Bitemporal - Toy Bitemporal Database. Learning by doing


Building intuition about bitemporal databases by building one for myself.


  • API v1 done
    • Find
    • List
    • Put
    • Delete
  • History API?
  • Document new intuition about mutations + the 2D time graph
    • Valid time management as a custom "version rule"?
    • "Domain time"?
    • Explore geographical map idea. 2D of data + transaction time => 3 dimensions?
  • Separate "db" and "storage" models. first pass was blending XTDB APIs with Snodgrass style records and things are getting muddled.
  • Consider Datomic accumulate and retract event style
  • Consider immutable "storage" style
  • Should data read and write APIs return tx time and valid time context at all. maybe that is relegated to "history" APIs only
  • SQL backed impl
  • Visualization
  • Implement Wasm DB

    Implement Wasm DB

    Fully functional memory.DB accessible in JavaScript 🪄

    pushed early to verify syscall/js import works

    • UPDATE: had to fix build directives and explicitly test go build with right GOOS and GOARCH env vars for wasm files

    Consider creating common helper to parse the []js.Value args

  • set up memory/wasm. initial scaffolding

    set up memory/wasm. initial scaffolding

    Provides a WebAssembly adapter for memory.DB.

    main/ contains the registrations for db.go to WebAssembly. This is built into a gitignored asserts/ dir.

    make test-wasm starts the test-server/ server that serves the .wasm files for testing.

  • optionally write VersionedKV history from tests to files

    optionally write VersionedKV history from tests to files

    serves 2 purposes

    • snapshot/golden comparison against future test changes
    • serve as input data for charting. will help debug SQL work and also be the first foray into visualization. unfortunately go-echarts does not seem to have support for arbitrary rectangle graphs. going to need to make that external to this repo.

    blows up repo size but i think being able to notice diffs if test behavior drifts is nice. consider running CI tests with the option on and enforcing no diffs

  • Export handling of options. Disallow specifying start and end valid times in the future

    Export handling of options. Disallow specifying start and end valid times in the future

    • export ReadOpt, WriteOpt handlers. split user specified options from defaults
    • disallow specifying start and end valid times in the future
    • establish convention for updated_at and deleted_at timestamps to convey information from base table changes to state tables
    • fix TestDelete to actually use parameterized values
  • Read from separate bitemporal state table

    Read from separate bitemporal state table

    This is the most practical implementation due to complications around primary keys on the original table. Management of the state table and triggers is not implemented right now.

    Triggers will be able to replicate all writes. When valid times are not specified, trigger should have a sane default behavior. We will need to identify relevant version records on the state table and and update (and add new ones) as needed.

  • implement Get for SQL DB

    implement Get for SQL DB

    • implement Get
    • provide generic ScanToVersionedKVs and ScanToMaps helpers

    Test improvements (pattern to be applied to other test changes)

    • update TestGet to be parameterized by values appropriate for DB implementation type.
    • update TestGet to take a dbFn that returns both the seeded db and a close function
    • clean up test DB set up
  • add tokei LOC badge

    add tokei LOC badge

    The badge is kind of cute and I like the idea of this staying simple. i'd be curious mainly about non-test lines of Go.

    Just having fun adding random badges haha. See

  • SQL.DB interface and Select() implementation

    SQL.DB interface and Select() implementation

    sql implements a SQL-backed, SQL-queryable, bitemporal database. This implements the key-value oriented interface of bitempura.DB and provides SQL querying.

    There is a new interface in sql with 1 major addition

    // Select executes a SQL query (as of optional valid and transaction times).
    Select(query squirrel.SelectBuilder, opts (*sql.Rows, error)

    Example time traveling SQL query

    s := squirrel.Select("type", "SUM(balance)").
        OrderBy("SUM(balance) DESC")
    rows, err := db.Select(s, bt.AsOfValidTime(t3), bt.AsOfTransactionTime(t2))

    Current explorations optimizing for easiness and speed. squirrel for query building and sqlite for test db.


    • No support for setting up SQL tables
    • All SQL DB functions are unimplemented
    • Decide if scoping the sql.DB around a single table makes sense
    • Interface changes?
      • Still need to decide what to do about versioning information + public interfaces
      • Consider just promoting a separate interface. KV interface and SQL interface should feel different
  • add missing comments for exported types

    add missing comments for exported types

    ~might remove golint on build but in general I do like the enforcement about comments on exported types which doesn't seem on in golangci-lint by default and too lazy to find it.~

    don't want to include or install it during build. ignore for now

  • Rename module and types. Add

    Rename module and types. Add "Key-Value" qualifier

    • rename to something less generic
    • update language to "key-value" database so that it more accurately represents where it is. Retract some of the "toy" language for now
    • [x] update to key-value style.
      • [x] rename id to key.
      • [x] remove Attributes type and replace with a type Value interface{} type?
        • maybe try go generics in a separate cache project(!)
      • [x] rename Find/Put to Get/Set
    • [x] decide what to do about Document... I guess it should just become "VersionedValue" and be the only place that these times are externalized.
      • [x] Add model to README
      • consider a version of the interfaces that opts in to listing version information?
  • Revisit (or kill) SQL implementation

    Revisit (or kill) SQL implementation

    I ended up getting busy and switched off this project after I got the visualization working in bitempura-viz...

    I was originally intending to take the SQL implementation to completion and set it up using a SQL trigger based approach (which I had successfully taken to production before as a transaction time state table; not bitemporal). However, the practical viability of this sort of approach is unclear. I will probably remove the current stubs for now until I ever fill out the SQL implementation in full.

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