K8S ConfigMap Merging Controller

ConfigMap Merging Controller (cmmc)

cmmc is a k8s operator that allows for the merging of ConfigMap resources with data validation.


The impetus for building this is to have a GitOps friendly solution to manage kube-system/aws-auth, a ConfigMap that binds AWS roles to K8S Roles in EKS (link).

Instead of solving the problem directly, our approach was to ask the question: If another tool existed that would make this problem trivial to solve that wasn't specific to this specific use-case, what would it be?


  • Watch specific keys of ConfigMaps and merge their results into a target.
  • JSON Schema Validation for the target ConfigMap (possibly add other validation in the future).
  • Fully Configurable source/target selectors mix and match
  • Changes to resources are non-destructive and recoverable
  • Permissions gated by namespace selectors (if desired)
  • Metrics exposed for how many resources are being watched/updated, and their states.


The operator is built on the kubebuilder library and has two controllers/reconcilers, one for the MergeSource resource and one for MergeTarget.

Resources & Configuration


apiVersion: config.cmmc.k8s.cash.app/v1beta1
kind: MergeSource
  name: merge-map-roles-aws-auth
    cmmc.k8s.cash.app/merge: "something"
    data: someKey
    name: our-merge-target
    data: someKey
  • A MergeSource describes what ConfigMap resource we are watching with its selector field.
    So any ConfigMap with a label that matches spec.selector will be watched.
  • The controller will read data from the source.data field on a matching ConfigMap
  • The MergeSource will annotate the watched CMs so they know they are being watched.
  • This resource/controller does no mutatations of the data on any of the resources outside of the annotation!
  • Annotations are cleaned up when the resource is deleted.
  • The MergeTarget at spec.target.name will watch for MergeSource resources with it as the target and read their aggregated states to attempt to write to the target ConfigMap.


apiVersion: config.cmmc.k8s.cash.app/v1beta1
kind: MergeTarget
  name: our-merge-target
  target: some-ns/some-resource-name # a configMap
      init: ''
      jsonSchema: |
        { … }
  • A MergeTarget describes the resource we are managing, in this case it is some-ns/some-resource-name.
  • We can configure this resource with the keys that we care about managing on the target, above its someKey.
  • Each data[$key]
    • Can have an initial value that we'll inject if the data was not present the key was missing or empty
    • Can have an optional jsonSchema that we use to validate the data before it is persisted.
  • Creates the ConfigMap if it doesn't exist.
  • Uses annotations to make sure there is only one MergeTarget per spec.target
  • Clean up after itself when it is deleted.
    • If it didn't eist, it will be removed
    • If it did exist, the data will be reset back to what it was before.

Demo (aws-auth)

Let's build a solution for managing kube-system/aws-auth.

1. Create a MergeTarget

A MergeTarget describes the target ConfigMap that want to write the data to.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: config.cmmc.k8s.cash.app/v1beta1
kind: MergeTarget
  name: kube-system-aws-auth
  target: kube-system/aws-auth
    mapRoles: {}
    mapUsers: {}

This says that we want to write/merge data to the mapRoles and mapUsers keys of kube-system/aws-auth. Note, there is no auth, or initial value for these keys in this example, but we can add this later on.

2. Create a MergeSource for mapRoles

A MergeSource describes what ConfigMaps we are watching to write to the target. This one specifically looks for ConfigMap resources with the label: cmmc:k8s.cash.app/merge: "aws-auth-map-roles".

target.name refers to the MergeTarget we created earlier.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: config.cmmc.k8s.cash.app/v1beta1
kind: MergeSource
  name: aws-auth-map-roles
    cmmc.k8s.cash.app/merge: "aws-auth-map-roles"
    data: mapRoles
    name: kube-system-aws-auth 
    data: mapRoles

3. Create some sample ConfigMap sources

Let's create a sample configuration for two services/namespaces, service-a and service-b, which need some role binding from AWS to K8S.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: service-a
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: service-b
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: aws-roles-mapping
  namespace: service-a
    cmmc.k8s.cash.app/merge: "aws-auth-map-roles"
  mapRoles: |
    - arn: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/external-user-service-a
      username: service-a-external
      - service-a
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: aws-roles-mapping
  namespace: service-b
    cmmc.k8s.cash.app/merge: "aws-auth-map-roles"
  mapRoles: |
    - arn: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/external-user-service-b
      username: service-b-external
      - service-b

4. Check the resources

kubectl get cm -n kube-system aws-auth -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  mapRoles: |
    - arn: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/external-user-service-b
      username: service-b-external
      - service-b
    - arn: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/external-user-service-a
      username: service-a-external
      - service-a
kind: ConfigMap
    config.cmmc.k8s.cash.app/managed-by-merge-target: default/kube-system-aws-auth
  name: aws-auth
  namespace: kube-system
# kubectl get mergetarget
NAME                   TARGET                 READY   STATUS                         VALIDATION
kube-system-aws-auth   kube-system/aws-auth   True    Target ConfigMap up to date.   1 MergeSources reporting valid data
# kubectl get mergesource
NAME                 READY   STATUS
aws-auth-map-roles   True    Data from 2 ConfigMap(s)


kubectl delete ns service-a
kubectl delete ns service-b
kubectl delete mergesource aws-auth-map-roles
kubectl delete mergetarget kube-system-aws-auth
  • CMMC fails merging `mapRoles` and `mapUsers` at the same time

    CMMC fails merging `mapRoles` and `mapUsers` at the same time

    I have a config map with mapRoles and mapUsers define that I want CMMC to merge in the aws-auth configmap. Unfortunately, it only merge the mapUsers and ignore the mapRoles.

