Authentication Plugin for implementing Form-Based, Basic, Local, LDAP, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, SAML Authentication


Security App and Plugin for Caddy v2. It includes:

  • Authentication Plugin for implementing Form-Based, Basic, Local, LDAP, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, SAML Authentication
  • Authorization Plugin for HTTP request authorization based on JWT/PASETO tokens
  • Credentials Plugin for managing credentials for various integrations

Please show your appreciation for this work and

Please consider sponsoring this project!

Please ask questions either here or via LinkedIn. I am happy to help you! @greenpau

⚠️ Please open an issue if you need help migrating configurations from caddy-auth-portal and caddy-authorize (aka caddy-auth-jwt).


Security Policy:

Please see other plugins:

Table of Contents


The caddy-security app allows managing authentication portal, authorization security policy and credentials. The plugin enforces the security policy on endpoints with authorize keyword and serves authentication portal with authenticate keyword.

The app and plugin use Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) Security Functions (SF) from

Getting Started

The configuration happens in Caddy's global options block.

  • Setting Up Local Authentication: Video and Config Gist
  • Login with App Authenticator and Yubico U2F: Video

Download Caddy with the plugins enabled:


The following configuration adds SMTP credentials to security app. Subsequently, the app and plugin will be able to use the credentials.

  security {
    credentials email {
      protocol smtp
      username {env.SMTP_USERNAME}
      password {env.SMTP_PASSWORD}


The following configuration adds authentication portal.

  security {
    authentication portal myportal {
      crypto default token lifetime 3600
      crypto key sign-verify {env.JWT_SECRET}
      backend local {env.HOME}/.local/caddy/users.json local
      cookie domain
      ui {
        links {
          "My Website" icon "las la-star"
          "My Identity" "/whoami" icon "las la-user"
      transform user {
        match origin local
        action add role authp/user
        ui link "Portal Settings" /settings icon "las la-cog"
} {
  authenticate * with myportal


The following configuration adds authorization functionality and handlers.

  security {
    authorization policy mypolicy {
      set auth url
      crypto key verify {env.JWT_SECRET}
      allow roles authp/admin authp/user
} {
  authorize with mypolicy
  root * {env.HOME}/public_html

User Interface

User Login


User Identity (whoami)

User Settings

Password Management

Add U2F Token (Yubico)

Add Authenticator App

Multi-Factor Authentication

Paul Greenberg
Love tinkering with tech! Current interests are VR, Oculus, Unity
Paul Greenberg
  • nginx style Forward Auth example.

    nginx style Forward Auth example.

    Hello. is closed citing this project's existence. Nginx' auth_request directive ( works with a simple HTTP response code. Is this kind of functionality available? If yes, can you please direct me to the relevant documentation.

    Another question while we're at it. It seems caddy-security is now a single module that includes the former authorize and portal components. Is it still possible to build it without the portal for people who already have an external authentication system in place?

  • question: How do roles work now

    question: How do roles work now

    Previously utilizing caddy-authorize, this line for roles worked

    allow roles User Admin

    How would this be implemented in caddy-security, the docs don't seem to be updated yet. The repo's description includes this snippet, allow roles authp/admin authp/user, but am unsure how to implement this in my existing Caddyfile, specifically I am using organizr's jwt,

  • What JWKS key types are supported in the generic OAuth2 backend?

    What JWKS key types are supported in the generic OAuth2 backend?

    New to Caddy, new to OAuth & OIDC so brace yourselves. I'm trying to add OAuth/OIDC authentication to a site. I'm using this config file as a reference. Things are going ok to start with, here's where (I think) I'm at:

    1. It looks like Caddy is hitting my metadata_url and finding the jwks_uri field.
    2. Once it hits the jwks_uri, it appears to be reading the first key in the array whose kty (key type) is EC.
    3. Then I get this message and exit with code 1:

    provision security: backend configuration for "myportal" portal failed: failed to fetch jwt keys for OAuth 2.0 authorization server: invalid jwks key: unsupported key type EC for <my_key>

    where <my_key> is the EC key found at the jwks_uri. So my questions are:

    1. Is the EC kty (keytype) supported?
    2. If not, can I direct Caddy to use another key from the jwks_uri?
    3. Have I misunderstood this completely?
  • `auth provider returned error, user authorization failed` being spammed in Caddy log

    `auth provider returned error, user authorization failed` being spammed in Caddy log

    Describe the issue I'm trying to migrate my config over to Caddy Security, and I think I have most things working now, but I'm getting this message constantly spammed in Caddy's log:

    {"level":"error","ts":1642791051.2186432,"logger":"http.handlers.authentication","msg":"auth provider returned error","provider":"authorizer","error":"user authorization failed"}

    The interesting thing is, it doesn't seem to affect the functionality, because I'm able to login just fine.


