Information Gathering tool - DNS / Subdomains / Ports / Directories enumeration

πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ Information Gathering tool πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ - DNS / Subdomains / Ports / Directories enumeration

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Mainteinance yes ask me anything gobadge license-GPL3
Coded with πŸ’™ by edoardottt.
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Preview β€’ Install β€’ Get Started β€’ Examples β€’ Contributing

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Installation πŸ“‘

  • First of all, clone the repo locally

    • git clone
    • cd scilla
  • Scilla has external dependencies, so they need to be pulled in:

    • go get
  • Linux (Requires high perms, run with sudo)

    • make linux (to install)

    • make unlinux (to uninstall)

  • Windows (executable works only in scilla folder. Alias?)

    • make windows (to install) or .\make.bat windows (powershell)

    • make unwindows (to uninstall) or .\make.bat unwindows (powershell)

  • Other commands:

    • make fmt run the golang formatter.

    • make update Update.

    • make remod Remod.

    • make test runs the tests (empty now..)

Get Started πŸŽ‰

scilla help prints the help in the command line.

usage: scilla subcommand { options }

   Available subcommands:
       - dns [-o output-format]
             [-plain Print only results]
             -target  REQUIRED
       - port [-p  or ports divided by comma]
              [-o output-format]
              [-common scan common ports]
              [-plain Print only results]
              -target  REQUIRED
       - subdomain [-w wordlist]
                   [-o output-format]
                   [-i ignore status codes]
                   [-c use also a web crawler]
                   [-db use also a public database]
                   [-plain Print only results]
                   -target  REQUIRED
       - dir [-w wordlist]
             [-o output-format]
             [-i ignore status codes]
             [-c use also a web crawler]
             [-plain Print only results]
             -target  REQUIRED
       - report [-p  or ports divided by comma]
                [-ws subdomains wordlist]
                [-wd directories wordlist]
                [-o output-format]
                [-id ignore status codes in directories scanning]
                [-is ignore status codes in subdomains scanning]
                [-cd use also a web crawler for directories scanning]
                [-cs use also a web crawler for subdomains scanning]
                [-db use also a public database for subdomains scanning]
                [-common scan common ports]
                -target  REQUIRED
       - help
       - examples

Examples πŸ’‘

  • DNS enumeration:

    • scilla dns -target target.domain
    • scilla dns -o txt -target target.domain
    • scilla dns -o html -target target.domain
    • scilla dns -plain -target target.domain
  • Subdomains enumeration:

    • scilla subdomain -target target.domain
    • scilla subdomain -w wordlist.txt -target target.domain
    • scilla subdomain -o txt -target target.domain
    • scilla subdomain -o html -target target.domain
    • scilla subdomain -i 400 -target target.domain
    • scilla subdomain -i 4** -target target.domain
    • scilla subdomain -c -target target.domain
    • scilla subdomain -db -target target.domain
    • scilla subdomain -plain -target target.domain
  • Directories enumeration:

    • scilla dir -target target.domain
    • scilla dir -w wordlist.txt -target target.domain
    • scilla dir -o txt -target target.domain
    • scilla dir -o html -target target.domain
    • scilla dir -i 500,401 -target target.domain
    • scilla dir -i 5**,401 -target target.domain
    • scilla dir -c -target target.domain
    • scilla dir -plain -target target.domain
  • Ports enumeration:

    • Default (all ports, so 1-65635) scilla port -target target.domain
    • Specifying ports range scilla port -p 20-90 -target target.domain
    • Specifying starting port (until the last one) scilla port -p 20- -target target.domain
    • Specifying ending port (from the first one) scilla port -p -90 -target target.domain
    • Specifying single port scilla port -p 80 -target target.domain
    • Specifying output format (txt)scilla port -o txt -target target.domain
    • Specifying output format (html)scilla port -o html -target target.domain
    • Specifying multiple ports scilla port -p 21,25,80 -target target.domain
    • Specifying common ports scilla port -common -target target.domain
    • Print only results scilla port -plain -target target.domain
  • Full report:

