Golang Gin Framework CRUD RestAPI with MySQL for music records.


Golang Gin Framework CRUD RestAPI with MySQL for music records.


This application runs on Go version 1.18.1. You can install Go directly or by using Homebrew.

Using Homebrew:

brew install go

For additional details see https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/go.

Getting started with Go: https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/getting-started.

For information on how to download and install Go without using Homebrew see https://go.dev/doc/install.

Getting Started

To run the application simply run the following command:

go run .

MySQL Database Setup

Make sure to setup a database with your own credentials following the format provided within the database directory.

Initial queries to get you started:

CREATE TABLE albums ( albumID int NOT NULL, title varchar(64) NOT NULL, artist varchar(64) NOT NULL, price double(4,2), PRIMARY KEY (albumID) );

Insert into albums (albumID, title, artist, price) VALUES (1, 'Blue Train', 'John Coltrane', 56.99);
Insert into albums (albumID, title, artist, price) VALUES (2, 'Jeru', 'Gerry Mulligan', 17.99);
Insert into albums (albumID, title, artist, price) VALUES (3, 'Sarah Vaughan and Clifford Brown', 'Sarah Vaughan', 33.99);

The table should have albumID, title, artist, and price where albumId is considered the primary key.

You may also create a recordsDB.sql file containing these queries.

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