Go Version Manager


Build Status

By Josh Bussdieker (jbuss, jaja, jbussdieker) while working at Moovweb

Currently lovingly maintained by Benjamin Knigge

Pull requests and other any other contributions would be very much appreciated.

GVM provides an interface to manage Go versions.


  • Install/Uninstall Go versions with gvm install [tag] where tag is "60.3", "go1", "weekly.2011-11-08", or "tip"
  • List added/removed files in GOROOT with gvm diff
  • Manage GOPATHs with gvm pkgset [create/use/delete] [name]. Use --local as name to manage repository under local path (/path/to/repo/.gvm_local).
  • List latest release tags with gvm listall. Use --all to list weekly as well.
  • Cache a clean copy of the latest Go source for multiple version installs.
  • Link project directories into GOPATH


When we started developing in Go mismatched dependencies and API changes plauged our build process and made it extremely difficult to merge with other peoples changes.

After nuking my entire GOROOT several times and rebuilding I decided to come up with a tool to oversee the process. It eventually evolved into what gvm is today.


To install:

bash < <(curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer)

Or if you are using zsh just change bash with zsh

Installing Go

gvm install go1.4
gvm use go1.4 [--default]

Once this is done Go will be in the path and ready to use. $GOROOT and $GOPATH are set automatically.

Additional options can be specified when installing Go:

Usage: gvm install [version] [options]
    -s,  --source=SOURCE      Install Go from specified source.
    -n,  --name=NAME          Override the default name for this version.
    -pb, --with-protobuf      Install Go protocol buffers.
    -b,  --with-build-tools   Install package build tools.
    -B,  --binary             Only install from binary.
         --prefer-binary      Attempt a binary install, falling back to source.
    -h,  --help               Display this message.

A Note on Compiling Go 1.5+

Go 1.5+ removed the C compilers from the toolchain and replaced them with one written in Go. Obviously, this creates a bootstrapping problem if you don't already have a working Go install. In order to compile Go 1.5+, make sure Go 1.4 is installed first.

gvm install go1.4 -B
gvm use go1.4
gvm install go1.5

List Go Versions

To list all installed Go versions (The current version is prefixed with "=>"):

gvm list

To list all Go versions available for download:

gvm listall


To completely remove gvm and all installed Go versions and packages:

gvm implode

If that doesn't work see the troubleshooting steps at the bottom of this page.

Mac OS X Requirements

xcode-select --install
brew update
brew install mercurial

Linux Requirements


sudo apt-get install curl git mercurial make binutils bison gcc build-essential


sudo yum install curl
sudo yum install git
sudo yum install make
sudo yum install bison
sudo yum install gcc
sudo yum install glibc-devel

FreeBSD Requirements

sudo pkg_add -r bash
sudo pkg_add -r git
sudo pkg_add -r mercurial

Vendoring Native Code and Dependencies

GVM supports vendoring package set-specific native code and related dependencies, which is useful if you need to qualify a new configuration or version of one of these dependencies against a last-known-good version in an isolated manner. Such behavior is critical to maintaining good release engineering and production environment hygiene.

As a convenience matter, GVM will furnish the following environment variables to aid in this manner if you want to decouple your work from what the operating system provides:

  1. ${GVM_OVERLAY_PREFIX} functions in a manner akin to a root directory hierarchy suitable for auto{conf,make,tools} where it could be passed in to ./configure --prefix=${GVM_OVERLAY_PREFIX} and not conflict with any existing operating system artifacts and hermetically be used by your workspace. This is suitable to use with C{PP,XX}FLAGS and LDFLAGS, but you will have to manage these yourself, since each tool that uses them is different.

  2. ${PATH} includes ${GVM_OVERLAY_PREFIX}/bin so that any tools you manually install will reside there, available for you.

  3. ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} includes ${GVM_OVERLAY_PREFIX}/lib so that any runtime library searching can be fulfilled there on FreeBSD and Linux.

  4. ${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH} includes ${GVM_OVERLAY_PREFIX}/lib so that any runtime library searching can be fulfilled there on Mac OS X.

  5. ${PKG_CONFIG_PATH} includes ${GVM_OVERLAY_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig so that pkg-config can automatically resolve any vendored dependencies.

