Fully asynchronous, structured, pluggable logging for Go.


GoDoc Report Card

Logr is a fully asynchronous, contextual logger for Go.

It is very much inspired by Logrus but addresses two issues:

  1. Logr is fully asynchronous, meaning that all formatting and writing is done in the background. Latency sensitive applications benefit from not waiting for logging to complete.

  2. Logr provides custom filters which provide more flexibility than Trace, Debug, Info... levels. If you need to temporarily increase verbosity of logging while tracking down a problem you can avoid the fire-hose that typically comes from Debug or Trace by using custom filters.


entity description
Logr Engine instance typically instantiated once; used to configure logging.
lgr := &Logr{}
Logger Provides contextual logging via fields; lightweight, can be created once and accessed globally or create on demand.
logger := lgr.NewLogger()
logger2 := logger.WithField("user", "Sam")
Target A destination for log items such as console, file, database or just about anything that can be written to. Each target has its own filter/level and formatter, and any number of targets can be added to a Logr. Targets for syslog and any io.Writer are built-in and it is easy to create your own. You can also use any Logrus hooks via a simple adapter.
Filter Determines which logging calls get written versus filtered out. Also determines which logging calls generate a stack trace.
filter := &logr.StdFilter{Lvl: logr.Warn, Stacktrace: logr.Fatal}
Formatter Formats the output. Logr includes built-in formatters for JSON and plain text with delimiters. It is easy to create your own formatters or you can also use any Logrus formatters via a simple adapter.
formatter := &format.Plain{Delim: " | "}


// Create Logr instance.
lgr := &logr.Logr{}

// Create a filter and formatter. Both can be shared by multiple
// targets.
filter := &logr.StdFilter{Lvl: logr.Warn, Stacktrace: logr.Error}
formatter := &format.Plain{Delim: " | "}

// WriterTarget outputs to any io.Writer
t := target.NewWriterTarget(filter, formatter, os.StdOut, 1000)

// One or more Loggers can be created, shared, used concurrently,
// or created on demand.
logger := lgr.NewLogger().WithField("user", "Sarah")

// Now we can log to the target(s).
logger.Debug("login attempt")
logger.Error("login failed")

// Ensure targets are drained before application exit.


Fields allow for contextual logging, meaning information can be added to log statements without changing the statements themselves. Information can be shared across multiple logging statements thus allowing log analysis tools to group them.

Fields are added via Loggers:

lgr := &Logr{}
// ... add targets ...
logger := lgr.NewLogger().WithFields(logr.Fields{
  "user": user,
  "role": role})
logger.Info("login attempt")
// ... later ...
logger.Info("login successful")

Logger.WithFields can be used to create additional Loggers that add more fields.

Logr fields are inspired by and work the same as Logrus fields.


Logr supports the traditional seven log levels via logr.StdFilter: Panic, Fatal, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, and Trace.

// When added to a target, this filter will only allow
// log statements with level severity Warn or higher.
// It will also generate stack traces for Error or higher.
filter := &logr.StdFilter{Lvl: logr.Warn, Stacktrace: logr.Error}

Logr also supports custom filters (logr.CustomFilter) which allow fine grained inclusion of log items without turning on the fire-hose.

  // create custom levels; use IDs > 10.
  LoginLevel := logr.Level{ID: 100, Name: "login ", Stacktrace: false}
  LogoutLevel := logr.Level{ID: 101, Name: "logout", Stacktrace: false}

  lgr := &logr.Logr{}

  // create a custom filter with custom levels.
  filter := &logr.CustomFilter{}
  filter.Add(LoginLevel, LogoutLevel)

  formatter := &format.Plain{Delim: " | "}
  tgr := target.NewWriterTarget(filter, formatter, os.StdOut, 1000)
  logger := lgr.NewLogger().WithFields(logr.Fields{"user": "Bob", "role": "admin"})

  logger.Log(LoginLevel, "this item will get logged")
  logger.Debug("won't be logged since Debug wasn't added to custom filter")

Both filter types allow you to determine which levels require a stack trace to be output. Note that generating stack traces cannot happen fully asynchronously and thus add latency to the calling goroutine.


There are built-in targets for outputting to syslog, file, or any io.Writer. More will be added.

You can use any Logrus hooks via a simple adapter.

You can create your own target by implementing the Target interface.

An easier method is to use the logr.Basic type target and build your functionality on that. Basic handles all the queuing and other plumbing so you only need to implement two methods. Example target that outputs to io.Writer:

type Writer struct {
  out io.Writer

func NewWriterTarget(filter logr.Filter, formatter logr.Formatter, out io.Writer, maxQueue int) *Writer {
  w := &Writer{out: out}
  w.Basic.Start(w, w, filter, formatter, maxQueue)
  return w

// Write will always be called by a single goroutine, so no locking needed.
// Just convert a log record to a []byte using the formatter and output the
// bytes to your sink.
func (w *Writer) Write(rec *logr.LogRec) error {
  _, stacktrace := w.IsLevelEnabled(rec.Level())

  // take a buffer from the pool to avoid allocations or just allocate a new one.
  buf := rec.Logger().Logr().BorrowBuffer()
  defer rec.Logger().Logr().ReleaseBuffer(buf)

  buf, err := w.Formatter().Format(rec, stacktrace, buf)
  if err != nil {
    return err
  _, err = w.out.Write(buf.Bytes())
  return err


Logr has two built-in formatters, one for JSON and the other plain, delimited text.