    { # Global configuration
        acme_dns cloudflare REDACTED
        email REDACTED
        order authorize before reverse_proxy
        order authenticate before authorize
        security {
            credentials email {
                protocol smtp
                username {env.SMTP_USERNAME}
                password {env.SMTP_PASSWORD}
            authentication portal myportal {
                crypto default token lifetime 3600
                # crypto key sign-verify {env.JWT_SECRET}
                backend local /etc/caddy/auth/local/users.json local
                        cookie domain
                ui {
                    links { # Icons here ->
                        "Cloud" icon "las la-cloud"
                        "Media" icon "las la-photo-video"
                        "Get TV Shows" icon "las la-tv"
                        "Get Movies" icon "las la-video"
                transform user {
                    match origin local
                    action add role authp/user
                    ui link "Portal Settings" /settings icon "las la-cog"
            authorization policy mypolicy {
                set auth url
                allow roles authp/admin authp/user
        # }
        # crowdsec {
        #     api_url http://crowdsec:8180/
        #     api_key REDACTED
        #     ticker_interval 15s
        # }
    } {
        authenticate * with myportal
    } {
        authorize with mypolicy
            reverse_proxy nextcloud:80 {
            header_down Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains"
        rewrite /.well-known/carddav /remote.php/dav
        rewrite /.well-known/caldav /remote.php/dav
    } {
        authorize with mypolicy
        reverse_proxy jellyfin:8096
    } { # Prowlarr
        authorize with mypolicy
        reverse_proxy prowlarr:9696
    } { # Sonarr
        authorize with mypolicy
        reverse_proxy sonarr:8989
    } { # Radarr
        authorize with mypolicy
        reverse_proxy radarr:7878
    localhost:8112 { # QBittorrent
        reverse_proxy torrent:8080

    Version Information

    crowdsec v0.2.0
    dns.providers.cloudflare v0.0.0-20210607183747-91cf700356a1
    http.authentication.providers.authorizer v1.0.1
    http.handlers.authenticator v1.0.1
    http.handlers.crowdsec v0.2.0
    layer4 v0.0.0-20201230212151-6587f40d4eb6
    layer4.matchers.crowdsec v0.2.0
    layer4.matchers.ip v0.0.0-20201230212151-6587f40d4eb6
    security v1.0.1

    Expected behavior The Caddy log isn't filled up with the error.

  • feature: Nextcloud OIDC support

    feature: Nextcloud OIDC support

    This is a continuation of I think it would be a useful feature to be able to login to Nextcloud with Caddy Security account, and for Caddy Security to automatically create new Nextcloud users based on Caddy Security users. This can be done with OIDC, correct?

  • question: Email setup

    question: Email setup

    Trying to get email working for user registration. I do not see any errors in the logs, but get email error when a user tries to register. Below is the relevant config I am using. Guessing I don't quite have the config correct, but not sure what I am missing.

    	security {
    		credentials [email protected] {
    			username [email protected]
    			password <app_passowrd>
    		messaging email provider gmail {
    			protocol smtp
    			credentials [email protected]
    			sender [email protected] "My Auth Portal"
    		authentication portal myportal {
    			enable source ip tracking
    			cookie lifetime 86400
    			crypto default token lifetime 3600
    			crypto key sign-verify <redacted>
    			cookie domain
    			backend local /config/caddy/users.json local
    			transform user {
    				match roles registered
    				require mfa
    			registration {
    				dropbox /config/caddy/registrations.json
    				title "User Registration"
    				code "Test"
    				require domain mx
    				email provider gmail
  • question: skip kid ckeck option?

    question: skip kid ckeck option?

