Introduce the best practice experience of Go project with a complete project example

通过一个完整的项目的示例,从项目的结构、分层思想、依赖注入、错误处理、单元测试、服务治理、框架选择等方面介绍Go语言项目的最佳实践经验. 项目分为products、details、ratings、reviews四个微服务,依赖关系如下.






    git clone
    cd go-project-sample
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    make docker-compose


Grafana Dashboard,可以自动生成!



Prometheus Alert 监控告警,自动生成!







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    GOOS=linux GOARCH="amd64" go build -o dist/$app-linux-amd64 ./cmd/$app/;
    GOOS=darwin GOARCH="amd64" go build -o dist/$app-darwin-amd64 ./cmd/$app/;
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    go mod edit -replace[email protected]

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