Recipe for success:

gvm use go1.1
gvm pkgset use current-known-good
# Let's assume that this includes some C headers and native libraries, which
# Go's CGO facility wraps for us.  Let's assume that these native
# dependencies are at version V.
gvm pkgset create trial-next-version
# Let's assume that V+1 has come along and you want to safely trial it in
# your workspace.
gvm pkgset use trial-next-version
# Do your work here replicating current-known-good from above, but install

See examples/native for a working example.


Sometimes especially during upgrades the state of gvm's files can get mixed up. This is mostly true for upgrade from older version than 0.0.8. Changes are slowing down and a LTR is imminent. But for now rm -rf ~/.gvm will always remove gvm. Stay tuned!


Moovweb XDN delivers unparalleled site speeds via progressive web apps with server-side rendering, auto AMP creation, and CDN-as-code.
  • Error with go1.5 install

    Error with go1.5 install

    ~  gvm install go1.5                                                                                                                                
    Installing go1.5...
     * Compiling...
    ERROR: Failed to compile. Check the logs at /home/xxxxx/.gvm/logs/go-go1.5-compile.log
    ERROR: Failed to use installed version
    ~ cat /home/xxxxx/.gvm/logs/go-go1.5-compile.log                                                                                                   
    ##### Building Go bootstrap tool.
    ERROR: Cannot find /home/xxxxx/go1.4/bin/go.
    Set $GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP to a working Go tree >= Go 1.4.
    ./make.bash: line 121: /home/xxxxx/go1.4/bin/go: No such file or directory
  • gvm install go1.9.2 fails on macOS 10.12.6

    gvm install go1.9.2 fails on macOS 10.12.6

    I have already install go1.4 successed use: gvm install go1.4 -B when i install go1.9.2 got error:

    Downloading Go source... Installing go1.9.2...

    • Compiling... ERROR: Failed to compile. Check the logs at /Users/defned/.gvm/logs/go-go1.9.2-compile.log ERROR: Failed to use installed version

    cat /Users/defned/.gvm/logs/go-go1.9.2-compile.log

    Building Go bootstrap tool.


    Building Go toolchain using /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.4.

    bootstrap/cmd/internal/dwarf bootstrap/cmd/internal/objabi bootstrap/cmd/internal/src bootstrap/cmd/internal/sys bootstrap/cmd/asm/internal/flags bootstrap/cmd/internal/bio bootstrap/math/bits bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/syntax bootstrap/math/big bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj bootstrap/cmd/asm/internal/lex bootstrap/cmd/internal/gcprog bootstrap/debug/pe bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/ld bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/arm bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/arm64 bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/mips bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/s390x bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/x86 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/types bootstrap/cmd/asm/internal/arch bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/ssa bootstrap/cmd/asm/internal/asm bootstrap/cmd/asm bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/amd64 bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/arm bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/arm64 bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/mips bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/mips64 bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/s390x bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/x86 bootstrap/cmd/link bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/gc bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/amd64 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/arm bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/arm64 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/mips bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/mips64 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/s390x bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/x86 bootstrap/cmd/compile

    Building go_bootstrap for host, darwin/amd64.

    runtime/internal/sys runtime/internal/atomic runtime encoding errors internal/cpu internal/race internal/syscall/windows/sysdll math/bits sync/atomic unicode unicode/utf16 unicode/utf8 math sync io internal/singleflight syscall cmd/go/internal/web hash bytes strings hash/adler32 bufio strconv path internal/syscall/windows internal/syscall/windows/registry time reflect encoding/base64 crypto crypto/sha1 internal/poll os os/signal sort encoding/binary fmt unexpected fault address 0x4cbfdb9a1a9 fatal error: fault [signal 0xb code=0x1 addr=0x4cbfdb9a1a9 pc=0xfda3f]