    A clear and concise description of what you want to accomplish.

    I am trying to authenticate to an (apparently) broken oauth2 server which does not provide the kid in the id_token.

    The error in the logs is this:

    {"level":"warn","ts":1647959353.70759,"logger":"security","msg":"Authentication failed","session_id":"lbcuPQRrdw8Sdwi7jCuohVyiLsViBe8wXoPGY0zsGrylm","request_id":"759dd92c-3464-4568-9dc8-6e90ffd6b93b","error":"failed validating OAuth 2.0 access token: OAuth 2.0 failed to parse id_token: OAuth 2.0 kid not found in id_token"}

    I have verified the id_token (by enabling debug in the caddy config), it does not contain the kid - see the id_token header below:

      "typ": "JWT",
      "alg": "RS256"

    PS: Github and gitlab configurations are working just fine, but I do get the kid in their id_token. PPS: I also had a look on #48 and tried required_token_fields access_token with no luck. I get the same error.

  • question: how to skip the ui an go straight to OIDC provider login page

    question: how to skip the ui an go straight to OIDC provider login page

    A clear and concise description of what you want to accomplish.

    Hi, can we configure the plugin to skip the UI portal and directly redirect the unauthenticated user to OIDC provider login page?


  • breakfix: Access token set without expiry, still gets 401, and doesn't redirect to provided auth url

    breakfix: Access token set without expiry, still gets 401, and doesn't redirect to provided auth url

    Describe the issue

    After logging in at, the auth portal sets a cookie without a Max-Age or expires attribute set, meaning it only lives as long as the session. Example set-cookie header in the response of /oauth2/github/authorization-code-callback?code=OAUTH_CODE... after logging in with github:

    set-cookie: access_token=eyJhbGciOiJI....;; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly;

    Also, the access token itself doesn't seem to work at all with my current configuration, and I get a 401 on the example domain of this config, with error logs like:

    {"level":"debug","ts":1642792571.8178122,"logger":"security","msg":"token validation error","session_id":"cO9Fu3cuNuNg5ufIugXgZphXU5MSzEFhfByBX0ojPb8","request_id":"26a2f6a9-51fb-4be8-92ac-85f40eefbfd5","error":"token validator: invalid token: keystore: failed to parse token"}
    {"level":"error","ts":1642792571.8178322,"logger":"http.handlers.authentication","msg":"auth provider returned error","provider":"authorizer","error":"user authorization failed"}

    and it just redirects to, rather than redirecting to as I'd expect.

    My very very similar config previously using caddy-authorize and caddy-auth-portal worked fine, I've basically just moved around the attributes to be inline with how the new config format looks, and I used the jumpcloud config as my example.


            order authorize before basicauth
            email {$CF_EMAIL}
            auto_https ignore_loaded_certs
            security {
                    authentication portal mainportal {
                            crypto default token lifetime 2419200
                            crypto key sign-verify {$CADDY_AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET}
                            cookie domain {$DOMAIN}
                            backend local {$CADDY_AUTH_USERS_PATH} local
                            backend github {$CADDY_GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID} {$CADDY_GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET}
                            transform user {
                                    exact match sub
                                    action add role authp/admin
                                    action add role superadmin
                            transform user {
                                    match email [email protected]
                                    action add role authp/admin
                                    action add role superadmin
                    authorization policy mainpolicy {
                            set auth url https://auth.{$DOMAIN}
                            allow roles admin superadmin authp/admin
                            crypto key verify {$CADDY_AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET}
    (cf_tls) {
            tls {
                    issuer zerossl {
                            dns cloudflare {$CF_API_TOKEN}
    auth.{$DOMAIN} {
            import cf_tls
            route {
                    authenticate * with mainportal
    (protected_route) {
            {args.0}.{$DOMAIN} {
                    import cf_tls
                    authorize with mainpolicy
                    route {
                            reverse_proxy {args.1}
    import protected_route sonarr sonarr:8989
    // ...

    Version Information

    Should be latest everything, just pulled a few minutes ago with this docker image:

    FROM caddy:2-builder AS builder
    RUN xcaddy build \
        --with \
    FROM caddy:2
    COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/caddy /usr/bin/caddy
  • question: inject headers from userinfo object

    question: inject headers from userinfo object

    @greenpau, thank you for your awesome work!

