Fastzip is an opinionated Zip archiver and extractor with a focus on speed.


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Fastzip is an opinionated Zip archiver and extractor with a focus on speed.

  • Archiving and extraction of files and directories can only occur within a specified directory.
  • Permissions, ownership (uid, gid on linux/unix) and modification times are preserved.
  • Buffers used for copying files are recycled to reduce allocations.
  • Files are archived and extracted concurrently.
  • By default, the excellent library is used for compression and decompression.



// Create archive file
w, err := os.Create("")
if err != nil {
defer w.Close()

// Create new Archiver
a, err := fastzip.NewArchiver(w, "~/fastzip-archiving")
if err != nil {
defer a.Close()

// Register a non-default level compressor if required
// a.RegisterCompressor(zip.Deflate, fastzip.FlateCompressor(1))

// Walk directory, adding the files we want to add
files := make(map[string]os.FileInfo)
err = filepath.Walk("~/fastzip-archiving", func(pathname string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
	files[pathname] = info
	return nil

// Archive
if err = a.Archive(context.Background(), files); err != nil {


// Create new extractor
e, err := fastzip.NewExtractor("", "~/fastzip-extraction")
if err != nil {
defer e.Close()

// Extract archive files
if err = e.Extract(context.Background()); err != nil {


Archiving and extracting a Go 1.13 GOROOT directory, 342M, 10308 files.

StandardFlate is using compress/flate, NonStandardFlate is klauspost/compress/flate, both on level 5. This was performed on a server with an SSD and 24-cores. Each test was conducted using the WithArchiverConcurrency and WithExtractorConcurrency options of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16.

$ go test -bench Benchmark* -archivedir go1.13 -benchtime=30s -timeout=20m

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkArchiveStore_1-24                            39         788604969 ns/op         421.66 MB/s     9395405 B/op     266271 allocs/op
BenchmarkArchiveStandardFlate_1-24                     2        16154127468 ns/op         20.58 MB/s    12075824 B/op     257251 allocs/op
BenchmarkArchiveStandardFlate_2-24                     4        8686391074 ns/op          38.28 MB/s    15898644 B/op     260757 allocs/op
BenchmarkArchiveStandardFlate_4-24                     7        4391603068 ns/op          75.72 MB/s    19295604 B/op     260871 allocs/op
BenchmarkArchiveStandardFlate_8-24                    14        2291624196 ns/op         145.10 MB/s    21999205 B/op     260970 allocs/op
BenchmarkArchiveStandardFlate_16-24                   16        2105056696 ns/op         157.96 MB/s    29237232 B/op     261225 allocs/op
BenchmarkArchiveNonStandardFlate_1-24                  6        6011250439 ns/op          55.32 MB/s    11070960 B/op     257204 allocs/op
BenchmarkArchiveNonStandardFlate_2-24                  9        3629347294 ns/op          91.62 MB/s    18870130 B/op     262279 allocs/op
BenchmarkArchiveNonStandardFlate_4-24                 18        1766182097 ns/op         188.27 MB/s    22976928 B/op     262349 allocs/op
BenchmarkArchiveNonStandardFlate_8-24                 34        1002516188 ns/op         331.69 MB/s    29860872 B/op     262473 allocs/op
BenchmarkArchiveNonStandardFlate_16-24                46         757112363 ns/op         439.20 MB/s    42036132 B/op     262714 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractStore_1-24                            20        1625582744 ns/op         202.66 MB/s    22900375 B/op     330528 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractStore_2-24                            42         786644031 ns/op         418.80 MB/s    22307976 B/op     329272 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractStore_4-24                            92         384075767 ns/op         857.76 MB/s    22247288 B/op     328667 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractStore_8-24                           165         215884636 ns/op        1526.02 MB/s    22354996 B/op     328459 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractStore_16-24                          226         157087517 ns/op        2097.20 MB/s    22258691 B/op     328393 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractStandardFlate_1-24                     6        5501808448 ns/op          23.47 MB/s    86148462 B/op     495586 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractStandardFlate_2-24                    13        2748387174 ns/op          46.99 MB/s    84232141 B/op     491343 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractStandardFlate_4-24                    21        1511063035 ns/op          85.47 MB/s    84998750 B/op     490124 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractStandardFlate_8-24                    32         995911009 ns/op         129.67 MB/s    86188957 B/op     489574 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractStandardFlate_16-24                   46         652641882 ns/op         197.88 MB/s    88256113 B/op     489575 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractNonStandardFlate_1-24                  7        4989810851 ns/op          25.88 MB/s    64552948 B/op     373541 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractNonStandardFlate_2-24                 13        2478287953 ns/op          52.11 MB/s    63413947 B/op     373183 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractNonStandardFlate_4-24                 26        1333552250 ns/op          96.84 MB/s    63546389 B/op     373925 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractNonStandardFlate_8-24                 37         817039739 ns/op         158.06 MB/s    64354655 B/op     375357 allocs/op
BenchmarkExtractNonStandardFlate_16-24                63         566984549 ns/op         227.77 MB/s    65444227 B/op     379664 allocs/op
  • Decompressed file content is messed up