    goroutine 1 [running]: runtime.gothrow(0x70a230, 0x5) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:503 +0x8e fp=0xc2083ff438 sp=0xc2083ff420 runtime.sigpanic() /usr/local/go/src/runtime/sigpanic_unix.go:29 +0x261 fp=0xc2083ff488 sp=0xc2083ff438 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/gc.livenessShouldTrack(0x4cbfdb9a12b, 0x7354b0) /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/plive.go:149 +0x1f fp=0xc2083ff4a0 sp=0xc2083ff488 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/gc.getvariables(0xc2083abe40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1) /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/plive.go:157 +0xd2 fp=0xc2083ff568 sp=0xc2083ff4a0 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/gc.liveness(0xc2085c8570, 0xc2085bd2c0, 0xc2085c8570) /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/plive.go:1287 +0x2b fp=0xc2083ff5d0 sp=0xc2083ff568 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/gc.genssa(0xc2085bd2c0, 0xc208588780) /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/ssa.go:4383 +0xb8 fp=0xc2083ff7f0 sp=0xc2083ff5d0 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileSSA(0xc2083abe40, 0x0) /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/pgen.go:242 +0x85 fp=0xc2083ff880 sp=0xc2083ff7f0 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/gc.compile(0xc2083abe40) /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/pgen.go:219 +0x11a fp=0xc2083ff8f8 sp=0xc2083ff880 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/gc.funccompile(0xc2083abe40) /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/dcl.go:1049 +0x1a3 fp=0xc2083ff970 sp=0xc2083ff8f8 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/gc.Main(0x8275e8) /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/main.go:585 +0x30e9 fp=0xc2083ffee8 sp=0xc2083ff970 main.main() /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/cmd/compile/main.go:49 +0x1c5 fp=0xc2083fff98 sp=0xc2083ffee8 runtime.main() /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:63 +0xf3 fp=0xc2083fffe0 sp=0xc2083fff98 runtime.goexit() /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2232 +0x1 fp=0xc2083fffe8 sp=0xc2083fffe0 go tool dist: FAILED: /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/compile -pack -o /var/folders/h1/sdy0c6v907z7ylyw7650364w0000gp/T/go-tool-dist-513999791/sort/go.a -p sort /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/sort/search.go /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/sort/sort.go /Users/defned/.gvm/gos/go1.9.2/src/sort/zfuncversion.go: exit status 2 can't create /var/folders/h1/sdy0c6v907z7ylyw7650364w0000gp/T/go-tool-dist-513999791/encoding/binary/go.a: open /var/folders/h1/sdy0c6v907z7ylyw7650364w0000gp/T/go-tool-dist-513999791/encoding/binary/go.a: no such file or directory can't create /var/folders/h1/sdy0c6v907z7ylyw7650364w0000gp/T/go-tool-dist-513999791/fmt/go.a: open /var/folders/h1/sdy0c6v907z7ylyw7650364w0000gp/T/go-tool-dist-513999791/fmt/go.a: no such file or directory

    hope help me

  • Automatically `gvm use`... on per-directory .go-version files

    Automatically `gvm use`... on per-directory .go-version files

    chruby and ndenv help Ruby and Node.js programmers by automatically the right version of a programming language based on per-directory files like .ruby-version and .node-version. Could gvm do the same with .go-version files?

  • Conflict with GVM (Groovy enVironment Manager)

    Conflict with GVM (Groovy enVironment Manager)

    I had installed GVM (Groovy enVironment Manager) in my Ubuntu system.

    When I try to install gvm with

    bash < <(curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer),

    I get ERROR: Already installed!.

    Is there anyway to install gvm without conflicting with GVM?

  • Use git repositories

    Use git repositories

    Golang has officially made the switch from Mercurial to git. GVM needs to be updated with respect to that, and mercurial needs to be removed from the requirements as a result.

  • Failed to install gb

    Failed to install gb

    Hey Guys,

    Sorry to bug you again, I don't know if it is a real issue or not, and it probably isn't a gvm issue, but when I try to install I get:

    ➜  ~  gvm install release.r60.3
    Downloading Go source...
    Installing release.r60.3...
     * Compiling...
     * Installing gb...
    Failed to install gb
     * Installing gpkg...

    Any and all help/advice is loved :)



  • gvm install fails on Ubuntu 12.04

    gvm install fails on Ubuntu 12.04

    After installing gvm (and it's prerequisites) and confirming that it works with gvm version: Go Version Manager v1.0.22 installed at /home/rihards/.gvm

    I get the following output when I try to run gvm install go1.4: Downloading Go source... Installing go1.4...