    Everything seems to be working correctly talking to a quaint oauth2 server.

    To have a complete and useful setup, there is one piece of the puzzle that is left for me and that is how do I inject custom headers to downstream from the userinfo object.

    And of course, I would really like to be able to use those details in the caddy auth policies.

    In my setup I currently use vouch to get additional information from the userinfo object.

    I have attempted inject header "X-Custom-Projects" from projects with no success (I get no error either, but I don't seem to get the new header).

    I do see two additional headers when I add inject headers with claims to the config, unfortunately that is not quite enough for my setup.

    Also inject header "X-Custom-Roles" from roles works (although I get the caddy-secutiry roles, not the ones in the userInfo object).

    Below is an example of userInfo:

        "sub": "37",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "email_verified": true,
        "name": "john.doe.developer",
        "preferred_username": "john.doe.developer",
        "zoneinfo": "Europe\\/Berlin",
        "profile": {},
        "display_name": "John Doe",
        "groups": [
        "departments": [
        "projects": [
        "services": [
        "roles": [
  • feature: LDAP support for GLAuth schema

    feature: LDAP support for GLAuth schema

    Thank you for this awesome project, unfortunately I am having some issues with getting it to run with an LDAP backend:

    Describe the issue

    An attempt to log in over Caddy Security with an LDAP backend consisting of glauth-ui for management and glauth ( as the LDAP provider fails with right credentials. The credentials were succesfully used by other means of connecting to glauth


    Paste full Caddyfile below:

    (Domain names and unrelated services cut out)

      email   [...]
      security {
        authentication portal myportal {
          crypto default token lifetime 3600
          crypto key sign-verify [...]
          backends {
            ldap_backend {
              method ldap
              realm [...]
              servers {
                ldap://login_system_glauth_1:389 ignore_cert_errors posix_groups
              attributes {
                name givenname
                surname sn
                username name
                #member_of primarygroup #memberOf
                email mail
              username "CN=[...],DC=[...],DC=[...],OU=[...]"
              password "[...]"
              search_base_dn "DC=[...],DC=[...],OU=[...]"
              search_filter "(|(name=%s)(mail=%s))"
              groups {
                "CN=people,OU=[...],DC=[...],DC=[...]" people
                "CN=5501,OU=[...],DC=[...],DC=[...]" people2
          cookie domain [...]
          ui {
            links {
              "My Website (super secret)" [...]/foo
              "My Identity" "/whoami"
        authorization policy mypolicy {
          set auth url /auth/
          crypto key sign-verify [...]
          allow roles people people2
    [...]:443/* {
      #Protected super secret part of website
      redir /foo /foo/
      handle_path /foo/* {
        route {
          authorize with mypolicy
        respond * "foobar website" 200
      handle {
        route /auth* {
          authenticate * with myportal
        #unprotected landing page
        reverse_proxy nginx:80

    Version Information

    Provide output of caddy list-modules -versions | grep git below:

    Caddy version is v2.4.6 running in docker. Above command yields no results with grep git. Without it it looks like

      Standard modules: 83
    http.authentication.providers.authorizer v1.0.6
    http.handlers.authenticator v1.0.6
    security v1.0.6
      Non-standard modules: 3
      Unknown modules: 0

    Expected behavior

    A successful login

    Additional context

    Caddy logs:

