /ping

Yay! There is a ping from the gateway that awaited our service.. You can revise your own methods exposed.

Using the API

$ curl http://localhost:8282/greeter/greet/Max
"Hello, Max"

I called this method 5 times, in mesh_rpc logs I got this:

[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:07:51 | 200 |     2.24422ms |             ::1 | GET      /greeter/greet/Max
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:07:51 | 200 |     1.67816ms |             ::1 | GET      /greeter/greet/Max
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:07:51 | 200 |     909.254µs |             ::1 | GET      /greeter/greet/Max
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:07:52 | 200 |     1.29748ms |             ::1 | GET      /greeter/greet/Max
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:07:52 | 200 |     910.618µs |             ::1 | GET      /greeter/greet/Max

In greeter logs I got this, correspondingly:

[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:07:51 | 200 |     101.876µs |    NWx4LgFlyRUA | POST     /rpcHandler/Greet
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:07:51 | 200 |      62.109µs |    NWx4LgFlyRUA | POST     /rpcHandler/Greet
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:07:52 | 200 |     147.524µs |    NWx4LgFlyRUA | POST     /rpcHandler/Greet
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:07:52 | 200 |      61.845µs |    NWx4LgFlyRUA | POST     /rpcHandler/Greet
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:07:53 | 200 |      63.341µs |    NWx4LgFlyRUA | POST     /rpcHandler/Greet

And this is without any performance optimization in RPC's part — just plain JSON over HTTP.

Let's run other example endpoints as well:

$ curl -d'{"name": "Max"}' http://localhost:8282/greeter/greet
{"data":{"message":"Hello, Max"},"errors":[]}

This is an internal RPC endpoint, but it is exposed as part of API surface: you're talking directly to a greeter node, but using your mesh_api gateway as an entrypoint. Please note, that if data serialization protocol is other than JSON, Protobuf for example, it means you will deal with binary data.

$ curl http://localhost:8282/greeter/check

This is the "legacy" HTTP endpoint that greeter service always had. But it is exposed using unified API surface of mesh_api now, with RPC telemetry, logging and (possibly some) security and other stuff attached to it. See an example/greeter/service/handlers.go for a demo on how to expose legacy HTTP endpoints, almost no changes are required.

A final example of complex data transfer between two services:

$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8282/greeter/sendPostcard/Max/World/Hello

In greeter logs:

sending greeter.Postcard{PictureURL:"", Address:"World", Recipient:"Max", Message:"Hello"} to Max
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 16:35:16 | 200 |      295.19µs |    Y7F51Lq8xN0A | POST     /rpcHandler/SendPostcard

Great! Next we do orchestration and scaling.

Dockerization and scaling

Let's create a simple Dockerfile that creates minimalistic Alpine containers. This is up to you which method to use in practice, for example in some project I'd use Go's base image because I need a lot of dependencies that don't exist in Alpine.

FROM golang:1.12-alpine as builder

RUN apk add --no-cache git

ENV GOPATH=/gopath
RUN go get

FROM alpine:latest

RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates
COPY --from=builder /gopath/bin/greeter /usr/local/bin/

EXPOSE 11999
ENTRYPOINT ["greeter"]

A similar Dockerfile has been made for mesh_api too. Note: for real apps you should use vendoring or Go modules instead of simple go get in Dockefile.

To get both containers that we've built, use

$ docker pull
$ docker pull

Docker Stack (ex docker-compose)

First, we need docker-compose.yml that contains a simple definition. Here we use docker images generated from above, and we set cluster node list using an environment variable MESHRPC_CLUSTER_NODES that will be read by our example applications. We'll expose only 8282 port for the API Gateway access. Virtual net allows to reference nodes by their service names only, however, if you want to use host net just make sure to avoid port collision for mesh_api and other nodes, and use full addresses.

version: "3"
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
      - MESHRPC_CLUSTER_NODES=mesh-api,greeter
      - "8282:8282"
      - greeter
      - meshnet
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
      - MESHRPC_CLUSTER_NODES=mesh-api,greeter
      - meshnet

Let's run this stack, you can use good old docker-compose but for the future's sake I'll use docker stack here.

$ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml meshrpc-example
Creating network meshrpc-example_meshnet
Creating service meshrpc-example_mesh-api
Creating service meshrpc-example_greeter

$ docker stack ls
NAME                SERVICES            ORCHESTRATOR
meshrpc-example     2                   Swarm

Check if everything has started correctly:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                           NAMES
e0cde9c1ce9d    meshrpc-example_greeter.1.olhmh4ho2kvqck37zm7qm3zbt
767aee3bd128   meshrpc-example_mesh-api.1.dzee3mvff6a3duzejeb1gg0q1

Run the usual API query:

$ curl http://localhost:8282/greeter/check
All ok! 2019-05-24T19:09:42Z

Works flawlessly! Check the docker logs (the greeter container):

$ docker logs -f e0cde9c1ce9d
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 19:06:58 | 200 |        15.6µs |    EvbuE1rKRY0A | GET      /ping
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 19:09:41 | 200 |       106.9µs | | GET      /handler/Check
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 19:09:42 | 200 |        62.5µs | | GET      /handler/Check
[GIN] 2019/05/24 - 19:09:42 | 200 |       350.6µs | | GET      /handler/Check

Maybe scale the service a little?

$ docker service scale meshrpc-example_greeter=5
meshrpc-example_greeter scaled to 5
overall progress: 5 out of 5 tasks
1/5: running   [==================================================>]
2/5: running   [==================================================>]
3/5: running   [==================================================>]
4/5: running   [==================================================>]
5/5: running   [==================================================>]
verify: Service converged

And check the load balancing after querying the API Gateway. Nodes become available almost immediately, and require no warmup. Nodes can be taken down without hanging connections.

meshrpc-example_greeter.1.olhmh4ho2kvq    | [GIN] | 200 |       287.5µs | | GET      /handler/Check
meshrpc-example_greeter.1.olhmh4ho2kvq    | [GIN] | 200 |       183.9µs | | GET      /handler/Check
meshrpc-example_greeter.1.olhmh4ho2kvq    | [GIN] | 200 |        74.2µs | | GET      /handler/Check
meshrpc-example_greeter.2.y6cen26m1wcu    | [GIN] | 200 |       146.2µs | | GET      /handler/Check
meshrpc-example_greeter.2.y6cen26m1wcu    | [GIN] | 200 |       212.4µs | | GET      /handler/Check
meshrpc-example_greeter.5.t900isxh3568    | [GIN] | 200 |       175.5µs | | GET      /handler/Check
meshrpc-example_greeter.5.t900isxh3568    | [GIN] | 200 |       304.3µs | | GET      /handler/Check

At this point our tutorial and example section is over. We kindly forwarding you to example dir for reference implementation and a playground for starting your cluster.


Using docker stack and MeshRPC Benchmark Suite:

  • Non-RPC calls:
    • Macbook Pro 2014 (2,8 GHz Intel Core i5): 33,3 µs per call
    • Linux 4.15.0-47-generic (Intel Xeon CPU E3-1270 v6 @ 3.80GHz): 0,235 µs per call
  • RPC calls:
    • Macbook Pro 2014 (2,8 GHz Intel Core i5): 1,8 ms per RPC call
    • Linux 4.15.0-47-generic (Intel Xeon CPU E3-1270 v6 @ 3.80GHz): 197,4 µs per RPC call

Fixing templates

  1. Edit templates/XXX_go.tpl
  2. Run go generate
  3. go install



AstraNet Toolkit
Another opinionated microservice toolkit.
AstraNet Toolkit
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