Generate type-safe Go converters by simply defining an interface


a "type-safe Go converter" generator

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goverter is a tool for creating type-safe converters. All you have to do is create an interface and execute goverter. The project is meant as alternative to jinzhu/copier that doesn't use reflection.


  • Automatic conversion of builtin types (house example), this includes:
    • slices, maps, named types, primitive types, pointers
    • structs with same fields
  • Extend parts of the conversion with your own implementation: Docs
  • Optional return of an error: Docs
  • Awesome error messages: mismatch type test
  • No reflection in the generated code


  1. Create a go modules project if you haven't done so already

    $ go mod init module-name
  2. Add goverter as dependency to your project

    $ go get
  3. Create your converter interface and mark it with a comment containing goverter:converter


    package example
    // goverter:converter
    type Converter interface {
      Convert(source []Input) []Output
    type Input struct {
      Name string
      Age int
    type Output struct {
      Name string
      Age int
  4. Run goverter:

    $ go run module-name-in-full
    # example
    $ go run
  5. goverter created a file at ./generated/generated.go, it may look like this:

    package generated
    import simple ""
    type ConverterImpl struct{}
    func (c *ConverterImpl) Convert(source []simple.Input) []simple.Output {
      simpleOutputList := make([]simple.Output, len(source))
      for i := 0; i < len(source); i++ {
        simpleOutputList[i] = c.simpleInputToSimpleOutput(source[i])
      return simpleOutputList
    func (c *ConverterImpl) simpleInputToSimpleOutput(source simple.Input) simple.Output {
      var simpleOutput simple.Output
      simpleOutput.Name = source.Name
      simpleOutput.Age = source.Age
      return simpleOutput


Rename converter

With goverter:name you can set the name of the generated converter struct.


// goverter:converter
// goverter:name RenamedConverter
type BadlyNamed interface {
    // .. methods


type RenamedConverter struct {}

func (c *RenamedConverter) ...

Extend with custom implementation

With goverter:extend you can instruct goverter to use an implementation of your own. You can pass multiple function names to goverter:extend, or define the tag multiple times.

See house example sql.NullString


// goverter:converter
// goverter:extend IntToString
type Converter interface {
    Convert(Input) Output
type Input struct {Value int}
type Output struct {Value string}

// You must atleast define a source and target type. Meaning one parameter and one return.
// You can use any type you want, like struct, maps and so on.
func IntToString(i int) string {
    return fmt.Sprint(i)

Reuse generated converter

If you need access to the generated converter, you can define it as first parameter.

func IntToString(c Converter, i int) string {
    // c.DoSomething()..
    return fmt.Sprint(i)


Sometimes, custom conversion may fail, in this case goverter allows you to define a second return parameter which must be type error.

// goverter:converter
// goverter:extend IntToString
type Converter interface {
    Convert(Input) (Output, error)

type Input struct {Value int}
type Output struct {Value string}

func IntToString(i int) (string, error) {
    if i == 0 {
        return "", errors.New("zero is not allowed")
    return fmt.Sprint(i)

Note: If you do this, methods on the interface that'll use this custom implementation, must also return error as second return.

Struct field mapping

With goverter:map you can map fields on a struct that have the same type but different names.

goverter:map takes 2 parameters.

  1. source field name
  2. target field name
// goverter:converter
type Converter interface {
    // goverter:map Name FullName
    Convert(source Input) Output

type Input struct {
    Name string
    Age int
type Output struct {
    FullName string
    Age int

Struct ignore field

With goverter:ignore you can ignore fields on the target struct

goverter:ignore takes multiple field names separated by space .

// goverter:converter
type Converter interface {
    // goverter:ignore Age
    Convert(source Input) Output

type Input struct {
    Name string
type Output struct {
    Name string
    Age int


goverter use SemVer for versioning the cli.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Logo by MariaLetta

Jannis Mattheis
Self-taught programmer with great interest in code quality.
Jannis Mattheis
  • Flatten nested fields

    Flatten nested fields

    Have you read the project readme?

    • [x] Yes, but it does not include related information regarding my question.
    • [ ] Yes, but the steps described do not work.
    • [ ] Yes, but I am having difficulty understanding it and want clarification.