    [Note: User entry follows]
    caddy_1  | {"level":"debug","ts":1643228260.8880885,"logger":"security","msg":"LDAP dialer setup succeeded","server":"ldap://login_system_glauth_1:389"}
    caddy_1  | {"level":"debug","ts":1643228260.8909764,"logger":"security","msg":"LDAP binding succeeded","server":"ldap://login_system_glauth_1:389"}
    caddy_1  | {"level":"debug","ts":1643228260.8923666,"logger":"security","msg":"LDAP search succeeded","server":"ldap://login_system_glauth_1:389","entry_count":0,"search_base_dn":"DC=[...],DC=DE,OU=[...]","search_user_filter":"(|(name=[foo])(mail=[foo]))","users":[]}
    caddy_1  | {"level":"debug","ts":1643228260.9456468,"logger":"security","msg":"user authorization sandbox","sandbox_id":"AGrfuqfC377A6TzZYt6mYPFlKR9gK3YF8b93QH11stXLMh","sandbox_secret":"Edtvxjl3AIukviHXjEjstxPimZRzFRgEdQgjKUPU","sandbox_partition":"","checkpoints":[{"name":"Authenticate with password","type":"password"}]}
    caddy_1  | {"level":"debug","ts":1643228260.9464517,"logger":"security","msg":"next user authorization checkpoint","session_id":"pAJ0OR8hQL5NuWH0638JbOpq7JozxxTp6zfjm7","request_id":"5ce045e3-cdb6-4c07-8940-a615318dca25","data":{"action":"auth","title":"Password Authentication","view":"password_auth"}}
    [Note: Password entry]
    caddy_1  | {"level":"debug","ts":1643228269.0140665,"logger":"security","msg":"user authorization sandbox","sandbox_id":"AGrfuqfC377A6TzZYt6mYPFlKR9gK3YF8b93QH11stXLMh","sandbox_secret":"Edtvxjl3AIukviHXjEjstxPimZRzFRgEdQgjKUPU","sandbox_partition":"password-auth","checkpoints":[{"name":"Authenticate with password","type":"password"}]}
    caddy_1  | {"level":"debug","ts":1643228269.0155284,"logger":"security","msg":"LDAP dialer setup succeeded","server":"ldap://login_system_glauth_1:389"}
    caddy_1  | {"level":"debug","ts":1643228269.01613,"logger":"security","msg":"LDAP binding succeeded","server":"ldap://login_system_glauth_1:389"}
    caddy_1  | {"level":"warn","ts":1643228269.0173078,"logger":"security","msg":"user authorization checkpoint failed","session_id":"pAJ0OR8hQL5NuWH0638JbOpq7JozxxTp6zfjm7","request_id":"3a4848b6-9f80-47c5-bca7-e8bab3a71cf2","error":"Password authentication failed. Please retry"}

    Structure of glauth users:

      name = "fbar"
      givenname = "foo
      sn = "bar"
      mail = "[email protected]"
      unixid = 5003
      primarygroup = 5501
      passsha256 = "foofoobarbar"
      otherGroups = [ 5551 ]

    glauth output:

    glauth_1      | 19:45:40.200821 Bind ▶ DEBU 025  "level"=6 "msg"="Bind request"  "basedn"="dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "binddn"="cn=[management user specified in Caddyfile],dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "src"={"IP":"","Port":38570,"Zone":""}
    glauth_1      | 19:45:40.201705 Bind ▶ DEBU 026  "level"=6 "msg"="Bind success"  "binddn"="cn=[management user specified in Caddyfile],dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "src"={"IP":"","Port":38570,"Zone":""}
    glauth_1      | 19:45:40.202217 Search ▶ DEBU 027  "level"=6 "msg"="Search request"  "basedn"="dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "binddn"="cn=[management user specified in Caddyfile],dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "filter"="(|(name=[foo])(mail=[foo]))" "scope"=2 "searchbasedn"="dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "src"={"IP":"","Port":38570,"Zone":""}
    glauth_1      | 19:45:40.203287 Search ▶ DEBU 028  "level"=6 "msg"="AP: Search OK"  "filter"="(|(name=[foo])(mail=[foo]))"
    glauth_1      | 19:45:44.544377 Bind ▶ DEBU 029  "level"=6 "msg"="Bind request"  "basedn"="dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "binddn"="cn=[management user specified in Caddyfile],dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "src"={"IP":"","Port":38572,"Zone":""}
    glauth_1      | 19:45:44.544462 Bind ▶ DEBU 02a  "level"=6 "msg"="Bind success"  "binddn"="cn=[management user specified in Caddyfile],dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "src"={"IP":"","Port":38572,"Zone":""}
    glauth_1      | 19:45:44.544891 Search ▶ DEBU 02b  "level"=6 "msg"="Search request"  "basedn"="dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "binddn"="cn=[management user specified in Caddyfile],dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "filter"="(|(name=nobody)(mail=nobody))" "scope"=2 "searchbasedn"="dc=[...],dc=de,ou=[...]" "src"={"IP":"","Port":38572,"Zone":""}
    glauth_1      | 19:45:44.545011 Search ▶ DEBU 02c  "level"=6 "msg"="AP: Search OK"  "filter"="(|(name=nobody)(mail=nobody))"
  • feature: add api key directive for user setup

    feature: add api key directive for user setup

    A clear and concise description of what you want the system to do.

