Sbom-operator - Catalogue all images of a Kubernetes cluster to multiple targets with Syft


Catalogue all images of a Kubernetes cluster to multiple targets with Syft.



This operator maintains a central place to track all packages and software used in all those images in a Kubernetes cluster. For this a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is generated from each image with Syft. They are all stored in one or more targets. Currently only Git is supported. With this it is possible to do further analysis, vulnerability scans and much more in a single place. To prevent scans of images that have already been analyzed pods are annotated with the imageID of the already processed image.

Kubernetes Compatibility

The image contains versions of Kubernetes aims to provide forwards & backwards compatibility of one minor version between client and server:

access-manager{api,apimachinery,client-go} expected kubernetes compatibility
0.2.0 v0.23.3 1.22.x, 1.23.x, 1.24.x
0.1.0 v0.23.3 1.22.x, 1.23.x, 1.24.x
main v0.23.3 1.22.x, 1.23.x, 1.24.x

However, the operator will work with more versions of Kubernetes in general.

Container Registry Support

The operator relies on the go-containeregistry library to download images. It should work with most registries. These are officially tested (with authentication):

  • ACR (Azure Container Registry)
  • ECR (Amazon Elastic Container Registry)
  • GAR (Google Artifact Registry)
  • GCR (Google Container Registry)
  • GHCR (GitHub Container Registry)
  • DockerHub



kubectl apply -f deploy/


Create a YAML file first with the required configurations or use helm-flags instead.

helm repo add ckotzbauer
helm install ckotzbauer/sbom-operator -f your-values.yaml


All parameters are cli-flags.

Parameter Required Default Description
verbosity false info Log-level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic)
cron false @hourly Backround-Service interval (CRON). All options from are allowed
ignore-annotations false false Force analyzing of all images, including those from annotated pods.
format false json SBOM-Format.
targets false git Comma-delimited list of targets to sent the generated SBOMs to. Possible targets git
git-workingtree false /work Directory to place the git-repo.
git-repository true when git target is used. "" Git-Repository-URL (HTTPS).
git-branch false main Git-Branch to checkout.
git-path false "" Folder-Path inside the Git-Repository.
git-access-token true when git target is used. "" Git-Personal-Access-Token with write-permissions.
git-author-name true when git target is used. "" Author name to use for Git-Commits.
git-author-email true when git target is used. "" Author email to use for Git-Commits.
pod-label-selector false "" Kubernetes Label-Selector for pods.
namespace-label-selector false "" Kubernetes Label-Selector for namespaces.

The flags can be configured as args or as environment-variables prefixed with SBOM_ to inject sensitive configs as secret values.

Example Helm-Config

  targets: git
  git-author-email: XXX
  git-author-name: XXX
  git-path: dev-cluster/sboms
  verbosity: debug
  cron: "0 30 * * * *"

        name: "sbom-operator"
        key: "accessToken"


It is possible to store the generated SBOMs to different targets (even multple at once). Currently the only available target is Git, but this will change soon.


The operator will save all files with a specific folder structure as described below. When a git-path is configured, all folders above this path are not touched from the application. Assuming that git-path is set to dev-cluster/sboms. When no git-path is given, the structure below is directly in the repository-root. The structure is basically <git-path>/<registry-server>/<image-path>/<image-digest>/sbom.json. The file-extension may differ when another output-format is configured. A token-based authentication to the git-repository is used.

    |   │
    |   └───library
    |       │
    |       └───busybox
    |           │
    |           └───sha256_ae39a6f5...
    |               │   sbom.json
            |   │
            |   └───sha256_9e3f14e5...
            |       │   sbom.json
                    │   sbom.json
                    │   sbom.json


The docker-image is based on scratch to reduce the attack-surface and keep the image small. Furthermore the image and release-artifacts are signed with cosign and attested with provenance-files. The release-process satisfies SLSA Level 2. All of those "metadata files" are also stored in a dedicated repository Both, SLSA and the signatures are still experimental for this project.




Christian Kotzbauer
Web Developer working with TypeScript and Aurelia. Interested in Node.js, Security, Docker and Kubernetes.
Christian Kotzbauer
  • Private ECR repositories give '401 Unauthorized'

    Private ECR repositories give '401 Unauthorized'


    First of all: thanks for this great work! 🥳

    When running v0.9.0 with dependency-track as target, most public available images work fine, except for ECR hosted ones:

    sbom-operator-77fdbbfd87-dbznp sbom-operator time="2022-04-20T10:09:53Z" level=error msg="Image-Pull failed" error="GET unexpected status code 401 Unauthorized: Not Authorized\n"

    This ECR repo is provided by AWS and should be available for everyone. Other private ECRs give the same 401 error.

