File system for GitHub

HUBFS · File System for GitHub

HUBFS is a read-only file system for GitHub and Git. Git repositories and their contents are represented as regular directories and files and are accessible by any application, without the application having any knowledge that it is really accessing a remote Git repository.

How to use

HUBFS is a command-line program with a usage documented below. On Windows there is also good desktop integration so that you can use HUBFS without the command line.

HUBFS supports both authenticated and non-authenticated access to repositories. When using HUBFS without authentication, only public repositories are available. When using HUBFS with authentication, both public and private repositories become available; an additional benefit is that the rate limiting that GitHub does for certain operations is relaxed.

In order to mount HUBFS issue the command hubfs MOUNTPOINT. For example, hubfs H: on Windows or hubfs mnt on macOS and Linux.

The first time you run HUBFS you will be prompted to authorize it with GitHub:

> ./hubfs H:
First, copy your one-time code: XXXX-XXXX
Then press [Enter] to continue in the web browser...

HUBFS will then open your system browser where you will be able to authorize it with GitHub. HUBFS will store the resulting authorization token in the system keyring (Windows Credential Manager, macOS Keychain, etc.). Subsequent runs of HUBFS will use the authorization token from the system keyring and you will not be required to re-authorize the application.

To unmount the file system simply use Ctrl-C. On macOS and Linux you may also be able to unmount using umount or fusermount -u.

File system representation

By default HUBFS presents the following file system hierarchy: / owner / repository / ref / path

  • Owner represents the owner of repositories under GitHub. It may be a user or organization. An owner is presented as a subdirectory of the root directory and contains repositories. However the root directory cannot be listed, because there are far too many owners to list.

  • Repository represents a repository owned by an owner. A repository is presented as a directory that contains refs.

  • Ref represents a git "ref". It may be a git branch, a git tag or even a commit hash. A ref is presented as a directory that contains repository content. However when listing a repository directory only branch refs are listed.

  • Path is a path to actual file content within the repository.

HUBFS interprets submodules as symlinks. These submodules can be followed if they point to other GitHub repositories (this currently works well only on Windows when using the -o rellinks option). General repository symlinks should work as well.

Windows integration

When you use the MSI installer under Windows there is better integration of HUBFS with the rest of the system:

  • There is a "Start Menu > HUBFS > Perform GitHub auth" shortcut that allows you to authorize HUBFS with GitHub without using the command line.

  • You can mount HUBFS drives using the Windows Explorer "Map Network Drive" functionality. To dismount use the "Disconnect Network Drive" functionality. (It is recommended to first authorize HUBFS with GitHub using the above mentioned shortcut.)

  • You can also mount HUBFS with the net use command. The command net use H: \\hubfs\ will mount HUBFS as drive H:. The command net use H: /delete will dismount the H: drive.

How to build

In order to build HUBFS run make from the project's root directory. On Windows you will have to run .\make. The build prerequisites for individual platforms are listed below:

How it works

HUBFS is a cross-platform file system written in Go. Under the hood it uses cgofuse over either WinFsp on Windows, macFUSE on macOS or libfuse on Linux. It also uses go-git for some git functionality.

HUBFS interfaces with GitHub using the REST API. The REST API is used to discover owners and repositories in the file system hierarchy, but is not used to access repository content. The REST API is rate limited (details).

HUBFS uses the git pack protocol to access repository content. This is the same protocol that git uses during operations like git clone. HUBFS uses some of the newer capabilities of the pack protocol that allow it to fetch content on demand. HUBFS does not have to see all of the repository history or download all of the repository content. It will only download the commits, trees and blobs necessary to back the directories and files that the user is interested in. Note that the git pack protocol is not rate limited.

HUBFS caches information in memory and on local disk to avoid the need to contact the servers too often.

Git pack protocol use

HUBFS uses the git pack protocol to fetch repository refs and objects. When HUBFS first connects to the Git server it fetches all of the server's advertised refs. HUBFS exposes these refs as subdirectories of a repository.

When accessing the content of a ref for the first time, the commit object pointed by the ref is fetched, then the tree object pointed by the commit is fetched. When fetching a tree HUBFS will also fetch all blobs directly referenced by the tree, this is required to compute proper stat data (esp. size) for files.

HUBFS fetches objects with a depth of 1 and a filter of tree:0. This ensures that the git server will only send objects whose hashes have been explicitly requested. This avoids sending extraneous information and speeds up communication with the server.

Security issues

  • Some applications insist on accessing files or directories from the root of the HUBFS file system (especially on Windows). Some of these accesses are disallowed by HUBFS (e.g. accesses for .git, HEAD or autorun.inf). Others are allowed which can create the possibility of a security issue for some applications, because anyone can create a username on GitHub that matches the name of a file that an application is looking for.

    • For example, consider an application that always accesses files under /billziss-gh/content. Because I own the billziss-gh account I could create a repository named content and inject file content into someone's process. While the /billziss-gh prefix is unlikely, other prefixes are far more likely.

    • To alleviate this problem one may start HUBFS with a "prefix" to restrict HUBFS usage only within a particular account or repository. For example, ./hubfs H: will access only my own repositories.

