Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency


Copyright (c) 2014-2021 The Monero Project.
Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers.

Table of Contents

Development resources

  • Web:
  • Forum:
  • Mail: [email protected]
  • GitHub:
  • IRC: #monero-dev on Libera
  • It is HIGHLY recommended that you join the #monero-dev IRC channel if you are developing software that uses Monero. Due to the nature of this open source software project, joining this channel and idling is the best way to stay updated on best practices and new developments in the Monero ecosystem. All you need to do is join the IRC channel and idle to stay updated with the latest in Monero development. If you do not, you risk wasting resources on developing integrations that are not compatible with the Monero network. The Monero core team and community continuously make efforts to communicate updates, developments, and documentation via other platforms – but for the best information, you need to talk to other Monero developers, and they are on IRC. #monero-dev is about Monero development, not getting help about using Monero, or help about development of other software, including yours, unless it also pertains to Monero code itself. For these cases, checkout #monero.

Vulnerability response


The Monero Research Lab is an open forum where the community coordinates research into Monero cryptography, protocols, fungibility, analysis, and more. We welcome collaboration and contributions from outside researchers! Because not all Lab work and publications are distributed as traditional preprints or articles, they may be easy to miss if you are conducting literature reviews for your own Monero research. You are encouraged to get in touch with the Monero research community if you have questions, wish to collaborate, or would like guidance to help avoid unnecessarily duplicating earlier or known work.

The Monero research community is available on IRC in #monero-research-lab on Libera, which is also accessible via Matrix.


  • You can subscribe to an announcement listserv to get critical announcements from the Monero core team. The announcement list can be very helpful for knowing when software updates are needed.


The CLI wallet is available in different languages. If you want to help translate it, see our self-hosted localization platform, Weblate, on Every translation must be uploaded on the platform, pull requests directly editing the code in this repository will be closed. If you need help with Weblate, you can find a guide with screenshots here.  

If you need help/support/info about translations, contact the localization workgroup. You can find the complete list of contacts on the repository of the workgroup: monero-translations.


Type Status
Coverity Coverity Status
OSS Fuzz Fuzzing Status
Coveralls Coveralls Status
License License


Monero is a private, secure, untraceable, decentralised digital currency. You are your bank, you control your funds, and nobody can trace your transfers unless you allow them to do so.

Privacy: Monero uses a cryptographically sound system to allow you to send and receive funds without your transactions being easily revealed on the blockchain (the ledger of transactions that everyone has). This ensures that your purchases, receipts, and all transfers remain private by default.

Security: Using the power of a distributed peer-to-peer consensus network, every transaction on the network is cryptographically secured. Individual wallets have a 25-word mnemonic seed that is only displayed once and can be written down to backup the wallet. Wallet files should be encrypted with a strong passphrase to ensure they are useless if ever stolen.

Untraceability: By taking advantage of ring signatures, a special property of a certain type of cryptography, Monero is able to ensure that transactions are not only untraceable but have an optional measure of ambiguity that ensures that transactions cannot easily be tied back to an individual user or computer.

Decentralization: The utility of Monero depends on its decentralised peer-to-peer consensus network - anyone should be able to run the monero software, validate the integrity of the blockchain, and participate in all aspects of the monero network using consumer-grade commodity hardware. Decentralization of the monero network is maintained by software development that minimizes the costs of running the monero software and inhibits the proliferation of specialized, non-commodity hardware.

About this project

This is the core implementation of Monero. It is open source and completely free to use without restrictions, except for those specified in the license agreement below. There are no restrictions on anyone creating an alternative implementation of Monero that uses the protocol and network in a compatible manner.

As with many development projects, the repository on Github is considered to be the "staging" area for the latest changes. Before changes are merged into that branch on the main repository, they are tested by individual developers in their own branches, submitted as a pull request, and then subsequently tested by contributors who focus on testing and code reviews. That having been said, the repository should be carefully considered before using it in a production environment, unless there is a patch in the repository for a particular show-stopping issue you are experiencing. It is generally a better idea to use a tagged release for stability.

Anyone is welcome to contribute to Monero's codebase! If you have a fix or code change, feel free to submit it as a pull request directly to the "master" branch. In cases where the change is relatively small or does not affect other parts of the codebase, it may be merged in immediately by any one of the collaborators. On the other hand, if the change is particularly large or complex, it is expected that it will be discussed at length either well in advance of the pull request being submitted, or even directly on the pull request.

Supporting the project

Monero is a 100% community-sponsored endeavor. If you want to join our efforts, the easiest thing you can do is support the project financially. Both Monero and Bitcoin donations can be made to if using a client that supports the OpenAlias standard. Alternatively, you can send XMR to the Monero donation address via the donate command (type help in the command-line wallet for details).

The Monero donation address is: 888tNkZrPN6JsEgekjMnABU4TBzc2Dt29EPAvkRxbANsAnjyPbb3iQ1YBRk1UXcdRsiKc9dhwMVgN5S9cQUiyoogDavup3H (viewkey: f359631075708155cc3d92a32b75a7d02a5dcf27756707b47a2b31b21c389501; base address for restoring with address and viewkey: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A)

The Bitcoin donation address is: 1KTexdemPdxSBcG55heUuTjDRYqbC5ZL8H

Core development funding and/or some supporting services are also graciously provided by sponsors:

There are also several mining pools that kindly donate a portion of their fees, a list of them can be found on our Bitcointalk post.




If you want to help out, see CONTRIBUTING for a set of guidelines.

Scheduled software upgrades

Monero uses a fixed-schedule software upgrade (hard fork) mechanism to implement new features. This means that users of Monero (end users and service providers) should run current versions and upgrade their software on a regular schedule. Software upgrades occur during the months of April and October. The required software for these upgrades will be available prior to the scheduled date. Please check the repository prior to this date for the proper Monero software version. Below is the historical schedule and the projected schedule for the next upgrade. Dates are provided in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Software upgrade block height Date Fork version Minimum Monero version Recommended Monero version Details
1009827 2016-03-22 v2 v0.9.4 v0.9.4 Allow only >= ringsize 3, blocktime = 120 seconds, fee-free blocksize 60 kb
1141317 2016-09-21 v3 v0.9.4 v0.10.0 Splits coinbase into denominations
1220516 2017-01-05 v4 v0.10.1 v0.10.2.1 Allow normal and RingCT transactions
1288616 2017-04-15 v5 v0.10.3.0 v0.10.3.1 Adjusted minimum blocksize and fee algorithm
1400000 2017-09-16 v6 v0.11.0.0 v0.11.0.0 Allow only RingCT transactions, allow only >= ringsize 5
1546000 2018-04-06 v7 v0.12.0.0 v0.12.3.0 Cryptonight variant 1, ringsize >= 7, sorted inputs
1685555 2018-10-18 v8 v0.13.0.0 v0.13.0.4 max transaction size at half the penalty free block size, bulletproofs enabled, cryptonight variant 2, fixed ringsize 11
1686275 2018-10-19 v9 v0.13.0.0 v0.13.0.4 bulletproofs required
1788000 2019-03-09 v10 v0.14.0.0 v0.14.1.2 New PoW based on Cryptonight-R, new block weight algorithm, slightly more efficient RingCT format
1788720 2019-03-10 v11 v0.14.0.0 v0.14.1.2 forbid old RingCT transaction format
1978433 2019-11-30 v12 v0.15.0.0 v0.16.0.0 New PoW based on RandomX, only allow >= 2 outputs, change to the block median used to calculate penalty, v1 coinbases are forbidden, rct sigs in coinbase forbidden, 10 block lock time for incoming outputs
2210000 2020-10-17 v13 v0.17.0.0 v0.17.1.1 New CLSAG transaction format
2210720 2020-10-18 v14 v0.17.1.1 v0.17.1.7 forbid old MLSAG transaction format

X's indicate that these details have not been determined as of commit date.

* indicates estimate as of commit date

Release staging schedule and protocol

Approximately three months prior to a scheduled software upgrade, a branch from master will be created with the new release version tag. Pull requests that address bugs should then be made to both master and the new release branch. Pull requests that require extensive review and testing (generally, optimizations and new features) should not be made to the release branch.

Compiling Monero from source


The following table summarizes the tools and libraries required to build. A few of the libraries are also included in this repository (marked as "Vendored"). By default, the build uses the library installed on the system and ignores the vendored sources. However, if no library is found installed on the system, then the vendored source will be built and used. The vendored sources are also used for statically-linked builds because distribution packages often include only shared library binaries (.so) but not static library archives (.a).

Dep Min. version Vendored Debian/Ubuntu pkg Arch pkg Void pkg Fedora pkg Optional Purpose
GCC 5 NO build-essential base-devel base-devel gcc NO
CMake 3.5 NO cmake cmake cmake cmake NO
pkg-config any NO pkg-config base-devel base-devel pkgconf NO
Boost 1.58 NO libboost-all-dev boost boost-devel boost-devel NO C++ libraries
OpenSSL basically any NO libssl-dev openssl libressl-devel openssl-devel NO sha256 sum
libzmq 4.2.0 NO libzmq3-dev zeromq zeromq-devel zeromq-devel NO ZeroMQ library
OpenPGM ? NO libpgm-dev libpgm openpgm-devel NO For ZeroMQ
libnorm[2] ? NO libnorm-dev YES For ZeroMQ
libunbound 1.4.16 YES libunbound-dev unbound unbound-devel unbound-devel NO DNS resolver
libsodium ? NO libsodium-dev libsodium libsodium-devel libsodium-devel NO cryptography
libunwind any NO libunwind8-dev libunwind libunwind-devel libunwind-devel YES Stack traces
liblzma any NO liblzma-dev xz liblzma-devel xz-devel YES For libunwind
libreadline 6.3.0 NO libreadline6-dev readline readline-devel readline-devel YES Input editing
ldns 1.6.17 NO libldns-dev ldns libldns-devel ldns-devel YES SSL toolkit
expat 1.1 NO libexpat1-dev expat expat-devel expat-devel YES XML parsing
GTest 1.5 YES libgtest-dev[1] gtest gtest-devel gtest-devel YES Test suite
ccache any NO ccache ccache ccache ccache YES Compil. cache
Doxygen any NO doxygen doxygen doxygen doxygen YES Documentation
Graphviz any NO graphviz graphviz graphviz graphviz YES Documentation
lrelease ? NO qttools5-dev-tools qt5-tools qt5-tools qt5-linguist YES Translations
libhidapi ? NO libhidapi-dev hidapi hidapi-devel hidapi-devel YES Hardware wallet
libusb ? NO libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb libusb-devel libusbx-devel YES Hardware wallet
libprotobuf ? NO libprotobuf-dev protobuf protobuf-devel protobuf-devel YES Hardware wallet
protoc ? NO protobuf-compiler protobuf protobuf protobuf-compiler YES Hardware wallet
libudev ? No libudev-dev systemd eudev-libudev-devel systemd-devel YES Hardware wallet

[1] On Debian/Ubuntu libgtest-dev only includes sources and headers. You must build the library binary manually. This can be done with the following command sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev && cd /usr/src/gtest && sudo cmake . && sudo make then:

  • on Debian: sudo mv libg* /usr/lib/
  • on Ubuntu: sudo mv lib/libg* /usr/lib/

[2] libnorm-dev is needed if your zmq library was built with libnorm, and not needed otherwise

Install all dependencies at once on Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install build-essential cmake pkg-config libssl-dev libzmq3-dev libunbound-dev libsodium-dev libunwind8-dev liblzma-dev libreadline6-dev libldns-dev libexpat1-dev libpgm-dev qttools5-dev-tools libhidapi-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libudev-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-locale-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-serialization-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev ccache doxygen graphviz

Install all dependencies at once on openSUSE:

sudo zypper ref && sudo zypper in cppzmq-devel ldns-devel libboost_chrono-devel libboost_date_time-devel libboost_filesystem-devel libboost_locale-devel libboost_program_options-devel libboost_regex-devel libboost_serialization-devel libboost_system-devel libboost_thread-devel libexpat-devel libminiupnpc-devel libsodium-devel libunwind-devel unbound-devel cmake doxygen ccache fdupes gcc-c++ libevent-devel libopenssl-devel pkgconf-pkg-config readline-devel xz-devel libqt5-qttools-devel patterns-devel-C-C++-devel_C_C++

Install all dependencies at once on macOS with the provided Brewfile: brew update && brew bundle --file=contrib/brew/Brewfile

FreeBSD 12.1 one-liner required to build dependencies: pkg install git gmake cmake pkgconf boost-libs libzmq4 libsodium unbound

Cloning the repository

Clone recursively to pull-in needed submodule(s):

$ git clone --recursive

If you already have a repo cloned, initialize and update:

$ cd monero && git submodule init && git submodule update

Note: If there are submodule differences between branches, you may need to use git submodule sync && git submodule update after changing branches to build successfully.

Build instructions

Monero uses the CMake build system and a top-level Makefile that invokes cmake commands as needed.

On Linux and macOS

  • Install the dependencies

  • Change to the root of the source code directory, change to the most recent release branch, and build:

    cd monero
    git checkout release-v0.17

    Optional: If your machine has several cores and enough memory, enable parallel build by running make -j<number of threads> instead of make. For this to be worthwhile, the machine should have one core and about 2GB of RAM available per thread.

    Note: The instructions above will compile the most stable release of the Monero software. If you would like to use and test the most recent software, use git checkout master. The master branch may contain updates that are both unstable and incompatible with release software, though testing is always encouraged.

  • The resulting executables can be found in build/release/bin

  • Add PATH="$PATH:$HOME/monero/build/release/bin" to .profile

  • Run Monero with monerod --detach

  • Optional: build and run the test suite to verify the binaries:

    make release-test

    NOTE: core_tests test may take a few hours to complete.

  • Optional: to build binaries suitable for debugging:

    make debug
  • Optional: to build statically-linked binaries:

    make release-static

Dependencies need to be built with -fPIC. Static libraries usually aren't, so you may have to build them yourself with -fPIC. Refer to their documentation for how to build them.

  • Optional: build documentation in doc/html (omit HAVE_DOT=YES if graphviz is not installed):

    HAVE_DOT=YES doxygen Doxyfile
  • Optional: use ccache not to rebuild translation units, that haven't really changed. Monero's CMakeLists.txt file automatically handles it

    sudo apt install ccache

On the Raspberry Pi

Tested on a Raspberry Pi Zero with a clean install of minimal Raspbian Stretch (2017-09-07 or later) from If you are using Raspian Jessie, please see note in the following section.