    Decompressed file content is messed up

    I'm archiving a folder containing .git/config file with fastzip on Linux, following the example shown in README.

    When extracting said file, I'm expecting to see:

            repositoryformatversion = 0
            filemode = true
            bare = false
    [remote "origin"]
            url = ...
            denyNonFastForwards = false
            denyCurrentBranch = ignore
            denyDeleteCurrent = ignore

    However, I get:


    This happens with both golang sdk (using NewExtractor) and with traditional unix tar command. Worth mentioning, is that this is only the case when using the default Deflate compression method. Using 0 (Store) method works fine (no compression though, which is expected).

    I'd appreciate any help with this issue.

    EDIT: Compressing only the file itself (as opposed to the folder containing it) seems to work fine.

  • Zips created in windows are not valid in linux due to the invalid separator

    Zips created in windows are not valid in linux due to the invalid separator

    Even if Archive is provided with the files map that has "/" separator in keys it is changed to "\" in the system calls in the ArchiveWithContext. When "\" is used as separator linux sees invalid folder structure.

    Fix: in ArchiveWithContext change

    fileInfoHeader(rel, fi, hdr)


    fileInfoHeader(strings.ReplaceAll(rel, "\\", "/"), fi, hdr)

    or some similar solution using os.PathSeparator

  • Prevent unnecessary directory in zip?

    Prevent unnecessary directory in zip?

    When using fastzip, by default, there will be a single directory at the top level of the zip, which contains everything.

    Is there a way to not have this top level directory?

  • Fix atomic access to unaligned fields causing panics on 32bit systems

    Fix atomic access to unaligned fields causing panics on 32bit systems

    We access the "written" and "entries" fields in "Archiver" and "Extractor" using atomic operations. This operations require the fields to be 8 byte aligned. Otherwise they panic at runtime.

    On 32bit systems, int64 fields are not necessarily aligned to 8 bytes. They may just be aligned to 4 bytes depending on the fields before them.

    This currently causes fastzip to reproducably fail archiving and extraction on 32bit systems.

    Move the fields which are accessed via atomic operations to the start of the struct to properly align them and avoid the problem.

    See "The Alignment Requirement for 64-bit Word Atomic Operations" However, on 32-bit architectures, the alignment guarantee made by the standard Go compiler for 64-bit words is only 4 bytes. 64-bit atomic operations on a 64-bit word which is not 8-byte aligned will panic at runtime. ... The ways are described as the first (64-bit) word in a variable or in an allocated struct, array, or slice can be relied upon to be 64-bit aligned.

    See On ARM, 386, and 32-bit MIPS, it is the caller's responsibility to arrange for 64-bit alignment of 64-bit words accessed atomically. The first word in a variable or in an allocated struct, array, or slice can be relied upon to be 64-bit aligned.


    The panic behavior can easily be reproduced by running "go test" in fastzip on Windows with go 1.17.6 i386 installed.

    panic({0xca2aa0, 0xd0fa90})
            C:/Program Files (x86)/Go/src/runtime/panic.go:1038 +0x1bc
            C:/Program Files (x86)/Go/src/runtime/internal/atomic/unaligned.go:8 +0x2d
            C:/Program Files (x86)/Go/src/runtime/internal/atomic/atomic_386.s:225 +0x10*Archiver).Written(0x11ce0050)
            C:/go/fastzip/archiver.go:94 +0x26
            C:/go/fastzip/archiver_test.go:165 +0x506
  • add custom root folder during archival?

    add custom root folder during archival?

