Simple, intuitive and effective error handling for Go

Error Handling with eluv-io/errors-go

The package eluv-io/errors-go makes Go error handling simple, intuitive and effective.

err := someFunctionThatCanFail()
if err != nil {
    return errors.E("file download", errors.K.IO, err, "file", f, "user", usr)

The eluv-io/errors-go package promotes and facilitates these main design principles:

  • augment errors with relevant context information all along the call stack
  • provide this additional information in a structured form
  • provide call stack traces with minimal overhead if enabled through build tag and runtime config
  • integrate seamlessly with the structured logging convention of eluv-io/log

For sample code, see

Note that some of the unit tests and examples use the "old-style" explicit functions WithOp(op), WithKind(kind) and WithCause(err) functions to set values. They are not really needed anymore, and code can be simplified by using errors.E() exclusively. Furthermore, the use of templates makes the code even more compact in many situations - see sections below...

Creating & Wrapping Errors with E() and NoTrace()

The eluv-io/errors-go package provides one main function to create new or wrap existing errors with additional information:

// E creates a new error initialized with the given (optional) operation, kind, cause and key-value fields.
// All arguments are optional. If the first argument is a `string`, it is considered to be the operation.
// If no kind is specified, K.Other is assumed.
func E(args ...interface{}) *Error {...}

It's important to note that the first argument in E() - if it of type string - is the operation that returns the error, and not the error's reason. See the following examples:

// operation "file download" (op) failed with an "IO" error (kind) due to
// "err" (cause)
errors.E("file download", errors.K.IO, err)

// better than above with additional context information provided as key-value pairs
errors.E("file download", errors.K.IO, err, "file", f, "user", usr)

// sometimes there is no originating error (cause): use "reason" key-value
// pair to explain the cause
errors.E("validate configuration", errors.K.Invalid, 
	"reason", "part store location not specified")

// use "reason" for further clarification even if there is a cause,
// especially if the cause is a regular error (not an *errors.Error)
timeout, err := strconv.Atoi(timeoutString)
if err != nil {
	return errors.E("validate configuration", errors.K.Invalid, err,
		"reason", "failed to parse timeout",
		"timeout", timeoutString)

Note that supplementary context information (file & user in the example above) is provided as explicit key-value pairs instead of an opaque, custom-assembled string.

Use errors.NoTrace() instead of errors.E() to prevent recording and printing the stacktrace - see below for more information.

Besides the flexible E() function, the library's Error object also offers explicit methods for setting the different types of data:

errors.E().Op("file download").Kind(errors.K.IO).Cause(err).With("file", f).With("user", usr)

Since that code is just more verbose, the more compact E() function call with parameters should be preferred.

Reducing Code Complexity & Duplication with Template() and TemplateNoTrace

Template() or its shorter alias T() offers a great way to reduce code duplication in producing consistent errors. Imagine a validation function that checks multiple conditions and returns a corresponding error on any violations:

if len(path) == 0 {
    return errors.E("validation", errors.K.Invalid, "id", id, "reason", "no path")
if strings.ContainsAny(path, `$~\:`) {
    return errors.E("validation", errors.K.Invalid, "id", id, "reason", "contains illegal characters")
target, err := os.Readlink(path)
if err != nil {
    return errors.E("validation", errors.K.IO, err, "id", id, "reason", "not a link")

With a template function, this code can be rewritten in a more compact and concise form:

e := errors.Template("validation", errors.K.Invalid, "id", id)
if len(path) == 0 {
    return e("reason", "no path")
if strings.ContainsAny(path, `$~\:`) {
    return e("reason", "contains illegal characters")
target, err := os.Readlink(path)
if err != nil {
    return e(errors.K.IO, err, "reason", "not a link")

Use TemplateNoTrace() or its alias TNoTrace instead of Template() to prevent recording and printing the stacktrace in the generated error.

Use the template's IfNotNil() function to simplify error returns:

e := errors.Template(...)
err := someFunc(...)
return e.IfNotNil(err)

IfNotNil returns nil if err is nil and instantiates and *Error according to the template otherwise. It allows also to pass additional key-value pairs, e.g. e.IfNotNil(err, "key", "val")

Recording & Printing Call Stack Traces

Creating an error with E() or Template() per default also records the program counters of the current call stack, and Error() formats and prints the call stack:

op [getConfig] kind [invalid] cause:
	op [readFile] kind [I/O error] filename [illegal-filename|*] cause [open illegal-filename|*: no such file or directory] readFile() getConfig() getConfig() ExampleE()
	testing/run_example.go:64                             runExample()
	testing/example.go:44                                 runExamples()
	testing/testing.go:1505                               (*M).Run()
	_testmain.go:165                                      main()

Stack traces from multiple nested Errors are automatically coalesced into a single, comprehensive stack trace that is printed at the end.

The following global variables control stack trace handling at runtime:

  • PopulateStacktrace controls whether program counters are recorded when an Error is created
  • PrintStacktrace controls whether stack traces are printed in Error.Error()
  • PrintStacktracePretty controls the formatting of stack traces
  • MarshalStacktrace controls whether stack traces are marshalled to JSON

The following functions create an Error without stack trace:

  • errors.NoTrace()
  • errors.TemplateNoTrace()
  • errors.TNoTrace()

The following functions allow to suppress or remove stack traces from an Error:

  • errors.ClearStacktrace()
  • Error.FormatTrace()
  • Error.ClearStacktrace()

In addition, stack trace recording can be completely disabled at compile time with the errnostack build tag.

Integration with eluv-io/log-go

Thanks to providing all data as key-value pairs (including operation, kind and cause), the Error objects integrate seamlessly with the logging package whose main principle is that of structured logging. This means, for example, that errors are marshaled as JSON objects when the JSON handler is used for logging:

  "fields": {
    "error": {
      "cause": "EOF",
      "file": "/tmp/app-config.yaml",
      "kind": "I/O error",
      "op": "failed to parse config",
      "stacktrace": "runtime/asm_amd64.s:2337: runtime.goexit:\n\truntime/proc.go:195: ...main:\n\tsample/log_sample.go:66: main.main:\n\teluvio/log/sample/sub/sub.go:17: eluvio/log/sample/sub.Call"
    "logger": "/eluvio/log/sample/sub"
  "level": "warn",
  "timestamp": "2018-03-02T16:52:04.831737+01:00",
  "message": "failed to read config, using defaults"

Notice the "error" object: it is a JSON object with all data provided as fields. In addition, the error also contains a stacktrace when logged in JSON format.

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