goRBAC provides a lightweight role-based access control (RBAC) implementation in Golang.


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goRBAC provides a lightweight role-based access control implementation in Golang.

For the purposes of this package:

* an identity has one or more roles.
* a role requests access to a permission.
* a permission is given to a role.

Thus, RBAC has the following model:

* many to many relationship between identities and roles.
* many to many relationship between roles and permissions.
* roles can have a parent role (inheriting permissions).


Currently, goRBAC has two versions:

Version 1 is the original design which will only be mantained to fix bugs.

Version 2 is the new design which will be continually mantained with a stable API.

The master branch will be under development with a new API and can be changed without notice.


Install the package:

$ go get github.com/mikespook/gorbac


Although you can adjust the RBAC instance anytime and it's absolutely safe, the library is designed for use with two phases:

  1. Preparing

  2. Checking


Import the library:

import "github.com/mikespook/gorbac"

Get a new instance of RBAC:

rbac := gorbac.New()

Get some new roles:

rA := gorbac.NewStdRole("role-a")
rB := gorbac.NewStdRole("role-b")
rC := gorbac.NewStdRole("role-c")
rD := gorbac.NewStdRole("role-d")
rE := gorbac.NewStdRole("role-e")

Get some new permissions:

pA := gorbac.NewStdPermission("permission-a")
pB := gorbac.NewStdPermission("permission-b")
pC := gorbac.NewStdPermission("permission-c")
pD := gorbac.NewStdPermission("permission-d")
pE := gorbac.NewStdPermission("permission-e")

Add the permissions to roles:


Also, you can implement gorbac.Role and gorbac.Permission for your own data structure.

After initialization, add the roles to the RBAC instance:


And set the inheritance:

rbac.SetParent("role-a", "role-b")
rbac.SetParents("role-b", []string{"role-c", "role-d"})
rbac.SetParent("role-e", "role-d")


Checking the permission is easy:

if rbac.IsGranted("role-a", pA, nil) &&
	rbac.IsGranted("role-a", pB, nil) &&
	rbac.IsGranted("role-a", pC, nil) &&
	rbac.IsGranted("role-a", pD, nil) {
	fmt.Println("The role-a has been granted permis-a, b, c and d.")

And there are some built-in util-functions: InherCircle, AnyGranted, AllGranted. Please open an issue for the new built-in requirement.


rbac.SetParent("role-c", "role-a")
if err := gorbac.InherCircle(rbac); err != nil {
	fmt.Println("A circle inheratance occurred.")


The most asked question is how to persist the goRBAC instance. Please check the post HOW TO PERSIST GORBAC INSTANCE for the details.



gofmt -w -r 'AssignPermission -> Assign' .
gofmt -w -r 'RevokePermission -> Revoke' .


Open Source - MIT Software License


  • Support parameterized RBAC

    Support parameterized RBAC

    It would be nice to support parameterized RBAC. This would allow the ability to define fine-grained roles and permissions to support things like object level permissions and roles.

    Here's a django implementation: https://github.com/dimagi/django-prbac

  • Question: multiple roles?

    Question: multiple roles?

    Just wanted to ask if you have any plans of supporting multiple roles in the permission check? For example by sending in a slice of roles. How will that work with the parenting system?

    According to the Wikipedia article on RBAC that seems like a common use case: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-based_access_control

  • Use casbin as a storage backend

    Use casbin as a storage backend

    Hi mikespook, I'm Yang Luo, the author of casbin. It is an authorization library that supports models like MAC, RBAC, ABAC.

    I'm lucky to find the gorbac project when searching authorization in Go:) Compared to gorbac, casbin is more low-level and doesn't provide a friendly RBAC interface as gorbac. But it provides permission storage via file, DB. And I found that currently gorbac's persistence is still not perfect. So what do you think of using casbin as a storage backend for gorbac? Of course it's better if you want to use it as the enforcement engine too. Looking forward to your reply.

  • Support returning error to AddPermission

    Support returning error to AddPermission

    I have a particular use case where errors may be introduced when performing an AddPermission. I would like to propose a list change to the interface from AddPermission(string) to AddPermission(string) error. Any thoughts?

  • Add

    Add "rank" and "description" fields for roles

    Hi!, For my project, i need two fields: rank and description. Rank is used for sort the roles in map without alter the name field of role (for example, show all roles sorted by rank to other administrators of a website). And "description" is used for info about of role (for example, for other administrators of a website know that makes each role.)

  • Error handling now done correctly

    Error handling now done correctly


    api:runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference github.com/mikespook/gorbac/permission.go:33 github.com/mikespook/gorbac/role.go:53 github.com/mikespook/gorbac/rbac.go:199 github.com/mikespook/gorbac/rbac.go:194 github.com/mikespook/gorbac/helper.go:78

  • Role Interface is way outdated

    Role Interface is way outdated

    type Role interface {
    	ID() string
    	Permit(Permission) bool

    This Interface should list all the methods StdRole struct has, otherwise we have to keep on doing typecasting. For example https://godoc.org/github.com/mikespook/gorbac#RBAC.Get method returns object of type Role. If you want to assign a permission to it, you have to first typecast to StdRole, as func Assign(...) is not listed in the above mentioned interface

    I feel this related issue was wrong closed https://github.com/mikespook/gorbac/issues/12

  • compile error

    compile error

    here are the error info

    go get github.com/mikespook/gorbac
    # github.com/mikespook/gorbac
    dev/golang/3rdLibs/src/github.com/mikespook/gorbac/role.go:107: p.Name undefined (type Permission has no field or method Name)
    dev/golang/3rdLibs/src/github.com/mikespook/gorbac/role.go:120: p.Name undefined (type Permission has no field or method Name)
    dev/golang/3rdLibs/src/github.com/mikespook/gorbac/role.go:126: rp.Has undefined (type Permission has no field or method Has)
    dev/golang/3rdLibs/src/github.com/mikespook/gorbac/role.go:144: p.Name undefined (type Permission has no field or method Name)
  • Multilevel permissions

    Multilevel permissions

    I am working on a API that involves interacting with models in a database. Users have either guest owner or admin roles on the data and have create, read, update and delete permissions on the data. Each of those is different for each model and each model only allows access to specific fields.

    Example: user model has full CRUD but only certain fields can be directly manipulated by owners and there are only read permissions on some minimal values for guest. How would I go about using gorbac for my use case?

  • SQL backed RBAC

    SQL backed RBAC

    Maybe this is possible and I am just not clear on how I would implement it. Is it possible for me to save/load my role and permission data out of a mysql database (or another type of DB)?

  • go test fails in windows

    go test fails in windows

    Error - c:\Data\Project\Go_workspace\src\github.com\mikespook\gorbac>go test


    C:\Data\Project\Go_workspace\src\github.com\mikespook\gorbac\rbac_test.go:5: import "github.com/mike spook/gorbac" while compiling that package (import cycle) FAIL github.com/mikespook/gorbac [build failed]

  • Deadlock when calling IsGranted from within Walk

    Deadlock when calling IsGranted from within Walk


    I wrote a simple function to test my use of the package and discovered that if one calls IsGranted from within the Walk handler function, the code hangs. Looking into the code it looks like a deadlock. Would it be possible to expose a non locking version of IsGranted (basically the existing private isGranted).

    Cheers, Shmul

  • why not return error when setting parents if there is a circle error

    why not return error when setting parents if there is a circle error

    Several advices:

    • SetParent, if you set 1 to a, then a == 1, but SetParent is more like AddParent
    • If there are some potential circle errors, they should be thrown immediately rather than at runtime
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