    Describe your question

    If I want to map the following scenario, do I need to go custom or is there a way to do that using goverter:map ? I basically want to flatten the nested Address field at the root of APIPerson.

    // goverter:converter
    type Converter interface {
    	ConvertPerson(source Person) APIPerson
    type Person struct {
    	Name    string
    	Address Address
    type Address struct {
    	Civic  string
    	Street string
    	City   string
    type APIPerson struct {
    	Name   string
    	Civic  string
    	Street string
    	City   string
  • How to generate output in same namespace as config?

    How to generate output in same namespace as config?

    Have you read the project readme?

    • [x] Yes, but it does not include related information regarding my question.

    Describe your question I have an situation that is maybe not-idiomatic, but we have some unique constraints.

    I need to generate files in the same directory/namespace as the goverter config. The file gets generated, but the generated file tries to import the current namespace, which obviously doesn't work.

    Is there some config/flag I can get goverter to detect it's working with a single namespace, and doesn't need to import itself?

    I forked goverter and mangled the runner_test.go and added a scenario that generates output in the same package as the imported models/extended methods, and it worked... which leads me to believe something in application bootstrapping is just assuming a namespace must always be imported?

    File structure is as follows:


    and I want to generate to:


    Error is as follows:

    -: import cycle not allowed: import stack: []
    // Code generated by, DO NOT EDIT.
    package button
    import (
    	models ""
    	""    // <--- don't need this, and references here should not require a namespace
  • feat: goverter:matchIgnoreCase to enable case-insensitive match for field names

    feat: goverter:matchIgnoreCase to enable case-insensitive match for field names

    This PR enables goverter:matchIgnoreCase: case insensitive comparison for field names. Reason: we use goverter to convert database objects from their models to a protobuf (for the database row to be sent out to other systems on write). Both model and protobuf structs are auto-generated (by go-jet and protoc), and there are lots of cases in which the the fields names only differ in casing: for example protoc converts proto name id to golang field Id while go-jet converts equivalent database column "id" as ID. There are many similar cases.

    We want to automate codegen for such conversions with minimal (ideally ZERO) human intervention. To reach that perfection, case-insensitive matching is needed. It is highly unlikely that either of the tools can auto-generate two fields on their own struct that only differ in casing (possible - but it is highly unlikely, hope that devs do not do so because it is simply a bad practice). If such case does happen (e.g. username and user_name => Username and UserName), then devs can solve the ambiguity using goverter:map or goverter:ignore, or avoid adding goverter:matchIgnoreCase.

    I though of limiting this feature to a specific interface only, rather than making it a 'global flag' because of its nature - it should be used "with care". I added code to handle special cases, including testing:

    • exact matches always preferred (even if ambiguity exists)
    • if target has two fields that only differ in casing and goverter:matchIgnoreCase is enabled, and both fields match to a single source - that is OK, source is replicated into both target fields
    • if target field can read from two source fields, and one of them is an exact match: it is OK - exact match is used as a source
    • if target field can read from two source fields, and none of them exact: it is not OK (error reported), devs can fix with explicit map or ignore
    • goverter:map is always case-sensitive (exact match)
    • goverter:ignore excludes field from being selected for case-insensitive match.
  • Converting struct with time.Time fields generate invalid converter

    Converting struct with time.Time fields generate invalid converter

    Describe the bug When generating a converter between two struct with time.Time fields, the generated converter doesn't compile.

    To Reproduce Here is the code to generate the issue

    //go:generate go run
    package simple
    import "time"
    // goverter:converter
    type Converter interface {
    	Convert(source []Input) []Output
    type Input struct {
    	Name     string
    	Birthday time.Time
    	Age      int
    type Output struct {
    	Name     string
    	Birthday time.Time
    	Age      int

    Expected behavior Since the source and destination types are both time.Time, I would expect a simple assignment to be done in the converter, but instead, I have a timeLocationToTimeLocation and timeTimeToTimeTime methods generated and trying to play with private fields of the time type.

  • feat: extend with external packages and name regexp

    feat: extend with external packages and name regexp

    Hey Jannis, thanks for building this wonderful tool!

