Create a QR code with your Wi-Fi login details

Wi-Fi QR Code generator

Test Status PkgGoDev Go Report Card

Create a QR code with your Wi-Fi login details.

Use Google Lens or other application to scan it and connect automatically.


Download and install Go

Clone the repository:

git clone


cd wifiqr
go build ./cmd/wifiqr


Usage of ./wifiqr:
  -enc string
        The wireless network encryption protocol (WEP, WPA, WPA2). (default "WPA2")
  -file string
        A png file to write the QR Code (prints to stdout if not set).
  -hidden string
        Hidden SSID true/false. (default "false")
  -key string
        A pre-shared key (PSK). You'll be prompted to enter the key if not set.
  -size int
        Size is both the image width and height in pixels. (default 256)
  -ssid string
        The name of the wireless network. You'll be prompted to enter the SSID if not set.
        Show version.

Usage example

./wifiqr -ssid some_ssid -key 1234 -file qr.png -size 128



  • UI Improvements & Refactoring

    UI Improvements & Refactoring

    UI Improvements & Refactoring

    The biggest UI improvement is the use of the prompui package for consuming user input. It's more interactive and performs dynamic validation.

    The UI now allows the user to select the encryption type from a list if the encryption option is invalid or an empty option is specified with -enc=. As before, if no encryption option is given, it defaults to WPA2 and the user is not prompted for the encryption type. I've tried to make these improvements without breaking the old UI flow (yet). One difference is invalid encryption protocols were allowed, but now they are limited to valid types.

    The main package has been mostly refactored. The highlights include:

    • Extraction of code to smaller functions to improvement maintainability, readability and hopefully to help accommodate future unit tests.
    • Move code in main to a new run function that returns an exit code. (Helps with future unit tests)
    • Remove the use of all global variables except injected version.
    • DRY the code.
      • SSID/password descriptions
      • .png extension
      • Validation code
    • Improve user facing text consistency.
    • Consistent use of error returns.
    • Validation of SSID maximum length.
    • Validation of encryption option.
    • Some unit test coverage.

    The core package now contains the type EncryptionType to help limit the input into the API and make the strings consistent. This particular implementation isn't ideal but works for now.

    Minor edits made to the README, mostly to conform to markdownlint.

    Note this PR changes the API a bit, but since it's a v0.x.x series of releases, I've assumed that's ok. The encryption protocol has changed from a type of string to EncryptionProtocol for both NewConfig and the Config struct.

    Unit testing will require a bit of dependency injection but before going through that, it'll be good to see how far this PR goes since I know it's unsolicited.

  • BUG: Does not accept spaces in SSID or Password

    BUG: Does not accept spaces in SSID or Password

    Greetings! Per my comment on reddit regarding a bug I found today:

    There seems to be a bug when using spaces in either the network name or the password:

    $ go run
    Enter the name of the wireless network (SSID):
    one two three
    Enter the network key (password):
    (qr code omitted for brevity)
    bash-5.1$ three
    bash: three: command not found

    Notice that it did not ask me for the password. Scanning the generated QR code shows that it used one as the SSID and two as the password.

  • Tool and dependency updates

    Tool and dependency updates

    Various Updates

    • Update Cobra from v1.2.1 to v.1.5.0
      • Because Viper is no longer pulled in, it should reduce the dependency tree
    • Update Go 1.18.x for building and testing
    • Update workflow actions to latest versions
      • actions/checkout@v3
      • actions/setup-go@v3
      • goreleaser/goreleaser-action@v3
  • Migrate the CLI from the standard library to Cobra

    Migrate the CLI from the standard library to Cobra

    This is a proposal in the form of a PR to migrate the CLI from the standard library to the Cobra package under the Apache License 2.0. Cobra is used by Kubernetes, the GitHub CLI, GoReleaser and many other popular projects.

    I can think of several benefits for this project with this migration:

    • Standard and familiar CLI interface like those of the projects mentioned above.
    • Long (--ssid) and short (-s) option formats.
    • Built in help output.
    • Automatic version option.
    • A more full featured flags library in general.

    A couple of reasons why you may not want to migrate:

    • Dragging yet another non-standard library into this project.
    • Larger executable (from about 3 mb to about 3.5 mb).
    • You have a problem with the Apache License 2.0.

    Command Options

    To transition to the combined long and short options, I've changed some of the options. These are simply my suggestions and should be carefully reviewed to ensure it's what you want. I can make any changes here that you'd like.

    Flag usage from the CLI changes a bit because of the long and short options.

    The changes are:

    • -file is now --output and -o which seems to be consistent with other utilities
    • -enc is now --protocol and -p because it is the protocol being specified
    • The short form of --ssid is -i for ID so it doesn't interfere with the -s (size) short option

    I'm personally not chained to any of this, so if you want the Cobra implementation but with different option names, let me know and I can change it, or you can approve and merge then change to your liking, etc.