    Some information about the environment:

    Can someone point me in te right direction? I'll add it to the README if useful for others!

  • Docker Image ID Parsing -- Could not parse

    Docker Image ID Parsing -- Could not parse

    Image ID's are retrieved as follows:

    And they are parsed as follows:

    I am seeing the following error logs:

    time="2022-04-06T19:40:03Z" level=error msg="Could not parse imageID docker-pullable://<rest of image id>" error="Error parsing reference: \"docker-pullable://<rest of image id>\" is not a valid repository/tag"

    I believe this is because the Image ID is prefixed with docker-pullable://

    I writing a small program to parse <rest of image id> using the same library used by sbom-operator: docker-parserand it works fine.

    I think the simplest fix to this is to either remove the docker-pullable:// prefix or use the img.Image field instead.

  • Feature discussion: AWS Lambda SBOM generation

    Feature discussion: AWS Lambda SBOM generation

    Hello - thank you for starting this project - it has saved me from attempting to build the same thing! ❤️

    Would you be open to a contribution to allow SBOM generation from AWS Lambda functions?

    Broadly, something like:

    1. Use the AWS Lambda Go SDK to call the GetFunction operation, to obtain the Code.Location URL
    2. Fetch the Lambda's function code from the URL to a local temporary dir; this is generally a ZIP file
    3. Invoke Syft on the local code package
    4. (Tidy up?)

    This would enable use of this tool in an environment in which there is a mix of Kubernetes workloads and serverless ones.

    I wanted to guage your interest in whether this aligns with your project goals, before contributing a PR.

  • Support

    Support "Dependency Track" as alternative target for SBOMs

    Instead of storing the generated SBOMs to Git it would be good to support different targets, e.g. "Dependency Track".

    /kind feature /cc @stevespringett

  • Clone fails with status 400 when trying to clone a private Azure DevOps repo

    Clone fails with status 400 when trying to clone a private Azure DevOps repo

    When I try to configure a private Azure DevOps git repo as a target cloning fails with the following message:

    level=error msg="Open or clone failed" error="unexpected client error: unexpected requesting \"https://***********/*************/_git/**************/git-upload-pack\" status code: 400"

    I suspect the go-git lib to be responsible here as other people report similar issues:

    This seems to have been solved for other projects by falling back to git client:

  • Registry authentication fails when secret contains only .dockercfg

    Registry authentication fails when secret contains only .dockercfg

    Secrets with type = "" containing the pull secret in the field .dockercfg do not work.

    OpenShift uses this type of secret for the internal registry - so, you cannot provide the type = "".

  • store sbom result on OCI registry along with an image

    store sbom result on OCI registry along with an image

    Hello @ckotzbauer, in cosign there is a support for attaching SBOM files to an OCI registry along with an image. So, maybe we can support that too as an alternative way of storing SBOM files instead of just storing them in git. WDYT?

  • Mirror configuration for registries

    Mirror configuration for registries

    Hello, first thanks for the work!

    I'm looking at it and I've found something that may be a blocker for us: use of mirrors

    We deploy our kubernetes in airgap environment and we configure the mirrors in containerd. That means that on the "kubernetes side", you don't see the mirrors but they are present...

    Would it be feasible to add a configuration for mirror registries?

    would be awesome :)

  • Feature request: Map k8s pod labels as project tags

    Feature request: Map k8s pod labels as project tags

    As a System Operator, I would like to add pod labels as project tags in DependencyTrack So that grouping/filtering by label in dtrack is possible

    Background: We use k8s pod labels to determine and group things like application, stage, department, ...

    Given the following deployment was applied to k8s cluster:
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: dependencytrack-frontend
        namespace: dependencytrack-sales-live
                - name: dependencytrack-frontend
                  image: dependencytrack-frontend:4.5.1
    When the sbom-operator scans the pod and adds the project to dtrack
    Then the following tags should be added to dtrack:
      [namespace=dependencytrack-sales-live, app=dependencytrack, stage=live, department=sales, ...]
    But currently only the following tags are added:
      [namespace=dependencytrack-sales-live, ...]

