The one-stop shop for most common Go functions


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The one stop shop for most common Go functions

Table of contents

Purpose of the project

Keeping things DRY for your projects. Set of most popular and frequently used helper functions making it easier to focus on the logic you want to implement rather than re-inventing the wheel ( and spending precious time going through StackOverflow ).

Available helpers

Class Function Description
Errors CheckForError(err error, msg ...string) (string) Checks for error and returns pre-formatted message with stack trace
Errors Trace() string Returns a formatted stack trace
Maps FlattenMap(nested map[string]interface{}, opts *FlattenOptions) (m map[string]interface{}, err error) Flattens provided map using customisation options
Maps UnflattenMap(flat map[string]interface{}, opts *FlattenOptions) (nested map[string]interface{}, err error) Unflattens provided map into nested map using customisation options
Slices ExistsInSlice(slice interface{}, value interface{}) bool Checks if value exists in slice
Slices RemoveFromSlice(slice interface{}, value interface{}) Removes value from slice
Slices RemoveFromSliceByIndex(slice interface{}, index int) Removes value from slice by index
Checks IsZero(v interface{}) bool Checks if value of anything passed is zero / empty / nil


If you have any suggestions or want to contribute to the project, please open an issue or create a pull request. Pull requests should contain test cases and documentation describing the added functionality.

Name of the project

It's one of the sweet names I use to call my wife. She's always full of ideas and able to help with absolutely everything.

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