Stupid Finalizers

Stupid Finalizers


go build


# List all objects blocked by a finalizer

# List all objects with finalizers
./finalizers --all



NAMESPACE   NAME                    APIVERSION                KIND                         FINALIZERS
p-nf5gh     creator-project-owner   ProjectRoleTemplateBinding   []
  • Add exclude window

    Add exclude window

    In order to use this library in automation it could be useful to exclude objects that have been deleted within a certain window. For instance if the longest time I can expect clean up functions to take is 4 hours, then I only want to list objects that have a deleted time older than 4 hours from now.

    • adds new ExcludeSinceWindow flag which accepts Time.Duration
    • IsDeleted() takes an excludes window
  • Bump sys module to fix darwin_arm64 build errors

    Bump sys module to fix darwin_arm64 build errors

    This currently fails to build on Apple Silicon-based Macs with an error along the lines of the following:

    /Users/nick/src/golang/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go:105:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    /Users/nick/src/golang/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go:121:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    /Users/nick/src/golang/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go:121:3: too many errors

    Bumping the sys module fixes the issue and builds successfully.

  • Add initial goreleaser to create plugin binary

    Add initial goreleaser to create plugin binary

    Adds initial bits to publish as a Kubernetes plugin using goreleaser and krew.

    Action is triggered when a release is cut (vX.Y.Z), goreleaser runs and uploads the archives.

    If you're interested in this, then I'd be happy to submit a PR to the krew index to start making this available

    Resolves #3

  • finalizers isn't namespace aware

    finalizers isn't namespace aware

    listing all finalizers works fine (via -a)

    finalizers -a | grep logging
    logging            datadir-scylladb-0                                                     v1                               PersistentVolumeClaim   []
    logging            datadir-scylladb-1                                                     v1                               PersistentVolumeClaim   []
    logging            datadir-scylladb-2                                                     v1                               PersistentVolumeClaim   []

    but filtering on a specific namespace doesn't work

    finalizers -n logging
  • finalizers as kubectl plugin (via krew)

    finalizers as kubectl plugin (via krew)

    for now it's only required to renaming the finalizers binary to kubectl-finalizers to work/use finalizers via kubectl (as plugin).

    kubectl finalizers -a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
    NAMESPACE          NAME                                                                   APIVERSION                       KIND                    FINALIZERS                                                              
                                             APIService              [foregroundDeletion]                                                    
                                                  APIService              [foregroundDeletion]                                                    
    logging            datadir-scylladb-0                                                     v1                               PersistentVolumeClaim   []                                          
    logging            datadir-scylladb-1                                                     v1                               PersistentVolumeClaim   []                                          
    logging            datadir-scylladb-2                                                     v1                               PersistentVolumeClaim   []
                       csi-005fbe019be01aabd67884654875863a4f1a916ebf96765cdc6f1b2e240xxxx                VolumeAttachment        [external-attacher/cinder-csi-openstack-org]                                                                             
                       csi-01b1f2dd04c217cbd1a09cc10d054ba2d76cda59b7a20dbafc7235dd7867xxxx                VolumeAttachment        [external-attacher/cinder-csi-openstack-org]                                                                             
                       csi-051607d95569d169cde631f8f2d9441dd0d5cd145452c14da6c2c8e36325xxxx                VolumeAttachment        [external-attacher/cinder-csi-openstack-org]

    Do you agree with the preparation of the code to fulfill all the requirements for a kubectl plugin?

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