Innotop for MySQL 8 written in Go

Innotop Go

Innotop for MySQL 8 written in Go

Project started to learn Go and doing something useful (I hope).

Additionaly the official Innotop written in Perl became very hard to maintain.

Main Processlist Screen

Screenshot from 2021-04-06 18-57-56

InnoDB Dashboard

Screenshot from 2021-04-07 23-20-20

Memory Dashboard

Screenshot from 2021-04-10 13-16-26


Demo (0.1.1) on MacOS (thank you @datacharmer):


  • Add InnoDB Buffers information

    Add InnoDB Buffers information

    Add a new screen with InnoDB information like:

    • buffer pool (size and # , free pages, dirty pages, Hit Rate...)
    • page statistics (Reads, Writes, Created, read/sec, write/sec, create/sec)
    • Insert Buffers
    • AHI

    anything more ?

  • Locking Info Dashboard is not working

    Locking Info Dashboard is not working

    Hi Lefred,

    I have installed the innotopgo version 0.3 tool and it is very helpful

    I was testing all the available dashboards by creating the test scenarios, the locking info dashboard is not getting switched post giving the input as , also it is prompting to provide the thread_id as input, post giving the thread_id, it is failing to fetch the locking details

    please help to resolve this issue or let me know if I am missing something.

    PFA Screenshot 2021-10-27 at 6 14 33 PM ,

  • Update


    Updated the to include connection instructions for the application. On first use of the app, I expected something like innotop's connection, but had to look at the source code to find the mysql url. Providing this in the README will help prospective users (and may be later a --help/-h switch).

  • Add help lines to Makefile

    Add help lines to Makefile

    See the help using mmake

    $ mmake help
      build      Build executable in current OS
      fmt        format code (default)
      genall     Build all executables
      genlinux   Build Linux executable
      genmac     Build MacOS executable
      genwin     Build Windows executable
      lint       check code for best practices
      vet        Check code for correctness
  • Add a thread information Screen

    Add a thread information Screen

    Get all information possible for a thread.

    Check how to add the information returned by:

    select *, pps.PROCESSLIST_COMMAND AS command,
                                      pps.THREAD_ID AS thd_id, pps.PROCESSLIST_ID AS conn_id,
                                      conattr_pid.ATTR_VALUE AS pid, pps.PROCESSLIST_STATE AS state,
                                      if((pps.NAME in ('thread/sql/one_connection','thread/thread_pool/tp_one_connection')),
                                       replace(pps.NAME,'thread/','')) AS user,
                                      pps.PROCESSLIST_DB AS db, sys.format_statement(pps.PROCESSLIST_INFO) AS current_statement,
                                      if(isnull(esc.END_EVENT_ID), format_pico_time(esc.TIMER_WAIT),NULL) AS statement_latency,
                                      format_pico_time(esc.LOCK_TIME) AS lock_latency,
                                      if(isnull(esc.END_EVENT_ID),esc.TIMER_WAIT,0) AS sort_time
                                from (((((((performance_schema.threads pps
                                left join performance_schema.events_waits_current ewc
                                    on((pps.THREAD_ID = ewc.THREAD_ID)))
                                left join performance_schema.events_stages_current estc
                                    on((pps.THREAD_ID = estc.THREAD_ID)))
                                left join performance_schema.events_statements_current esc
                                    on((pps.THREAD_ID = esc.THREAD_ID)))
                                left join performance_schema.events_transactions_current etc
                                    on((pps.THREAD_ID = etc.THREAD_ID)))
                                left join sys.x$memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes mem
                                    on((pps.THREAD_ID = mem.thread_id)))
                                left join performance_schema.session_connect_attrs conattr_pid
                                    on(((conattr_pid.PROCESSLIST_ID = pps.PROCESSLIST_ID) and (conattr_pid.ATTR_NAME = '_pid'))))
                                left join performance_schema.session_connect_attrs conattr_progname
                                    on(((conattr_progname.PROCESSLIST_ID = pps.PROCESSLIST_ID)
                                    and (conattr_progname.ATTR_NAME = 'program_name'))))
                                where pps.PROCESSLIST_ID is not null
                                  and pps.PROCESSLIST_COMMAND <> 'Daemon'
                                  and user <> 'sql/event_scheduler'
                                order by sort_time desc                            

    We could also display the list of previous queries in a transaction

  • Keyboard buffer queue is not flushed

    Keyboard buffer queue is not flushed

    Currently, when you are in a different dashboard like or , if you press some keys that have a meaning in the Processlist (main dashboard), once you get back to it (<--) the first element out of the queue is processed and can lead you again to another dashboard, etc...

    I didn´t find the way to flush the keyboard queue, neither to workaround it.

  • Add a Transaction Screen

    Add a Transaction Screen

    Same a Proceslist but relate to Transaction, something like:

    History  Versions  Undo  Dirty Buf  Used Bufs  Txns  MaxTxnTime  LStrcts
          0                      0.00%     84.53%     5       01:16         
    ID   User  Host       Txn Status  Time   Undo  Query Text
    768  root  localhost  ACTIVE      01:16     1            
    769  root  localhost  ACTIVE      01:10     0 
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