igop - The Go+ interpreter

igop - The Go+ interpreter (still in beta version)

Go Report Card GitHub release Playground VSCode GoDoc

Support multiple engines

How to build

git clone [email protected]:goplus/igop.git
cd igop
go install -tags yaegi -v ./...   # you can replace `yaegi` to `igo` or other engines
The GoPlus (Go+) Programming Language
  • 0.9.1 version cannot be compiled

    0.9.1 version cannot be compiled

    igop 0.9.1

    \load\embed_go116.go:94:29: not enough arguments in call to r.Load

    r.Load(bp.Dir, v) 

    \go\pkg\mod\github.com\visualfc\[email protected]\resolve.go

    Load(dir string, fset *token.FileSet, em *Embed) ([]*File, error)
  • how to execute with custom environment variables

    how to execute with custom environment variables

    like exec/cmd cmd := exec.CommandContext(...) cmd.Env = ....

    env := map[string]string{"X": "Y"}
    ctx := igop.NewContext(0)
    ctx.Env = env
  • what's package name of subfolder that import it

    what's package name of subfolder that import it

    - io_extra/
      - file.go
    - main.go

    how to import io_extra/file.go in main.go?

    import "io_extra"


    could not import io_extra (not found provider for types.Importer)

  • pkg: default remove net/rpc net/rpc/jsonrpc

    pkg: default remove net/rpc net/rpc/jsonrpc

    igop default load net/rpc and net/rpc/jsonrpc from source

    igop hook reflect api

    • reflect.Type.Method => reflectx.MethodByIndex
    • reflect.Type.MethodByName => reflectx.MethodByName
  • qexp: fast export

    qexp: fast export

    fix https://github.com/goplus/igop/issues/153

    • remove ssa builder
    • fast export multiple pkgs
    • support pkg/...
    • support empty exported pkg. eg time/tzdata
    • igop: add sub cmd export
  • check unsafe.Slice len out of range

    check unsafe.Slice len out of range

    fix https://github.com/goplus/igop/issues/178


    func unsafeslice(et *_type, ptr unsafe.Pointer, len int) {
    	if len < 0 {
    	mem, overflow := math.MulUintptr(et.size, uintptr(len))
    	if overflow || mem > -uintptr(ptr) {
    		if ptr == nil {
    			panic(errorString("unsafe.Slice: ptr is nil and len is not zero"))
  • unsafe.Slice for go1.18

    unsafe.Slice for go1.18


    // sliced memory overflows address space
    last := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(^uintptr(0)))
    _ = unsafe.Slice(last, 1)
    mustPanic(func() { _ = unsafe.Slice(last, 2) })
  • implement runtime callers

    implement runtime callers

    implement runtime func


    *runtime.Stack(bug []uint8, all bool) always = runtime.Stack(buf, false)

    ssa method wrapper

    func$bound T(0).f -> runtime main.T.f-fm func$thunk T.f -> runtime main.T.f func$thunk (struct{ T }).f -> runtime go.struct { main.T }.main.f 1

    type T int
    func (T) f() int
    func (*T) g()
    var (
    	// thunks
    	a = T.f
    	b = T.f
    	c = (struct{ T }).f
    	d = (struct{ T }).f
    	e = (*T).g
    	f = (*T).g
    	g = (struct{ *T }).g
    	h = (struct{ *T }).g
    	// bounds
    	i = T(0).f
    	j = T(0).f
    	k = new(T).g
    	l = new(T).g
  • "-addtags custom tags" does not support build tags?

    .go file //go:build sep // +build sep igop export -addtags sep -outdir pkg packagepath

    errors: undeclared name: SetVersion Menu not declared by package call undeclared name: xxxxx

  • support nested type-parameterized declarations

    support nested type-parameterized declarations


    typeparam func

    • named sig: pkgpath.name[farg1,frag2;targ1,targ2]


    • types.Type->reflect.Type: use types scope
  • bug: ssa select case call expr order

    bug: ssa select case call expr order


    bug: golang.org/x/tools/go/ssa build order fp, fc

    package main
    var c = make(chan int, 1)
    var nilch chan int
    var n = 1
    var x int
    var i interface{}
    var dummy = make(chan int)
    var m = make(map[int]int)
    var order = 0
    // check order of operations by ensuring that
    // successive calls to checkorder have increasing o values.
    func checkorder(o int) {
    	if o <= order {
    		println("invalid order", o, "after", order)
    	order = o
    func fc(c chan int, o int) chan int {
    	return c
    func fp(p *int, o int) *int {
    	return p
    func init() {
    	order = 0
    	c <- n
    	select {
    	case *fp(&x, 100) = <-fc(c, 1):
    	if x != n {
    func die(x int) {
    	println("have", x, "want", n)
    func main() {
    func init#1():
    0:                                                                entry P:0 S:2
    	*order = 0:int
    	t0 = *c                                                        chan int
    	t1 = *n                                                             int
    	send t0 <- t1
    	t2 = fp(x, 100:int)                                                *int
    	t3 = *c                                                        chan int
    	t4 = fc(t3, 1:int)                                             chan int
    	t5 = <-t4                                                           int
    	*t2 = t5
    	t6 = *x                                                             int
    	t7 = *n                                                             int
    	t8 = t6 != t7                                                      bool
    	if t8 goto 1 else 2
    1:                                                              if.then P:1 S:1
    	t9 = *x                                                             int
    	t10 = die(t9)                                                        ()
    	jump 2
    2:                                                              if.done P:2 S:0
    	t11 = *n                                                            int
    	t12 = t11 + 1:int                                                   int
    	*n = t12
  • bug: golang fixedbugs/issue23017.go

