The ultimate CLI tool for TiKV


The ultimate CLI tool for TiKV

>>> help

  .connect      connect to a tikv cluster, usage: [.connect|.conn|.c] [pd addr], example: .c
  .stores       list tikv stores in cluster
  bench         bench [type] config1=value1 config2=value2 ...
                  type: ycsb
  clear         clear the screen
  echo          echo [string lit]
  exit          exit the program
  get           get [string lit]
  help          display help
  loadfile      loadfile [filename] [key prefix] [opts], only supports CSV now, when "key prefix" is set, will automatically add prefix to the original key,
                  batch-size: int, how many records in one tikv transaction, default: 1000
  put           put [key] [value]
  scan          Scan key-value pairs in range, usage: scan [start key] [opts]
                  opt format: key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3,
                  scan options:
                    limit: integer, default:100
                    key-only: true(1)|false(0)
                    strict-prefix: true(1)|false(0)
                    count-only: true(1)|false(0)
Infrastructure engineer / entrepreneur, CTO & Co-founder of PingCAP.
  • Support flexible workflows and outputs

    Support flexible workflows and outputs

    I would like to propose some changes that help support more flexible workflows; namely, piping formatted key-value operation results to output files:

    • [x] Redirect non-result console output to Stderr so that Stdout only receives results of key-value operations
    • [ ] Implement options to configure formatting of key-value output (i.e., JSON, csv)
  • Enabled edit sysenv command

    Enabled edit sysenv command

    Enabled edit sysenv command to edit system environment variables. Current usage: sysvar [name]="[value]"


    With these changes, it is now possible to change output format inside tcli.

  • redirect logging output to stderr

    redirect logging output to stderr

    Redirect logging output to stderr, as proposed in #11. Also configured ishell to exit immediately on EOF without printing an error to stdout (ishell runs into EOF when piping in commands via echo or printf).

    After these changes, only returned key-value pairs are output to Stdout.

  • Support to release via goreleaser

    Support to release via goreleaser

    See the test process:

    @LinuxSuRen ➜ /workspaces/tcli (release) $ goreleaser build --rm-dist --snapshot
      • starting build...
      • loading config file                              file=.goreleaser.yml
      • loading environment variables
      • getting and validating git state
        • couldn't find any tags before "v0.0.1"
        • building...                                    commit=bb1aa985113d164fb23014cdf9caa6f96b2fa1b9 latest tag=v0.0.1
        • pipe skipped                                   reason=disabled during snapshot mode
      • parsing tag
      • setting defaults
      • snapshotting
        • building snapshot...                           version=v0.0.1-next-bb1aa98
      • checking distribution directory
      • loading go mod information
      • build prerequisites
      • writing effective config file
        • writing                                        config=release/config.yaml
      • building binaries
        • building                                       binary=release/tcli_darwin_amd64_v1/tcli
        • building                                       binary=release/tcli_windows_amd64_v1/tcli.exe
        • building                                       binary=release/tcli_linux_amd64_v1/tcli
        • took: 1m23s
      • storing release metadata
        • writing                                        file=release/artifacts.json
        • writing                                        file=release/metadata.json
      • build succeeded after 1m23s
    @LinuxSuRen ➜ /workspaces/tcli (release) $ ./release/tcli_linux_amd64_v1/tcli -h
    Usage of ./release/tcli_linux_amd64_v1/tcli:
      -log-file string
            TiKV client log file (default "/dev/null")
      -log-level string
            TiKV client log level (default "info")
      -mode string
            TiKV API mode, accepted values: [raw | txn] (default "txn")
      -output-format string
            output format, accepted values: [table | json] (default "table")
      -pd string
            PD addr (default "localhost:2379")


    Before merging this PR, please don't forget to add the following secret to this repository:

    • GH_PUBLISH_SECRETS is the GitHub personal token which has the permission to upload files into the release

    fix #22

  • fixed rawkv bug when searching for non-existent key

    fixed rawkv bug when searching for non-existent key

    rawKV returns nil value and nil error when attempting to retrieve a key that doesn't exist. tcli's rawKV client should now catch these cases and output errors accordingly.