    • An alternative solution might involve adding an option to only allow access to a list of desired owners and their repositories.

Potential future improvements

  • The file system is currently read-only. This means that the common scenario of building inside the repository is not supported. In the future this problem may be alleviated either in this or another project.

  • The file system does not present a .git subdirectory. It may be worthwhile to present a virtual .git directory so that simple Git commands (like git status) would work.

  • Additional providers such as BitBucket, GitLab, etc.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Bill Zissimopoulos
Founder and owner at Navimatics LLC. Previously architect and manager at Netscape and Microsoft. Airplane, floatplane and helicopter pilot. Sailor.
Bill Zissimopoulos
  • Cannot access private repo owned by different user or organization

    Cannot access private repo owned by different user or organization

    I have a private repo on my account and orgs, shared with other users.

    When I use HUBFS, (on Windows, installed with .msi, authenticated with "Preform GitHub Auth") I can access my private repos without any issue. All features that I've tested work as expected.

    However, if I try to access a private repo owned by a different user or org, even if I'm the owner of the org, I cannot access them.

    They also do not show up in the top level user's (or org's) folder(s).

    If I try to go to the project's URL directly, I get a "Windows cannot access" error with code: 0x80004005 that looks identical to what you see when you access a nonexistent repo: image

  • [QUE] Can hubfs currently be used with a Gitlab Free on premise server?

    [QUE] Can hubfs currently be used with a Gitlab Free on premise server?

    Hello @billziss-gh,

    Beyond not having explicit Gitlab support yet, is there any possibility to use hubs with a Gitlab Free server hosted on premise?

    🙏Thanks for developing this useful software and making it accessible to the community.

    Regards, Claudio Salvio

  • refs other than heads(branches),tags,hashes

    refs other than heads(branches),tags,hashes

    Nice initiative 👏 I had a look at your source code and just wanted to confirm and highlight that your "ref" seems to only handle refs/heads/*, refs/tags/* and hashes. Except there can be other refs. git notes command and store content under refs/notes, etc.

  • Changes to mounted repository are not kept

    Changes to mounted repository are not kept


    • Ubuntu 18.04

    I've followed the instructions in the README and managed to mount a Github private repository , authorizing my Ubuntu PC via the one-time code.

    I mount and then create / write top level files in the repo :

    $ hubfs ~/mnt/
    <... use one-time code and launch browser to authorize device aka PC ... >
    $ # in another terminal ... :
    $ cd ~/mnt/d-w-moore2/practice/master ; touch a ; vim # make changes and save
    $ cd ~ ; fusermount -u mnt


    • I do not notice Github in the browser showing any commits on masterto reflect the touched a file and changes.
    • re-mounting and cd'ing into the directory again, I can confirm the changes have not been saved
  • Device flow is disabled

    Device flow is disabled

    When I try to run hubfs I get the following error

    {23:39}~ ➭ hubfs /mnt
    hubfs: client error: Device Flow must be explicitly enabled for this App (device_flow_disabled)

    I suspect this is due to the recent github change which means that GitHub now requires device flow to be enabled for apps rather than having it enabled by default and the hubfs app does not yet have this enabled.

    Update: a workaround in the meantime could be to use the -auth option to specify a different way of authenticating with GitHub. hubfs -auth optional /mnt, for example, doesn't give this error

  • Are all of these fs types used in hubfs?

    Are all of these fs types used in hubfs?


    I was looking at the HUBFS as it might be what I need to use to learn from as a template to build out the unionized ssh type filesystem and was reviewing the code in the src/fs section of hubfs.

    What is interesting is that the hubfs seems to utilize:

    memfs nullfs overlayfs port ptfs (passthrough) unionfs

    I was wondering if all of these are really used together.

    Can you please elaborate more on how this works together since I would estimate that the "nullfs" is started initially until the user maps into github and then, just perhaps the unionfs is used to combine the different repositories that are under any given singe organization, or something along those lines.

    Can you please help me understand the flow of things since as you know, I am interested in something similar, but to union mappings to different user accounts on separate ssh servers into a single R/W directory structure mounted.

    Any information that you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Happy Holidays and I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks

  • What is the CLI invocation for HUBFS instead of NET USE?

    What is the CLI invocation for HUBFS instead of NET USE?

    Hello @billziss-gh ,

    As an initial test, I installed the "HUBFS 2022 Beta1" (hubfs-win-1.0.22067.msi) and was able to connect to my Github Repo as it shows.

    For a second step, I have been able to compile HUBFS in my MSYS2/Mingw x64 to produce the hubfs.exe file.

    Now I would like to start up the hubfs.exe in a command prompt with the proper steps to connect to my repo again instead of using the "net use H: ..." command this time to validate that the build was successful.

    Can you please show me the CLI options needed to make this work?

    Basically, I would like to know what the CLI options that are being used when done with "net use".


  • Improve explanation of changes

    Improve explanation of changes

    This seems like an interesting product but it would be great if the readme explained more of how changes are handled. For example, if you change a file, is it then possible to commit that change?

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