Scrape the web in the eink era. Convert websites into books.

❯ papeer get --format=epub --recursive --delay=500 --limit=10
[===============================================>--------------------] Chapters 7 / 10
[====================================================================] 1. Three ex-US intelligence officers admit hacking for UAE
[====================================================================] 2. Show HN: Time Travel Debugger
[====================================================================] 3. How much faster is Java 17?
[====================================================================] 4. The First Webcam Was Invented to Keep an Eye on a Coffee Pot
[====================================================================] 5. Nikon's 2021 Photomicrography Competition Winners
[====================================================================] 6. HTTP Status 418 – I'm a teapot
[====================================================================] 7. H3: Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system
[--------------------------------------------------------------------] 8. Automatic cipher suite ordering in Go’s crypto/tls
[--------------------------------------------------------------------] 9. Find engineering roles at over 800 YC-funded startups
[--------------------------------------------------------------------] 10. Futarchy: Robin Hanson on prediction markets
Ebook saved to "Hacker_News.epub"


From source

go get -u

From binary

On Linux / MacOS

# platform=darwin for MacOS
curl -L$platform-amd64 > papeer
chmod +x papeer
sudo mv papeer /usr/local/bin

On Windows

Download latest release.

Install kindlegen to export websites to MOBI (optional)

TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -t papeer-XXXXX)
curl -L > $TMPDIR/kindlegen.tar.gz
tar xzvf $TMPDIR/kindlegen.tar.gz -C $TMPDIR
chmod +x $TMPDIR/kindlegen
sudo mv $TMPDIR/kindlegen /usr/local/bin
rm -rf $TMPDIR


Browse the web in the eink era

  papeer [flags]
  papeer [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  get         Scrape URL content
  help        Help about any command
  ls          Print table of content
  version     Print the version number of papeer

  -d, --delay int         time to wait before downloading next chapter, in milliseconds (default -1)
  -f, --format string     file format [md, epub, mobi] (default "md")
  -h, --help              help for papeer
      --images            retrieve images only
  -i, --include           include URL as first chapter, in resursive mode
  -l, --limit int         limit number of chapters, in recursive mode (default -1)
  -o, --offset int        skip first chapters, in recursive mode
      --output string     output file
  -r, --recursive         create one chapter per natigation item
  -s, --selector string   table of content CSS selector, in resursive mode
      --stdout            print to standard output
  -t, --threads int       download concurrency, in recursive mode (default -1)

Use "papeer [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Execute this command in your current shell, or add it to your .bashrc.

. <(papeer completion bash)

Type papeer completion bash -h for more information.

You can replace bash by your own shell (zsh, fish or powershell).


  • cobra command line interface
  • go-readability extract content from HTML
  • html-to-markdown convert HTML to Markdown
  • go-epub convert HTML to EPUB
  • colly query HTML trees
  • uiprogress display progress bars
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