  • apt-get update && apt-get upgrade to install all of the latest software

  • Install the dependencies for Monero from the 'Debian' column in the table above.

  • Increase the system swap size:

    sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile stop  
    sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile  
    sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile start
  • If using an external hard disk without an external power supply, ensure it gets enough power to avoid hardware issues when syncing, by adding the line "max_usb_current=1" to /boot/config.txt

  • Clone Monero and checkout the most recent release version:

    git clone
    cd monero
    git checkout tags/v0.17.1.0
  • Build:

    USE_SINGLE_BUILDDIR=1 make release
  • Wait 4-6 hours

  • The resulting executables can be found in build/release/bin

  • Add export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/monero/build/release/bin" to $HOME/.profile

  • Run source $HOME/.profile

  • Run Monero with monerod --detach

  • You may wish to reduce the size of the swap file after the build has finished, and delete the boost directory from your home directory

Note for Raspbian Jessie users:

If you are using the older Raspbian Jessie image, compiling Monero is a bit more complicated. The version of Boost available in the Debian Jessie repositories is too old to use with Monero, and thus you must compile a newer version yourself. The following explains the extra steps and has been tested on a Raspberry Pi 2 with a clean install of minimal Raspbian Jessie.

  • As before, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade to install all of the latest software, and increase the system swap size

    sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile stop
    sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
    sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile start
  • Then, install the dependencies for Monero except for libunwind and libboost-all-dev

  • Install the latest version of boost (this may first require invoking apt-get remove --purge libboost*-dev to remove a previous version if you're not using a clean install):

    tar xvfo boost_1_72_0.tar.bz2
    cd boost_1_72_0
    sudo ./b2
  • Wait ~8 hours

    sudo ./bjam cxxflags=-fPIC cflags=-fPIC -a install
  • Wait ~4 hours

  • From here, follow the general Raspberry Pi instructions from the "Clone Monero and checkout most recent release version" step.

On Windows:

Binaries for Windows are built on Windows using the MinGW toolchain within MSYS2 environment. The MSYS2 environment emulates a POSIX system. The toolchain runs within the environment and cross-compiles binaries that can run outside of the environment as a regular Windows application.

Preparing the build environment

  • Download and install the MSYS2 installer, either the 64-bit or the 32-bit package, depending on your system.

  • Open the MSYS shell via the MSYS2 Shell shortcut

  • Update packages using pacman:

    pacman -Syu
  • Exit the MSYS shell using Alt+F4

  • Edit the properties for the MSYS2 Shell shortcut changing "msys2_shell.bat" to "msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64" for 64-bit builds or "msys2_shell.cmd -mingw32" for 32-bit builds

  • Restart MSYS shell via modified shortcut and update packages again using pacman:

    pacman -Syu
  • Install dependencies:

    To build for 64-bit Windows:

    pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain make mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-boost mingw-w64-x86_64-openssl mingw-w64-x86_64-zeromq mingw-w64-x86_64-libsodium mingw-w64-x86_64-hidapi mingw-w64-x86_64-unbound

    To build for 32-bit Windows:

    pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain make mingw-w64-i686-cmake mingw-w64-i686-boost mingw-w64-i686-openssl mingw-w64-i686-zeromq mingw-w64-i686-libsodium mingw-w64-i686-hidapi mingw-w64-i686-unbound
  • Open the MingW shell via MinGW-w64-Win64 Shell shortcut on 64-bit Windows or MinGW-w64-Win64 Shell shortcut on 32-bit Windows. Note that if you are running 64-bit Windows, you will have both 64-bit and 32-bit MinGW shells.


  • To git clone, run:

    git clone --recursive


  • Change to the cloned directory, run:

    cd monero
  • If you would like a specific version/tag, do a git checkout for that version. eg. 'v0.17.1.0'. If you don't care about the version and just want binaries from master, skip this step:

    git checkout v0.17.1.0
  • If you are on a 64-bit system, run:

    make release-static-win64
  • If you are on a 32-bit system, run:

    make release-static-win32
  • The resulting executables can be found in build/release/bin

  • Optional: to build Windows binaries suitable for debugging on a 64-bit system, run:

    make debug-static-win64
  • Optional: to build Windows binaries suitable for debugging on a 32-bit system, run:

    make debug-static-win32
  • The resulting executables can be found in build/debug/bin

On FreeBSD:

The project can be built from scratch by following instructions for Linux above(but use gmake instead of make). If you are running Monero in a jail, you need to add sysvsem="new" to your jail configuration, otherwise lmdb will throw the error message: Failed to open lmdb environment: Function not implemented.

Monero is also available as a port or package as 'monero-cli`.

On OpenBSD:

You will need to add a few packages to your system. pkg_add cmake gmake zeromq libiconv boost.

The doxygen and graphviz packages are optional and require the xbase set. Running the test suite also requires py-requests package.

Build monero: env DEVELOPER_LOCAL_TOOLS=1 BOOST_ROOT=/usr/local gmake release-static

Note: you may encounter the following error when compiling the latest version of Monero as a normal user:

LLVM ERROR: out of memory
c++: error: unable to execute command: Abort trap (core dumped)

Then you need to increase the data ulimit size to 2GB and try again: ulimit -d 2000000

On NetBSD:

Check that the dependencies are present: pkg_info -c libexecinfo boost-headers boost-libs protobuf readline libusb1 zeromq git-base pkgconf gmake cmake | more, and install any that are reported missing, using pkg_add or from your pkgsrc tree. Readline is optional but worth having.

Third-party dependencies are usually under /usr/pkg/, but if you have a custom setup, adjust the "/usr/pkg" (below) accordingly.

Clone the monero repository recursively and checkout the most recent release as described above. Then build monero: gmake BOOST_ROOT=/usr/pkg LDFLAGS="-Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib" release. The resulting executables can be found in build/NetBSD/[Release version]/Release/bin/.

On Solaris:

The default Solaris linker can't be used, you have to install GNU ld, then run cmake manually with the path to your copy of GNU ld:

mkdir -p build/release
cd build/release
cmake -DCMAKE_LINKER=/path/to/ld -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../..
cd ../..

Then you can run make as usual.

Building portable statically linked binaries

By default, in either dynamically or statically linked builds, binaries target the specific host processor on which the build happens and are not portable to other processors. Portable binaries can be built using the following targets:

  • make release-static-linux-x86_64 builds binaries on Linux on x86_64 portable across POSIX systems on x86_64 processors
  • make release-static-linux-i686 builds binaries on Linux on x86_64 or i686 portable across POSIX systems on i686 processors
  • make release-static-linux-armv8 builds binaries on Linux portable across POSIX systems on armv8 processors
  • make release-static-linux-armv7 builds binaries on Linux portable across POSIX systems on armv7 processors
  • make release-static-linux-armv6 builds binaries on Linux portable across POSIX systems on armv6 processors
  • make release-static-win64 builds binaries on 64-bit Windows portable across 64-bit Windows systems
  • make release-static-win32 builds binaries on 64-bit or 32-bit Windows portable across 32-bit Windows systems

Cross Compiling

You can also cross-compile static binaries on Linux for Windows and macOS with the depends system.

  • make depends target=x86_64-linux-gnu for 64-bit linux binaries.
  • make depends target=x86_64-w64-mingw32 for 64-bit windows binaries.
    • Requires: python3 g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 wine1.6 bc
  • make depends target=x86_64-apple-darwin11 for macOS binaries.
    • Requires: cmake imagemagick libcap-dev librsvg2-bin libz-dev libbz2-dev libtiff-tools python-dev
  • make depends target=i686-linux-gnu for 32-bit linux binaries.
    • Requires: g++-multilib bc
  • make depends target=i686-w64-mingw32 for 32-bit windows binaries.
    • Requires: python3 g++-mingw-w64-i686
  • make depends target=arm-linux-gnueabihf for armv7 binaries.
    • Requires: g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf
  • make depends target=aarch64-linux-gnu for armv8 binaries.
    • Requires: g++-aarch64-linux-gnu
  • make depends target=riscv64-linux-gnu for RISC V 64 bit binaries.
    • Requires: g++-riscv64-linux-gnu
  • make depends target=x86_64-unknown-freebsd for freebsd binaries.
    • Requires: clang-8
  • make depends target=arm-linux-android for 32bit android binaries
  • make depends target=aarch64-linux-android for 64bit android binaries

The required packages are the names for each toolchain on apt. Depending on your distro, they may have different names.

Using depends might also be easier to compile Monero on Windows than using MSYS. Activate Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with a distro (for example Ubuntu), install the apt build-essentials and follow the depends steps as depicted above.

The produced binaries still link libc dynamically. If the binary is compiled on a current distribution, it might not run on an older distribution with an older installation of libc. Passing -DBACKCOMPAT=ON to cmake will make sure that the binary will run on systems having at least libc version 2.17.

Installing Monero from a package

DISCLAIMER: These packages are not part of this repository or maintained by this project's contributors, and as such, do not go through the same review process to ensure their trustworthiness and security.

Packages are available for

More info and versions in the Debian package tracker.

  • Arch Linux (via Community packages): monero

  • Void Linux:

    xbps-install -S monero
  • GuixSD

    guix package -i monero
  • Gentoo Monero overlay

    emerge --noreplace eselect-repository
    eselect repository enable monero
    emaint sync -r monero
    echo '*/*::monero ~amd64' >> /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords
    emerge net-p2p/monero
  • macOS (homebrew)

    brew install monero
  • Docker

    # Build using all available cores
    docker build -t monero .
    # or build using a specific number of cores (reduce RAM requirement)
    docker build --build-arg NPROC=1 -t monero .
    # either run in foreground
    docker run -it -v /monero/chain:/root/.bitmonero -v /monero/wallet:/wallet -p 18080:18080 monero
    # or in background
    docker run -it -d -v /monero/chain:/root/.bitmonero -v /monero/wallet:/wallet -p 18080:18080 monero
  • The build needs 3 GB space.

  • Wait one hour or more

Packaging for your favorite distribution would be a welcome contribution!

Running monerod

The build places the binary in bin/ sub-directory within the build directory from which cmake was invoked (repository root by default). To run in the foreground:


To list all available options, run ./bin/monerod --help. Options can be specified either on the command line or in a configuration file passed by the --config-file argument. To specify an option in the configuration file, add a line with the syntax argumentname=value, where argumentname is the name of the argument without the leading dashes, for example, log-level=1.

To run in background:

./bin/monerod --log-file monerod.log --detach

To run as a systemd service, copy monerod.service to /etc/systemd/system/ and monerod.conf to /etc/. The example service assumes that the user monero exists and its home is the data directory specified in the example config.

If you're on Mac, you may need to add the --max-concurrency 1 option to monero-wallet-cli, and possibly monerod, if you get crashes refreshing.



Using Tor

There is a new, still experimental, integration with Tor. The feature allows connecting over IPv4 and Tor simultaneously - IPv4 is used for relaying blocks and relaying transactions received by peers whereas Tor is used solely for relaying transactions received over local RPC. This provides privacy and better protection against surrounding node (sybil) attacks.

While Monero isn't made to integrate with Tor, it can be used wrapped with torsocks, by setting the following configuration parameters and environment variables:

  • --p2p-bind-ip on the command line or p2p-bind-ip= in monerod.conf to disable listening for connections on external interfaces.
  • --no-igd on the command line or no-igd=1 in monerod.conf to disable IGD (UPnP port forwarding negotiation), which is pointless with Tor.
  • DNS_PUBLIC=tcp or DNS_PUBLIC=tcp://x.x.x.x where x.x.x.x is the IP of the desired DNS server, for DNS requests to go over TCP, so that they are routed through Tor. When IP is not specified, monerod uses the default list of servers defined in src/common/dns_utils.cpp.
  • TORSOCKS_ALLOW_INBOUND=1 to tell torsocks to allow monerod to bind to interfaces to accept connections from the wallet. On some Linux systems, torsocks allows binding to localhost by default, so setting this variable is only necessary to allow binding to local LAN/VPN interfaces to allow wallets to connect from remote hosts. On other systems, it may be needed for local wallets as well.
  • Do NOT pass --detach when running through torsocks with systemd, (see utils/systemd/monerod.service for details).
  • If you use the wallet with a Tor daemon via the loopback IP (eg,, then use --untrusted-daemon unless it is your own hidden service.

Example command line to start monerod through Tor:

DNS_PUBLIC=tcp torsocks monerod --p2p-bind-ip --no-igd

A helper script is in contrib/tor/ It assumes Tor is installed already, and runs Tor and Monero with the right configuration.

Using Tor on Tails

TAILS ships with a very restrictive set of firewall rules. Therefore, you need to add a rule to allow this connection too, in addition to telling torsocks to allow inbound connections. Full example:

sudo iptables -I OUTPUT 2 -p tcp -d -m tcp --dport 18081 -j ACCEPT
DNS_PUBLIC=tcp torsocks ./monerod --p2p-bind-ip --no-igd --rpc-bind-ip \
    --data-dir /home/amnesia/Persistent/your/directory/to/the/blockchain


As of May 2020, the full Monero blockchain file is about 100 GB. One can store a pruned blockchain, which is about 30 GB. A pruned blockchain can only serve part of the historical chain data to other peers, but is otherwise identical in functionality to the full blockchain. To use a pruned blockchain, it is best to start the initial sync with --prune-blockchain. However, it is also possible to prune an existing blockchain using the monero-blockchain-prune tool or using the --prune-blockchain monerod option with an existing chain. If an existing chain exists, pruning will temporarily require disk space to store both the full and pruned blockchains.

For more detailed information see the 'Pruning' entry in the Moneropedia


This section contains general instructions for debugging failed installs or problems encountered with Monero. First, ensure you are running the latest version built from the Github repo.

Obtaining stack traces and core dumps on Unix systems

We generally use the tool gdb (GNU debugger) to provide stack trace functionality, and ulimit to provide core dumps in builds which crash or segfault.

  • To use gdb in order to obtain a stack trace for a build that has stalled:

Run the build.

Once it stalls, enter the following command:

gdb /path/to/monerod `pidof monerod`

Type thread apply all bt within gdb in order to obtain the stack trace

  • If however the core dumps or segfaults:

Enter ulimit -c unlimited on the command line to enable unlimited filesizes for core dumps

Enter echo core | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern to stop cores from being hijacked by other tools

Run the build.

