:key: Secure alternative to JWT. Authenticated Encrypted API Tokens for Go.


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branca is a secure alternative to JWT, This implementation is written in pure Go (no cgo dependencies) and implements the branca token specification.


Go 1.13+


go get -u github.com/hako/branca


package main

import (

func main() {
	b := branca.NewBranca("supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommit") // This key must be exactly 32 bytes long.
	// Encode String to Branca Token.
	token, err := b.EncodeToString("Hello world!")
	if err != nil {
    //b.SetTTL(3600) // Uncomment this to set an expiration (or ttl) of the token (in seconds).
    //token = "87y8daMzSkn7PA7JsvrTT0JUq1OhCjw9K8w2eyY99DKru9FrVKMfeXWW8yB42C7u0I6jNhOdL5ZqL" // This token will be not allowed if a ttl is set.
	// Decode Branca Token.
	message, err := b.DecodeToString(token)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println(err) // token is expired.
	fmt.Println(token) // 87y8da....
	fmt.Println(message) // Hello world!


Here are a few things that need to be done:

  • Remove cgo dependencies.
  • Move to a pure XChaCha20 algorithm in Go.
  • Add more tests than just acceptance tests.
  • Increase test coverage.
  • Additional Methods. (Encode, Decode []byte)
  • Performance benchmarks.
  • More comments, examples and documentation.


Contributions are welcome! Fork this repo and add your changes and submit a PR.

If you would like to fix a bug, add a feature or provide feedback you can do so in the issues section.

You can run tests by runnning go test. Running go test; go vet; golint is recommended.



Wesley Hill
software engineer & (hobbyist) animator. building @fullcycleapp and other things.
Wesley Hill
  • Export sentinel package errors

    Export sentinel package errors

    Before this PR, the only way to explicitly check which error occurred was to test against the actual string error message. This is a anti-pattern and comes with a high risk of breaking when the value gets changed in the library.

    To allow to check against the errors, this PR exports the types so they can be tested using the errors.Is(error, error) function from Go's errors package.

    A suggestion to implement this change was already requested in https://github.com/hako/branca/issues/5#issuecomment-416915978, but at the time of this commit a PR has not been submitted yet.

    This PR also includes 4 new tests to ensure the exported error types can be checked using errors.Is(error, error). The execution of the tests is way slower because the new TestExpiredTokenError test makes use of the time.Sleep(time.Duration) function with a value of 3 seconds in order to ensure the TTL of the token is expired, but unfortunately there is no other way to test this scenario.

  • Need a method to get the timestamp from a Token string

    Need a method to get the timestamp from a Token string

    I want to refresh tokens every other day before they expire, to do this I'll probably need to get a timestamp from the token string somehow. The decoder doesn't expose this information, I'm hoping you'll perhaps add a method to get the timestamp alongside the payload.

    maybe something like this

    type Token struct {
       Timestamp time.Time
       Payload string
    tkn, err := branca.DecodeToken(token) // -> Token, error
    // what I want to do
    if closeToExpiration(tkn.Timestamp) {
  • Usage of official chacha20poly1305 algorithm

    Usage of official chacha20poly1305 algorithm


    Your library is looking quite nice, but I noticed that you're using chacha20poly1305 from repository:

    • https://github.com/aead/chacha20poly1305

    Were you planning to use the official algorithm from:

    • https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305

    At least in your README example you're specifying the 32 byte key size, which would be the same as in the official algorithm. Aead's repository also recommends to use the official algorithm.

  • Move to a pure XChaCha20 algorithm in Go.

    Move to a pure XChaCha20 algorithm in Go.

    This will untie our cgo dependency to the libsodium library, a proposal is being made to add XChaCha20 to golang.org/x/crypto

    See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/23885

  • Fix index specification of slice

    Fix index specification of slice

    Hi, Fixed index specification of slice. token[0:29] and token[:29] have the same meaning, The code one line down was token[29:], so I thought it would be easier to understand if they were unified.

  • remove cgo dependency and gofmt, now in pure go.

    remove cgo dependency and gofmt, now in pure go.

    This PR removes libsodium-go. libsodium-go is a cgo based library which means you have to install libsodium to use branca.

    branca is now in pure go and is easily go gettable.

    go get github.com/hako/branca

    Until xchacha20 is in the stdlib, as per https://github.com/golang/go/issues/24485 aead/chacha20poly1305 will have to work for now.

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