    Here is my configmap CMMC will grab

    apiVersion: v1
      mapRoles: |
        - "groups":
          - "system:masters"
          "rolearn": "arn:aws:iam::261357321482:role/shuffle-labs-atlantis-dev-ecs_task_execution"
          "username": "atlantis"
      mapUsers: |
        - "groups":
          - "system:masters"
          "userarn": "arn:aws:iam::261357321482:user/ben"
          "username": "ben"
    kind: ConfigMap
        config.cmmc.k8s.cash.app/watched-by-merge-source: kube-system/aws-auth-map-users
        cmmc.k8s.cash.app/merge: aws-auth-map
      name: aws-auth-mapping-cmmc
      namespace: kube-system

    Here is the merged aws-auth configmap

    apiVersion: v1
      mapRoles: |
        - groups:
          - system:bootstrappers
          - system:nodes
          rolearn: arn:aws:iam::261357321482:role/shuffle-labs-private_eks-dev-eks-node
          username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
      mapUsers: |
        - "groups":
          - "system:masters"
          "userarn": "arn:aws:iam::261357321482:user/ben"
          "username": "ben"
    kind: ConfigMap
        config.cmmc.k8s.cash.app/managed-by-merge-target: kube-system/kube-system-aws-auth
      name: aws-auth
      namespace: kube-system
  • docs/feature: How to deploy

    docs/feature: How to deploy

    I wanna use cmmc for managing my eks auth but I did not find any information explaining how to deploy it on a kubernetes cluster. Is there any guide I can follow? Thanks

  • feat: Allow multiple mergesources

    feat: Allow multiple mergesources

    Append multiple mergesource's names to the annotation in the configmap (separated with ,) in order to allow multiple mergesource to target the same configmap.

    The use case is mapRoles and mapUsers for managing the aws-auth config map.

    Fix https://github.com/cashapp/cmmc/issues/7

    (I tested it locally and bappr/cmmc:v0.0.2 is running in my infra)

  • Removing a data key from a `MergeTarget` does not revert the data.

    Removing a data key from a `MergeTarget` does not revert the data.

    A simple workaround for this right now is to remove the MergeTarget and then create it without the missing key.

    Ideally the behavior is that the key is reverted as if ^ the above action is taken.

  • feat: adding flags for MaxConcurrentReconciles

    feat: adding flags for MaxConcurrentReconciles

    Adding flags:

    • merge-source-max-concurrent-reconciles (default 1)
    • merge-target-max-concurrent-reconciles (default 1)
    • help (prints help/usage)

    Closes #6.

  • Cleanup test-suite

    Cleanup test-suite

    Closes #11

    This patch:

    • updates the gomega libs
    • uses the primitives a bit more idiomatically
    • does a bunch of cleanup/DRYing up the tests so it's easier to add assertions/etc
  • Controller test cleanup

    Controller test cleanup

    After https://github.com/cashapp/cmmc/pull/10, the controller tests are fairly brittle and hard to change/read. Need to invest some time into cleaning them up so they are easier to understand.

  • docs: Metrics

    docs: Metrics

    Document the custom metrics that are emitted by CMMC.


  • jsonSchemaFromRef


    Currently, we support adding JSONSchema as a field that is an inlined string, it would be nice to also be able to reference a ConfigMap here so it can be managed separately.

    This is not super important, but can be a nice to have.

  • Permissive mode for MergeTarget?

    Permissive mode for MergeTarget?

    Currently, once a MergeTarget manages a ConfigMap, any changes to the managed resource will be overwritten by CMMC. It might be useful to allow a permissive mode to the MergeTarget (probably per key), so that a change to the target, as long as it doesn't intersect with anything that CMMC is writing, will be persisted.

    Rough notes here on how this could work during reconciliation:

    • we do all target CM data manipulation in MergeTarget.ReduceDataState
    • While the output of the target config map is deterministic generally, the order of the merge depends on the order of the MergeSourceList, and we can make sure that this has a deterministic order as well (a subtask).
    • If that merge order is deterministic, we should be able to do some simpler diffing to see what features has been added/removed given the prior Init state.
    • We probably want to update the Init state to reflect this.
    • If someone appends to the target CM, we currently have only one initial state, not a bunch of patches, so we would (in the current implementation), reorder the target. Does this matter? Would we be able to maintain this order going forward? Probably not since someone can then change contributing sources to add things so we might want to keep the simple thing here.
  • bug: YAML-decode is implicit with the JSONSchema Validator

    bug: YAML-decode is implicit with the JSONSchema Validator

    This should either probably be resolved, or included in the design for:

    • #3

    Because JSON is a subset of YAML, we do YAML parse of everything that has a JSONSchema. https://github.com/cashapp/cmmc/blob/b3d8bd9cc47996c8b5422db9c6c22904a5d338aa/util/validator/validator.go#L12

    1. This should not be implicit
    2. There should be options for this
  • feature: Custom Validators (webhooks)

    feature: Custom Validators (webhooks)

    Currently, cmmc only supports doing JSONSchema validation.

    It would be nice to support something like a custom validators via some syntax in the MergeTarget like:

       # ....
             url: <...>

    For this to be usable, this should also have a proto definition of a request/response spec of a sort.

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