    What do you think about the idea of adding Labels map[string]string to struct libk8s.PodInfo and allow custom mapping of labels to dtrack project tags? What would be an appropriate way to configure the custom mapping?

    sbom-operator is awesome. Thank you!

  • feat: delete unused images from Dependency Track

    feat: delete unused images from Dependency Track

    This adds tags to the Dependency-Track projects to track which were created by the SBOM operator. The following tags are created:

    • sbom-operator
    • kubernetes-cluster={kubernetes-cluster-id}

    The kubernetes-cluster-id can be set via a command line parameter (when not specified default is used).

    This is how the tags look like in the Dependency-Track UI: image You can use the tags to filter for images in a certain cluster

    Closes #27

  • Deleting project from DependencyTrack fails when deleting pod

    Deleting project from DependencyTrack fails when deleting pod

    Deleting a pod results in error

    time="2022-09-28T14:21:56Z" level=error msg="Could not load project: The project could not be found. (status: 404)"

    In DependencyTrackTarget.Remove(), populating g.imageProjectMap fails and remains empty after g.LoadImages(). As a result, dtrack project uuid for the image cannot be found.

    There is a bug in DependencyTrackTarget.LoadImages(): imageId is set to empty string at the beginning of project tag for loop. Therefore it will only be added to imageProjectMap if raw-image-id is the last tag in project.Tags. However, the sbom-operator usually follows raw-image-id and resets imageId To fix this particular issue imageId = "" should be moved above the loop.

    However, this is not enough to fix the actual problem that deleting a project from DependencyTrack fails. Its seems there are inconsistencies in the imageProjectMap. Once sbom-operator is running, new pods successfully create new dtrack project, but the imageId and corresponding uuid are not added to imageProjectMap. When the pod gets deleted, the project uuid resolved from imageProjectMap is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - the default for empty uuid.UUID{}.String() - which cannot be found in dtrack. A potential fix could be to update imageProjectMap at the end of ProcessSbom.

  • Cloning with git-fallback-clone seems to fail

    Cloning with git-fallback-clone seems to fail

    Hi @ckotzbauer. Thank you very much for your work trying to support Azure DevOps repos. Unfortunately it seems to be not working for me. This is the log output from a sbom-operator pod deployed into kubernetes:

    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=info msg="Commit: 0f4635d8a13131aa655e6096beb6f46a92199ce9"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=info msg="Built at: 2022-09-17T08:59:11Z"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=info msg="Built by: goreleaser"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=info msg="Go Version: go1.19"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=debug msg="Targets set to: [git]"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=info msg="Webserver is running at port 8080"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=info msg="Wait for cache to be synced"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=error msg="Open or clone failed" error="'git clone -b sbom-operator https://************/**********/_git/******************* /work/sbom' failed: Cloning 
    into '/work/sbom'..."
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=info msg="Start pod-informer"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=info msg="Processing image"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=info msg="Finished cache sync"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=error msg="An error occurred while processing /work/sbom/aks/sbom" error="lstat /work/sbom/aks/sbom: permission denied"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=debug msg="Pod sbom-operator/sbom-operator-788b8f6697-7k59x needs to be analyzed"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=debug msg="Skip image"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:41Z" level=error msg="An error occurred while processing /work/sbom/aks/sbom" error="lstat /work/sbom/aks/sbom: permission denied"
    time="2022-09-20T09:11:44Z" level=error msg="Directory could not be created" error="mkdir /work/sbom/aks: permission denied"
    time="2022-09-20T09:12:16Z" level=info msg="Processing image"
    time="2022-09-20T09:12:18Z" level=error msg="Directory could not be created" error="mkdir /work/sbom/aks: permission denied"
    time="2022-09-20T09:12:18Z" level=debug msg="Image marked for removal"
    time="2022-09-20T09:12:18Z" level=debug msg="Start to remove old SBOMs"
    time="2022-09-20T09:12:18Z" level=error msg="Open failed" error="stat /work/sbom/.git: permission denied"
    time="2022-09-20T09:12:18Z" level=debug msg="Deleted old SBOM: /work/sbom/aks/sbom/"

    Could it be that the plain git clone return is seen as an error by the wrapper code? Just guessing since it is saying 'Cloning into ...' as if it worked.

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