Godaddy-domains-client-go - Godaddy domains api Client golang - Write automaticly from swagger codegen

Go API client for swagger


This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version:
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.go.GoClientCodegen


Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import "./swagger"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to //

Class Method HTTP request Description
ActionsApi V2CustomersCustomerIdDomainsDomainActionsGet Get /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/{domain}/actions Retrieves a list of the most recent actions for the specified domain
ActionsApi V2CustomersCustomerIdDomainsDomainActionsTypeDelete Delete /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/{domain}/actions/{type} Cancel the most recent user action for the specified domain
ActionsApi V2CustomersCustomerIdDomainsDomainActionsTypeGet Get /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/{domain}/actions/{type} Retrieves the most recent action for the specified domain
DomainsApi DomainsForwardsDelete Delete /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/forwards/{fqdn} Submit a forwarding cancellation request for the given fqdn
DomainsApi DomainsForwardsGet Get /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/forwards/{fqdn} Retrieve the forwarding information for the given fqdn
DomainsApi DomainsForwardsPost Post /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/forwards/{fqdn} Create a new forwarding configuration for the given FQDN
DomainsApi DomainsForwardsPut Put /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/forwards/{fqdn} Modify the forwarding information for the given fqdn
DomainsApi V2CustomersCustomerIdDomainsDomainGet Get /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/{domain} Retrieve details for the specified Domain
DomainsApi V2CustomersCustomerIdDomainsDomainRedeemPost Post /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/{domain}/redeem Purchase a restore for the given domain to bring it out of redemption
DomainsApi V2CustomersCustomerIdDomainsDomainTransferOutPost Post /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/{domain}/transferOut Initiate transfer out to another registrar for a .uk domain.
DomainsApi V2DomainsMaintenancesGet Get /v2/domains/maintenances Retrieve a list of upcoming system Maintenances
DomainsApi V2DomainsMaintenancesMaintenanceIdGet Get /v2/domains/maintenances/{maintenanceId} Retrieve the details for an upcoming system Maintenances
NotificationsApi V2CustomersCustomerIdDomainsNotificationsGet Get /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/notifications Retrieve the next domain notification
NotificationsApi V2CustomersCustomerIdDomainsNotificationsNotificationIdAcknowledgePost Post /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/notifications/{notificationId}/acknowledge Acknowledge a domain notification
NotificationsApi V2CustomersCustomerIdDomainsNotificationsOptInGet Get /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/notifications/optIn Retrieve a list of notification types that are opted in
NotificationsApi V2CustomersCustomerIdDomainsNotificationsOptInPut Put /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/notifications/optIn Opt in to recieve notifications for the submitted notification types
NotificationsApi V2CustomersCustomerIdDomainsNotificationsSchemasTypeGet Get /v2/customers/{customerId}/domains/notifications/schemas/{type} Retrieve the schema for the notification data for the specified notification type
V1Api Available Get /v1/domains/available Determine whether or not the specified domain is available for purchase
V1Api AvailableBulk Post /v1/domains/available Determine whether or not the specified domains are available for purchase
V1Api Cancel Delete /v1/domains/{domain} Cancel a purchased domain
V1Api CancelPrivacy Delete /v1/domains/{domain}/privacy Submit a privacy cancellation request for the given domain
V1Api ContactsValidate Post /v1/domains/contacts/validate Validate the request body using the Domain Contact Validation Schema for specified domains.
V1Api Get Get /v1/domains/{domain} Retrieve details for the specified Domain
V1Api GetAgreement Get /v1/domains/agreements Retrieve the legal agreement(s) required to purchase the specified TLD and add-ons
V1Api List Get /v1/domains Retrieve a list of Domains for the specified Shopper
V1Api Purchase Post /v1/domains/purchase Purchase and register the specified Domain
V1Api PurchasePrivacy Post /v1/domains/{domain}/privacy/purchase Purchase privacy for a specified domain
V1Api RecordAdd Patch /v1/domains/{domain}/records Add the specified DNS Records to the specified Domain
V1Api RecordDeleteTypeName Delete /v1/domains/{domain}/records/{type}/{name} Delete all DNS Records for the specified Domain with the specified Type and Name
V1Api RecordGet Get /v1/domains/{domain}/records/{type}/{name} Retrieve DNS Records for the specified Domain, optionally with the specified Type and/or Name
V1Api RecordReplace Put /v1/domains/{domain}/records Replace all DNS Records for the specified Domain
V1Api RecordReplaceType Put /v1/domains/{domain}/records/{type} Replace all DNS Records for the specified Domain with the specified Type
V1Api RecordReplaceTypeName Put /v1/domains/{domain}/records/{type}/{name} Replace all DNS Records for the specified Domain with the specified Type and Name
V1Api Renew Post /v1/domains/{domain}/renew Renew the specified Domain
V1Api Schema Get /v1/domains/purchase/schema/{tld} Retrieve the schema to be submitted when registering a Domain for the specified TLD
V1Api Suggest Get /v1/domains/suggest Suggest alternate Domain names based on a seed Domain, a set of keywords, or the shopper's purchase history
V1Api Tlds Get /v1/domains/tlds Retrieves a list of TLDs supported and enabled for sale
V1Api TransferIn Post /v1/domains/{domain}/transfer Purchase and start or restart transfer process
V1Api Update Patch /v1/domains/{domain} Update details for the specified Domain
V1Api UpdateContacts Patch /v1/domains/{domain}/contacts Update domain
V1Api Validate Post /v1/domains/purchase/validate Validate the request body using the Domain Purchase Schema for the specified TLD
V1Api VerifyEmail Post /v1/domains/{domain}/verifyRegistrantEmail Re-send Contact E-mail Verification for specified Domain

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Endpoints do not require authorization.


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