GoRequest -- Simplified HTTP client ( inspired by nodejs SuperAgent )


GoRequest -- Simplified HTTP client ( inspired by famous SuperAgent lib in Node.js )


"Shooting Requests like a Machine Gun" - Gopher

Sending request has never been as fun nor easier than this. It comes with lots of features:

  • Get/Post/Put/Head/Delete/Patch/Options
  • Set - simple header setting
  • JSON - made it simple with JSON string as a parameter
  • Multipart-Support - send data and files as multipart request
  • Proxy - sending request via proxy
  • Timeout - setting timeout for a request
  • TLSClientConfig - taking control over tls where at least you can disable security check for https
  • RedirectPolicy
  • Cookie - setting cookies for your request
  • CookieJar - automatic in-memory cookiejar
  • BasicAuth - setting basic authentication header
  • more to come..


$ go get github.com/parnurzeal/gorequest


See Go Doc or Go Walker for usage and details.


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Why should you use GoRequest?

GoRequest makes thing much more simple for you, making http client more awesome and fun like SuperAgent + golang style usage.

This is what you normally do for a simple GET without GoRequest:

resp, err := http.Get("http://example.com/")

With GoRequest:

request := gorequest.New()
resp, body, errs := request.Get("http://example.com/").End()

Or below if you don't want to reuse it for other requests.

resp, body, errs := gorequest.New().Get("http://example.com/").End()

How about getting control over HTTP client headers, redirect policy, and etc. Things can quickly get more complicated in golang. You need to create a Client, set headers in a different command, ... just to do only one GET

client := &http.Client{
  CheckRedirect: redirectPolicyFunc,

req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://example.com", nil)

req.Header.Add("If-None-Match", `W/"wyzzy"`)
resp, err := client.Do(req)

Why make things ugly while you can just do it as follows:

request := gorequest.New()
resp, body, errs := request.Get("http://example.com").
  Set("If-None-Match", `W/"wyzzy"`).

DELETE, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH are now supported and can be used in the same way as GET:

request := gorequest.New()
resp, body, errs := request.Post("http://example.com").End()
// PUT -> request.Put("http://example.com").End()
// DELETE -> request.Delete("http://example.com").End()
// HEAD -> request.Head("http://example.com").End()
// ANYTHING -> request.CustomMethod("TRACE", "http://example.com").End()


For a JSON POST with standard libraries, you might need to marshal map data structure to json format, set headers to 'application/json' (and other headers if you need to) and declare http.Client. So, your code becomes longer and harder to maintain:

m := map[string]interface{}{
  "name": "backy",
  "species": "dog",
mJson, _ := json.Marshal(m)
contentReader := bytes.NewReader(mJson)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://example.com", contentReader)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
req.Header.Set("Notes","GoRequest is coming!")
client := &http.Client{}
resp, _ := client.Do(req)

Compared to our GoRequest version, JSON is for sure a default. So, it turns out to be just one simple line!:

request := gorequest.New()
resp, body, errs := request.Post("http://example.com").
  Set("Notes","gorequst is coming!").
  Send(`{"name":"backy", "species":"dog"}`).

Moreover, it also supports struct type. So, you can have a fun Mix & Match sending the different data types for your request:

type BrowserVersionSupport struct {
  Chrome string
  Firefox string
ver := BrowserVersionSupport{ Chrome: "37.0.2041.6", Firefox: "30.0" }
request := gorequest.New()
resp, body, errs := request.Post("http://version.com/update").

Not only for Send() but Query() is also supported. Just give it a try! :)


Moreover, GoRequest also supports callback function. This gives you much more flexibility on using it. You can use it any way to match your own style! Let's see a bit of callback example:

func printStatus(resp gorequest.Response, body string, errs []error){


You can specify the content-type of the request to type multipart to send all data as multipart/form-data. This feature also allows you to send (multiple) files! Check the examples below!


The SendFile function accepts strings as path to a file, []byte slice or even a os.File! You can also combine them to send multiple files with either custom name and/or custom fieldname:

          f, _ := filepath.Abs("./file2.txt")
bytesOfFile, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(f)

  SendFile(bytesOfFile, "file2.txt", "my_file_fieldname").

Check the docs for SendFile to get more information about the types of arguments.


In the case when you are behind proxy, GoRequest can handle it easily with Proxy func:

request := gorequest.New().Proxy("http://proxy:999")
resp, body, errs := request.Get("http://example-proxy.com").End()
// To reuse same client with no_proxy, use empty string:
resp, body, errs = request.Proxy("").Get("http://example-no-proxy.com").End()

Basic Authentication

To add a basic authentication header:

request := gorequest.New().SetBasicAuth("username", "password")
resp, body, errs := request.Get("http://example-proxy.com").End()


Timeout can be set in any time duration using time package:

request := gorequest.New().Timeout(2*time.Millisecond)
resp, body, errs:= request.Get("http://example.com").End()

Timeout func defines both dial + read/write timeout to the specified time parameter.


