go-macos-pkg was built out of a desire to generate and sign macOS pkgs on non-macOS OSs.



go-macos-pkg was built out of a desire to generate and sign macOS pkgs on non-macOS OSs.


  • Right now most of the heavy lifting is done by calling the xar and cpio utilities, as there aren't currently (2021) Go libraries that write xar or pre-SVR4 cpio files. The good news is those utilites are available on other OSs, unlike productsign/productbuild
  • Right now only payload-free (e.g. just runs postinstall) packages can be generated as that's all I currently need. It shouldn't be too hard for someone to add payload capabilities, though.


script := []byte("#!/bin/bash\necho 'hello, world!'\n")

pkg, err := macospkg.GeneratePkg("com.github.korylprince.go-macos-pkg", "1.0.0", script)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalln("could not generate pkg:", err)

// use Apple Developer ID Installer cert and key to sign
signed, err := macospkg.SignPkg(pkg, cert, key)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalln("could not sign pkg:", err)

if err = os.WriteFile("signed.pkg", signed, 0644); err != nil {
    log.Fatalln("could not write signed pkg:", err)
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