  • Refactor and fix JSON output formatting

    Refactor and fix JSON output formatting

    Part of #11. Refactored output formatting in client/client.go. Also changed JSON output formatting to convert to strings before marshaling; previous implementation would directly marshal the array of KV structs, causing unexpected behavior when handling the byte array keys and values.

    Currently, there is no way to change output formatting inside tcli without rebuilding it. In order to test these changes, you can go to utils/variables.go and change the value of SysVarPrintFormatKey to json, and then build the application again.


  • Rawkv


    Implemented most functions in rawKV client. Currently, a few functions such as getPDClient and getStores cannot be implemented because the rawKV client does not export its pd client attribute.

    rawkv mode can be used by setting flag -mode=raw when running tcli

  • update module s.t. we can install with `go install ...`

    update module s.t. we can install with `go install ...`


    $ go install
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20211209143356-b0706808a1f0
    go install:[email protected]: parsing go.mod:
    	module declares its path as: tcli
    	        but was required as:
  • Fix backup command

    Fix backup command

    Fixes #24 simply by changing the index on which the scans for flags would start. This was previously index 1 which contradicts the current help page and implemented logic, it was changed to 2.

  • backup command wrongly treats the output file argument as a parameter

    backup command wrongly treats the output file argument as a parameter

    When trying to create a backup from a local TiKV I get an error telling me that it got a wrong flag format. This error is generated consistently always and there is no way to actually use the command.

    Sample terminal output with redacted host name and cluster ID:

    ubuntu@server-42:~$ tcli
    Try connecting to PD: localhost:2379...done
    Welcome, TiKV Cluster ID: 1234567890123456789, TiKV Mode: Mode: Txn
    Mode: Txn @ http://server-42.private:2379> backup
    dumps kv pairs to a csv file
            backup <prefix> <outfile> <opts>
            --batch-size=<size>, default 1000
            # backup all kvs with prefix "t_" to csv file
            backup "t_" backup.csv --batch-size=5000
            # backup all kvs to csv file
            backup * backup.csv
            backup $head  backup.csv
    Elapse: 0 ms
    Mode: Txn @ http://server-42.private:2379> backup preifx file.csv
    Error: wrong flag format: [file.csv] 
    Elapse: 0 ms
    Mode: Txn @ http://server-42.private:2379> backup preifx file.csv --batch-size=1024
    Error: wrong flag format: [file.csv] 
    Elapse: 0 ms
    Mode: Txn @ http://server-42.private:2379>  

    Using any of the proposed examples in the help/usage output yields the same error:

    Error: wrong flag format: [file.csv] 
  • Short-term milestones

    Short-term milestones

    Some short-term milestone of tcli:

    • [x] Basic KV commands support: get/set/delete/scan/count/...
    • [x] CSV import/restore
    • [x] Basic benchmark: ycsb
    • [x] Variable support
    • [ ] RawKV mode (WIP)
    • [ ] JSON value via json-path: jget/jput/jscan (WIP)
    • [ ] RESTFul API server
    • [ ] Cluster info/operation
    • [ ] Better commnad completetion
  • Can not get raw key putted by tikv golang client

    Can not get raw key putted by tikv golang client


    I put rawkey use golang client , and my code is

    	cli, err := rawkv.NewClient(context.TODO(), []string{"xx.xx.xx.xx:2379"}, config.DefaultConfig().Security)
    	if err != nil {
    	defer cli.Close()
           	var prefix = "prefix"
    	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    		key := []byte(prefix + strconv.Itoa(i))
    		val := []byte("PingCAP" + strconv.Itoa(i))
    		err = cli.Put(context.TODO(), key, val)
    		if err != nil {
    		fmt.Printf("Successfully put %s:%s to tikv\n", key, val)
    		val, err = cli.Get(context.TODO(), key)
    		if err != nil {
    		fmt.Printf("found val: %s for key: %s\n", val, key)

    I can get the key like "prefix0",but can not get from tcli

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