When it terminates with an output along the lines of "Segmentation fault (core dumped)", there should be a core dump file in the same directory as monerod. It may be named just core, or core.xxxx with numbers appended.

You can now analyse this core dump with gdb as follows:

gdb /path/to/monerod /path/to/dumpfile`

Print the stack trace with bt

  • If a program crashed and cores are managed by systemd, the following can also get a stack trace for that crash:
coredumpctl -1 gdb

To run Monero within gdb:

Type gdb /path/to/monerod

Pass command-line options with --args followed by the relevant arguments

Type run to run monerod

Analysing memory corruption

There are two tools available:


Configure Monero with the -D SANITIZE=ON cmake flag, eg:

cd build/debug && cmake -D SANITIZE=ON -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../..

You can then run the monero tools normally. Performance will typically halve.


Install valgrind and run as valgrind /path/to/monerod. It will be very slow.


Instructions for debugging suspected blockchain corruption as per @HYC

There is an mdb_stat command in the LMDB source that can print statistics about the database but it's not routinely built. This can be built with the following command:

cd ~/monero/external/db_drivers/liblmdb && make

The output of mdb_stat -ea <path to blockchain dir> will indicate inconsistencies in the blocks, block_heights and block_info table.

The output of mdb_dump -s blocks <path to blockchain dir> and mdb_dump -s block_info <path to blockchain dir> is useful for indicating whether blocks and block_info contain the same keys.

These records are dumped as hex data, where the first line is the key and the second line is the data.

Known Issues



Because of the nature of the socket-based protocols that drive monero, certain protocol weaknesses are somewhat unavoidable at this time. While these weaknesses can theoretically be fully mitigated, the effort required (the means) may not justify the ends. As such, please consider taking the following precautions if you are a monero node operator:

  • Run monerod on a "secured" machine. If operational security is not your forte, at a very minimum, have a dedicated a computer running monerod and do not browse the web, use email clients, or use any other potentially harmful apps on your monerod machine. Do not click links or load URL/MUA content on the same machine. Doing so may potentially exploit weaknesses in commands which accept "localhost" and "".
  • If you plan on hosting a public "remote" node, start monerod with --restricted-rpc. This is a must.


Certain blockchain "features" can be considered "bugs" if misused correctly. Consequently, please consider the following:

  • When receiving monero, be aware that it may be locked for an arbitrary time if the sender elected to, preventing you from spending that monero until the lock time expires. You may want to hold off acting upon such a transaction until the unlock time lapses. To get a sense of that time, you can consider the remaining blocktime until unlock as seen in the show_transfers command.
  • Cryptonight variant 2

    Cryptonight variant 2

    Contains two modifications to improve ASIC resistance: shuffle and integer math.

    Shuffle makes use of the whole 64-byte cache line instead of 16 bytes only, making Cryptonight 4 times more demanding for memory bandwidth.

    Integer math adds 64:32 bit integer division followed by 64 bit integer square root, adding large and unavoidable computational latency to the main loop.

    More or less complete description of these changes and performance numbers are here:

    Discussion that preceded this pull request:

  • Idea for ASIC resistance

    Idea for ASIC resistance

    If ASICs are going to be a recurring problem, can you change the POW to maybe 5 or 10 different options every block based on the hash value of the previous block? That way the software could be changed in GPUs whereas ASICs would hopefully require different hardware for each POW if they are logically and/or mathematically independent enough. Even better would be if a POW could change a single variable to require a different ASIC, then the previous hash would be used to set the variable for the next block.

  • Subaddresses


    Note: This PR replaces #1753. Most importantly, the idea of disposable addresses was dropped, due to its potential danger of being misused by uneducated users which leads to on-chain tx linkability. See the relevant discussion here.

    GUI version

    1. Motivation

    Suppose you publish a Monero wallet address for donation on your Twitter/etc profile page. Furthermore, you have an anonymous identity for some secret project where you also want to receive donation in Monero. Because you don't want people to be able to associate you with that anonymous identity by Googling your address, you'd want to use separate wallet addresses for these two purposes. While you can easily do so by simply creating two wallets separately, you're going to spend twice the time for scanning the blockchain and need twice the storage for the wallet cache. And this cost grows in proportion to the number of additional wallet addresses you'd like to have.

    Another relevant scenario is when you want to buy Monero anonymously through ShapeShift. If you used the same Monero address repeatedly for multiple purchases, ShapeShift would know that the same person bought that much of Monero through those purchases (although they don't know your contact info as they don't require account registration). You can anonymize the process by creating a temporary wallet for every purchase and transferring the fund to your real wallet afterwards. This is doable, but clearly tedious.

    The scheme proposed in this PR provides an effective solution for such scenarios, where the recipient can create multiple wallet "subaddresses" that appear unrelated to each other to outside observers, and the recipient can recognize all incoming transfers to those subaddresses with almost no additional cost. Note that this scheme only introduces additional procedures for the wallet software to construct and interpret transactions, while not requiring any change in the consensus rule (thus requiring no hard fork).

    2. How it works cryptographically

    Suppose Bob's wallet address is (A, B) = (a*G, b*G) where a and b are his view and spend secret keys, respectively. Likewise, Alice's address is (X, Y) = (x*G, y*G). Bob is receiving Monero from Alice, but he wants to do so without using his real address (A, B) in order to prevent Alice from knowing that the recipient is him. In the above example with ShapeShift, Bob would be you and Alice would be ShapeShift.

    2.1. Generating a subaddress

    Bob generates his i-th subaddress (i=1,2,...) as a pair of public keys (C,D) where:

    m = Hs(a || i)
    M = m*G
    D = B + M
    C = a*D

    We call i the index of the subaddress. Note that (A,B) and (C,D) are unlinkable without the knowledge of the view secret key a. Bob then registers D to a hash table T stored in his wallet cache (akin to the aggregate addresses scheme):

    T[D] <- i

    To handle his main address in a unified way, Bob also registers B to the hash table:

    T[B] <- 0

    In other words, the index 0 is treated as a special case in this scheme representing the original standard address.

    2.2. Sending to a subaddress

    When Alice constructs a transaction that transfers some fund to a subaddress (C, D), she first chooses a random scalar s and generates a tx pubkey:

    R = s*D

    Note that the tx secret key r such that R = r*G is unknown to Alice because she doesn't know the secret key of D. She then computes an output pubkey for the destination:

    P = Hs(s*C)*G + D

    She finally computes an output pubkey to herself as her change:

    Q = Hs(x*R)*G + Y

    Importantly, without the knowledge of the tx secret key r as explained above, Alice can include her change output in the transaction only because she knows her own view secret key x. ~~In other words, only single-destination transfers are possible in this scheme, and multi-destination transfers (e.g. pool payouts) require the use of standard addresses.~~ (2017-08-01) Now this scheme supports multi-destination transfers by introducing additional tx keys.

    Also note that Alice can prove her payment to Bob by using s.

    2.3. Receiving by a subaddress

    Bob checks if an output pubkey P in a new transaction belongs to him or not by computing

    D' = P - Hs(a*R)*G

    and looking for D' in the hash table. If the transaction was indeed bound to Bob's subaddress (C,D), D' should equal to D because

    a*R = a*s*D
        = s*a*D
        = s*C

    Therefore, Bob should be able to find D' in the hash table:

    i <- T[D']

    and obtain the private key of P:

    p = { Hs(a*R) + b                   i == 0
        { Hs(a*R) + b + Hs(a || i)      otherwise

    2.4. Grouping subaddresses

    When sending funds to Bob's subaddress (C,D), Alice can choose to send the change to her i-th subaddress (X_i,Y_i) instead of her main address (X,Y) by replacing Y with Y_i when deriving the change's output pubkey:

    Q = Hs(x*R)*G + Y_i

    Using this scheme, it's now possible to maintain balances of subaddresses separately, making them virtually function as separate wallets. In order to maintain subaddresses in an organized manner, we propose a simple scheme of grouping subaddresses as follows: we define the index of subaddresses as a pair of indices (i,j) with i, the major index, representing a group of subaddresses (called an account) and j, the minor index, representing a particular subaddress within that account. Incoming transfers to subaddresses belonging to the same account (i,0), (i,1), ... are summed up to form a single balance, and any spending of those outputs will transfer the change to the base subaddress (i,0). The index (0,0) represents the original standard address.

    3. How it works in the CLI

    3.1. Synopsis

    Existing commands with updated syntax:

    address new <label text with white spaces allowed>
    address all
    address <index_min> [<index_max>]
    address label <index> <label text with white spaces allowed>
    balance [detail]
    show_transfers [in|out|pending|failed|pool] [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<min_height> [<max_height>]]
    incoming_transfers [available|unavailable] [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]]
    unspent_outputs [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<min_amount> [<max_amount>]]
    transfer [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<priority>] [<mixin_count>] <address> <amount> [<payment_id>]
    locked_transfer [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<priority>] [<mixin_count>] <addr> <amount> <lockblocks> [<payment_id>]
    donate [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<priority>] [<mixin_count>] <amount> [<payment_id>]
    sweep_all [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<mixin_count>] <address> [<payment_id>]
    sweep_below <amount_threshold> [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<mixin_count>] address [<payment_id>]

    New commands:

    account new <label text with white spaces allowed>
    account switch <index>
    account label <index> <label text with white spaces allowed>

    3.2. Managing accounts

    Initially, the wallet has only one account corresponding to the major index 0. The account index is indicated as the number after / in the command prompt:

    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: 

    You can create a new account by using the command account new:

    account new <label text with white spaces allowed>
    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: account new eBay selling   
            Account               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label
           0 9uPkEU        0.000000000000        0.000000000000               Default
           1 Bd2qqa        0.000000000000        0.000000000000          eBay selling
              Total        0.000000000000        0.000000000000
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: address
    0  Bd2qqam2EKc8NRzTYg9QPJZ81Ey1WRp1Bcnmjzf28K3edRyr1rcLbjiQZdR7tsuTUJBahi32RSDb1cuqsACaEDwGRMZ4Eaa  eBay selling

    Note the change of the address. The command account switch lets you switch between accounts:

    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: account switch 0
    Currently selected account: [0] Default
    Balance: 0.000000000000, unlocked balance: 0.000000000000
    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: address
    0  9uPkEUFcFujaw1YCDHhcvuUqQm9cGBBuu5KkGggFR9XMjQtXtFzUDbRU9oy4XYer9SeaSGAhtoT1xDsBuVDRqfg9GG2ji9U  Default

    The command account with no arguments shows the list of all the accounts along with their balances:

    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: account
            Account               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label
           0 9uPkEU        0.000000000000        0.000000000000               Default
           1 Bd2qqa        0.000000000000        0.000000000000          eBay selling
              Total        0.000000000000        0.000000000000

    At any time, the user operates on the currently selected account and specifies the minor index in various commands when necessary via the index parameter; i.e. in the following description, we use the term "index" to mean the minor index.

    3.3. Generating subaddresses

    The command address shows the "base" address at index=0 (which corresponds to the original standard address when the currently selected account is at index=0). The command address new lets you create a new address at one index beyond the currently existing highest index associated with this account. You can assign a label to the address if necessary:

    address new <label text with white spaces allowed>
    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: address new ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-08
    1  BZ9PfXYboScf2vs4EcnMBdT2dvzmE1hLnZixxnmAP2vs52jQiLTmDzTDhdwVyuBWMhCeiTxD4bVCJipsfmGxtBTwSq4HwAh  ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-08

    Note that this command is intended to be used for generating "throwaway" addresses; i.e. when you just want a fresh new address to receive funds to the currently selected account (e.g. when purchasing XMR through ShapeShift). If instead you want to maintain a separate balance associated with a new address, create a new account by the command account new.

    The commands address all and address <index_min> [<index_max>] show lists of addresses that have been generated so far:

    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: address all
    0  9uPkEUFcFujaw1YCDHhcvuUqQm9cGBBuu5KkGggFR9XMjQtXtFzUDbRU9oy4XYer9SeaSGAhtoT1xDsBuVDRqfg9GG2ji9U  Default
    1  BZ9PfXYboScf2vs4EcnMBdT2dvzmE1hLnZixxnmAP2vs52jQiLTmDzTDhdwVyuBWMhCeiTxD4bVCJipsfmGxtBTwSq4HwAh  ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-08
    2  BfhF533yqmNfxfgoDXK1411DYveWMU1xRQzMPPpHVrZgeoCoVrQ9GCjY1mvDQQaoiCZYhKhGVHLkm51cgZYfDUpt5Bw4ZgB  ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-09
    3  BhTfiQY1Xj6AKXPUtDbunJPmqrbkha5qvNgYoipp6L7FQ8KTDciDWjF3YQ5g2dCLNLjJoUEJKVeYt9Rpb8tgDzT36fSoS9D  
    4  BYoaHkHjFEY371Jq9fY9x9TJjaMeDXBYS9AfqCJ7SJoe5vuJLDPsyhU3RzDFNXKkEqBDqQMX1bDuUQbXKXctTGXY9ZgdGa1  ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-11
    5  BcxioZpKqYaZsSDHP6pmesaV7gMrPYxvHXsnkG5ceVGkasPR83cEJyvGNpckYvs2wP76HsM1KGo1mbEmmiburnCUT4aSEv1  ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-13
    6  BZzdxkqM8fJhZLATeyD3bd2cSrehGsANH4CgyJ4DBUamJAdyRTqkZ1W3kvN1UpzLz1iQU8XfEQUi15QyobFyMQVb3LDj4gZ  ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-17
    7  BYNUQQfEtg2gshraM8RPGvPUNbWcHHu33Tzhxy8ZrL7r7MYDkdPUCDFYxNawBNSAdjhKUCsiWjg5tQoReRMKGQ1fJS2QuEB  ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-21
    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: address 3 6
    3  BhTfiQY1Xj6AKXPUtDbunJPmqrbkha5qvNgYoipp6L7FQ8KTDciDWjF3YQ5g2dCLNLjJoUEJKVeYt9Rpb8tgDzT36fSoS9D  
    4  BYoaHkHjFEY371Jq9fY9x9TJjaMeDXBYS9AfqCJ7SJoe5vuJLDPsyhU3RzDFNXKkEqBDqQMX1bDuUQbXKXctTGXY9ZgdGa1  ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-11
    5  BcxioZpKqYaZsSDHP6pmesaV7gMrPYxvHXsnkG5ceVGkasPR83cEJyvGNpckYvs2wP76HsM1KGo1mbEmmiburnCUT4aSEv1  ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-13
    6  BZzdxkqM8fJhZLATeyD3bd2cSrehGsANH4CgyJ4DBUamJAdyRTqkZ1W3kvN1UpzLz1iQU8XfEQUi15QyobFyMQVb3LDj4gZ  ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-17