Thanks to @jaytaylor, we now have EndBytes to use when you want the body as bytes.

The callbacks work the same way as with End, except that a byte array is used instead of a string.

resp, bodyBytes, errs := gorequest.New().Get("http://example.com/").EndBytes()


We now have EndStruct to use when you want the body as struct.

The callbacks work the same way as with End, except that a struct is used instead of a string.

Supposing the URL http://example.com/ returns the body {"hey":"you"}

heyYou struct {
  Hey string `json:"hey"`

var heyYou heyYou

resp, _, errs := gorequest.New().Get("http://example.com/").EndStruct(&heyYou)


Supposing you need retry 3 times, with 5 seconds between each attempt when gets a BadRequest or a InternalServerError

request := gorequest.New()
resp, body, errs := request.Get("http://example.com/").
                    Retry(3, 5 * time.Second, http.StatusBadRequest, http.StatusInternalServerError).

Handling Redirects

Redirects can be handled with RedirectPolicy which behaves similarly to net/http Client's CheckRedirect function. Simply specify a function which takes the Request about to be made and a slice of previous Requests in order of oldest first. When this function returns an error, the Request is not made.

For example to redirect only to https endpoints:

request := gorequest.New()
resp, body, errs := request.Get("http://example.com/").
                    RedirectPolicy(func(req Request, via []*Request) error {
                      if req.URL.Scheme != "https" {
                        return http.ErrUseLastResponse


You can reuse settings of a Request by cloning it before making any requests. This can be useful if you wish to re-use the SuperAgent across multiple requests without worrying about concurrency or having too many Transports being created.

Clones will copy the same settings (headers, query, etc..), but will only shallow copy any "Data" given to it. They will also share the same Transport and http.Client.

baseRequest := gorequest.New()
// apply anything you want to these settings. Eg:
baseRequest.Timeout(10 * time.Millisecond).
  BasicAuth("user", "password")

// then reuse the base request elsewhere, cloning before modifying or using it.
resp, body, errs := baseRequest.Clone().Get("http://exmaple.com/").End()


For debugging, GoRequest leverages httputil to dump details of every request/response. (Thanks to @dafang)

You can just use SetDebug or environment variable GOREQUEST_DEBUG=0|1 to enable/disable debug mode and SetLogger to set your own choice of logger.

Thanks to @QuentinPerez, we can see even how gorequest is compared to CURL by using SetCurlCommand.


As the underlying gorequest is based on http.Client in most use cases, gorequest.New() should be called once and reuse gorequest as much as possible.

Contributing to GoRequest:

If you find any improvement or issue you want to fix, feel free to send me a pull request with testing.

Thanks to all contributors thus far:


Also, co-maintainer is needed here. If anyone is interested, please email me (parnurzeal at gmail.com)


  • Renee French - the creator of Gopher mascot
  • Wisi Mongkhonsrisawat for providing an awesome GoRequest's Gopher image :)


GoRequest is MIT License.

Theeraphol Wattanavekin
Triple eyes pineapple who loves to meddle with other people codes.
Theeraphol Wattanavekin
  • nil buffer fix

    nil buffer fix

    Fixed nil reader content regression introduced with PR #129.

    • Don't allow buffers with nil contents to be passed to http.NewRequest constructor.

      Fixes errors like:

      Get https://[SOME-WEBSITE]: stream error: stream ID 1; REFUSED_STREAM

  • gorequest install problems

    gorequest install problems

    i am using ubuntu and muanlly install go in my home dir with GOPATH all set. and got this: package golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix: unrecognized import path "golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix"

  • "Clone" the SuperAgent for reuse

    The aim of this is to allow a base gorequest to be re-used throughout someone's code base.

    Ideally, gorequest itself would be concurrent safe, but I think that would require much larger changes (and possibly API changes). This takes the approach of Cloning the base gorequest, so it can be safely used by multiple routines at the same time.

    In my scenario I run a web server. I want to be able to easily re-use a single gorequest base, that gets configured at startup (Eg. timeout, transport, auth, etc...). Adding the Clone method lets me do this safely without running into concurrency issues.

    While refactoring a bit a few other changes had to be made:

    1. The "Timeout" function points to the base gorequest. It also looks like it may have been written after http.Client.Timeout existed. So I switched it to that. Let me know if my assumption there is wrong.
    2. Try to "safely" manage any changes to http.Client & http.Transport. Ideally the user should not be allowed to edit the Client or Transport after calling Clone. However, that would break the API. So instead, I do a "best effort" clone of the Client and Transport so a clone cannot affect the base.

    An example is provided in the readme, with this code example:

    baseRequest := gorequest.New()
    // apply anything you want to these settings. Eg:
    baseRequest.Timeout(10 * time.Millisecond).
      BasicAuth("user", "password")
    // then reuse the base request elsewhere, cloning before modifying or using it.
    resp, body, errs := baseRequest.Clone().Get("http://exmaple.com/").End()

    Should fix, or provide a workaround for #147 - Concurrent write access to a map. Clone makes new Header & Query maps. Should solve this issue. #125 - Clone allows the underlying Client and transport to be re-used. #73 - Calling Clone on the base allows for re-use #27 - Should fix most of the concurrency issues if Clone is used.

