Go memcache client package


This is a memcache client package for the Go programming language. The following commands are implemented:

  • get (single key)
  • set, add, replace, append, prepend
  • delete
  • incr, decr


go get github.com/kklis/gomemcache

Depending on your environment configuration, you may need root (Linux) or administrator (Windows) access rights to run the above command.


  • Install gomemcache package (as described above).
  • Start memcached at before running the test.
  • On Unix start memcache socket listener: memcached -s /tmp/memcached.sock -a 0755
  • Run command: go test github.com/kklis/gomemcache

Warning: Test suite includes a test that flushes all memcache content.

Note: On systems that don't support Unix sockets (like Microsoft Windows) TestDial_UNIX will fail.

Example usage

  • Go to $GOPATH/src/github.com/kklis/gomemcache/example/
  • Compile example with: go build example.go
  • Run the binary
  • Incompatible with go get './...'

    Incompatible with go get './...'

     $ go get -v './...'
    github.com/kklis/gomemcache (download)
    package github.com/kklis/gomemcache
        imports github.com/kklis/gomemcache
        imports github.com/kklis/gomemcache: no Go source files in $GOPATH/src/github.com/kklis/gomemcache

    The repo root should actually be the content of src/github.com/kklis/gomemcache/ and src/github.com/kklis/gomemcache_example/ should be at example/

  • update for next go release, Go 1

    update for next go release, Go 1

    Go now disallows return without arguments when any of the output parameters have been shadowed. Here's a small patch to fix the one case of that in gomemcache.

  • get multi support

    get multi support

    hey Krzysztof,

    i've build support for gets with multiple keys.

    additionally, i changed pretty much of the test code and did some refactorings.

    cheers, Arbo

  • Add support for darner message queue

    Add support for darner message queue

    Darner message queue usues memcache protocol. https://github.com/wavii/darner

    It supports transactional reads, for example:

    val, fl, err := memc.Get("task/open")
    // Perform job
    _, _, _ = memc.Get("task/close")

    This PR fixes ReadError that raises because server response doesn't have "/open" suffix in key name.

    Key "task/open" != "task" in server response.


    telnet *** 22133
    Escape character is '^]'.
    get task/peek
    VALUE task 0 24
    get task/open
    VALUE task 0 24
    get task/close
  • Tcp unix support

    Tcp unix support

    If you want to use this with UNIX domain socket, you can use like a following source code. On a UNIX domain socket, port is 0.

    mc, err := gomemcache.Connect("/path/to/memcached.sock", 0)
  • Too many arguments in call to net.Dial

    Too many arguments in call to net.Dial

    goinstall: === cd /root/go/src/pkg/github.com/kklis/gomemcache; gomake -f- install
    8g  -o _go_.8 memcache.go 
    memcache.go:60: too many arguments in call to net.Dial
    make: *** [_go_.8] Error 1
    --- exit status 2

    This should do it:

    -       conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "", addr)
    +       conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", addr)
  • Get(key) doesn't return NotFound on missing keys

    Get(key) doesn't return NotFound on missing keys

    Get(key) (at least w/ memcachedb) returns a ReadError on a missing key result.

    This patch clarifies the error if its a syntactically valid value-free (missing) result.

    Sigh.. Markdown has defeated me; Patch is available at http://s3.qwe.cc/patches/gomemcache.not_found.patch

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