    ~~The command integrated_address also takes an optional argument to specify the index:~~ (2017-08-01) The integrated subaddresses format was dropped as subaddresses are expected to be replacing the role of payment IDs

    The command address label lets you set the label of an address:

    address label <index> <label text with white spaces allowed>
    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: address label 3 test test
    3  BhTfiQY1Xj6AKXPUtDbunJPmqrbkha5qvNgYoipp6L7FQ8KTDciDWjF3YQ5g2dCLNLjJoUEJKVeYt9Rpb8tgDzT36fSoS9D  test test

    Note that the label of the base address is treated as the label of the currently selected account. You can change account labels by using either address label or account label:

    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: address label 0 My home account  
    0  9uPkEUFcFujaw1YCDHhcvuUqQm9cGBBuu5KkGggFR9XMjQtXtFzUDbRU9oy4XYer9SeaSGAhtoT1xDsBuVDRqfg9GG2ji9U  My home account
    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: account label 1 My secret business account
            Account               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label
           0 9uPkEU        0.000000000000        0.000000000000       My home account
           1 Bd2qqa        0.000000000000        0.000000000000 My secret business account
              Total        0.000000000000        0.000000000000

    3.4. Checking funds and balances

    Here the wallet finds a few incoming transfers by some of its subaddresses (indicated by the major-minor index pairs):

    Height 949115, txid <2c9d55d65f67243f771729ecd93a089ca0fcde3451f5a7740a4df70d8240b95b>, 0.130000000000 XMR, idx 0/1
    Height 949115, txid <68ee8848bbb953e3a0bc8d3175e8724c3fb04cd2e49244c76d26d5b2fa2a6da2>, 0.020000000000 XMR, idx 0/0
    Height 949115, txid <01f3865e63613413f6de4d4cd2b2638b679aa604c06299ad4b562364afc8cf5a>, 0.110000000000 XMR, idx 0/1
    Height 949115, txid <b3bd13988448ef3bb95e6f3bf007f42ebc4f0d21346b6c4d45e42d53caa3e297>, 0.120000000000 XMR, idx 0/1
    Height 949115, txid <05a97709858358ec8bb008cc8ad7f70e35ec07219cc8744138473200bb9922ec>, 0.230000000000 XMR, idx 0/2
    Height 949115, txid <9a1527acdce60bbe38c8c7e9d3bfe894108d5b30eb630904a3b3afd5059b3344>, 0.210000000000 XMR, idx 0/2
    Height 949115, txid <6716c0707b4c198777adbcda6b630b6248ef07fb86d20ba4469dcf661f5b35ee>, 0.010000000000 XMR, idx 0/0
    Height 949115, txid <04bf1d9a5b8b3fe74d26bd068844f4709b22c92f6a3b5594f217c22df88f8184>, 0.030000000000 XMR, idx 0/0
    Height 949115, txid <02b76b48467a806c6e45ce6fdf59df3c694f857f450a450537a9769f911fee46>, 0.220000000000 XMR, idx 0/2
    Height 949116, txid <92f3b54a3044eddf3fd84742852f8a81b55e92055281c945bd7dee85e589ccc2>, 1.010000000000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949117, txid <d2617a1da91203247f8b904cf05906973cc9a64bff8d6ab4d956f22cb5d5271e>, 1.030000000000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949117, txid <441b07d91f64adf1b4f8350ca33902ed4aab306df3f66e1673d35a151186140c>, 1.020000000000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949126, txid <0f5fcd710b94e49b61fedf93de92b444021292fbffb57c281ee6952190dc0bbf>, 1.110000000000 XMR, idx 1/1
    Height 949126, txid <73a83e4de08d84d9d72c707c0406fcba92994a56feb42102e3ca7c3733613c5e>, 1.210000000000 XMR, idx 1/2
    Height 949126, txid <9bdba78cd150cf4027282cdabb5893c0c7fb4c0d8ddf0f9096598b4bea87af69>, 1.230000000000 XMR, idx 1/2
    Height 949126, txid <22e4ac8469654903da34ce06ab06840648338d9d9dfc3f59714777d7a5a5256b>, 1.120000000000 XMR, idx 1/1
    Height 949126, txid <36b14c61ad93c4a8d16f10d88525222391717d87099bb30cd8c3da6c90849818>, 1.130000000000 XMR, idx 1/1
    Height 949126, txid <99b7c48a24e44c3336dc0f4b884ad33e89668e4dd9c288c67e60ffea9506ed26>, 1.220000000000 XMR, idx 1/2
    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: account
            Account               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label
           0 9uPkEU        1.080000000000        1.080000000000       My home account
           1 Bd2qqa       10.080000000000       10.080000000000 My secret business account
              Total       11.160000000000       11.160000000000

    The command balance shows the total balance of all the funds received by all the addresses belonging to the currently selected account. You can see the details about how much funds are received by which address by providing an optional argument detail:

    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: balance
    Currently selected account: [0] My home account
    Balance: 1.080000000000, unlocked balance: 1.080000000000
    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: balance detail
    Currently selected account: [0] My home account
    Balance: 1.080000000000, unlocked balance: 1.080000000000
    Balance per address:
            Address               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label Outputs
           0 9uPkEU        0.060000000000        0.060000000000       My home account       3
           1 BZ9PfX        0.360000000000        0.360000000000 ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-08       3
           2 BfhF53        0.660000000000        0.660000000000 ShapeShift purchase on 2017-Jul-09       3
    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: account switch 1
    Currently selected account: [1] My secret business account
    Balance: 10.080000000000, unlocked balance: 10.080000000000
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: balance detail
    Currently selected account: [1] My secret business account
    Balance: 10.080000000000, unlocked balance: 10.080000000000
    Balance per address:
            Address               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label Outputs
           0 Bd2qqa        3.060000000000        3.060000000000 My secret business account       3
           1 BcGvNd        3.360000000000        3.360000000000                             3
           2 BgtuJh        3.660000000000        3.660000000000                             3

    Other commands for showing detailed information about funds have some changes of syntax:

    show_transfers [in|out|pending|failed|pool] [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<min_height> [<max_height>]]
    incoming_transfers [available|unavailable] [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]]
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: show_transfers index=0
      949116     in      03:34:43 AM       1.010000000000 92f3b54a3044eddf3fd84742852f8a81b55e92055281c945bd7dee85e589ccc2 0000000000000000 0 - 
      949117     in      03:35:30 AM       1.030000000000 d2617a1da91203247f8b904cf05906973cc9a64bff8d6ab4d956f22cb5d5271e 0000000000000000 0 - 
      949117     in      03:35:30 AM       1.020000000000 441b07d91f64adf1b4f8350ca33902ed4aab306df3f66e1673d35a151186140c 0000000000000000 0 - 
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: incoming_transfers index=1,2
                   amount   spent    unlocked  ringct    global index                                                               tx id      addr index
           1.110000000000       F    unlocked  RingCT          219516  <0f5fcd710b94e49b61fedf93de92b444021292fbffb57c281ee6952190dc0bbf>               1
           1.210000000000       F    unlocked  RingCT          219518  <73a83e4de08d84d9d72c707c0406fcba92994a56feb42102e3ca7c3733613c5e>               2
           1.230000000000       F    unlocked  RingCT          219520  <9bdba78cd150cf4027282cdabb5893c0c7fb4c0d8ddf0f9096598b4bea87af69>               2
           1.120000000000       F    unlocked  RingCT          219522  <22e4ac8469654903da34ce06ab06840648338d9d9dfc3f59714777d7a5a5256b>               1
           1.130000000000       F    unlocked  RingCT          219524  <36b14c61ad93c4a8d16f10d88525222391717d87099bb30cd8c3da6c90849818>               1
           1.220000000000       F    unlocked  RingCT          219526  <99b7c48a24e44c3336dc0f4b884ad33e89668e4dd9c288c67e60ffea9506ed26>               2

    3.5. Transferring funds

    The apparently unrelated subaddresses might get statistically linked if funds transferred to different subaddresses are used together as inputs in new transactions. For example, suppose Bob published two subaddresses (C1,D1) and (C2,D2) in different places, and Alice repeatedly transferred funds to these addresses not knowing that they both belong to Bob. If Bob repeatedly used outputs received by these subaddresses together as inputs in new transactions, Alice would notice multiple instances of transactions where each of the input ring signatures contains the output she created for the payments to these subaddresses. The probability of such transactions occurring by chance would be fairly low, so she can confidently guess that these subaddresses belong to the same person.

    To prevent this kind of potential risk of linkability, the wallet tries its best to avoid using outputs belonging to different subaddresses together as inputs in a new transaction. If there exist any subaddresses with enough unlocked balance for the requested transfer, the wallet chooses one randomly. If there is no such subaddress, the wallet uses the minimal number of subaddresses to cover the required amount while showing a warning message. You can also explicitly tell the wallet from which subaddresses the outputs should be picked by using an optional argument index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]:

    transfer [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<priority>] [<mixin_count>] <address> <amount> [<payment_id>]
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: balance detail
    Currently selected account: [1] My secret business account
    Balance: 10.080000000000, unlocked balance: 10.080000000000
    Balance per address:
            Address               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label Outputs
           0 Bd2qqa        3.060000000000        3.060000000000 My secret business account       3
           1 BcGvNd        3.360000000000        3.360000000000                             3
           2 BgtuJh        3.660000000000        3.660000000000                             3
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: transfer 9svHk1wHPo3ULf2AZykghzcye6sitaRE4MaDjPC6uanTHCynHjJHZaiAb922PojE1GexhhRt1LVf5DC43feyrRZMLXQr3mk 3  
    Spending from address index 2
    Sending 3.000000000000.  The transaction fee is 0.023390640000
    Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No): n
    Error: transaction cancelled.
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: transfer 9svHk1wHPo3ULf2AZykghzcye6sitaRE4MaDjPC6uanTHCynHjJHZaiAb922PojE1GexhhRt1LVf5DC43feyrRZMLXQr3mk 3
    Spending from address index 1
    Sending 3.000000000000.  The transaction fee is 0.023390640000
    Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No): n
    Error: transaction cancelled.
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: transfer 9svHk1wHPo3ULf2AZykghzcye6sitaRE4MaDjPC6uanTHCynHjJHZaiAb922PojE1GexhhRt1LVf5DC43feyrRZMLXQr3mk 3.2
    Spending from address index 1
    Sending 3.200000000000.  The transaction fee is 0.023390640000
    Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No): n
    Error: transaction cancelled.
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: transfer 9svHk1wHPo3ULf2AZykghzcye6sitaRE4MaDjPC6uanTHCynHjJHZaiAb922PojE1GexhhRt1LVf5DC43feyrRZMLXQr3mk 3.2
    Spending from address index 2
    Sending 3.200000000000.  The transaction fee is 0.023390640000
    Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No): n
    Error: transaction cancelled.
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: transfer 9svHk1wHPo3ULf2AZykghzcye6sitaRE4MaDjPC6uanTHCynHjJHZaiAb922PojE1GexhhRt1LVf5DC43feyrRZMLXQr3mk 3.5
    Spending from address index 2
    Sending 3.500000000000.  The transaction fee is 0.023390640000
    Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No): n
    Error: transaction cancelled.
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: transfer 9svHk1wHPo3ULf2AZykghzcye6sitaRE4MaDjPC6uanTHCynHjJHZaiAb922PojE1GexhhRt1LVf5DC43feyrRZMLXQr3mk 5
    Spending from address index 1
    Spending from address index 2
    WARNING: Outputs of multiple addresses are being used together.
    Sending 5.000000000000.  The transaction fee is 0.025061400000
    Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No): n
    Error: transaction cancelled.
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: transfer index=0,1 9svHk1wHPo3ULf2AZykghzcye6sitaRE4MaDjPC6uanTHCynHjJHZaiAb922PojE1GexhhRt1LVf5DC43feyrRZMLXQr3mk 5
    Spending from address index 0
    Spending from address index 1
    WARNING: Outputs of multiple addresses are being used together.
    Sending 5.000000000000.  The transaction fee is 0.025061400000
    Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No): n
    Error: transaction cancelled.
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: transfer 9svHk1wHPo3ULf2AZykghzcye6sitaRE4MaDjPC6uanTHCynHjJHZaiAb922PojE1GexhhRt1LVf5DC43feyrRZMLXQr3mk 9
    Spending from address index 0
    Spending from address index 1
    Spending from address index 2
    WARNING: Outputs of multiple addresses are being used together.
    Sending 9.000000000000.  The transaction fee is 0.028402920000
    Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No): n
    Error: transaction cancelled.

    The command sweep_all has a similar syntax:

    sweep_all [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<mixin_count>] <address> [<payment_id>]

    If you omit the index parameter, one subaddress to be swept is chosen randomly (with index 0 being chosen last). You can use index=<N> to specify which subaddress to be swept. You can also either use index=<N1>,<N2>,... to sweep balances of multiple or all subaddresses.

    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: sweep_all 9svHk1wHPo3ULf2AZykghzcye6sitaRE4MaDjPC6uanTHCynHjJHZaiAb922PojE1GexhhRt1LVf5DC43feyrRZMLXQr3mk
    Spending from address index 1
    Sweeping 3.360000000000 for a total fee of 0.023390080000.  Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No)n
    Error: transaction cancelled.
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: sweep_all index=1,2 9svHk1wHPo3ULf2AZykghzcye6sitaRE4MaDjPC6uanTHCynHjJHZaiAb922PojE1GexhhRt1LVf5DC43feyrRZMLXQr3mk
    Spending from address index 1
    Spending from address index 2
    WARNING: Outputs of multiple addresses are being used together.
    Sweeping 7.020000000000 for a total fee of 0.025060800000.  Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No)n
    Error: transaction cancelled.

