High-level YugabyteDB RPC and command line client

YugabyteDB Client API

YugabyteDB Client API provides high level API operations and command line interface for YugabyteDB RPC.

Command line interface is very roughly modelled after the yb-admin tool.


go run ./main.go [command] [flags]

Common flags

  • --master: string, repeated, host port of the master to query, default,,
  • --operation-timeout: RPC operation timeout, duration string (5s, 1m, ...), default 60s
  • --tls-ca-cert-file-path: full path to the CA certificate file, default empty string
  • --tls-cert-file-path: full path to the certificate file, default empty string
  • --tls-key-file-path: full path to the key file, default empty string

Logging flags:

  • --log-level: log level, default info
  • --log-as-json: log entries as JSON, default false
  • --log-color: log colored output, default false
  • --log-force-color: force colored output, default false


Universe and cluster commands


Get the placement info and blacklist info of the universe.


TODO: track.


TODO: track.


List all the tablet servers in this database.

  • --primary-only: boolean, list primary tablet servers only, default false


List all the masters in this database.


TODO: track.


TODO: track.


TODO: track.


TODO: track.


Try to force the current master leader to step down.


Fetch current YSQL catalog version.

Table commands


List all tables in this database.

  • --name-filter: string, When used, only returns tables that satisfy a substring match on name_filter, default empty string
  • --keyspace: string, the namespace name to fetch info, default empty string
  • --exclude-system-tables: boolean, exclude system tables, default false
  • --include-not-running: boolean, include not running, default false
  • --relation-type: list of strings, filter tables based on RelationType - supported values: system_table, user_table, index_table, default: all values


  • list all PostgreSQL system_platform relations: cli list-tables --keyspace ysql.system_platform
  • list all PostgreSQL postgres relations: cli list-tables --keyspace ysql.postgres
  • list all PostgreSQL yugabyte relations: cli list-tables --keyspace ysql.yugabyte
  • list all PostgreSQL template0 relations: cli list-tables --keyspace ysql.template0
  • list all CQL system_schema relations: cli list-tables --keyspace ycql.system_schema
  • list all Redis system_redis relations: cli list-tables --keyspace yedis.system_redis


TODO: requires an issue.


TODO: requires an issue.

Backup and snapshot commands


Creates a snapshot of an entire keyspace or selected tables in a keyspace.

  • --keyspace: string, keyspace name to create snapshot of, default <empty string>
  • --name: repeated string, table name to create snapshot of, default empty list
  • --uuid: repeated string, table ID to create snapshot of, default empty list
  • --schedule-id: base64 encoded, create snapshot to this schedule, other fields are ignored, default empty
  • --base64-encoded: boolean, base64 decode given schedule ID before handling over to the API, default false


  • Multiple --name and --uuid values can be combined together.
  • YSQL keyspace snapshots do not support explicit --name and --uuid selection.
  • To create a snapshot of an entire keyspace, do not specify any --name or --uuid. YCQL only.
  • yedis.* keyspaces are not supported.


  • create a snapshot of an entire YSQL yugabyte database: cli create-snapshot --keyspace ysql.yugabyte
  • create a snapshot of selected YCQL tables in the example database: cli create-snapshot --keyspace ycql.example --name table


Delete a snapshot.

  • --snapshot-id: string, snapshot identifier - literal ID or Base64 encoded value from YugabyteDB RPC API, required, default empty string (not defined)


List snapshots.

  • --snapshot-id: string, snapshot identifier - literal ID or Base64 encoded value from YugabyteDB RPC API, optional, default empty string (not defined)
  • --list-deleted-snapshots: boolean, list deleted snapshots, default false
  • --prepare-for-backup: boolean, prepare for backup, default false


List snapshot restorations.

  • --schedule-id: string, snapshot identifier - literal ID or Base64 encoded value from YugabyteDB RPC API, optional, default empty string (not defined)
  • --restoration-id: string, restoration identifier - literal ID or Base64 encoded value from YugabyteDB RPC API, optional, default empty string (not defined)


Export a snapshot.

  • --snapshot-id: string, snapshot identifier- literal ID or Base64 encoded value from YugabyteDB RPC API, required, default empty string (not defined)
  • --file-path: string, full path to the export file, parent directories must exist, default empty


Import a snapshot.

  • --file-path: string, full path to the exported snapshot file
  • --keyspace: string, fully qualified keyspace name, for example ycql.system_namespace, no effect for YSQL imports, default empty
  • --table-name: string, repeated, table name to import, no effect for YSQL snapshots, default empty list


Restore a snapshot.

  • --schedule-id: string, schedule identifier - literal ID or Base64 encoded value from YugabyteDB RPC API, required, default empty string (not defined)
  • --restore-target: exact past HT (16 digit literal) or duration expression (1h, 5h15m, ...), absolute Timing Option: Max HybridTime, or relative past interval, default empty (undefined)


Create a new snapshot schedule.