    Let me know what you think!

  • Possibility to add Query params in form of struct.

    Possibility to add Query params in form of struct.

    Don'y You mind if i'll implement such thing? Its pretty obvious to send struct as query params too, due to already existing possibility to do this with POST (sendStruct). Why I'm asking - i have a structure which represents some parameters for GET request and what am i doing right now its marshalling data and sending them to Query function in form of string. And when Query unmarshalls it again. Its absolutely unnecessary overhead. Of course i can concatenate this string in cycle - but it would be really shitty way.

    So, what would You say?

  • Package broken with dependency

    Package broken with dependency "http2curl"

    Hello. I'm facing the below issue using de tag v0.2.15.

    Can I fix this in my app?

    ../github.com/parnurzeal/gorequest/gorequest.go:31:2: cannot find package "github.com/moul/http2curl" in any of:
    	/usr/local/go/src/github.com/moul/http2curl (from $GOROOT)
    	/go/src/github.com/moul/http2curl (from $GOPATH)

    It started today, before, was running perfect.


  • queryMap or queryStruct should accept more value type than string

    queryMap or queryStruct should accept more value type than string

    func (s *SuperAgent) queryStruct(content interface{}) *SuperAgent {
    	if marshalContent, err := json.Marshal(content); err != nil {
    		s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
    	} else {
    		var val map[string]interface{}
    		if err := json.Unmarshal(marshalContent, &val); err != nil {
    			s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
    		} else {
    			for k, v := range val {
    				k = strings.ToLower(k)
    				s.QueryData.Add(k, v.(string))
    	return s

    v.(string) always assume v is a string ,which is not always true in practice, I'd like to add some more basic types such as int,float64, etc, even struct with encoded json string

    If you guys ok with this feature, I can cook up a pr.

  • Add http2curl

    Add http2curl


    I added a method to display a CURL command line.

    $> cat curl.go
    package main
    import "github.com/parnurzeal/gorequest"
    func main() {
        gorequest.New().Post("https://www.google.com").SetCurlCommand(true).Send("{\"foo\": \"bar\"}").End()
    $> go run curl.go
    [curl] 2015/10/16 12:22:03 CURL command line: curl -X GET https://www.google.com
    [curl] 2015/10/16 12:22:03 CURL command line: curl -X POST -d "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://www.google.com
  • Add support for unmarshaling the response body into struct

    Add support for unmarshaling the response body into struct

    How about adding support for something like this:

    type Person struct {
      Name string
    var friend Person
    response, _, errs := request.Post("http://example.com").BindBody(&friend).End()
  • Can't get *http.Request from *SuperAgent

    Can't get *http.Request from *SuperAgent

    In case to do testing, I need *http.Request but I can't get *http.Request from *SuperAgent.


  • Auto decompress body

    Auto decompress body


    Thank you for this useful package.

    Looks like now you simply return body even if it is compressed. Maybe you can automatically decompress body when you find Content-Encoding: gzip header.

    Go net/http is doing that already.

  • Memory Leak?

    Memory Leak?


    request := gorequest.New().Timeout(20 * time.Second)

    for {
        select {
        case value := <-checkpool:
            if value == "" {
            proxyinfo := proxy(string(value))
            resp, _, err := request.Proxy(proxyinfo).Head(checkUrl).End()
            if err == nil {
                headers := resp.Header["Server"]
                if headers != nil {
                    serverHeader := headers[0]
                    if strings.Contains(serverHeader, bws) {
                        cleanpool <- value
                        fmt.Printf("%s %s success\n", name, value)
            } else {
                fmt.Printf("%s %s failed %s\n", name, value, err)

    I use go request like above,and the memory of progress keep larger,did my code cause a memory leak or it's a bug of gorequest

  • send string json ,It will be serialized automatically

    send string json ,It will be serialized automatically

    I'm trying to send a string, But if the type is json, It will be serialized automatically,The sequence of the received content fields changes, and the signature fails to pass

  • Suggestion: Change the deranged Gopher machine gun image :-p

    Suggestion: Change the deranged Gopher machine gun image :-p

    Hi! I've been using GoRequest for a while now. Great library!

    I wanted to comment that the Gopher machine gun image is maybe a bit too much. I totally get the comical part but honestly it's more like a deranged/awkward mass shooting Gopher. With gun violence on the rise in the US and war in Eastern Europe not sure if this is a good look for the Go community. Maybe a Gopher shooting laser beams or something a bit more comical might be better.

    It's just a suggestion you will consider. Peace!

    Screen Shot 2022-08-21 at 9 20 44 AM

  • can't send body

    can't send body "{}"

    I expected to send a body data like' {}' , but it failed , seemed like gorequest directly igonre body data if length of Data is 0, any method to fix this ?

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