    Note that the change always goes to the base subaddress at index=0:

    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: transfer 9svHk1wHPo3ULf2AZykghzcye6sitaRE4MaDjPC6uanTHCynHjJHZaiAb922PojE1GexhhRt1LVf5DC43feyrRZMLXQr3mk 1
    Spending from address index 1
    Sending 1.000000000000.  The transaction fee is 0.021719360000
    Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No): y
    Money successfully sent, transaction <6f6678b4c6b3c60bcb7eb642bc819a1b99e9c75feb7c292b3656ea7b3b4f1a62>
    Height 949248, txid <6f6678b4c6b3c60bcb7eb642bc819a1b99e9c75feb7c292b3656ea7b3b4f1a62>, 0.088280640000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949248, txid <6f6678b4c6b3c60bcb7eb642bc819a1b99e9c75feb7c292b3656ea7b3b4f1a62>, spent 1.110000000000, account 1
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: balance detail
    Currently selected account: [1] My secret business account
    Balance: 9.058280640000, unlocked balance: 8.970000000000
    Balance per address:
            Address               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label Outputs
           0 Bd2qqa        3.148280640000        3.060000000000 My secret business account       4
           1 BcGvNd        2.250000000000        2.250000000000                             2
           2 BgtuJh        3.660000000000        3.660000000000                             3

    3.6. Restoring wallet from seed

    One slight caveat with this scheme is that when restoring a wallet from the seed, the wallet might miss transfers to subaddresses if they aren't stored in the hashtable yet. To mitigate this issue, for each account, the wallet stores 200 (a constant SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MINOR defined in wallet2.h) subaddresses of indices beyond the highest index created so far. The wallet also generates 50 (a constant SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MAJOR defined in wallet2.h) accounts beyond the highest index created so far. This means that the wallet restoration process is guaranteed to find incoming transfers to subaddresses as long as the major and minor indices of the used subaddresses differ by less than those predefined numbers. Note that the wallet expands the hashtable by itself as it finds incoming transfers to subaddresses at new higher indices, so normally the user won't need to worry about the management of the hashtable. Even if the differences of indices are bigger than those predifined numbers, you can still make the wallet recognize the incoming transfers by manually expanding the hashtable and rescanning the blockchain.

    Here's an example: First, we generate 360 new addresses for the 1st account:

    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: address all
    0  Bd2qqam2EKc8NRzTYg9QPJZ81Ey1WRp1Bcnmjzf28K3edRyr1rcLbjiQZdR7tsuTUJBahi32RSDb1cuqsACaEDwGRMZ4Eaa  My secret business account (used)
    1  BcGvNdmZj9V9r7NKAKzEELUVVSVfXMmUUbfQrjSBuDt6MU5bdtmYAEC6TR5VuZQv5yZvynzQ3aoJTUjtM9FD5AnP9PCHVSk   (used)
    2  BgtuJhWFPi9DABnpdtQs9rWfQN33DZQZi2yzoQucEAP8EoPxNDitssoA14ZVQthSyPHWB8SLV48qAc25A1EykehQ7NzDXDb   (used)
    3  BYfn1Fc5xwECX2HbNATqfuQCG82sMZufY46ZsiP1xBbR3S6fVj2P4d4MLRrqVBZcFHUQmdiCsKa3ec5aaNVk35ZYHQnLbu1  
    150  BgjoPu6qBNVT1E9c3PDaaw9zbehhG29vBQAH8mSeC79K7z2qb12ZtTH1ijo4Tn7DYQPm2aZq68yrnLcoi18baf9JQxmn2bZ  
    360  BZ1xAbycuHyKwangpgEn7NTWk2geNbcJgJ46iCkRBu8Gc2UXTACeRcUGWneGA1mPfkKmpy7ya4ST9dZex3RN2qi5BLdQRxy  

    Next, we generate 70 accounts and print the base addresses of the 15th and 70th accounts:

    [wallet/70 BbXfcf]: account
            Account               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label
           0 9uPkEU        1.080000000000        1.080000000000       My home account
           1 Bd2qqa        9.058280640000        9.058280640000 My secret business account
           2 BaTkbd        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           3 BeaUVm        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          70 BbXfcf        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
              Total       10.138280640000       10.138280640000
    [wallet/0 9uPkEU]: account switch 15
    Currently selected account: [15] 
    Balance: 0.000000000000, unlocked balance: 0.000000000000
    [wallet/15 BhQjPZ]: address
    0  BhQjPZ8XUkojSdcB8jhB4uTeqLQVHtfsYTxTm3n32yXM37qXqN8RdTXduKSEH4rrAp4ZuUFbv8Wak3i1QudCJhvwJVUU5dx  
    [wallet/15 BhQjPZ]: account switch 70
    Currently selected account: [70] 
    Balance: 0.000000000000, unlocked balance: 0.000000000000
    [wallet/70 BbXfcf]: address

    Then we send funds to these addresses (at indices of 1/150, 1/360, 15/0, 70/0) from another wallet:

    [wallet/0 9svHk1]: transfer BgjoPu6qBNVT1E9c3PDaaw9zbehhG29vBQAH8mSeC79K7z2qb12ZtTH1ijo4Tn7DYQPm2aZq68yrnLcoi18baf9JQxmn2bZ 1  
    Money successfully sent, transaction <ddb1d29f54f4de8e88fddd31379d6bf30ba4d311ae648d05c9962cfb59e494b1>
    [wallet/0 9svHk1]: transfer BZ1xAbycuHyKwangpgEn7NTWk2geNbcJgJ46iCkRBu8Gc2UXTACeRcUGWneGA1mPfkKmpy7ya4ST9dZex3RN2qi5BLdQRxy 2
    Money successfully sent, transaction <c4292519b328fcfa8f92300d55a33a1d9a2b1788b0988c501adea6a51452f52a>
    [wallet/0 9svHk1]: transfer BhQjPZ8XUkojSdcB8jhB4uTeqLQVHtfsYTxTm3n32yXM37qXqN8RdTXduKSEH4rrAp4ZuUFbv8Wak3i1QudCJhvwJVUU5dx 3
    Money successfully sent, transaction <8c473e823e6b1262a55b8456c19f1b9fba0090c089222435c3bccdbeac10fc99>
    [wallet/0 9svHk1]: transfer BbXfcfWRiUAcG7hoXvdRY8QtVisRPj1EQEbMoWWHGPXqQKVKWoSNNgbPEuSFm6YuDHUVaWwyqu876WKZrUmVMk8DLsrSMSN 4
    Money successfully sent, transaction <27d55c3af091cccb9e9fc6eb17f0e3e6ff700af066fb6471a3533c4f19af70c3>

    Now we delete the cache of the receiving wallet 9uPkEU and re-generate it by scanning the blockchain again (which gives the same effect as restoring the wallet from the seed):

    Monero 'Wolfram Warptangent' (v0.10.3.1-a261d3b)
    Logging to /Users/kenshi/dev/github/kenshi84/monero/build/release/bin/monero-wallet-cli.log
    Wallet password: *
    Opened wallet: 9uPkEUFcFujaw1YCDHhcvuUqQm9cGBBuu5KkGggFR9XMjQtXtFzUDbRU9oy4XYer9SeaSGAhtoT1xDsBuVDRqfg9GG2ji9U
    Use "help" command to see the list of available commands.
    Starting refresh...
    Height 949115, txid <2c9d55d65f67243f771729ecd93a089ca0fcde3451f5a7740a4df70d8240b95b>, 0.130000000000 XMR, idx 0/1
    Height 949115, txid <68ee8848bbb953e3a0bc8d3175e8724c3fb04cd2e49244c76d26d5b2fa2a6da2>, 0.020000000000 XMR, idx 0/0
    Height 949115, txid <01f3865e63613413f6de4d4cd2b2638b679aa604c06299ad4b562364afc8cf5a>, 0.110000000000 XMR, idx 0/1
    Height 949115, txid <b3bd13988448ef3bb95e6f3bf007f42ebc4f0d21346b6c4d45e42d53caa3e297>, 0.120000000000 XMR, idx 0/1
    Height 949115, txid <05a97709858358ec8bb008cc8ad7f70e35ec07219cc8744138473200bb9922ec>, 0.230000000000 XMR, idx 0/2
    Height 949115, txid <9a1527acdce60bbe38c8c7e9d3bfe894108d5b30eb630904a3b3afd5059b3344>, 0.210000000000 XMR, idx 0/2
    Height 949115, txid <6716c0707b4c198777adbcda6b630b6248ef07fb86d20ba4469dcf661f5b35ee>, 0.010000000000 XMR, idx 0/0
    Height 949115, txid <04bf1d9a5b8b3fe74d26bd068844f4709b22c92f6a3b5594f217c22df88f8184>, 0.030000000000 XMR, idx 0/0
    Height 949115, txid <02b76b48467a806c6e45ce6fdf59df3c694f857f450a450537a9769f911fee46>, 0.220000000000 XMR, idx 0/2
    Height 949116, txid <92f3b54a3044eddf3fd84742852f8a81b55e92055281c945bd7dee85e589ccc2>, 1.010000000000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949117, txid <d2617a1da91203247f8b904cf05906973cc9a64bff8d6ab4d956f22cb5d5271e>, 1.030000000000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949117, txid <441b07d91f64adf1b4f8350ca33902ed4aab306df3f66e1673d35a151186140c>, 1.020000000000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949126, txid <0f5fcd710b94e49b61fedf93de92b444021292fbffb57c281ee6952190dc0bbf>, 1.110000000000 XMR, idx 1/1
    Height 949126, txid <73a83e4de08d84d9d72c707c0406fcba92994a56feb42102e3ca7c3733613c5e>, 1.210000000000 XMR, idx 1/2
    Height 949126, txid <9bdba78cd150cf4027282cdabb5893c0c7fb4c0d8ddf0f9096598b4bea87af69>, 1.230000000000 XMR, idx 1/2
    Height 949126, txid <22e4ac8469654903da34ce06ab06840648338d9d9dfc3f59714777d7a5a5256b>, 1.120000000000 XMR, idx 1/1
    Height 949126, txid <36b14c61ad93c4a8d16f10d88525222391717d87099bb30cd8c3da6c90849818>, 1.130000000000 XMR, idx 1/1
    Height 949126, txid <99b7c48a24e44c3336dc0f4b884ad33e89668e4dd9c288c67e60ffea9506ed26>, 1.220000000000 XMR, idx 1/2
    Height 949248, txid <6f6678b4c6b3c60bcb7eb642bc819a1b99e9c75feb7c292b3656ea7b3b4f1a62>, 0.088280640000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949248, txid <6f6678b4c6b3c60bcb7eb642bc819a1b99e9c75feb7c292b3656ea7b3b4f1a62>, spent 1.110000000000, account 1
    Height 949344, txid <ddb1d29f54f4de8e88fddd31379d6bf30ba4d311ae648d05c9962cfb59e494b1>, 1.000000000000 XMR, idx 1/150
    Height 949344, txid <8c473e823e6b1262a55b8456c19f1b9fba0090c089222435c3bccdbeac10fc99>, 3.000000000000 XMR, idx 15/0
    Refresh done, blocks received: 24696                            
            Account               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label
           0 9uPkEU        1.080000000000        1.080000000000               Default
           1 Bd2qqa       10.058280640000        9.058280640000                      
           2 BaTkbd        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           3 BeaUVm        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           4 BfH7tK        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           5 BfDmWH        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           6 BfwsE7        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           7 Bam7fW        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           8 BePNm3        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           9 BgkPAD        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          10 BYQtBx        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          11 BZEjtF        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          12 BbkUr7        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          13 Bg34Jy        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          14 BYqzux        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          15 BhQjPZ        3.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
              Total       14.138280640000       10.138280640000
    Currently selected account: [0] Default
    Balance: 1.080000000000, unlocked balance: 1.080000000000
    Background refresh thread started

    Note that at this point, the wallet was able to successfully recognize incoming transfers to indices of 1/150 and 15/0, but failed to recognize incoming transfers to 1/360 and 70/0 because 360 > 150 + SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MINOR and 70 > 15 + SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MAJOR. You can make the wallet recognize those incoming transfers by manually expanding the hashtable and rescanning the blockchain:

    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: address new
    151  BaTjSeUuSX4KtS6DmQXRfcN3xkTAyuG2NMg3r6JpR4JujotNw8dvGKBbVehURSoMSpSsKJQTWi4eQCJxsjXuXber9WUKQ53  
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: address new
    161  BbA5zmZzn9ZPvzazMHBjQzXZHaYDjWeWfN258AZufhPK3i2uF6GCdvGMMksA7qMmXxcswEfkwucuuJPDYGvR77Ux7iczJzD  
    [wallet/1 Bd2qqa]: account new
            Account               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label
           0 9uPkEU        1.080000000000        1.080000000000               Default
           1 Bd2qqa       10.058280640000        9.058280640000                      
           2 BaTkbd        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           3 BeaUVm        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           4 BfH7tK        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           5 BfDmWH        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           6 BfwsE7        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           7 Bam7fW        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           8 BePNm3        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           9 BgkPAD        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          10 BYQtBx        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          11 BZEjtF        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          12 BbkUr7        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          13 Bg34Jy        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          14 BYqzux        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          15 BhQjPZ        3.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          16 BePZ3e        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
              Total       14.138280640000       10.138280640000
    [wallet/20 BgjB9f]: account new
            Account               Balance      Unlocked balance                 Label
           0 9uPkEU        1.080000000000        1.080000000000               Default
           1 Bd2qqa       12.058280640000        9.058280640000                      
           2 BaTkbd        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           3 BeaUVm        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           4 BfH7tK        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           5 BfDmWH        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           6 BfwsE7        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           7 Bam7fW        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           8 BePNm3        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
           9 BgkPAD        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          10 BYQtBx        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          11 BZEjtF        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          12 BbkUr7        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          13 Bg34Jy        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          14 BYqzux        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          15 BhQjPZ        3.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          16 BePZ3e        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          17 BcMMgP        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          18 Bf7N2v        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          19 BbNHEQ        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          20 BgjB9f        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
          21 Bd1dhR        0.000000000000        0.000000000000                      
              Total       16.138280640000       10.138280640000
    [wallet/21 Bd1dhR]: rescan_bc
    Starting refresh...
    Height 949115, txid <2c9d55d65f67243f771729ecd93a089ca0fcde3451f5a7740a4df70d8240b95b>, 0.130000000000 XMR, idx 0/1
    Height 949115, txid <68ee8848bbb953e3a0bc8d3175e8724c3fb04cd2e49244c76d26d5b2fa2a6da2>, 0.020000000000 XMR, idx 0/0
    Height 949115, txid <01f3865e63613413f6de4d4cd2b2638b679aa604c06299ad4b562364afc8cf5a>, 0.110000000000 XMR, idx 0/1
    Height 949115, txid <b3bd13988448ef3bb95e6f3bf007f42ebc4f0d21346b6c4d45e42d53caa3e297>, 0.120000000000 XMR, idx 0/1
    Height 949115, txid <05a97709858358ec8bb008cc8ad7f70e35ec07219cc8744138473200bb9922ec>, 0.230000000000 XMR, idx 0/2
    Height 949115, txid <9a1527acdce60bbe38c8c7e9d3bfe894108d5b30eb630904a3b3afd5059b3344>, 0.210000000000 XMR, idx 0/2
    Height 949115, txid <6716c0707b4c198777adbcda6b630b6248ef07fb86d20ba4469dcf661f5b35ee>, 0.010000000000 XMR, idx 0/0
    Height 949115, txid <04bf1d9a5b8b3fe74d26bd068844f4709b22c92f6a3b5594f217c22df88f8184>, 0.030000000000 XMR, idx 0/0
    Height 949115, txid <02b76b48467a806c6e45ce6fdf59df3c694f857f450a450537a9769f911fee46>, 0.220000000000 XMR, idx 0/2
    Height 949116, txid <92f3b54a3044eddf3fd84742852f8a81b55e92055281c945bd7dee85e589ccc2>, 1.010000000000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949117, txid <d2617a1da91203247f8b904cf05906973cc9a64bff8d6ab4d956f22cb5d5271e>, 1.030000000000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949117, txid <441b07d91f64adf1b4f8350ca33902ed4aab306df3f66e1673d35a151186140c>, 1.020000000000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949126, txid <0f5fcd710b94e49b61fedf93de92b444021292fbffb57c281ee6952190dc0bbf>, 1.110000000000 XMR, idx 1/1
    Height 949126, txid <73a83e4de08d84d9d72c707c0406fcba92994a56feb42102e3ca7c3733613c5e>, 1.210000000000 XMR, idx 1/2
    Height 949126, txid <9bdba78cd150cf4027282cdabb5893c0c7fb4c0d8ddf0f9096598b4bea87af69>, 1.230000000000 XMR, idx 1/2
    Height 949126, txid <22e4ac8469654903da34ce06ab06840648338d9d9dfc3f59714777d7a5a5256b>, 1.120000000000 XMR, idx 1/1
    Height 949126, txid <36b14c61ad93c4a8d16f10d88525222391717d87099bb30cd8c3da6c90849818>, 1.130000000000 XMR, idx 1/1
    Height 949126, txid <99b7c48a24e44c3336dc0f4b884ad33e89668e4dd9c288c67e60ffea9506ed26>, 1.220000000000 XMR, idx 1/2
    Height 949248, txid <6f6678b4c6b3c60bcb7eb642bc819a1b99e9c75feb7c292b3656ea7b3b4f1a62>, 0.088280640000 XMR, idx 1/0
    Height 949248, txid <6f6678b4c6b3c60bcb7eb642bc819a1b99e9c75feb7c292b3656ea7b3b4f1a62>, spent 1.110000000000, account 1
    Height 949344, txid <c4292519b328fcfa8f92300d55a33a1d9a2b1788b0988c501adea6a51452f52a>, 2.000000000000 XMR, idx 1/360
    Height 949344, txid <ddb1d29f54f4de8e88fddd31379d6bf30ba4d311ae648d05c9962cfb59e494b1>, 1.000000000000 XMR, idx 1/150
    Height 949344, txid <27d55c3af091cccb9e9fc6eb17f0e3e6ff700af066fb6471a3533c4f19af70c3>, 4.000000000000 XMR, idx 70/0
    Height 949344, txid <8c473e823e6b1262a55b8456c19f1b9fba0090c089222435c3bccdbeac10fc99>, 3.000000000000 XMR, idx 15/0
    Refresh done, blocks received: 24699                            
    Currently selected account: [21] 
    Balance: 0.000000000000, unlocked balance: 0.000000000000

    4. ToDo

    • Review
    • Unit test & performance test
    • Update MRL-0006

    5. Related links

    • Reddit post mentioning this PR:

    • Reddit post with some questions and answers:

    • Question on StackExchange:

    • Community feedback:

    • Original post in MRL issue #7


    • @JollyMort for initial discussions since the very beginning
    • @knaccc for bringing up the concept of sub-addresses with a modified DH key exchange idea, and also for pointing out the fact that the change can be sent to any subaddresses
    • @RandomRun for the second generation modified DH key exchange idea that solves the problem of discovery of the main wallet keys
    • @luigi1111 for various suggestions and guidance
  • Proposal to consider an ASIC-friendly proof of work

    Proposal to consider an ASIC-friendly proof of work

    Currently Monero is pending a hard fork to modify the PoW in order to invalidate existing rumored and reported ASIC designs, and in addition to continue making such changes repeatedly to attempt to prevent ASIC development and deployment on the network. For various reasons, there are longer-term concerns with this strategy, particularly going forward, including:

    1. Continued and repeated ad-hoc modifications to the PoW algorithm may accidentally (or even maliciously) introduce exploits.
    2. ASIC developers may build in more flexibility to their designs to be able to accommodate small algorithm tweaks (indeed this may already be the case, we don't know).
    3. Potential for favoritism/corruption if plans for tweaks are leaked or influenced far enough ahead of time that some favored ASIC developers may have enough lead time to produce ASICs, while others do not.
    4. A belief that ASICs may be desirable as a means to facilitate industrial scale mining and growing the network beyond what might be called a hobby mining phase.
    5. Potential for increased monopolization if the strategy is only partially effective (i.e. keeps all but one ASIC developer from succeeding)
    6. Dependence of the network on continued frequent hard forking independent of the need for functional upgrades. This carries with it a greater degree of centralization necessary to design, implement and coordinate these forks, without any real plan to transition beyond it.

    For these reasons I would propose that we consider (which does not necessarily mean implement) abandoning the ASIC-hostile approach and instead consider adopting an ASIC-friendly approach in a future hard fork.

    By ASIC-friendly, I mean something that not only can reasonably be implemented in an ASIC, but which minimizes barriers to creating ASICs, minimizes their costs, facilitates the development of a wide range of compatible hardware at attractive price points, and minimizes opportunities for clever proprietary advantages. By doing so we may maximize the likelihood of a competitive ASIC market developing and minimize the degree of (temporarily or sustained) monopolization. This could possibly be achieved by using a simple, well-known, and well understood algorithm such as SHA3.

    There are numerous other potential advantages and disadvantages of this approach relative to Monero's current PoW algorithm and strategy, which can be discussed in comments.

    Postscript: My personal view has always been largely ASIC-hostile (primarily based on my analysis the history of the Bitcoin ASIC market when Monero launched in 2014, but reinforced by the continued evolution of the Bitcoin and other coin ASIC markets over the past four years), however I am open to the possibility that unintended consequences of attempting to maintain this approach may cause more harm than overall benefits, in which case it should be dropped.

  • [Discussion] Raising the mandatory ringsize in the v6 hardfork, September 2017

    [Discussion] Raising the mandatory ringsize in the v6 hardfork, September 2017

    TL;DR There is an edit at the bottom of this post highlighting what is going on because a lot has changed over many discussions, and better alternatives are being explored.

    You may want to grab a drink for this one...

    As we all know there will be a hardfork in September 2017 that will raise the mandatory ringsize to 4 based on the recommendations of MRL-4, but this paper was published before RingCT was found to have extraordinary savings in transaction size for transactions with larger ringsizes.

    We have 7 months to explore alternatives and I would like to discuss some viable options for raising the mandatory ringsize for the v5 hardfork, so that we do not need to again change it in a future hardfork unless certain circumstances arise.

    It is important to note that raising the ringsize of a transaction will increase the time it takes to verify transactions for nodes, but as far as I am aware this scales linearly(?). So this can be maintained to a reasonable degree and if we assume processor speeds continue to improve, then this problem does not greatly impact the scalability of the Monero network in comparison to the relative gains of privacy for its users. Optimizations in ring signatures and rangeproofs will certainly ease these concerns.

    There are two options I would like to explore:

    1. Simply raising the mandatory ringsize to a value greater than 4 that can take full advantage of RingCT's optimizations in transaction size without sacrificing very much performance. Ring size 8 could for example easily be used instead of 4 and still have very good performance for example.

    and the more interesting option

    1. Raising the mandatory ringsize and have it be static so no other ringsizes are accepted in the Monero network. Static ringsizes 9, 12, or 15 would be good options and I will explain a bit more about why those ringsizes specifically are special later below.

    The first option would be simple to implement and the optimizations of RingCT would be immediately realized with very little added cost. However the second option will bolster privacy on the Monero network by a much higher degree. By enforcing only one valid ringsize for transactions this removes any confusion and complexity for new users who do not understand why you would want to increase the ringsize of a transaction if transactions in Monero are all already private. Since the protocol would be enforcing a static ringsize, then all transactions would be homogenous and would circumvent analysis of transactions by adversaries who may know that for example exchange x uses ringsize y for all their outgoing transactions, or that there is a user that regularly specifies atypical ringsizes like 41 for all their transactions. This removes a human element to transactions that could save people from unintentionally reducing their privacy as well as other users' privacy.

    In the future, businesses and services could be 'assigned' very specific ringsizes that would stick out on the blockchain for passive observers to more easily identify their outputs in other ring signatures, this is only hypothetical and one of many possible scenarios where irregular ringsizes could reduce privacy in the Monero network.

    I believe that this is a very valuable and natural addition to Monero since the protocol already makes decisions to protect its users like dynamic fees and randomly choosing their ring partners according to specific parameters. A static ringsize would just further streamline the user experience while defending against many attacks via passive analysis of ring signatures.

    In addition to the arguments I made for a static ringsize I will also propose a new output selection algorithm to assist a static ringsize. Going back to why I had specifically mentioned static ringsizes 9, 12, and 15 is because if a third of ring partners are chosen randomly from the past five days and the remaining two thirds of ring partners are chosen at random then a few narrow edge cases that would threaten privacy would be completely eliminated or at the very least much less impactful than only having a default ringsize 4.

    I will demonstrate these claims with some hypothetical scenarios using a ringsize of 12 as an example.

    Scenario 1: Alice sends Bob a transaction with an output that is two days old. In Alice's ring signature are four inputs from the past five days chosen by our output selection algorithm(plus Alice's real spend) and eight additional inputs chosen at random.

    Alice has complete financial privacy as her real output is masked with the other 12 ring partners without any major inconsistencies in our output selection algorithm. Since there is a chance at least one of those eight outputs chosen at random could have been from the last five days the additional recent output in the ring signature is not entirely suspicious. This will still be taken into account by passive observers since a lot of people will be spending money soon after it has been received. Possible scenarios where this would definitely question the legitimacy of randomly chosen outputs and directly threaten privacy is discussed in more depth later.

    Scenario 2: Same as Scenario 1 but instead Alice has an output that is one month old. Our output selection algorithm will again choose four random outputs from the past five days and eight outputs at random.

    Now the problem is Alice has an output that is older than the outputs that would be specified from the last five days and if the other eight random outputs do not coincide with the last five days then only four recent outputs will exist in the ring signature. This is a direct indication that none of those outputs is the real spent output because only four recent outputs would be chosen from our algorithm anyway, hence being fake. Luckily the other eight random outputs still mask Alice's real output so this scenario does not greatly threaten her privacy as the transaction would effectively still have the strength of ringsize 8 down from 12.

    Scenario 2 is less likely to occur if a larger timespan is chosen for recent outputs in our algorithm so the randomly chosen outputs have a higher chance to be in that timespan, but since money is typically spent within a short time after being received this will directly weaken the obfuscation of our recent outputs selected for a ring signature.

    The output inconsistencies in Scenario 2 cannot be solved very well without adding additional formality to the output selection algorithm making it easier to single out specific outputs that are not consistent with our output selection rules like in Scenario 2. With a ringsize of 12 at the very least an effective strength of ringsize 8 would still exist for a transaction.

    However if an observer were able to find inconsistencies within a transaction with multiple inputs, all or at least some, containing more than four outputs younger than five days old it is incredibly unlikely the other eight random outputs for each input's ring signature would contain very recent outputs. This would question the legitimacy of the eight other outputs older than five days giving the transaction a hypothetical strength equal to the number of outputs in the ring signature younger than five days old or at the absolute bare minimum the strength of ringsize 4.

    These scenarios will need to be accepted to exist and thankfully do not completely destroy the privacy of a transaction with poorly chosen ring partners by the output selection algorithm.

    Increasing the static ringsize would decrease the likelihood of these contradictions in ring signatures, but it is a tradeoff with transaction sizes. Ideally most transactions would be able to take full advantage of ringsize 12, but the privacy of ringsizes 4 and 8 can still be obtained in worst case scenarios.

    I personally prefer ringsize 12 because at the bare minimum when the output selection is not in your favour then at the very least ringsize 4 can still be obtained, which is the original ringsize scheduled for v5 hardfork. Ultimately any ringsize greater than 9 that is a multiple of 3 can be used and if we take into account optimizations of ring signatures and rangeproofs then even larger ringsizes, factors of 3s, could be considered.

    The privacy that would be gained with a static ringsize 12 far outweighs any short term scalability issues that may arise in my opinion and would be a boon to the privacy and security of the Monero network while having good safe guards for maintaining a minimum privacy level of ringsize 4.

    I hope valuable discussions can be made from this post and further optimizations that can further the security of the network can be discovered.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my writeup. Any input is greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: If anyone is just now finding this discussion and does not want to go through the entire backlog(I don't blame you ;) ) then to catch everyone up to speed what is happening right now is I have been surveying bitcoin transactions for the age of outputs and categorizing them by the last day, week, month, year, and older than a year to get the probability of these outputs being spent to help construct an output selection algorithm for Monero's ring signatures.

    After long discussions with @iamsmooth, having only one static ringsize may be a bit extreme and does not give a user the freedom to increase their ringsize for transactions. @moneromooo-monero mentioned possibly having three static ringsizes for users to choose from. I have been favoring having only three static ringsizes because of its similarity to users being able to choose three different fee options based on urgency, we could have three ringsize options based on paranoia for users to choose from.

    So for the time being we are just trying to narrow down what an output selection algorithm would look like. I have to thank @iamsmooth for giving critical feedback and nitpicking different ideas. There is no need to be increasing the ringsize from 4 after we come to a conclusion on a suitable output selection, however I still favor giving the mandatory ringsize a slight bump(to 6?) based on ringct savings in transaction size, but if there is no consensus for doing so ringsize 4 is still a strong option.

