To copy a secret to another namespace and sync it up-to-date

Secret Mirror Operator

This kubebuilder-based Kubernetes operator copies a Secret to another namespace and synchronizes it with the custom resource SecretMirror.

Reconciliation Logic

  1. Get SecretMirror from request.
  2. If SecretMirror doesn't exist, just finish the reconciliation. If error occurs, retry later.
  3. Get Secret (fromSecret) with SecretMirror's name from fromNamespace Namespace.
  4. If Secret (fromSecret) doesn't exist, delete the corresponding Secret (toSecret) if exists. If error occurs, retry later.
  5. Create toSecret if not exists.
  6. Check if toSecret is managed by secret-mirror-controller.
  7. Update toSecret data if data is changed.

Getting Started

  1. Install secret-mirror-operator.

    kubectl apply -k
  2. Create src and dst namespace.

    kubectl apply -f config/samples/namespace-dst.yaml,config/samples/namespace-src.yaml
  3. Create Secret in src namespace.

    kubectl apply -f config/samples/secret.yaml
  4. Create SecretMirror in dst namespace.

    kubectl apply -f config/samples/secret_v1alpha1_secretmirror.yaml
    kind: SecretMirror
      name: secret
      namespace: dst
      fromNamespace: src
  5. Check Secret in dst namespace.

    kubectl get secret secret -n dst -o yaml
    apiVersion: v1
      foo: YmFy
    kind: Secret
      creationTimestamp: "2021-12-30T01:14:26Z"
      name: secret
      namespace: dst
      - apiVersion:
        blockOwnerDeletion: true
        controller: true
        kind: SecretMirror
        name: secret
        uid: f1709c26-6497-40b5-84a7-da13c38cf05f
      resourceVersion: "41781"
      uid: 81452942-2562-4f14-be8b-e4c3c856cae6
    type: Opaque


  1. Change Secret in dst Namespace manually.

    kubectl patch secret secret -p "{\"data\":{\"manually\": \"$(echo updated | base64 -)\"}}" -n dst

    The controller keeps the Secret same as the original Secret.

    kubectl get secret secret -n dst -o jsonpath='{.data}'
  2. Change Secret in src Namespace manually.

    kubectl patch secret secret -p "{\"data\":{\"srcSecret\": \"$(echo updated | base64 -)\"}}" -n src

    The controller keeps the Secret same as the original Secret.

    kubectl get secret secret -n dst -o jsonpath='{.data}'
  3. Delete Secret in dst Namespace.

    kubectl delete sercet dst -n dst

    The controller recreates the Secret.

    kubectl get secret secret -n dst -o jsonpath='{.data}'
  4. Delete Secret in src Namespace.

    kubectl delete secret secret -n src

    The controller deletes the Secret in dst Namespace.

    kubectl get secret -n dst
    NAME                  TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
    default-token-wwsmc   3      2m19s
  5. Recreate Secret in src Namespace.

    kubectl apply -f config/samples/secret.yaml

    The controller creates a new Secret in dst Namespace.

    kubectl get secret secret -n dst -o jsonpath='{.data}'
beBit, Inc.
 beBit, Inc.
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