Golang telegram bot API wrapper, session-based router and middleware

go-tgbot godoc

Pure Golang telegram bot API wrapper generated from swagger definition, session-based routing and middlewares.

Usage benefits

  1. No need to learn any other library API. You will use methods with payload exactly like it presented on telegram bot API description page. With only couple trade-offs, b/c of telegram bot API is generics a bit.
  2. All models and methods are being supported. The models and methods were generated from swagger.yaml description file. So, new entities/methods could be added by describing in the YAML swagger file. This approach allows validating the description, avoid typos and develop fast.
  3. easyjson is plugged. So, it's fast.
  4. context.Context based HTTP client
  5. Session-based routing, not only message text based.


Client package could be used as regular go-swagger client library without using Router. There are the only two additional features over go-swagger, a possibility to setup token by default(It solved as an interface checking) and API throttling for 30 calls per second(see more info).


package main

import (

	tgbot "github.com/olebedev/go-tgbot"

var token *string

func main() {
	token = flag.String("token", "", "telegram bot token")

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()

	api := tgbot.NewClient(ctx, *token)


	// Also, every calls could be done with given context
	ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
	defer cancel()

	_, err := api.Users.GetMe(

	if err != nil {
		// users.NewGetMeBadRequest()
		if e, ok := err.(*users.GetMeBadRequest); ok {
			log.Println(e.Payload.ErrorCode, e.Payload.Description)

Since swagger covers many other platforms/technologies the same libraries could be generated for them too. See the source here - swagger.yaml.
Also, have a look at Swagger UI for telegram API(master branch).


The Router allows binding between kinds of updates and handlers, which are being checked via regexp. Router includes client API library as embedded struct. Example:

package main

import (

	tgbot "github.com/olebedev/go-tgbot"

var token *string

func main() {
	token = flag.String("token", "", "telegram bot token")

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()

	r := tgbot.New(ctx, *token)

	// setup global middleware

	// modify path to be able to match user's commands via router
	r.Use(func(c *tgbot.Context) error {
		c.Path = c.Path + c.Text
		return nil

	// bind handler
	r.Bind(`^/message/(?:.*)/text/start(?:\s(.*))?$`, func(c *tgbot.Context) error {
		log.Println(c.Capture)             // - ^ from path
		log.Println(c.Update.Message.Text) // or c.Text

		// send greeting message back
		message := "hi there what's up"
		resp, err := r.Messages.SendMessage(
				Text:   &message,
				ChatID: c.Update.Message.Chat.ID,
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if resp != nil {
		return nil

	if err := r.Poll(ctx, models.AllowedUpdateMessage); err != nil {

Default string representation of any kind of an update could be found here - router.go.

Router implements http.Handler interface to be able to serve HTTP as well. But, it's not recommended because webhooks are much much slower than polling.

More examples can be found at godoc.

See the documentation for more details.



Oleg Lebedev
Don’t let the Canva bugs bite
Oleg Lebedev
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    			if s.Debug {
    		return e
    	return nil
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