  • Building under Solaris aka SunOS (OpenIndiana Hipster 2017.04)

    Building under Solaris aka SunOS (OpenIndiana Hipster 2017.04)

    Hello. I'm trying to build monero under this OS with illumos kernel. Now I'm stuck at 90% before which I had to do many dirty hacks. Maybe you will merge them to the code later after some reworking. And FYI, I'm not a C-programmer.

    1. Preparation.
    pkg install git cmake gcc-49 pkg-config system/header <don't remember all packages>
    wget -O /usr/include/zmq.hpp
    git clone

    And here are my build iterations of cd monero && make

    • Iteration 1 Result:
    make[3]: Entering directory '/root/'
    [  1%] Building C object external/miniupnpc/CMakeFiles/libminiupnpc-static.dir/igd_desc_parse.c.o
    In file included from /usr/include/stdio.h:37:0,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/sys/feature_tests.h:400:2: error: #error "Compiler or options invalid; UNIX 03 and POSIX.1-2001 applications       require the use of c99"
     #error "Compiler or options invalid; UNIX 03 and POSIX.1-2001 applications \
    make[3]: *** [external/miniupnpc/CMakeFiles/libminiupnpc-static.dir/build.make:63: external/miniupnpc/CMakeFiles/libminiupnpc-static.dir/igd_desc_parse.c.o] Error 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/'
    make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:150: external/miniupnpc/CMakeFiles/libminiupnpc-static.dir/all] Error 2
    make[2]: Leaving directory '/root/'
    make[1]: *** [Makefile:141: all] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/'
    make: *** [Makefile:63: release-all] Error 2

    Solution: Add next code in file external/miniupnpc/CMakeLists.txt in block if (NOT WIN32) line 35

      if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "(SunOS|Solaris)")
        add_definitions (-D__EXTENSIONS__ -std=c99)
      endif ()
    • Iterarion 2 Result:
    [  5%] Building C object external/unbound/CMakeFiles/unbound.dir/services/cache/dns.c.o
    In file included from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /root/ warning: "_SS_MAXSIZE" redefined
     # define _SS_MAXSIZE 128 /* Implementation specific max size */
    In file included from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:48:0,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/sys/socket_impl.h:70:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition
     #define _SS_MAXSIZE 256 /* Implementation specific max size */
    In file included from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /root/ error: redefinition of ‘struct sockaddr_storage’
     struct sockaddr_storage {
    In file included from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:48:0,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/sys/socket_impl.h:96:8: note: originally defined here
     struct sockaddr_storage {
    In file included from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:48:0,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/sys/socket_impl.h:96:8: note: originally defined here
     struct sockaddr_storage {
    In file included from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /root/ error: redefinition of ‘struct in6_addr’
     struct in6_addr {
    In file included from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:53:0,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/netinet/in.h:105:8: note: originally defined here
     struct in6_addr {
    /root/ error: expected ‘:’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘}’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘.’ toke
      uint8_t s6_addr[16];
    In file included from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /root/ error: redefinition of ‘struct sockaddr_in6’
     struct sockaddr_in6 {
    In file included from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:53:0,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/netinet/in.h:419:8: note: originally defined here
     struct sockaddr_in6 {
    In file included from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /root/ error: redefinition of ‘struct addrinfo’
     struct addrinfo {
    In file included from /root/,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/netdb.h:112:8: note: originally defined here
     struct addrinfo {
    *** Error code 1
    The following command caused the error:
    _DB_TYPE=\"lmdb\" -DPER_BLOCK_CHECKPOINT -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/mo -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/
    /external/unbound -DNDEBUG -Ofast -o CMakeFiles/unbound.dir/services/cache/dns.c.o   -c /root/

    Problem in redefinition of structures sockaddr_storage, in6_addr, sockaddr_in6 and addrinfo in external/unbound/compat/fake-rfc2553.h after system headers in /usr/include. I studied structures in fake-rfc2553.h and decided to exclude them at all. So I commented out next code in external/unbound/

    struct sockaddr_storage;
    #include "compat/fake-rfc2553.h"

    and next code in external/unbound/CMakeLists.txt:

      list(APPEND compat_src
    endif ()
    • Iteration 3 Result:
    [ 30%] Building C object src/crypto/CMakeFiles/obj_cncrypto.dir/chacha8.c.o
    In file included from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /root/ error: static assertion failed: "BYTE_ORDER is undefined. Perhaps, GNU extensions are
    not enabled"
     static_assert(false, "BYTE_ORDER is undefined. Perhaps, GNU extensions are not enabled");
    In file included from /root/
    /root/ warning: "BYTE_ORDER" is not defined [-Wundef]
    cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
    *** Error code 1
    The following command caused the error:
    PE=\"lmdb\" -DMINIUPNP_STATICLIB -DPER_BLOCK_CHECKPOINT -DSTATICLIB -DUPNP_STATIC -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/
    und -I/root/ -fno-strict-aliasing -maes -std=c11 -D_GNU_SOURCE   -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith
     -Wundef -Wvla -Wwrite-strings -Wno-error=extra -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-err
    or=unused-variable -Wno-error=undef -Wno-error=uninitialized -Wlogical-op -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized -Wno-error=cpp -Waggregate-re
    turn -Wnested-externs -Wold-style-definition -Wstrict-prototypes -march=x86-64   -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -Ofast    -Werror -o CM
    akeFiles/obj_cncrypto.dir/chacha8.c.o   -c /root/
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `src/crypto/CMakeFiles/obj_cncrypto.dir/chacha8.c.o'
    Current working directory /root/
    *** Error code 1
    The following command caused the error:
    make -f src/crypto/CMakeFiles/obj_cncrypto.dir/build.make src/crypto/CMakeFiles/obj_cncrypto.dir/build
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `src/crypto/CMakeFiles/obj_cncrypto.dir/all'

    Solution: add next code in src/common/int-util.h before #if defined(__ANDROID__) line 39:

    #if defined(__sun) && defined(__SVR4)
    #include <endian.h>
    • Iteration 4 Result:
    [ 30%] Building CXX object src/crypto/CMakeFiles/obj_cncrypto.dir/crypto.cpp.o
    In file included from /usr/include/boost/thread/detail/platform.hpp:17:0,
                     from /usr/include/boost/thread/mutex.hpp:12,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/boost/config/requires_threads.hpp:47:5: error: #error "Compiler threading support is not turned on. Please set the correc
    t command line options for threading: -pthread (Linux), -pthreads (Solaris) or -mthreads (Mingw32)"
     #   error "Compiler threading support is not turned on. Please set the correct command line options for threading: -pthread (Linux),
    -pthreads (Solaris) or -mthreads (Mingw32)"
    *** Error code 1
    The following command caused the error:
    / -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/
    ound -I/root/ -DZMQ_STATIC -fno-strict-aliasing -maes -std=c++11 -D_GNU_SOURCE   -Wall -Wextra
     -Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Wvla -Wwrite-strings -Wno-error=extra -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-v
    ariable -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=undef -Wno-error=uninitialized -Wlogical-op -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized -Wno-error=cp
    p -Wno-reorder -Wno-missing-field-initializers -march=x86-64   -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -Ofast    -Werror -o CMakeFiles/obj_cncry
    pto.dir/crypto.cpp.o -c /root/
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `src/crypto/CMakeFiles/obj_cncrypto.dir/crypto.cpp.o'

    Solution: add next code in monero/CMakeLists.txt before if (UNIX AND NOT APPLE) line 323:

    if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "(SunOS|Solaris)")
      set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -pthreads")
    endif ()
    • Iteration 5 Result:
    [ 34%] Building C object src/crypto/CMakeFiles/obj_cncrypto.dir/random.c.o
    /root/ error: destructor priorities are not supported
     FINALIZER(deinit_random) {
    /root/ error: constructor priorities are not supported
     INITIALIZER(init_random) {
    *** Error code 1
    The following command caused the error:
    cd /root/ && /usr/bin/gcc -DAUTO_INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP -DBLOCKCHAIN_DB=DB_LMDB -DDEFAULT_DB_TYPE=\"lmdb\" -DMINIUPNP_STATICLIB -DPER_BLOCK_CHECKPOINT -DSTATICLIB -DUPNP_STATIC -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -fno-strict-aliasing -maes -std=c11 -D_GNU_SOURCE   -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Wvla -Wwrite-strings -Wno-error=extra -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=undef -Wno-error=uninitialized -Wlogical-op -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized -Wno-error=cpp -Waggregate-return -Wnested-externs -Wold-style-definition -Wstrict-prototypes -march=x86-64   -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -Ofast    -Werror -o CMakeFiles/obj_cncrypto.dir/random.c.o   -c /root/
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `src/crypto/CMakeFiles/obj_cncrypto.dir/random.c.o'

    Solution (found on remove (101) in src/crypto/initializer.h lines 35 and 36. I understand that it's a dirty hack but I don't know how to write else..if there. Need a better solution.

    • Iteration 6 Result:
    [ 39%] Building CXX object src/common/CMakeFiles/obj_common.dir/util.cpp.o
    /root/ In function ‘std::string tools::get_nix_version_display_string()’:
    /root/ error: expected ‘;’ before ‘un’
       utsname un;
    /root/ error: statement has no effect [-Werror=unused-value]
       utsname un;
    /root/ error: ‘un’ was not declared in this scope
       if(uname(&un) < 0)
    /root/ error: ‘un’ was not declared in this scope
       return std::string() + un.sysname + " " + un.version + " " + un.release;
    /root/ error: control reaches end of non-void function [-Werror=return-type]
    cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors
    *** Error code 1
    The following command caused the error:
    cd /root/ && /usr/bin/c++  -DAUTO_INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP -DBLOCKCHAIN_DB=DB_LMDB -DDEFAULT_DB_TYPE=\"lmdb\" -DMINIUPNP_STATICLIB -DPER_BLOCK_CHECKPOINT -DSTATICLIB -DUPNP_STATIC -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -DZMQ_STATIC -pthreads -fno-strict-aliasing -maes -std=c++11 -D_GNU_SOURCE   -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Wvla -Wwrite-strings -Wno-error=extra -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=undef -Wno-error=uninitialized -Wlogical-op -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized -Wno-error=cpp -Wno-reorder -Wno-missing-field-initializers -march=x86-64   -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -Ofast    -Werror -o CMakeFiles/obj_common.dir/util.cpp.o -c /root/
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `src/common/CMakeFiles/obj_common.dir/util.cpp.o'

    Solution: change utsname un; in src/common/util.cpp to struct utsname un; line 404. I don't remember how I came up with this. Dirty hack. Need a better solution.

    • Iteration 7 Result:
    [ 45%] Building CXX object src/cryptonote_core/CMakeFiles/obj_cryptonote_core.dir/blockchain.cpp.o
    In file included from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp:81:0,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/impl/pipe_select_interrupter.ipp:31,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/pipe_select_interrupter.hpp:82,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/select_interrupter.hpp:27,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/dev_poll_reactor.hpp:31,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/reactor.hpp:25,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/impl/task_io_service.ipp:24,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/task_io_service.hpp:198,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/impl/io_service.hpp:71,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/io_service.hpp:767,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/net/if.h:97:9: error: template argument required for ‘struct map’
      struct map *if_memmap;  /* rmap for interface specific memory */
    *** Error code 1
    The following command caused the error:
    cd /root/ && /usr/bin/c++  -DAUTO_INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP -DBLOCKCHAIN_DB=DB_LMDB -DDEFAULT_DB_TYPE=\"lmdb\" -DMINIUPNP_STATICLIB -DPER_BLOCK_CHECKPOINT -DSTATICLIB -DUPNP_STATIC -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -I/root/ -DZMQ_STATIC -pthreads -fno-strict-aliasing -maes -std=c++11 -D_GNU_SOURCE   -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Wvla -Wwrite-strings -Wno-error=extra -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=undef -Wno-error=uninitialized -Wlogical-op -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized -Wno-error=cpp -Wno-reorder -Wno-missing-field-initializers -march=x86-64   -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -Ofast    -Werror -o CMakeFiles/obj_cryptonote_core.dir/blockchain.cpp.o -c /root/
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `src/cryptonote_core/CMakeFiles/obj_cryptonote_core.dir/blockchain.cpp.o'

    Solution: move #include "blockchain.h" in src/cryptonote_core/blockchain.cpp higher in the includes (for example to the line 36).

    • Iteration 8 Result:
    [ 46%] Building CXX object src/cryptonote_core/CMakeFiles/obj_cryptonote_core.dir/tx_pool.cpp.o
    /usr/include/net/if.h:97:9: error: template argument required for ‘struct map’
      struct map *if_memmap;  /* rmap for interface specific memory */

    Solution (same as in previous iteration): move #include "blockchain.h" in src/cryptonote_core/tx_pool.cpp higher in the includes) for example to the line 36).

    • Iteration 9 Result:
    [ 48%] Linking CXX static library libblockchain_db.a
    [ 48%] Built target blockchain_db
    [ 48%] Generating blocks.o
    ld: fatal: file binary: open failed: No such file or directory
    *** Error code 1
    The following command caused the error:
    cd /root/ && cd /root/ && /usr/bin/ld -r -b binary -o /root/ blocks.dat
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `src/blocks/blocks.o'

    Problem is in link editor:

    # /usr/bin/ld --version
    ld: Software Generation Utilities - Solaris Link Editors: 5.11-1.1755 (illumos)
    # /usr/gnu/bin/ld --version
    GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.25.1
    Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

    In Solaris version option '-b' have other purpose not the binary format as in GNU version. So I fixed this by overriding CMAKE_LINKER in src/blocks/CMakeLists.txt line 29:

    if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "(SunOS|Solaris)")
      set(CMAKE_LINKER "/usr/gnu/bin/ld")
    endif ()
    • Iteration 10 Result:
    [ 55%] Building CXX object tests/core_tests/CMakeFiles/coretests.dir/block_reward.cpp.o
    In file included from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp:81:0,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/impl/pipe_select_interrupter.ipp:31,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/pipe_select_interrupter.hpp:82,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/select_interrupter.hpp:27,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/dev_poll_reactor.hpp:31,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/reactor.hpp:25,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/impl/task_io_service.ipp:24,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/task_io_service.hpp:198,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/impl/io_service.hpp:71,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/io_service.hpp:767,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/net/if.h:97:9: error: template argument required for ‘struct map’
      struct map *if_memmap;  /* rmap for interface specific memory */

    Again as in iterations 7 and 8. I could not resolve it by moving up header include in various files so I just forgot about tests, removed 'build' dir and from now building with make release-static.

