A 'kubectl' plugin for interacting with Clusternet.


A kubectl plugin for interacting with Clusternet.

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Install With Krew

kubectl-clusternet can be installed using Krew, please install Krew with this guide first.

Then you can install Clusternet kubectl plugin with,

$ kubectl krew install clusternet

Download Binary

Alternatively, kubectl-clusternet can be directly downloaded from released packages.

Download a tar file matching your OS/Arch, and extract kubectl-clusternet binary from it.

Then copy ./kubectl-clusternet to a directory in your executable $PATH.

Build on Your Own

Clone this repo and run make bin

$ git clone https://github.com/clusternet/kubectl-clusternet
$ make bin

Then copy ./dist/kubectl-clusternet to a directory in your executable $PATH.

How it works

$ kubectl clusternet -h
  clusternet [flags]
  clusternet [command]

Available Commands:
  apply       Apply a configuration to a resource by filename or stdin
  create      Create a resource from a file or from stdin.
  delete      Delete resources by filenames, stdin, resources and names, or by resources and label selector
  edit        Edit a resource on the server
  get         Display one or many resources
  help        Help about any command
  scale       Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet or Replication Controller
  version     Print the plugin version information
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  • supports child cluster impersonation

    supports child cluster impersonation

    What type of PR is this?


    What this PR does / why we need it:

    add impersonation flags to child clusters on client-side

    added flags on client-side to use for child cluster impersonation, which could be used with kubectl clusternet --child-kubeconfig-xxx --cluster-id=xxx --clusternet-as=xxx

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

    partial Fixes clusternet/clusternet#488

    Special notes for your reviewer:

  • supports port forward in kubectl clusternet plugin

    supports port forward in kubectl clusternet plugin

    What type of PR is this?


    What this PR does / why we need it:

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

    Fixes clusternet/clusternet#458

    Special notes for your reviewer:

  • delete subscription in parent cluster,  cm still exist in child cluster

    delete subscription in parent cluster, cm still exist in child cluster

    What happened:

    i set up a clusternet parent cls and a clusternet child cls (version 0.8.0). defined a configmap and a subscription in the parent cls, and kubectl clusternet apply those resource in the parent-cls.

    the configmap yaml is as follows: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: tdcc-cloud-credential4 namespace: default labels: tdcc.tke.cloud.tencent.com/used-by: tdcc-addon data: ExpiredTime: "1136185445" SessionToken: "Token1" TmpSecretId: "Id1" TmpSecretKey: "Key1"

    the subscription yaml is as follows: apiVersion: apps.clusternet.io/v1alpha1 kind: Subscription metadata: name: tke-event4 namespace: default spec: subscribers: - clusterAffinity: matchLabels: clusters.clusternet.io/cluster-id: 30845a4a-a4bc-430e-bba3-b1f8e3c37d44 feeds: - apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap name: tdcc-cloud-credential4 namespace: default

    after the kubectl clusternet apply option, i can see the configmap created in the child cluster; but when i delete the subscription in the parent cluster using kubectl delete subscription command. the configmap still exist in child cluster

    What you expected to happen:

    configmap should be released once the subscription in parentcluster is deleted

    How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

    1, set up a clusternet environment 2,registry a child cluster to the parent cluster 3,apply a configmap and a subscription in the parent cluster 4,delete the subscription in the parent cluster

    Anything else we need to know?:

    use or dont use localization ,would have the same result.


    • kubectl clusternet plugin version(use kubectl clusternet version or kubectl-clusternet version):
    • Kubectl version (use kubectl version --client):
    • Cloud provider or hardware configuration:
    • OS (e.g: cat /etc/os-release):
    • Kernel (e.g. uname -a):
    • Others:
  • support

    support "--export-manifest" args

    What would you like to be added:

    support command: "kubectl clusternet apply -f nginx.yaml --dry-run --export-manifest", which will output the manifest yaml.

    Why is this needed:

    We try to use ArgoCD with Clusternet kubectl plugin, to execute the yaml from Gitrepo to clusters. The ArgoCD plugin need to read the output of “kubectl clusternet “ , and to sync the manifest yaml to cluster.

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