    We would love to use the goverter in our projects in Outreach, and we already know we need to pass a LOT of extend methods in many places to enable custom conversions. The goal of this PR is to enable consolidation of multiple extend conversion methods in a set of dedicated 'packages', then passing this set as a one-line extend to the goverter by invoking goverter as a lib from inside our own codegen tool (or via goverter's command line - we have not decided yet).

    This PR enables external packages and name regexp usage in the extend statements.

    • extend with method name and external package goverter:extend
    • extend with method name regexp, external package (golang style regexp pattern) goverter:extend strconv:Parse.*
    • extend with method name regexp, local package goverter:extend MyStringTo.*
    • existing extend with name only did not change goverter:extend MyStringToInt
    • update readme with new examples
    • update unit tests to include sunny day and error conditions
    • allow extends to be provided via command line, very useful if goverter is invoked from another codegen, knowing that 99% of covered projects will always need set of conversion methods.
  • Passing Converter interface to mapExtend ?

    Passing Converter interface to mapExtend ?

    Have you read the project readme?

    • [X] Yes, but it does not include related information regarding my question.
    • [ ] Yes, but the steps described do not work.
    • [ ] Yes, but I am having difficulty understanding it and want clarification.

    Describe your question I'm wondering why there isn't the possibility to ask for the Converter interface when using mapExtend ?

    Taking the documentation exemple, this would give something like this :

    // goverter:converter
    type Converter interface {
        // goverter:mapExtend FullName ExtendFullName
        // goverter:mapExtend Age DefaultAge
        Convert(source Input) Output
    type Input struct {
        ID int
        FirstName string
        LastName string
    type Output struct {
        ID int
        FullName string
        Age int
    func ExtendFullName(c Converter, source Input) string {
        return source.FirstName + " " + source.LastName
    func DefaultAge() int { return 42 }

    This would perfectly solve my use case, but maybe there's another solution :

    // goverter:converter
    type Converter interface {
        // goverter:mapExtend Car ExtendCar
        Convert(source Input) Output
        ConvertBmwToCar(source *Bmw) *outputBmw
        ConvertFerrariToCar(source *Ferrari) *outputFerrari
    func ExtendCar(input *Input) []Car {
        // I need Converter here so that I can loop on Bmw and Ferrari's array of the Input struct and
        // call c.ConvertBmwToCar(input.Bmw[0]) || c.ConvertFerrariToCar(input.Ferrari[0])
    type Input struct {
    	Bmw    []*Bmw
    	Ferrari []*Ferrari
    type Car interface{}
    // implement Car
    type outputBmw struct{}
    // implement Car
    type outputFerrari struct{}
    type Output {
          Car []Car
  • feat: enable working directory

    feat: enable working directory

    This PR enables working directory support for all packages.Load call. It is required when running unit tests in isolated directories with their own go.mod files - in this case the packages.Load call must be executed inside that directory.

    This PR preserves the original ParseDocs method signature for back compat, introducing new DocsParser to process the comments.

    This PR also removes the use of go/importer package. It does not support the new go/modules well and both of its Import and ImportFrom methods are marked as deprecated. The is supposed to supersede the go/importer package, and it is already heavily used to parse docs and find convert methods, so there is no reason using the go/importer anymore. Moreover, there is no need to re-parse sources ... so I updated code to store the scope on the Converter itself.

  • Add goverter:mapExtend

    Add goverter:mapExtend

    Hi Jannis, here's a start - parsing. Comments?

    I think the name mapExtend is fine, as Extend lines up with the "external" // goverter:extend, and it's a mapping. You could call it mapFunction but then you've got Extend verses Function.

    Also I added in a feature for limiting the tests that are run, I could remove this later if you don't like it. I'd remove the spew module before release.

  • Self import when output is in same package

    Self import when output is in same package

    When overriding the package and output the resulting generated code imports it's own package for custom implementations.

    See example project: When the generate stage runs, the resulting code contains a self import error:

    // Code generated by, DO NOT EDIT.
    package converter
    import converter ""
    type DeviceConverterImpl struct{}
    func (c *DeviceConverterImpl) ConvertToOutput(source converter.Input) converter.Output {
    	var converterOutput converter.Output
    	converterOutput.Name = source.Name
    	converterOutput.Time = converter.timeToTime(source.Time)
    	return converterOutput
  • Goverter:ignore Not Respected When Converter Handles Pointers

    Goverter:ignore Not Respected When Converter Handles Pointers

    Describe the bug The //goverter:ignore comment on the interface method is not respected when the input and output types are pointers. This causes an error to be thrown that the field does not exist on the source when generating a converter for pointer types, even thought the field has been marked as ignored.