    • Default (all ports, so 1-65635) scilla report -target target.domain
    • Specifying ports range scilla report -p 20-90 -target target.domain
    • Specifying starting port (until the last one) scilla report -p 20- -target target.domain
    • Specifying ending port (from the first one) scilla report -p -90 -target target.domain
    • Specifying single port scilla report -p 80 -target target.domain
    • Specifying output format (txt)scilla report -o txt -target target.domain
    • Specifying output format (html)scilla report -o html -target target.domain
    • Specifying directories wordlist scilla report -wd dirs.txt -target target.domain
    • Specifying subdomains wordlist scilla report -ws subdomains.txt -target target.domain
    • Specifying status codes to be ignored in directories scanning scilla report -id 500,501,502 -target target.domain
    • Specifying status codes to be ignored in subdomains scanning scilla report -is 500,501,502 -target target.domain
    • Specifying status codes classes to be ignored in directories scanning scilla report -id 5**,4** -target target.domain
    • Specifying status codes classes to be ignored in subdomains scanning scilla report -is 5**,4** -target target.domain
    • Use also a web crawler for directories enumeration scilla report -cd -target target.domain
    • Use also a web crawler for subdomains enumeration scilla report -cs -target target.domain
    • Use also a public database for subdomains enumeration scilla report -db -target target.domain
    • Specifying multiple ports scilla report -p 21,25,80 -target target.domain
    • Specifying common ports scilla report -common -target target.domain

Contributing πŸ› 

Just open an issue/pull request. See also and CODE OF

Help me building this!

A special thanks to danielmiessler, using those lists; and to sonarSearch.

To do:

  • Tests ( πŸ˜‚ )

  • Tor support

  • Proxy support

  • JSON output

  • XML output

  • Plain output (print only results)

  • Scan only common ports

  • Add option to use a public database of known subdomains

  • Recursive Web crawling for subdomains and directories

  • Check input and if it's an IP try to change to hostname when dns or subdomain is active

  • Ignore responses by status codes (partially done, to do with *, e.g. -i 4**)

  • HTML output

  • Build an Input Struct and use it as parameter

  • Output color

  • Subdomains enumeration

  • DNS enumeration

  • Subdomains enumeration

  • Port enumeration

  • Directories enumeration

  • TXT output

If you liked it drop a ⭐ for contact me.

                                                                Edoardo Ottavianelli
MSc Cybersecurity Student | @python | @golang | Linux | Bash
  • Better protocol handling

    Better protocol handling

    When the user inputs a target, for example, scilla should remember that the user inputted that protocol, and it doesn't try to use http or another protocol.
    The protocol handling now is way confusionary, as we can see in the main.go file.

  • Spyse implementation

    Spyse implementation

    Describe the solution you'd like We are suggesting you add Spyse as one of the data sources for: DNS, subdomain enumeration, retrieving web information, hosts, certificates, and ports. Potential is immense. Contact us if you need any help or a free subscription to make it free for users.

    Describe alternatives you've considered Alternatives could be shodan or censys.

    Additional context I'm offering Spyse because it has different scanning and analyzing systems that provide a more clear and sometimes larger amounts of data.

    Notice: I work for Spyse.

  • improvement: updated spyse module with rate-limiting support, added deep pagination

    improvement: updated spyse module with rate-limiting support, added deep pagination

    Hi there, I maid spyse integration update due to changes in go-spyse lib:

    • we added requests rate-limiting to avoid too_many_requests error.

    Also, I added deep pagination to increase the count of subdomains search results, but I made limiting to 20k results because there is can be more than 1 million results and we cannot currently limit their number in any way.

    Please get in touch with me if you need a free Spyse API token to test the PR. Best regards.

  • Ignore Responses by Status Code Option

    Ignore Responses by Status Code Option

    I would like to choose a status code (or maybe better an array of status codes) to be ignored. To be clear, If add:

    • -ignore 404 I would like to ignore all the responses having 404 as Status code.
    • -ignore 404,301 I would like to ignore all the responses having 404 or 301 as Status code.