You can use any Logrus formatters via a simple adapter.

You can create your own formatter by implementing the Formatter interface:

Format(rec *LogRec, stacktrace bool, buf *bytes.Buffer) (*bytes.Buffer, error)


When creating the Logr instance, you can add several handlers that get called when exceptional events occur:

Logr.OnLoggerError(err error)

Called any time an internal logging error occurs. For example, this can happen when a target cannot connect to its data sink.

It may be tempting to log this error, however there is a danger that logging this will simply generate another error and so on. If you must log it, use a target and custom level specifically for this event and ensure it cannot generate more errors.

Logr.OnQueueFull func(rec *LogRec, maxQueueSize int) bool

Called on an attempt to add a log record to a full Logr queue. This generally means the Logr maximum queue size is too small, or at least one target is very slow. Logr maximum queue size can be changed before adding any targets via:

lgr := logr.Logr{MaxQueueSize: 10000}

Returning true will drop the log record. False will block until the log record can be added, which creates a natural throttle at the expense of latency for the calling goroutine. The default is to block.

Logr.OnTargetQueueFull func(target Target, rec *LogRec, maxQueueSize int) bool

Called on an attempt to add a log record to a full target queue. This generally means your target's max queue size is too small, or the target is very slow to output.

As with the Logr queue, returning true will drop the log record. False will block until the log record can be added, which creates a natural throttle at the expense of latency for the calling goroutine. The default is to block.

Logr.OnExit func(code int) and Logr.OnPanic func(err interface{})

OnExit and OnPanic are called when the Logger.FatalXXX and Logger.PanicXXX functions are called respectively.

In both cases the default behavior is to shut down gracefully, draining all targets, and calling os.Exit or panic respectively.

When adding your own handlers, be sure to call Logr.Shutdown before exiting the application to avoid losing log records.

All team communication in one place, searchable and accessible anywhere.
  • Fixed plugin log attributes

    Fixed plugin log attributes


    Unless I am mistaken, this should fix field names for structured logs (...keyValuePair). I noticed it because the plugin logs appeared broken.

    Ticket Link


  • Add support for color output

    Add support for color output


    This PR adds color output for formatters that support it, i.e. the Plain text formatter.

    Draft until https://github.com/mattermost/logr/pull/12 is merged.

    Ticket Link


  • MM-27316 Add metrics to Mattermost Logr

    MM-27316 Add metrics to Mattermost Logr


    This PR adds metrics gathering to Logr. Metrics include queue sizes, queue capacities, logged records counts, and error counts. Metrics are provided by a new API: (*Logr).GetMetrics

    Ticket Link


  • Use params.Host over params.IP for syslog config

    Use params.Host over params.IP for syslog config


    A bug was reported where the params.Host config setting was ignored and only the deprecated params.IP was used. This PR ensures params.Host takes priority over IP.

    Ticket Link


  • export cfg factories

    export cfg factories


    The fields within config.Factories were not exported, making it impossible to create custom targets outside the Logr package. This PR exports those two fields.

    Ticket Link


  • fix metrics shutdown

    fix metrics shutdown


    This PR fixes an issue with metrics collector shutdown where unit test can cause the shutdown to happen more than once, causing a close of a closed channel.

    Ticket Link


  • Allow SetMetricsCollector to be called after init

    Allow SetMetricsCollector to be called after init


    Normally the metrics collector is provided via options when a Logr is instantiated. Sometimes the host application is not ready to create a metrics collector until later in the app start up. This PR allows the collector to be safely added after instantiation.

    Ticket Link

    In support of https://mattermost.atlassian.net/browse/MM-36764

  • Handle nil stringer field type

    Handle nil stringer field type


    When a logger field of type Stringer was used with a nil value it caused an error to be output. This PR fixes that output an empty string instead. Also added unit test to check this case.

    Ticket Link


  • Add support for Caller field

    Add support for Caller field


    This PR adds support for an optional Caller field output to logs. This is required for FocalBoard and Chat logging.

    e.g.: "caller":"test/load.go:54"

    Ticket Link


  • Fix build constraint

    Fix build constraint


    Fixes the build contraint (+build at top of file) due to the comma separated platforms causing the the platforms to be AND'ed, thus breaking the build for Windows.

    Tiny change - no reviewers needed.

    Ticket Link


  • Windows build failing due to Logr syslog dependency

    Windows build failing due to Logr syslog dependency


    Windows build was failing due to Logr syslog dependency since syslog is not supported on Windows. This PR fixes the issue by conditionally importing the syslog package for platforms that support it, and using a stub for unsupported platforms.

    Ticket Link


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