Generate High Level Cloud Architecture diagrams using YAML syntax.


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A commandline tool that generate High Level microservice & serverless Architecture diagrams using a declarative syntax defined in a YAML file.


I prefer to think in terms of capabilities rather than specific vendor services.

  • "do we need a DNS?" instead of "do we need Route 53?"
  • "do we need a CDN?" instead of "do we need Cloudfront?"
  • "do we need a database? if yes? what type? Relational? No SQL" instead of "do we need Google Cloud Datastore?"_
  • "do we need some serverless function?" instead of "do we need an Azure Function"

...and so on.

How draft works?

draft takes in input a declarative YAML file and generates a dot script for Graphviz

draft backend-for-frontend.yml | dot -Tpng -Gdpi=200 > backend-for-frontend.png 

Piping the draft output to GraphViz dot you can generate different output formats:

format command
PNG draft input.yml | dot -Tpng > output.png
JPEG draft input.yml | dot -Tjpg > output.jpg
PostScript draft input.yml | dot -Tps >
SVG draft input.yml | dot -Tsvg > output.svg

To install GraphViz to your favorite OS, please, follow this link

Installation Steps

To build the binaries by yourself, assuming that you have Go installed, here the steps:

Clone the repo,

git clone

Move to the 'cmd' directory:

cd draft/cmd

Generate the static assets

go generate ../...

Build the binary tool

go build -o draft


The basic unit of each draft design is the component, has these attributes:

Name Required Scope Notes
id no used for the connecttions autogenerated if omitted (read more for details...)
kind yes identify the component type see all available kinds
provider no get the specific provider icon see using custom icons
label no text below the component icon can contain basic HTML tags
outline no tag to group components
impl no text above the icon can use this to specify the provider implementation
fontColor no the label text color hex color code - supports transparency too

Notes about a component id

  • you can define your component id explicitly (i.e. id: MY_SERVICE_A)
  • or you can omit the component id attribute and it will be autogenerated

How is auto-generated a component id?

An auto-generated component id has a prefix and a sequential number

  • the prefix is related to the component kind
    • examples waf1, ..., wafN or ser1, ..., serN etc.

List of all available kinds

Draft uses a set of symbols independent from the different providers (AWS, Microsoft Azure, GCP).

Below is a list of all the components currently implemented.


Sample YAML file examples/clients.yml.

draft -impl -verbose examples/clients.yml | dot -Gdpi=110 -Tpng > examples/clients.png



Sample YAML file examples/networking.yml.

draft -impl -verbose examples/networking.yml | dot -Gdpi=110 -Tpng > examples/networking.png



Sample YAML file examples/compute.yml.

draft -impl -verbose examples/compute.yml | dot -Gdpi=110 -Tpng > examples/compute.png



Sample YAML file examples/database.yml.

draft -impl -verbose examples/database.yml | dot -Gdpi=110 -Tpng > examples/database.png



Sample YAML file examples/storage.yml.

draft -impl -verbose examples/storage.yml | dot -Gdpi=110 -Tpng > examples/storage.png



Sample YAML file examples/security.yml.

draft -impl -verbose examples/security.yml | dot -Gdpi=110 -Tpng > examples/security.png


Using custom icons

Here how to render components with specific aws, google and azure icons.

  1. Download the PNG icons of your cloud provider AWS, GCP, Azure

  2. Take only the icons related to the components supported by draft

  3. Make a directory with the provider name (i.e. /draft/icons/aws, /draft/icons/google, /draft/icons/azure)

  4. Rename each icon as draft components kind (i.e. dns.png, cdn.png and so on...)

  5. Run draft specifyng the icons folder using the environment variable DRAFT_ICONS_PATH

  • example: DRAFT_ICONS_PATH=/draft/icons draft my-file.yml | dot > ark-aws.png

👉 I have already done all the work for points 1 to 4. So you can avoid it by copying the directory icons 👈


The arrows that join the components.

To connect an origin component with one or more targets component you need to specify at least each id.

A connection has the following properties:

Attribute Type Required What is it?
origin string yes id of the starting component
targets object yes one or more destinations

Each target has the following properties:

Attribute Type Required What is it?
id string yes target component id
label string no text on the connection
labeldistance float no distance of the label from the connection tail
labelangle float no determine the label position relative to the tail
minlen float no sets the minimum connection length
num int no usefult to track an order path on your graph
color string no label color (hex color string)
dashed bool no if true the connection line will be dashed
dir string no arrows direction (forward, back, both, none)
highlight bool no if true makes the arrow thicker

Sample YAML file examples/connections.yml.

draft examples/connections.yml | dot -Gdpi=110 -Tpng > examples/connections.png




👉 Record of all notable changes made to a project


👉 Collection of draft architecture descriptor YAML files

(c) 2020 Luca Sepe MIT License

Luca Sepe
𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙 - Golang | C | [Java]. Design multi-platform pipelines, web scrapers, data ingestion tools.
Luca Sepe
  • Installation steps

    Installation steps

    Hey! Can you list somewhere how to install it? I am not a Go user, so I don't know the ecosystem and package manager. I know there is a binary and packages for some distros on the release, but I didn't find how to do it manually from the source.

  • Building fails von MacOS BigSur

    Building fails von MacOS BigSur

    `go generate ../... /usr/local/Cellar/statik/0.23.0_3/libexec/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/ SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="? if entities is not (): usage: statik [-h] [-p PROJECT] [--quickstart] [--autogen] [-o OUTPUT] [--clear-output] [-s] [-w] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--no-browser] [--deploy {sftp,netlify}] [-v] [--quiet] [--fail-silently] [--no-colorlog] [--version] statik: error: argument -s/--safe-mode: ignored explicit argument 'rc=./assets' ../icon.go:3: running "statik": exit status 2

    which statik /usr/local/bin/statik `

  • Labels for all components and for connections

    Labels for all components and for connections

    What is the reasoning behind only supporting labels on a subset of the components? Would it be possible to extend label support to all of them?

    Additionally, could connections support labels as well?

  • No microsevices architecture diagram can be complete without some kind of stickman!

    No microsevices architecture diagram can be complete without some kind of stickman!

    Requesting the additional of a new kind or alteration of the cli kind to have a more visual representation of a user of the service i.e. the classic stickman

    _/ \_
  • Warning: using box for unknown shape cylinder

    Warning: using box for unknown shape cylinder

    Hey, this is a great idea for a tool!

    I've run into an issue while trying to create a database component. Using the following yml input:

    title: Title
    backgroundColor: '#ffffff'
        kind: database
        label: DB

    Throws a warning when I try to generate a png:

    $ draft issue.yml | dot -Tpng > repro.png
    Warning: using box for unknown shape cylinder

    The generated png shows the db component as a box instead of a cylinder: image

    I installed draft via something like

    go get -u
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    go install
    mv $GOPATH/bin/cmd $GOPATH/bin/draft

    Any idea what the issue could be here?

  • statik: add -f flag to override any existing statik.go

    statik: add -f flag to override any existing statik.go

    The install instructions include a 'go generate' step, but it fails b/c the statik.go already exists:

    vscode ➜ /workspace/cmd (fix_statik) $ go generate ../...
    file "statik/statik.go" already exists; use -f to overwrite
    ../icon.go:3: running "statik": exit status 1

    Not sure if you prefer to remove the step from the instructions, or add the -f flag per this PR.

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