    I've been looking at the generated code to try and trace down where the instruction is getting dropped, it looks like the internal converter function that is being generated with the case of a pointer to pointer conversion that is named {package}{T1}To{package}{T2} (e.g. govertertestInPetToGoverterTestOutPet) is what is skipping over the ignore instructions.

    To Reproduce

    package govertertest
    type InPet struct {
    	Name        string
    	Description string
    type OutPet struct {
    	ID          string
    	Name        string
    	Description string
    // This converter generates correctly, with the ID field being ignored
    // goverter:converter
    type PetConverter interface {
    	// goverter:ignore ID
    	Convert(in InPet) OutPet
    // This converter causes an error to be thrown
    // goverter:converter
    type PetPrtConverter interface {
    	// goverter:ignore ID
    	Convert(in *InPet) *OutPet

    Expected behavior The ignore field(s) annotation should be respected for pointer conversions the same way that it is handled for regular conversions.

  • How to avoid `go vet copylocks` warnings?

    How to avoid `go vet copylocks` warnings?

    Have you read the project readme?

    • [x] Yes, but it does not include related information regarding my question.
    • [ ] Yes, but the steps described do not work.
    • [ ] Yes, but I am having difficulty understanding it and want clarification.

    Describe your question A clear and concise description of what the question is. Include errors and go source files.

    How to avoid go vet copylocks warnings?


    // goverter:converter
    type Converter interface {
    	Convert(source []Input) []Output
    // generated gRPC code
    type Input struct {
    	state         protoimpl.MessageState
    	sizeCache     protoimpl.SizeCache
    	unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
    	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`
    type Output struct {
    	Name string
    goverter -ignoreUnexportedFields ./example/simple

    generated.go image

    call of ***** copies lock value: ***** contains contains sync.Mutex

    I want to use pointer. image

  • Support `mapExtend` with more usage

    Support `mapExtend` with more usage


    1. mapExtend can not support pass pointer type of source as parameter
    2. mapExtend may support pass particular field of source as parameter
    // goverter:converter
    type Converter interface {
    	// goverter:mapExtend FullName ExtendFullName
    	// goverter:mapExtend Age DefaultAge
    	Convert(source *Input) *Output
    	// goverter:mapExtend LastName FullName ExtendWithSpecName
    	ConvertMeta(source *Input) *OutputMeta
    type Input struct {
    	ID        int
    	FirstName string
    	LastName  string
    type Output struct {
    	ID       int
    	FullName string
    	Age      int
    type OutputMeta struct {
    	ID       int
    	FullName string
    func ExtendFullName(source *Input) string {
    	return source.FirstName + " " + source.LastName
    func DefaultAge() int { return 42 }
    func ExtendWithSpecName(name string) string {
    	return name + " Spec"

    Code generated

    // Code generated by, DO NOT EDIT.
    package generated
    import mapextend ""
    type ConverterImpl struct{}
    func (c *ConverterImpl) Convert(source *mapextend.Input) *mapextend.Output {
    	var pMapextendOutput *mapextend.Output
    	if source != nil {
    		mapextendOutput := c.mapextendInputToMapextendOutput(*source)
    		pMapextendOutput = &mapextendOutput
    	return pMapextendOutput
    func (c *ConverterImpl) ConvertMeta(source *mapextend.Input) *mapextend.OutputMeta {
    	var pMapextendOutputMeta *mapextend.OutputMeta
    	if source != nil {
    		mapextendOutputMeta := c.mapextendInputToMapextendOutputMeta(*source)
    		pMapextendOutputMeta = &mapextendOutputMeta
    	return pMapextendOutputMeta
    func (c *ConverterImpl) mapextendInputToMapextendOutput(source mapextend.Input) mapextend.Output {
    	var mapextendOutput mapextend.Output
    	mapextendOutput.ID = source.ID
    	mapextendOutput.FullName = mapextend.ExtendFullName(&source)
    	mapextendOutput.Age = mapextend.DefaultAge()
    	return mapextendOutput
    func (c *ConverterImpl) mapextendInputToMapextendOutputMeta(source mapextend.Input) mapextend.OutputMeta {
    	var mapextendOutputMeta mapextend.OutputMeta
    	mapextendOutputMeta.ID = source.ID
    	mapextendOutputMeta.FullName = mapextend.ExtendWithSpecName(source.LastName)
    	return mapextendOutputMeta
  • Proposal: generate conversion function by defining a type