    👋 I'm trying to compress a bunch of files and have everything inside a root folder (its name differs from the source directory).

    So given


    would create a ZIP file with a structure like this:


    I can't get the myroot root directory working without renaming the original source dir (not an option, unfortunately). I tried using symlinks (seems to compress symlink itself, not follow it?) and changing the file path in the filepath.Walk function (results in "file not found").

    Is there a way to do this?

    PS: I can't do this on the extract, since I have no control over that part

  • zip: not a valid zip file

    zip: not a valid zip file

    I copied the README code almost verbatim as far as I can tell, but I'm seeing this error

    panic: zip: not a valid zip file

    My code:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	sourceDir := "util/"
    	zipFile := ""
    	w, err := os.Create(zipFile)
    	if err != nil {
    	defer w.Close()
    	a, err := fastzip.NewArchiver(w, sourceDir)
    	if err != nil {
    	defer a.Close()
    	files := make(map[string]os.FileInfo)
    	err = filepath.Walk(sourceDir, func(pathname string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
    		files[pathname] = info
    		return nil
    	if err = a.Archive(context.Background(), files); err != nil {
    	e, err := fastzip.NewExtractor(zipFile, "./")
    	if err != nil {
    		panic(err) // PANICS
    	defer e.Close()
    	if err = e.Extract(context.Background()); err != nil {

    When I unzip the file in OSX Finder, it works just fine :-?

  • A buffer size of zero uses no buffer, rather than default size

    A buffer size of zero uses no buffer, rather than default size

    Previously, a buffer size of zero would use the default buffer size and -1 would disable the buffer. This is probably confusing/unexpected.

    This change remains backwards compatible, as <= 0 will disable the buffer.

  • Fix CreateRaw() flags and timestamps

    Fix CreateRaw() flags and timestamps

    When the standard Go library's version of CreateRaw was added, rather than solely focus on custom compression in "raw" mode, it also removed the convenience of setting up common zip flags and timestamp logic.

    This change duplicates some functions from archive/zip to add the flags and timestamp logic to CreateRaw().

    This fixes an issue raised by a user of GitLab-Runner where timestamps were missing whenever CreateRaw was used.

  • Remove patched archive/zip, replace with klauspost's

    Remove patched archive/zip, replace with klauspost's

    klauspost kindly implemented the CreateHeaderRaw proposal ( in This repository was vendoring the patched version ( but having it supported in a well maintained library already used by fastzip is a plus.

  • Rate-limit active go routines

    Rate-limit active go routines

    The filepool's Get()/Put() was designed to rate limit up to a certain concurrency, and whilst the unit of work is rate limited, we launch as many go routines as there are files to be archived first. By moving the Get() call outside of a go routine, we also limit the amount of go routines created at once.

    This likely has memory savings, but also allows the -race detector to work when archiving many thousands of files.

  • Updates klauspost/compress to v1.14.3

    Updates klauspost/compress to v1.14.3

    This also now calls the newer CreateRaw() method, as CreateHeaderRaw() is now deprecated.

    This fixes #32, as when CreateHeaderRaw() was deprecated, it started calling the incorrect function that replaced it:

    A test with a larger content body has been added as it was able to detect this regression.

    Fixes #32

  • Preserve timestamps of symlinks

    Preserve timestamps of symlinks

    Does this library support preserving timestamps of symlinks?

    See the problem report at

  • Archiver modifies the last modified date of the folder to archive

    Archiver modifies the last modified date of the folder to archive


    I'm on MS Windows and when I use your "Archiver example" from the, the last modified date of the folder to archive is changed to now().

    Instead of ~/fastzip-archiving I'm using R:/tst_zip/zip me" which contains about 2000 files and 300 folders

    Is there a way to avoid this behavior? I know that the last modified date is not know on linux but it is on Windows and it shouldn't be reset only because the folder gets zipped...

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