  • --keyspace: string, keyspace name to create snapshot of, default <empty string>
  • --interval: duration expression (1h, 1d, ...), interval for taking snapshot in seconds, default 0 (undefined)
  • --retention-duration: duration expression (1h, 1d, ...), how long store snapshots in seconds, default 0 (undefined)
  • --delete-after: exact future HT (16 digit literal) or duration expression (1h, 5h15m, ...), how long until schedule is removed in seconds, hybrid time will be calculated by fetching server hybrid time and adding this value, default 0 (undefined)


  • create a snapshot schedule of an entire YSQL yugabyte database: cli create-snapshot-schedule --keyspace ysql.yugabyte --interval 1h --retention-duration 2h --delete-after 1h
  • create a snapshot schedule of selected YSQL tables in the yugabyte database: cli create-snapshot-schedule --keyspace ysql.yugabyte --name table --name another-table


Delete a snapshot schedule.

  • --schedule-id: string, snapshot identifier - literal ID or Base64 encoded value from YugabyteDB RPC API, required, default empty string (not defined)


List snapshot schedules.

  • --schedule-id: string, snapshot identifier - literal ID or Base64 encoded value from YugabyteDB RPC API, optional, default empty string (not defined)


Restore a snapshot schedule.

  • --snapshot-id: string, snapshot identifier - literal ID or Base64 encoded value from YugabyteDB RPC API, required, default empty string (not defined)
  • --restore-target: exact past HT (16 digit literal) or duration expression (1h, 5h15m, ...), absolute Timing Option: Max HybridTime, or relative past interval, default empty (undefined)

Multi-zone and multi-region deployment commands


Modifies the placement information (cloud, region, and zone) for a deployment.

  • --placement-info: string, repeated, placement for cloud.region.zone, default cluster value is cloud1.datacenter1.rack1, default empty, at least one required
  • --replication-factor: uint32, the number of replicas for each tablet, default 0 (must be explicitly specified)
  • --placement-uuid: string, the identifier of the primary cluster, which can be any unique string, optional, if not set, a randomly-generated ID will be used, default not set


Sets the preferred availability zones (AZs) and regions.

  • --zone-info: string, repeated, specifies the cloud, region, and zone, default empty

Change data capture (CDC) commands


TODO: track.


TODO: track.


TODO: track.

Decommissioning commands


TODO: track.


TODO: track.


TODO: track.


  • --destination-uuid: UUID of server this request is addressed to, default empty - not specified
  • --disable-graceful-transition: boolean, if new-leader-uuid is not specified, the current leader will attempt to gracefully transfer leadership to another peer; setting this flag disables that behavior, default false
  • --new-leader-uuid: UUID of the server that should run the election to become the new leader, default empty - not specified
  • --tablet-id: the id of the tablet, default empty - not specified

Rebalancing commands


Options are mutually exclusive, exactly one has to be set:

  • --enabled: boolean, default false, new desired state: enabled
  • --disabled: boolean, default false, new desired state: disabled


Finds out if the load balancer is idle.


Get the completion percentage of tablet load move from blacklisted servers.


Check if master leader thinks that the load is balanced across TServers.

  • --expected-num-servers: int32, how many servers to include in this check, default -1 (undefined)

Other commands


Check that a table exists.

  • --keyspace: string, keyspace name to check in, default <empty string>
  • --name: string, table name to check for, default <empty string>
  • --uuid: string, table identified (uuid) to check for, default <empty string>


Info on a table in this database.

  • --keyspace: string, keyspace name to check in, default <empty string>, ignored when using --uuid
  • --name: string, table name to check for, default <empty string>
  • --uuid: string, table identified (uuid) to check for, default <empty string>


  • describe table test in the yugabyte database: cli describe-table --keyspace yugabyte --name test
  • describe table with ID 000033c0000030008000000000004000: cli describe-table --uuid 000033c0000030008000000000004000


Get master registration info.


Fetch tablet information for a given table.

  • --keyspace: string, keyspace to describe the table in, default empty string
  • --name: string, table name to check for, default empty string
  • --uuid: string, table identifier to check for, default empty string
  • --partition-key-start: base64 encoded, partition key range start, default empty
  • --partition-key-end: base64 encoded, partition key range end, default empty
  • --max-returned-locations: uint32, maximum number of returned locations, default 10
  • --require-tablet-running: boolean, require tablet running, default false


Check if server is ready to serve IO requests.

  • --host: string, host to check, default <empty string>
  • --port: int, port to check, default 0, must be higher than 0
  • --is-tserver: boolean, when true - indicated a TServer, default false


Ping a certain YB server.

  • --host: string, host to ping, default <empty string>
  • --port: int, port to ping, default 0, must be higher than 0

Minimal YugabyteDB cluster in Docker compose

This repository contains a minimal YugabyteDB Docker compose setup which can be used for client testing or validation.

To start the cluster:

cd .compose/
docker compose -f yugabytedb-minimal.yml up

To restart:

docker compose -f yugabytedb-minimal.yml rm
docker compose -f yugabytedb-minimal.yml up

Docker image

Build the Docker image:

make docker-image

Run against the provided minimal YugabyteDB cluster:

docker run --rm \
    --net yb-client-minimal \
    -ti local/ybdb-go-cli:0.0.1 \
    list-masters --master yb-master-1:7100 \
                 --master yb-master-2:7100 \
                 --master yb-master-3:7100
Radek Gruchalski
software engineer for 20+ years
Radek Gruchalski
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