FSweeper - An intuitive and simple file management automation tool.


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An intuitive and simple file management automation tool.
Read this guide and write rules for organizing file storage in just a couple of minutes.


Pick a binary from the releases.

Build from source

Download and install Go https://golang.org/doc/install.

Get the package:

go get github.com/reugn/fsweeper

Read this guide on how to compile and install the application.


Command line options list:

./fsweeper --help

Usage of ./fsweeper:
        Show supported actions
  -conf string
        Configuration file path (default "conf.yaml")
        Open default configuration file in $EDITOR
        Show supported filters
        Show version


fsweeper uses YAML as a configuration file format.
A default configuration file name could be set using the FSWEEPER_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. It will fallback to conf.yaml otherwise.
Use --conf=custom.yaml parameter to run against a custom configuration file.

Let's start with a simple example:

    - path: ./examples/files
      recursive: true
      op: OR
        - action: echo
          payload: "Found size"
        - filter: size
          payload: gt 10000
        - filter: size
          payload: eq 0

This configuration will look for files that are bigger than 10000 bytes or empty and print out "Found size" message on each.

What if we want to move all JSON files to an archive folder:

    - path: ./examples/files
      recursive: true
        - action: move
          payload: ./examples/archive
        - action: echo
          payload: "Found JSON file"
        - filter: ext
          payload: .json

Variables and pipelines

We can build dynamic configurations using variables and pipelines. Variables introduce a set of dynamic placeholders to be substituted in runtime. Pipelines chain together a series of template commands to compactly express a series of transformations.

Let's see an example:

    dateTimeFormat: "2006.01.02[15-04-05]"
    - path: ./examples/files
      recursive: true
      op: AND
        - action: echo
          payload: "Found {{ .FileName | upper | quote }} at {{ .DateTime }}, size {{ .FileSize }}"
        - filter: name
          payload: "[0-9]+"
        - filter: contains
          payload: "1234"
Variables Description
.FileSize Returns the context file size
.FileName Returns the context file name
.FilePath Returns the context file full path
.FileExt Returns the context file extension
.Time Current Time (default format: "15-04-05")1
.Date Current Date (default format: "2006-01-02")1
.DateTime Current DateTime (default format: "2006-01-02[15-04-05]")1
.Ts Current Unix epoch time

1You can override timeFormat, dateFormat, and dateTimeFormat in the configuration file.

Pipeline functions Description
trim Removes leading and trailing white spaces
upper Returns a string with all Unicode letters mapped to their upper case
lower Returns a string with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower case
quote Wraps a string with double quotes
head n Takes the first "n" characters of the input string
len Returns a string representation of the input length



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