    Add api key directive for user setup.

    Currently, there is no way to setup API key as part of user definition.

    What are the Caddyfile directives that need to be added.

    Add Caddyfile directive:

            security {
                    local identity store localdb {
                            realm local
                            path /etc/caddy/users.json
                            user jsmith {
                                    name John Smith
                                    email [email protected]
                                    password "bcrypt:10:$2a$10$dq8cptF.px6vu58EvfV.S.endhEsPz94u9ufusSAWeU.xagRJcSDi" overwrite
                                    roles authp/admin authp/user
                                    api key "MyKey" "bcrypt:10:$2a$10$qOZSVOxX4COg.owU1iRSAeGbNyAd0f372EiR7qARADv0xeac4Zzua"

    The above api key directive should create an entry similar to the below in /etc/caddy/users.json for jsmith user.

    "api_keys": [
        "id": "fRQV7eGqQYeXeLT9KtiNhHXHimSi9DfNTMrvcmQU",
        "prefix": "iGYv8a6e45ny0Y2x04hrvIAp",
        "usage": "api",
        "comment": "MyKey",
        "payload": "$2a$10$qOZSVOxX4COg.owU1iRSAeGbNyAd0f372EiR7qARADv0xeac4Zzua",
        "expired_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "created_at": "2022-12-29T20:38:12.154720627Z",
        "disabled_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
  • question: check JWT expiry

    question: check JWT expiry

    Hello! I have a use-case wherein I am looking to both verify and validate (expiry) a JWT on Caddy. I was wondering if there is a way to check if an incoming JWT is still valid or is expired. From what I understand, the Token Verification only verifies the signature (?) and while the ACLs seem to be a promising place for the token expiry validation, the documentation mentions no such capability within the "condition" block.

    An idea could be to support a comparison operator within the "condition" block and compare "exp" field to current time via placeholder {} and allow or deny request based on the result.

    Would greatly appreciate any inputs or direction with this. Thank you!

  • question: passkeys without the gate keepers

    question: passkeys without the gate keepers

    A clear and concise description of what you want to accomplish.

    Or passkeys without the key-keepers :)

    Passkeys are password less logins and I would like to support this

    hanko is a golang implementation that has a web gui template and allows you to have the passkeys saved on your server rather than the Apple, google, Microsoft gatekeepers .

    Banks are already starting to integrate this. It’s not perfect yet .

    Would be awesome if we could have this .

  • question: Use special claim from access token while using azure oauth

    question: Use special claim from access token while using azure oauth

    A clear and concise description of what you want to accomplish.

    I use Caddy for authorization with Azure Active directory. In the original access token I see a upn claim field that I want to use later in a header field (using: inject header "X-User" from upn). But it seems I cannot get access to the claim fields. How can I add more original claim fields to the access token information generated by Caddy?

  • allow a group as role option

    allow a group as role option

    use case

    the first attribute from a ldap groups dn is already the role attribute we want, eg: cn=Role1,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com

    suggested implementation

    instead of

    groups {
    	"ou=mathematicians,dc=example,dc=com" authp/admin
    	"ou=scientists,dc=example,dc=com" authp/user

    allow the config syntax

    groups auto_map

    the underlying code should then pull the first attribute from each retrieved ldap group into a role, eg:

    • "ou=mathematicians,dc=example,dc=com" –> mathematicians
    • "ou=scientists,dc=example,dc=com" –> scientists

    this can be done by extracting the text between the first '=' (equal) and the first ',' (comma) signs.


    for some people it might be better to pull the entire dn into a role, eg:

    • "ou=mathematicians,dc=example,dc=com" –> ou=mathematicians,dc=example,dc=com
    • "ou=scientists,dc=example,dc=com" –> ou=scientists,dc=example,dc=com

    allow the config syntax for this:

    groups auto_dn_map
manipulate WireGuard with OpenID Connect Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication(CIBA) Flow

oidc-wireguard-vpn manipulate WireGuard with OpenID Connect Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication(CIBA) Flow Requirements Linux WireGuard nftabl

Oct 7, 2022
an stateless OpenID Connect authorization server that mints ID Tokens from Webauthn challenges

Webauthn-oidc Webauthn-oidc is a very minimal OIDC authorization server that only supports webauthn for authentication. This can be used to bootstrap

Nov 6, 2022
Golang OpenID Connect Client

adhocore/goic GOIC, Go Open ID Connect, is OpenID connect client library for Golang. It supports the Authorization Code Flow of OpenID Connect specifi

Dec 27, 2022
An OpenID Connect reference implementation in Golang

oidc-go-client An OpenID Connect reference implementation in Golang Getting started First clone the repository: git clone

Dec 3, 2021
An implementation for an OpenID Connect Provider in Go.

oidc-go This is an implementation of an OpenID Connect Provider (OP) as defined by OpenID that is meant to be a full, production ready OP. Features: E

Oct 7, 2022
A cli to asist developers in development and testing locally against OpenId Connect.

oidc-cli oidc-cli assists developers in automating authorization flow for local development and testing purpose. Installation Download the program fro

Feb 7, 2022
Provides AWS STS credentials based on Google Apps SAML SSO auth with interactive GUI support
Provides AWS STS credentials based on Google Apps SAML SSO auth with interactive GUI support

What's this This command-line tool allows you to acquire AWS temporary (STS) credentials using Google Apps as a federated (Single Sign-On, or SSO) pro

Sep 29, 2022
Casdoor is a UI-first centralized authentication / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform based on OAuth 2.0 / OIDC.

A UI-first centralized authentication / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform based on OAuth 2.0 / OIDC

Dec 29, 2022
Server bridging Google's OAuth and service using Radius for authentication

Fringe Fringe is an easy workaround for Google Workplace users who need a Radius server to perform authentication on behalf of other services (e.g. 80

Mar 7, 2022
Example of a simple application which is powered by a third-party oAuth 2.0 server for it's authentication / authorization. Written in Golang.

go mod init go get go get go get

Jan 4, 2022
🔥 Golang Rest Api with basic JWT Authentication and Basic Crud Operations.

?? Golang Rest Api with basic JWT Authentication and Basic Crud Operations.

Oct 4, 2022
A Go library for doing header-based OAuth over HTTP or HTTPS.

Installation goinstall Usage import ( "" "os" ) func someFuncThatDoesStuffWithOAuth() (er

Sep 2, 2020
Go library providing in-memory implementation of an OAuth2 Authorization Server / OpenID Provider

dispans Go library providing in-memory implementation of an OAuth2 Authorization Server / OpenID Provider. The name comes from the Swedish word dispen

Dec 22, 2021
Goauth - Basic username password cookie based authentication with Go Lang

goauth [WIP] Basic username password cookie based authentication with Go Lang Overview Use a Postgres DB to store Sign-in and Sign-up info Redis for c

Jan 4, 2022
GOAuth An Oauth consumer Written in Go V 0.0.5

GOAuth ====== This is the source code repository for the GOAuth an OAuth consumer written on the Go programming language. Copyright 2010 The GOAuth

Feb 11, 2021
[NO LONGER MAINTAINED} oauth 2 server implementation in Go

hero hero is a feature rich oauth 2 server implementation in Go. Features User account management Client management oauth 2 rfc 6749 compliant Configu

Nov 18, 2022
OAuth 1.0a implementation in Go

Package oauth1a Summary An implementation of OAuth 1.0a in Go1. API reference Installing Run: go get Include in your source

Aug 23, 2022
OAuth 1.0 implementation in go (golang).

OAuth 1.0 Library for Go (If you need an OAuth 2.0 library, check out: Developing your own apps, with this libr

Nov 22, 2022
A library for performing OAuth Device flow and Web application flow in Go client apps.
A library for performing OAuth Device flow and Web application flow in Go client apps.

oauth A library for Go client applications that need to perform OAuth authorization against a server, typically Traditionally,

Dec 30, 2022