Search Kubernetes Ingress resources.


Search Ingress resources.


  1. Download from Releases page.
  2. cp kubectl-ingress-search /usr/local/bin/
  3. use kubectl-ingress-search or kubectl ingress search


list all ingress in default namespace:

$ kubectl ingress search
  NAMESPACE |                  NAME                   |         HOST          |   PATH    |                  BACKEND                   
  default   | ingress-resource-backend                |                       | /icons    |  
  default   | ingress-wildcard-host                   |           | /bar      | Service/service1:80                        
  default   | ingress-wildcard-host                   | *             | /foo      | Service/service2:80                        
  default   | minimal-ingress                         |                       | /testpath | Service/test:80                            
  default   | name-virtual-host-ingress               |           | /         | Service/service1:80                        
  default   | name-virtual-host-ingress               |           | /         | Service/service2:80                        
  default   | name-virtual-host-ingress-no-third-host |         | /         | Service/service1:80                        
  default   | name-virtual-host-ingress-no-third-host |        | /         | Service/service2:80                        
  default   | name-virtual-host-ingress-no-third-host |                       | /         | Service/service3:80                        
  default   | simple-fanout-example                   |           | /foo      | Service/service1:4200                      
  default   | simple-fanout-example                   |           | /bar      | Service/service2:8080                      
  default   | tls-example-ingress                     | | /         | Service/service1:80                        

by namespace

$ kubectl ingress search -n test
  NAMESPACE |      NAME       | HOST |   PATH    |     BACKEND      
  test      | minimal-ingress |      | /testpath | Service/test:80  

all namespaces:

$ kubectl ingress search -A
  NAMESPACE |                  NAME                   |         HOST          |   PATH    |                  BACKEND                   
  default   | ingress-resource-backend                |                       | /icons    |  
  default   | ingress-wildcard-host                   |           | /bar      | Service/service1:80                        
  default   | ingress-wildcard-host                   | *             | /foo      | Service/service2:80                        
  default   | minimal-ingress                         |                       | /testpath | Service/test:80                            
  default   | name-virtual-host-ingress               |           | /         | Service/service1:80                        
  default   | name-virtual-host-ingress               |           | /         | Service/service2:80                        
  default   | name-virtual-host-ingress-no-third-host |         | /         | Service/service1:80                        
  default   | name-virtual-host-ingress-no-third-host |        | /         | Service/service2:80                        
  default   | name-virtual-host-ingress-no-third-host |                       | /         | Service/service3:80                        
  default   | simple-fanout-example                   |           | /foo      | Service/service1:4200                      
  default   | simple-fanout-example                   |           | /bar      | Service/service2:8080                      
  default   | tls-example-ingress                     | | /         | Service/service1:80                        
  test      | minimal-ingress                         |                       | /testpath | Service/test:80                            

by service

$ kubectl ingress search -s service2


by name

$ kubectl ingress search --name host


by host

$ kubectl ingress search --host bar


by path

$ kubectl ingress search --path bar


by backend

$ kubectl ingress search -b k8s



$ kubectl ingress search --name 'vir.*host' -m regexp


auto merge

$ kubectl ingress search --auto-merge --host
| NAMESPACE |           NAME            |    HOST     | PATH |        BACKEND        |
| default   | ingress-wildcard-host     | | /bar | Service/service1:80   |
+           +---------------------------+             +------+                       +
|           | name-virtual-host-ingress |             | /    |                       |
+           +---------------------------+             +------+-----------------------+
|           | simple-fanout-example     |             | /foo | Service/service1:4200 |
+           +                           +             +------+-----------------------+
|           |                           |             | /bar | Service/service2:8080 |

highlight duplicate services

$ kubectl ingress search -H



$ kubectl-ingress-search -h
kubectl-ingress-search search Ingress resources to match given pattern(s).
It prints matched Ingress in table format.
More info:

  kubectl-ingress-search [flags]


$ kubectl ingress search
$ kubectl ingress search --service test
$ kubectl ingress search --name test
$ kubectl ingress search --host
$ kubectl ingress search --path /test
$ kubectl ingress search --no-header
$ kubectl ingress search --match-mode exact
$ kubectl ingress search --match-mode regexp
$ kubectl ingress search --case-sensitive

  -A, --all-namespaces                if present, list the requested object(s) across all namespaces. Namespace in current context is ignored even if specified with --namespace
      --auto-merge                    auto merge table cells
  -b, --backend string                search by backend
  -I, --case-sensitive                case sensitive pattern match
  -h, --help                          help for kubectl-ingress-search
  -H, --highlight-duplicate-service   highlight duplicate service
      --host string                   search by host
      --kubeconfig string             path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
  -m, --match-mode string             exact match or regexp match. One of (exact|regexp) (default "exact")
      --name string                   search by name
  -n, --namespace string              if present, the namespace scope for this CLI request (default "default")
      --no-header                     don't show table header
  -p, --path string                   search by path
  -s, --service string                search by service
  -V, --version                       show version and exit

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