docker plugin use vault as secret provider.

docker plugin vault

docker secret plugin for vault provider

how to build docker plugin

rm -fr plugin/rootfs/.dockerenv plugin/rootfs/*

docker build --pull --tag rootfsimage .
id=$(docker create rootfsimage true)
mkdir -p plugin/rootfs/
docker export "$id" | tar -x -C plugin/rootfs/
docker rm -vf "$id"
docker plugin create canuxcheng/docker-plugin-vault ./plugin

docker plugin disable canuxcheng/docker-plugin-vault
docker plugin rm canuxcheng/docker-plugin-vault

share vault token to plugin

create service and token secret

echo -n <token> | docker secret create vault-token-secret -
docker service create --mode global --constraint 'node.role == manager' --name vault-token-service --secret vault-token-secret --restart-condition on-failure busybox tail -f /dev/null
Software Engineer Go/Python/JS/Linux
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