    • Iteration 11 Result:
    [ 75%] Building CXX object src/rpc/CMakeFiles/obj_daemon_rpc_server.dir/daemon_handler.cpp.o
    In file included from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp:81:0,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/impl/pipe_select_interrupter.ipp:31,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/pipe_select_interrupter.hpp:82,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/select_interrupter.hpp:27,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/dev_poll_reactor.hpp:31,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/reactor.hpp:25,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/impl/task_io_service.ipp:24,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/task_io_service.hpp:198,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/impl/io_service.hpp:71,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/io_service.hpp:767,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/net/if.h:97:9: error: template argument required for ‘struct map’
      struct map *if_memmap;  /* rmap for interface specific memory */

    And again... Solution: move #include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.h" higher in src/rpc/daemon_handler.h line 31.

    • Iteration 12 Result:
    [ 84%] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/obj_wallet.dir/wallet2.cpp.o
    In file included from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp:81:0,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/impl/pipe_select_interrupter.ipp:31,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/pipe_select_interrupter.hpp:82,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/select_interrupter.hpp:27,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/dev_poll_reactor.hpp:31,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/reactor.hpp:25,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/impl/task_io_service.ipp:24,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/task_io_service.hpp:198,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/impl/io_service.hpp:71,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/io_service.hpp:767,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/basic_io_object.hpp:19,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/basic_socket.hpp:20,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio/basic_datagram_socket.hpp:20,
                     from /usr/include/boost/asio.hpp:21,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/,
                     from /root/
    /usr/include/net/if.h:97:9: error: template argument required for ‘struct map’
      struct map *if_memmap;  /* rmap for interface specific memory */

    Same problem... Solution: this time move #include "net/http_client.h" higher in src/wallet/wallet2.h line 35.

    • Iteration 13 For now it is my last iteration in which I completely stuck. Result:
    [ 90%] Linking CXX executable ../../bin/monero-wallet-rpc
    Undefined                       first referenced
     symbol                             in file
    bind                                ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(outside_network.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    recv                                ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(netevent.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    send                                ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(netevent.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    __xnet_connect                      CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    getservbyname                       ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(str2wire.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    if_indextoname                      CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    __xnet_socket                       CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    __xnet_getsockopt                   CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    getsockname                         CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    accept                              CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    listen                              CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    if_nametoindex                      CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    sendto                              ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(netevent.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    socket                              ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(outside_network.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    getprotobyname                      ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(str2wire.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    getprotobynumber                    ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(wire2str.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    setsockopt                          CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    getsockopt                          ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(netevent.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    connect                             ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(outside_network.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    __xnet_getaddrinfo                  CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    getaddrinfo                         ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(listen_dnsport.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    getpeername                         CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    recvfrom                            ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(netevent.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    freeaddrinfo                        CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    inet_addr                           ../../contrib/epee/src/libepee.a(string_tools.cpp.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    inet_pton                           CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    inet_ntoa                           ../../contrib/epee/src/libepee.a(string_tools.cpp.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    inet_ntop                           CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    __xnet_bind                         CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    gai_strerror                        ../../external/unbound/libunbound.a(listen_dnsport.c.o)  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    __xnet_recvmsg                      CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    __xnet_sendmsg                      CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    shutdown                            CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/wallet_rpc_server.cpp.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    ld: fatal: symbol referencing errors. No output written to ../../bin/monero-wallet-rpc
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    *** Error code 1
    The following command caused the error:
    cd /root/ && /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/link.txt --verbose=
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `bin/monero-wallet-rpc'
    Current working directory /root/
    *** Error code 1
    The following command caused the error:
    make -f src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/build.make src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/build
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet_rpc_server.dir/all'
    Current working directory /root/
    *** Error code 1
    The following command caused the error:
    make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'
    Current working directory /root/
    *** Error code 1
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `release-static'

    I suspect that problem in my excluded fake-rfc2553 in unbound module. But my brain is blowed up already and I can't invent nothing anymore.

    So can anybody help me to move forward or fix my hacks? Perhaps I'm doing wrong something.

  • Fail to build on PPC64

    Fail to build on PPC64

    Seems like this is the cause:

    cc1: error: unrecognized command line option '-maes'
    cc1: error: unrecognized command line option '-march=native'

    Full log:

  • Integrate with I2P-Java via libsam3

    Integrate with I2P-Java via libsam3

    I2P-Java is a relatively mature project with active developers.

    A few years ago, it would have been unthinkable to have to ask people to separately install a 200 MB JVM on their machine before being able to run a Monero wallet that wanted to route connections through I2P-Java.

    Things have changed since then. Java 9 implemented modularization to allow zero dependency native apps with small footprints. This brings the footprint of an app with a bundled JVM down to as low as 22 MB (11 MB with compression). The end user will have no idea they're running a JVM, and no JVM will be installed. This means no conflicts with any other JVMs they may previously have installed. Even better, we now have the open source (GPLv2) OpenJDK. See

    zab_, one of the I2P developers, has noted in the Monero reddit that we could interface with I2P-Java via the SAM library or via the lower level I2CP protocol (zab_'s comment here).

  • RockPro64 sync struggles

    RockPro64 sync struggles

    Hi guys

    I have a brand new RockPro64 running Arbian on eMMC and writing the data do an NVMe. I must have tried 10 times already with different degrees of progress (between about 10%-47%) before failure with different errors.

    The latest log:


    popping blocks from the stack does not work:


    my drive is not full yet: image

    my monerod.conf file has reasonably settings afaik: image

    Please tell me it cant be hardware related? It is brand new? Is there a way to test?

  • [v13] Ledger wallet doesn’t open sometimes (libhidapi)

    [v13] Ledger wallet doesn’t open sometimes (libhidapi)

    This issue is quite minor, simply opening the wallet again fixes the issue. It has happened a couple of times now so I’ve created an issue to document it.

    selsta@mbpR ~/d/m/b/D/l/r/bin> ./monero-wallet-cli --wallet-file ledger
    2018-10-08 20:09:40,705 INFO  [default] Page size: 4096
    This is the command line monero wallet. It needs to connect to a monero
    daemon to work correctly.
    WARNING: Do not reuse your Monero keys on another fork, UNLESS this fork has key reuse mitigations built in. Doing so will harm your privacy.
    Monero 'Beryllium Bullet' (v0.13.0.1-rc-ac567452)
    Logging to ./monero-wallet-cli.log
    Wallet password: 
    Error: failed to load wallet: Wrong sequence_idx

    /cc @cslashm

  • cryptonote tweak v2.2

    cryptonote tweak v2.2

    This is a proposed tweak to the cryptonote algorithm for the next release. This was designed to "augment" CNv2, and reduce the chances of pre-built boards for those changes. Advantages:

    • Works with or without CNv2 changes by @SChernykh .
    • Any manufactured boards that implement one pass of the primary loop in the original, v1, or CNv2 algorithm is unlikely to work.
    • Any manufactured boards that have an implementation of the 8-byte multiply then 8-byte add routine (which could be leveraged in in v0, v1, or v2) is unlikely to work.
    • XORing was used because it is not distributive or associative over addition or multiplication. So XOR should require an order for the operations around the multiply/add sections of the original and CNv2 design.


    • Any existing design for the original, v1, or CNv2 is probably easy to update.
    • Any highly custom RISC/microcoded chip is unlikely to have much additional penalty (i.e. if some chips were designed for use with CNv2 instructions, this doesn't change performance much).

    Feedback from the community is strongly encouraged. Possible additional techniques could involve mixing information from earlier stages of the pipeline or CNv2 stages.

  • daemonizer: don't uninstall windows service on exit

    daemonizer: don't uninstall windows service on exit

    Issue mentioned by @plowsof in #8697

    when service monerod is running, if you monerod exit the service gets uninstalled (?). so if e.g. the GUI implements this - clicking 'stop daemon' would uninstall the service, (run time flags will reveal that its in service mode)

  • readline_buffer: disable bracketed paste escape sequences

    readline_buffer: disable bracketed paste escape sequences

    As of libreadline >= 8.1, bracketed paste sequences are enabled by default. This turns them off. This along with #8693, should mean that with environment variable NO_COLOR present, no escape sequences are generated in the output, just plain text.

  • win-service: enable auto startup

    win-service: enable auto startup

    current behaviour:

    1. from a terminal with admin rights monerod.exe --data-dir G:\\ --install-service
    2. monerod is added to services but not running
    3. monerod.exe --start-service - runs, and works perfectly
    4. restart system - monerod service is "stopped"/not running after boot.

    with SERVICE_AUTO_START:: 4. restart system - monerod service is running as expected.

    notes: (fixed by #8700 ) when service monerod is running, if you monerod exit the service gets uninstalled (?). so if e.g. the GUI implements this - clicking 'stop daemon' would uninstall the service, (run time flags will reveal that its in service mode)

  • monero- error: ‘deque’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a template type

    monero- error: ‘deque’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a template type

    gcc (Gentoo Hardened 12.2.1_p20221224 p7) 12.2.1 20221224

    FAILED: src/common/CMakeFiles/obj_common.dir/threadpool.cpp.o 
    /usr/bin/ccache /usr/lib/ccache/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -DAUTO_INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP -DBLOCKCHAIN_DB=DB_LMDB -DBOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_SEQUENTIAL_STRAND_ALLOCATION -DDEFAULT_DB_TYPE=\"lmdb\" -DHAVE_EXPLICIT_BZERO -DHAVE_HIDAPI -DHAVE_READLINE -DHAVE_STRPTIME -DPER_BLOCK_CHECKPOINT -I/var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- -I/var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- -I/var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- -I/var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- -I/var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- -I/var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- -I/var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- -I/var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- -I/usr/include/hidapi  -O2 -pipe -march=native -ftree-vectorize -malign-data=cacheline -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -pthread -maes -march=native -fno-strict-aliasing -D_GNU_SOURCE   -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Wvla -Wwrite-strings -Wno-error=extra -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=undef -Wno-error=uninitialized -Wlogical-op -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized -Wno-error=cpp -Wno-reorder -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fPIC  -Wformat -Wformat-security -fstack-protector -fstack-protector-strong -fcf-protection=full -fstack-clash-protection -Werror=switch -Werror=return-type -fno-strict-aliasing -ftemplate-depth=900 -std=c++14 -MD -MT src/common/CMakeFiles/obj_common.dir/threadpool.cpp.o -MF src/common/CMakeFiles/obj_common.dir/threadpool.cpp.o.d -o src/common/CMakeFiles/obj_common.dir/threadpool.cpp.o -c /var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero-
    In file included from /var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero-
    /var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- error: ‘deque’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a template type
       96 |     std::deque<entry> queue;
          |          ^~~~~
    /var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- note: ‘std::deque’ is defined in header ‘<deque>’; did you forget to ‘#include <deque>’?
       32 | #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
      +++ |+#include <deque>
       33 | #include <cstddef>
    /var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- In member function ‘void tools::threadpool::submit(waiter*, std::function<void()>, bool)’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- error: ‘queue’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘sigqueue’?
       88 |   if (!leaf && ((active == max && !queue.empty()) || depth > 0)) {
          |                                    ^~~~~
          |                                    sigqueue
    /var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- In member function ‘void tools::threadpool::run(bool)’:
    /var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- error: ‘queue’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘sigqueue’?
      155 |     while(queue.empty() && running)
          |           ^~~~~
          |           sigqueue
    /var/tmp/portage/net-p2p/monero- error: ‘queue’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘sigqueue’?
      164 |     e = std::move(queue.front());
          |                   ^~~~~
          |                   sigqueue
  • util: make GMT timestamps explicit for clarity

    util: make GMT timestamps explicit for clarity

    For privacy reasons, time functions use GMT, to avoid logs leaking timezones. It'd make more sense to use localtime for wallet output (which are not logged by default), but that adds inconsistencies which can also be confusing. So add a Z suffix for now to make it clear these are not local time.

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Example of a cryptocurrency portfolio balancer with Ninjabot
Example of a cryptocurrency portfolio balancer with Ninjabot

Ninjabot Portfolio Balancer Example of strategy that balances a given portfolio with weights. Related Discussion:

Jan 8, 2022
A cryptocurrency implementation in less than 1500 lines of code
A cryptocurrency implementation in less than 1500 lines of code

Naivecoin - a cryptocurrency implementation in less than 1500 lines of code Motivation Cryptocurrencies and smart-contracts on top of a blockchain are

Dec 11, 2022
This project was builded to improve my knowledge about blockchain and cryptocurrency

Blockchain Hello World in GoLang This project was builded to improve my knowledge about blockchain and cryptocurrency. To build this project, I've fol

Feb 20, 2022
Quoter - Get real-time Cryptocurrency quotes via CoinMarketCap

quoter Get real-time Cryptocurrency quotes via CoinMarketCap. Get it go get -u g

May 12, 2022
Split and distribute your private keys securely amongst untrusted network
Split and distribute your private keys securely amongst untrusted network

cocert An experimental tool for splitting and distributing your private keys safely* cocert, generates ECDSA - P521 key and uses a technique known as

Dec 5, 2022
Proving possession of private data using KZG-Polynomial Commitments.

data proof Copyright (c) 2021 George Carder [email protected] GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 // proof of concept // not efficient, optimized,

Nov 26, 2021
Public key derivator for ECDSA (without knowledge of the private key)

A proof of concept of a public key derivation for ECDSA (without knowledge of the private key) It is a demonstration of how to implement a simple key

Nov 9, 2022
Private Terraform Provider Registry For Golang

private-reggie Private Terraform Provider Registry Test With curl $ curl http://localhost:8080/terraform/providers/v1/hashicorp/hashicups/versions ht

Dec 13, 2021
Kiteco-public - Primary Kite repo — private bits replaced with XXXXXXX

This is a public version of the main Kite repo The main Kite repo (originally kiteco/kiteco) was intended for private use. It has been lightly adapted

Dec 30, 2022
Go implementation of a vanity attempt to generate Bitcoin private keys and subsequently checking whether the corresponding Bitcoin address has a non-zero balance.

vanity-BTC-miner Go implementation of a vanity attempt to generate Bitcoin private keys and subsequently checking whether the corresponding Bitcoin ad

Jun 3, 2022
EtherGuess - Crack Ethereum account private key
EtherGuess - Crack Ethereum account private key

EtherGuess This program generates random Ethereum private keys and check for acc

Jun 6, 2022