    Proposal: generate conversion function by defining a type

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Currently we have to define an interface before generating the code:

    // goverter:converter
    type Converter interface {
      Convert(source []Input) []Output

    And the usage code looks like:

    output := &ConverterImpl{}.Convert(input)

    It's cool, but a little bit uncommon, because the &ConverterImpl{} looks redundant.

    Describe the solution you'd like We can generate conversion function by defining a type.

    For example, we define a type:

    // goverter:name Convert
    type _ func(source []Input) []Output

    This definition gives the tool enough information to generate the code. The generated code looks like:

    func Convert(source []Input) []Output{

    We can invoke the generated function without the redundant &ConverterImpl{} :

    output := Convert(input)
  • Support Nested Goverter Interface Definition

    Support Nested Goverter Interface Definition

    i suggest goverter can support nested interface definition, so that we can assign function into different module. it will be more clear definition.

    type StructA struct {
    	Value  string
    	Target TargetA
    type StructB struct {
    	Value  string
    	Target TargetB
    type TargetA struct {
    	TA string
    type TargetB struct {
    	TB string
    // goverter:converter
    type TargetConvertor interface {
    	// goverter:map TA TB
    	TargetAToTargetB(a TargetA) TargetB
    // goverter:converter
    type StructConvertor interface {
    	StructAToStructB(a StructA) StructB
  • interface level option inheritance

    interface level option inheritance

    Let's consider example based on code generated by grpc that adds 3 additional fields state, sizeCache and unknownFields to every generated structure. In case when I've defined interface that will translate multiple structures I have to repeat myself on every structure to ignore those fields and additionally matchIgnoreCase. It would be cool to be able to define ignore and matchIgnoreCase at the level of interface so that every method has them in common defined.

    Instead of:

    type Transformer interface {
     //goverter:ignore state
     //goverter:ignore sizeCache
     //goverter:ignore unknownFields
     Value(in.Struct1) out.Struct1
     //goverter:ignore state
     //goverter:ignore sizeCache
     //goverter:ignore unknownFields
     Value(in.Struct2) out.Struct2 
     //goverter:ignore state
     //goverter:ignore sizeCache
     //goverter:ignore unknownFields
     Value(in.Struct3) out.Struct3

    do this:

    //goverter:ignore state
    //goverter:ignore sizeCache
    //goverter:ignore unknownFields
    type Transformer interface {
     Value(in.Struct1) out.Struct1
     Value(in.Struct2) out.Struct2
     Value(in.Struct3) out.Struct3
  • Embedded structs

    Embedded structs

    I have the following scenario:

    package example
    // goverter:converter
    type Converter interface {
    	ConvertPerson(source *Person) *APIPerson
    type Address struct {
    	Street string
    	City   string
    type Person struct {
    	Name string
    type APIPerson struct {
    	Name   string
    	Street string
    	City   string

    How can I use goverter to map from a Person to an APIPerson?

    I am facing two problems:

    1. Mapping pointer values to non-pointer values
    2. Manually listing all embedded fields

    For (1) ideally I would like the target values to either be ignored or set to zero values if the source is nil. For (2) can I somehow map the fields in goverter without having to list them out one by one? I played with mapIdentity but it wasn't clear from the README if this applies to my situation, since it seems like the reverse.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Ignore missing fields by default

    Ignore missing fields by default

    Currently, fields to be ignored must be explicitly specified using a // goverter:ignore FieldName comment.


    However, in my case I want to ignore missing fields by default.

    Possible solutions I can think of:

    • A new comment, e.g. // goverter:ignoreAll
    • Allow regexp in the ignore names, e.g. // goverter:ignore To.* (in my case, I could do: // goverter:ignore .*
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