    • Compiling... ERROR: Failed to compile. Check the logs at /home/rihards/.gvm/logs/go-go1.4-compile.log ERROR: Failed to use installed version

    And the content of the said log file is:

    Building Go bootstrap tool.

    cmd/dist ERROR: Cannot find /home/rihards/go1.4/bin/go. Set $GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP to a working Go tree >= Go 1.4. ./make.bash: line 121: /home/rihards/go1.4/bin/go: No such file or directory

    This happens with other versions of go as well, and with different users on the system, including root. I've also tried removing .gvm and reinstalling it, still no luck.

  • .gvmrc Support

    .gvmrc Support

    This is a great project, and I can see myself using this to vendor my dependencies.

    Are there any plans or thoughts around adding .gvmrc support like .rvmrc from RVM? I am working on multiple Go projects at the moment, and auto switching between pkgsets when I switch directories would be fantastic.

    Thanks, -Phil

  • Issues on OSX

    Issues on OSX

    Hi! Cool project :+1:

    I notice you don't mention use on OSX, is it supported? If so, I'm having this issue:

    $ gvm install go1
    Installing go1...
     * Compiling...
    ERROR: Failed to compile
    ERROR: Failed to use installed version

    Is there a way to turn verbosity up so I can see the full stack trace and figure out what's going on?

  • odd error when running gvm command

    odd error when running gvm command

    Hey @moovweb,

    I installed gvm as per the instructions, and added the source line to my .zsh_profile but get the following error when I run the gvm command:

    ➜  ~  gvm
    gvm:20: = not found

    I am not sure how to diagnose this error, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks a bundle,


  • gvm install fails with

    gvm install fails with "go: command not found" on Ubuntu 18.04

    At 6ecd46d8b58c18f2a7bd5a1ab604cb57443cd35c:

    $ bash < <(curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer)
    $ gvm install go1.11
    Downloading Go source...
    Installing go1.11...
     * Compiling...
    /home/ciro/.gvm/scripts/install: line 84: go: command not found
    ERROR: Failed to compile. Check the logs at /home/ciro/.gvm/logs/go-go1.11-compile.log
    ERROR: Failed to use installed version

    Installing Go with package manager solved it:

    sudo apt-get install golang-go

    but feels a bit bad to need go to install go. At least document the dep at: https://github.com/moovweb/gvm/tree/6ecd46d8b58c18f2a7bd5a1ab604cb57443cd35c#debianubuntu

  • Apple M1 Macbook Pro install:

    Apple M1 Macbook Pro install: "bad CPU type in executable: go"

    Following the installation instructions, in addition to thego1.5 section on the README:

    I am getting the following error when running anything with the binary installed go1.4, including go version or gvm install go1.5:

    zsh: bad CPU type in executable: go

    I have installed rosetta with softwareupdate --install-rosetta

    and which go points to the go1.4 version under GVM

    Any suggestions?

  • fix: 32 bit ARM

    fix: 32 bit ARM

    #372 will be fixed by this. This PR also allows s390x computers to use this. Mac's output arm64 when uname -m is run on the M1's, so support for that was added as well.

  • install gvm using zsh still update bashrc

    install gvm using zsh still update bashrc

    Here my zsh version is zsh 5.9 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu), gvm version is v1.0.22. And I'm using oh-my-zsh. After install gvm, gvm updates my profile .bashrc, not .zshrc I use env | grep -i zsh, it prints


    It seems there is no ZSH_NAME environment variable, but ZSH Instead. It's ok for me to copy the code from bashrc to zshrc, but it would be better if got fixed. Here is a piece of code from gvm:

    if [ -z "$GVM_NO_UPDATE_PROFILE" ] ; then
      if [ -n "$ZSH_NAME" ]; then
        update_profile "$HOME/.zshrc"
      elif [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]; then
        update_profile "$HOME/.bashrc" || update_profile "$HOME/.bash_profile"
      elif [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then
        update_profile "$HOME/.profile" || update_profile "$HOME/.bash_profile"
  • Allow referencing versions without the 'go' prefix

    Allow referencing versions without the 'go' prefix

    gvm install 1.19 should be synonymous with gvm install go1.19. Right now, it throws a ERROR: Unrecognized Go version. Would be a helpful quality of life fix. Having to supply the prefix go is pretty redundant..

Go version manager. Super simple tool to install and manage Go versions. Install go without root. Gobrew doesn't require shell rehash.

gobrew Go version manager Install or update With curl $ curl -sLk https://git.io/gobrew | sh - or with go $ go get -u github.com/kevincobain2000/gobre

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