    The No Password Edge Case

    When the user presents an empty key/password via the CLI (--enc ""), the user would still be prompted for password input instead of enabling no enryption protocol (NONE) which is what the user probably wants. This could probably be resolved using the old standard library but would require more than a couple lines of code. Cobra's pflag library makes this easy with the Changed method which has been implemented in this PR.


    It has been updated with the new automatically generated Cobra help and the example command incantation updated with the new option names. For this PR, the new help output is:

    $ wifiqr --help
    wifiqr is a WiFi QR code generator
    It is used to create a QR code containing the login details such as
    the name, password, and encryption type. This QR code can be scanned
    using Google Lens or other QR code reader to connect to the network.
    It is Android and iOS compatible.
    If the options necessary for creating the QR code are not given on
    the command line, the user will be prompted for the information.
      wifiqr [flags]
      -h, --help              help for wifiqr
          --hidden            Hidden SSID
      -k, --key string        Wireless password (pre-shared key / PSK)
      -o, --output string     PNG file for output (default stdout)
      -p, --protocol string   Wireless network encryption protocol (WPA2, WPA, WEP, NONE). (default "WPA2")
      -s, --size int          Image width and height in pixels (default 256)
      -i, --ssid string       Wireless network name
      -v, --version           version for wifiqr

    And the version output example:

    $ wifiqr --version
    wifiqr version 0.9.9


    I'm submitting all these PRs because I use this utility every week to connect to a protected wifi network. I'm a software developer that enjoys coding in Go. Put them together and I just wanted to give back. I also have the opinion that Cobra should be used to process user input for nearly every Go application. Thanks for accepting my previous PRs.

  • Support no encryption and escape SSID and password data

    Support no encryption and escape SSID and password data

    Background information for these changes can be found on ZXing's Wi-Fi Network config documentation section which is also referenced from the Wikipedia page and section on wifi networks.

    No Encryption

    No WiFi encryption is now supported. This is enabled on the command line with the -enc option which can be set to NONE, NOPASS, or empty with -enc "" and the user will not be prompted for a password. In the case where an invalid protocol is specified, the selection list now includes a NONE option after which the user is not prompted for a password. As before, the encryption protocol defaults to WPA2.

    Escape of SSID and Password

    Special characters in the SSID and password are now escaped with backslashes (\).

    Increased Unit Testing

    Unit tests have been added to support some of the new functionality, for building the string used to generate the QR code (buildSchema) and a few other functions.

  • Core code refinements

    Core code refinements

    • Remove use of variables that aren't really needed in InitCode
    • Eliminate the use of strings.Builder overhead
      • Also removes import of strings package
      • Speeds execution of buildSchema by 35%+
      • Significant decreased memory usage by buildSchema

    The refinement of buildSchema is probably not really useful when used from a command line utility, but if someone was to use this package as part of a REST API or other utility that performs this work repeatedly, it helps with memory use and runtime overhead.

    The output of benchcmp:

    benchmark                 old ns/op     new ns/op     delta
    Benchmark_buildSchema     200           125           -37.49%
    benchmark                 old allocs     new allocs     delta
    Benchmark_buildSchema     4              1              -75.00%
    benchmark                 old bytes     new bytes     delta
    Benchmark_buildSchema     120           48            -60.00%

    Function used for benchmarking:

    func Benchmark_buildSchema(b *testing.B) {
    	cfg := Config{
    		SSID:       "testssid",
    		Key:        "testkeytestkey",
    		Encryption: "WPA2",
    		Hidden:     false,
    	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
  • Release & GoReleaser Improvements

    Release & GoReleaser Improvements

    • Inject tagged version into released binary
      • No more need to modify source for each version
    • Reduce size of released binaries
      • -s: Omit symbol and debug info
      • -w: Omit DWARF symbol table
    • Builds for more platforms as might have been originally intended
    • Git ignore files in dist/
      • Helps with testing GoReleaser locally with a command such as goreleaser --skip-publish --rm-dist
  • Document use of go install in readme over go get

    Document use of go install in readme over go get

    go install ( is recommended as the way to install binaries rather than go get.

    If I run go get from the I see the following output:

    go: go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory.
    	'go get' is no longer supported outside a module.
    	To build and install a command, use 'go install' with a version,
    	like 'go install'
    	For more information, see
    	or run 'go help get' or 'go help install'.

    What do you think about updating the readme to go install, it will install wifiqr to the go bin folder.

    Note: I tried go install but get the following output:

    package is not a main package

    Looking at other projects (e.g. a simple main.go at the root should do the trick to make it work.

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