    Myabe.. it would be useful to have something like this to ignore entire classes of status codes. -ignore 4**

  • Subdomain Enumeration Does not Working

    Subdomain Enumeration Does not Working

    Summary Scilla having a feature to enumerate the target subdomains. When you give the input target and run it returns a error like below:

    2020/12/22 17:29:57 failed to open /usr/bin/lists/subdomains.txt

    I am running scilla in WSL Ubuntu 20.04

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. git clone the repository
    2. go build
    3. cp scilla build file to /usr/local/bin
    4. run the following
    scilla subdomain -target

    Expected behavior It should return Subdomains as output.

    Screenshots image

  • Writing results of only valid live  subdomains to a txt file

    Writing results of only valid live subdomains to a txt file

    I don't know if this works or not or it does then writes outputs to somewhere else except the path I give if so then how to do this !!? writing output to a txt file in a specific path !!?

  • Windows batch installer doesn't work

    Windows batch installer doesn't work

    This batch installer doesn't work very well.

    On my machine (Windows 10 Home):

    set GO111MODULE=
    set GOARCH=amd64
    set GOBIN=
    set GOCACHE=C:\Users\edoar\AppData\Local\go-build
    set GOENV=C:\Users\edoar\AppData\Roaming\go\env
    set GOEXE=.exe
    set GOFLAGS=
    set GOHOSTARCH=amd64
    set GOHOSTOS=windows
    set GOMODCACHE=C:\Users\edoar\go\pkg\mod
    set GONOPROXY=
    set GONOSUMDB=
    set GOOS=windows
    set GOPATH=C:\Users\edoar\go
    set GOPRIVATE=
    set GOPROXY=,direct
    set GOROOT=c:\go
    set GOTMPDIR=
    set GOTOOLDIR=c:\go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64
    set GCCGO=gccgo
    set AR=ar
    set CC=gcc
    set CXX=g++
    set CGO_ENABLED=1
    set GOMOD=C:\Users\edoar\Desktop\github\scilla\go.mod
    set CGO_CFLAGS=-g -O2
    set CGO_CXXFLAGS=-g -O2
    set CGO_FFLAGS=-g -O2
    set CGO_LDFLAGS=-g -O2
    set PKG_CONFIG=pkg-config
    set GOGCCFLAGS=-m64 -mthreads -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=C:\Users\edoar\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build007528046=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches

    there are some unidentified problems

  • Clean output when crawler is active

    Clean output when crawler is active

    Maybe it would be useful to clean the results from GET parameter.

    Example: Now :


  • docker build an error occurs

    docker build an error occurs

    system:kali linux When I try docker build an error occurs

    git clone
    cd scilla
    docker build -t scilla .

    ##Error message

    [4/5] RUN go install -v ./...: #6 3.564 go:[email protected] requires #6 3.564[email protected]: missing go.sum entry; to add it: #6 3.564 go mod download

    executor failed running [/bin/sh -c go install -v ./...]: exit code: 1 Snipaste_2022-08-18_15-36-36

    about Building from source

    How can I do the upgrade? Because I don't see any description of "update" :see_no_evil:

  • UDP Port scanning

    UDP Port scanning

    Now scilla can only perform tcp port scanning. (scilla port -target <TARGET> + other flags).

    Add a -u flag to the port subcommand to perform UDP port scanning.

  • Create an appropriate data structure for subs and dirs result

    Create an appropriate data structure for subs and dirs result

    Whenever scilla produces new results (dirs or subs) and it wants to print them, it looks into all the array of Assets to search if the Printed value is set to false. So, to speed up the performance we can do two things: Create a new data structure with two fields:

    type Result struct {
    assets    []Asset,

    The second field can be a boolean, and this means that it can be changed to true (or false, it depends) when you have to print somethings, or a couple of integers telling us the printed values and the total value. In this second case we don't need the Printed item in Asset....

    Another thing we can do to speed up performance is to print the results in reverse order, starting from the last found and going up to the first, when we encounter a Printed == true, it means we don't have more values to print.

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