    bug: golang fixedbugs/issue23017.go

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	type P struct{ i int }
    	var m = map[int]int{}
    	var p *P
    	defer func() {
    		check(1, len(m))
    		check(3, m[2])
    	m[2], p.i = 3, 2
    func check(want, got int) {
    	if want != got {
    		panic(fmt.Sprintf("wanted %d, but got %d", want, got))
  • TODO: $GOROOT/test/fixedbugs

    TODO: $GOROOT/test/fixedbugs


    func init() {
    	if runtime.GOARCH == "386" {
    		gorootTestSkips["printbig.go"] = "load failed"
    		gorootTestSkips["peano.go"] = "stack overflow"
    	gorootTestSkips["closure.go"] = "runtime.ReadMemStats"
    	gorootTestSkips["divmod.go"] = "slow, 1m18s"
    	gorootTestSkips["copy.go"] = "slow, 13s"
    	gorootTestSkips["finprofiled.go"] = "slow, 21s"
    	gorootTestSkips["gcgort.go"] = "slow, 2s"
    	gorootTestSkips["nilptr.go"] = "skip drawin"
    	gorootTestSkips["heapsampling.go"] = "runtime.MemProfileRecord"
    	gorootTestSkips["makeslice.go"] = "TODO, panic info, allocation size out of range"
    	gorootTestSkips["stackobj.go"] = "skip gc"
    	gorootTestSkips["stackobj3.go"] = "skip gc"
    	gorootTestSkips["nilptr_aix.go"] = "skip"
    	gorootTestSkips["init1.go"] = "skip gc"
    	gorootTestSkips["ken/divconst.go"] = "slow, 3.5s"
    	gorootTestSkips["ken/modconst.go"] = "slow, 3.3s"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue24491b.go"] = "timeout"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue16249.go"] = "slow, 4.5s"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue13169.go"] = "slow, 5.9s"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue11656.go"] = "ignore"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue15281.go"] = "runtime.ReadMemStats"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue18149.go"] = "runtime.Caller macos //line not support c:/foo/bar.go:987"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue22662.go"] = "runtime.Caller got $goroot/test/fixedbugs/foo.go:1; want foo.go:1"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue27518b.go"] = "BUG, runtime.SetFinalizer"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue32477.go"] = "BUG, runtime.SetFinalizer"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue41239.go"] = "BUG, reflect.Append: different capacity on append"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue32477.go"] = "BUG, runtime.SetFinalizer"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue45175.go"] = "BUG, ssa.Phi call order"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue4618.go"] = "testing.AllocsPerRun"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue4667.go"] = "testing.AllocsPerRun"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue8606b.go"] = "BUG, optimization check"
    	gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue30116u.go"] = "BUG, slice bound check"
    	gorootTestSkips["chan/select5.go"] = "bug, select case expr call order"
    	// fixedbugs/issue7740.go
    	// const ulp = (1.0 + (2.0 / 3.0)) - (5.0 / 3.0)
    	// Go 1.14 1.15 1.16 ulp = 1.4916681462400413e-154
    	// Go 1.17 1.18 ulp = 0
    	ver := runtime.Version()[:6]
    	switch ver {
    	case "go1.17", "go1.18", "go1.19":
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue45045.go"] = "runtime.SetFinalizer"
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue46725.go"] = "runtime.SetFinalizer"
    		gorootTestSkips["abi/fibish.go"] = "slow, 34s"
    		gorootTestSkips["abi/fibish_closure.go"] = "slow, 35s"
    		gorootTestSkips["abi/uglyfib.go"] = "5m48s"
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue23017.go"] = "BUG"
    		gorootTestSkips["typeparam/chans.go"] = "runtime.SetFinalizer"
    		gorootTestSkips["typeparam/issue376214.go"] = "build SSA package error: variadic parameter must be of unnamed slice type"
    		gorootTestSkips["typeparam/nested.go"] = "FAIL"
    	case "go1.16":
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue7740.go"] = "BUG, const float"
    	case "go1.15":
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue15039.go"] = "BUG, uint64 -> string"
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue9355.go"] = "TODO, chdir"
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue7740.go"] = "BUG, const float"
    	case "go1.14":
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue9355.go"] = "TODO, chdir"
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue7740.go"] = "BUG, const float"
    	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
    		gorootTestSkips["env.go"] = "skip GOARCH"
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue15002.go"] = "skip windows"
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue5493.go"] = "skip windows"
    		gorootTestSkips["fixedbugs/issue5963.go"] = "skip windows"
    		skips := make(map[string]string)
    		for k, v := range gorootTestSkips {
    			skips[filepath.FromSlash(k)] = v
    		gorootTestSkips = skips
    	} else if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
    		gorootTestSkips["locklinear.go"] = "skip github"
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