A high performance NoSQL Database Server powered by Go


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Ledisdb is a high-performance NoSQL database library and server written in Go. It's similar to Redis but store data in disk. It supports many data structures including kv, list, hash, zset, set.

LedisDB now supports multiple different databases as backends.


  • Rich data structure: KV, List, Hash, ZSet, Set.
  • Data storage is not limited by RAM.
  • Various backends supported: LevelDB, goleveldb, RocksDB, RAM.
  • Supports Lua scripting.
  • Supports expiration and TTL.
  • Can be managed via redis-cli.
  • Easy to embed in your own Go application.
  • HTTP API support, JSON/BSON/msgpack output.
  • Replication to guarantee data safety.
  • Supplies tools to load, dump, and repair database.
  • Supports cluster, use xcodis.
  • Authentication (though, not via http).
  • Repair integrated: You can use ledis repair to repair broken databases and ledis repair-ttl to repair a very serious bug for key expiration and TTL if you upgraded from v0.4.

Build from source

Create a workspace and checkout ledisdb source

git clone [email protected]:ledisdb/ledisdb.git
cd ledisdb

#set build and run environment 
source dev.sh

make test

Then you will find all the binary build on ./bin directory.

LevelDB support

  • Install leveldb and snappy.

    LedisDB supplies a simple script to install leveldb and snappy:

      sudo sh tools/build_leveldb.sh

    It will install leveldb at /usr/local/leveldb and snappy at /usr/local/snappy by default.

    LedisDB uses the modified LevelDB for better performance. Details.

    You can easily use other LevelDB versions (like Hyper LevelDB or Basho LevelDB) instead, as long as the header files are in include/leveldb, not include/hyperleveldb or any other location.

  • Set LEVELDB_DIR and SNAPPY_DIR to the actual install path in dev.sh.

  • make clean && make

RocksDB support

  • Install rocksdb(5.1+)(make shared_lib) and snappy first.

    LedisDB has not yet supplied a simple script to install.

  • Set ROCKSDB_DIR and SNAPPY_DIR to the actual install path in dev.sh.

  • make clean && make

If the RocksDB API changes, LedisDB may not build successfully. LedisDB currently supports RocksDB version 5.1 or later.

Choose store database

LedisDB now supports goleveldb, leveldb, rocksdb, and RAM. It will use goleveldb by default.

Choosing a store database to use is very simple.

  • Set in server config file

    db_name = "leveldb"

  • Set in command flag

    ledis -config=/etc/ledis.conf -db_name=leveldb

Flag command set will overwrite config setting.

Lua support

Lua is supported using gopher-lua, a Lua VM, completely written in Go.


LedisDB uses toml as the configuration format. The basic configuration ./etc/ledis.conf in LedisDB source may help you.

If you don't use a configuration, LedisDB will use the default for you.

Server Example

//set run environment if not
source dev.sh

./bin/ledis -config=/etc/ledis.conf

//another shell
./bin/ledis cli -p 6380

ledis> set a 1
ledis> get a

//use curl
→ {"SET":[true,"OK"]}

→ {"GET":"world"}

Package Example

import (
    lediscfg "github.com/ledisdb/ledisdb/config"

# Use Ledis's default config
cfg := lediscfg.NewConfigDefault()
l, _ := ledis.Open(cfg)
db, _ := l.Select(0)

db.Set(key, value)


Replication Example

Set slaveof in config or dynamiclly

ledis cli -p 6381 

ledis> slaveof 6380

Cluster support

LedisDB uses a proxy named xcodis to support cluster.




See benchmark for more.


See Issues todo


See Clients to find or contribute LedisDB client.



  • Changing the backend database at runtime is very dangerous. Data validation is not guaranteed if this is done.


  • Go version >= 1.11

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A high performance NoSQL Database Server powered by Go
  • LedisDB QA LLEN and more ...

    LedisDB QA LLEN and more ...

    assuming you already know, webapps often use lists like; comments, likes etc.. followers etc.. I see that; rocksdb rocks with ledisdb. however, never saw benchmark results for LLEN. does it full scan over list ? or it incr + 1 when we command lpush. I don;t think that fullscan is somehow faster than a local key - value. I short, I wonder LLEN performance and how it works :)

  • refactor scan command

    refactor scan command

    Now "scan" commands are very redundant and complicate, see #137. It is time to refactor them.

    For compatibility, I may not remove old XSCAN, XLSCAN, etc..., so maybe another API is better, like this:

    XKEYSCAN type cursor [MATCH match] [COUNT count]

    "type" is kv, list, hash, set, and zset. This API likes redis SCAN, to iterates keys, for different data type.

    But if we don't care compatibility, we may use XSCAN instead, @pkieltyka.

    XHSCAN key cursor [MATCH match] [COUNT count]

    XHSCAN likes redis HSCAN to iterates hash field and values.

    XSSCAN key cursor [MATCH match] [COUNT count]

    XSSCAN likes redis SSCAN to iterates set memebers.

    XZSCAN key cursor [MATCH match] [COUNT count]

    XZSCAN likes redis ZSCAN to iterates zset element and score.

  • RAM is very slow for HMset and and HMget

    RAM is very slow for HMset and and HMget


    extremely slow, how do I speed it up? Afterall, I'm using RAM, using redis directly is 2x slower (because of the TCP roundtrip i suspect) but other in-memory such as freecache is running around 50ms average for both SET and GET.

    Currently with the example you have provided, I'm running HMset at 6s. Can you pls give example on how to speed this up? I suspect it's at the FVPair area but... any ideas?

    Hope you can look into the GC area like freecache. Thanks in advance.

    pure SET and GET only 3x slower than freecache which is "acceptable"

  • fail to add lua when compiling

    fail to add lua when compiling

    godep go install -tags 'linenoise leveldb lua' ./... github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/vendor/lua could not determine kind of name for C.lua_tointeger could not determine kind of name for C.lua_tonumber godep: go exit status 2 make: *** [build] Error 1

    An error with lua version? I 'm using lua-5.2

  • make through error cmd/ledis-load/main.go:6:2: cannot find package

    make through error cmd/ledis-load/main.go:6:2: cannot find package "github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/config" in any of:

    uname -a

    Linux ubdesk1404 3.13.0-53-generic #89-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 20 10:34:39 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux




    godep go install -tags 'linenoise ' ./... cmd/ledis-load/main.go:6:2: cannot find package "github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/config" in any of: /usr/src/pkg/github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/config (from $GOROOT) /home/cloud/prototypes/ledisdb/src/github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/config (from $GOPATH) /home/cloud/gocode/src/github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/config cmd/ledis-load/main.go:7:2: cannot find package "github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/ledis" in any of: /usr/src/pkg/github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/ledis (from $GOROOT) /home/cloud/prototypes/ledisdb/src/github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/ledis (from $GOPATH)

  • 内存数据库LPop后内存降不下来


    //在一个go程里不停地往ledis数据库里插入,达到一定的长底LPop数据。跑了5300秒,内存占用从最开始的324468KB 到最后的964292KB,中间一直在上涨,没有降过。

    const (
        K_LOGS = "logs"
    func textInsert(db *ledis.DB, val []byte, limit int) {
        c, err := db.RPush([]byte(K_LOGS), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s", time.Now().String(), string(val))))
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalln("add log of ", val, " failed:", err)
        if c > int64(limit) {
            if _, err := db.LPop([]byte(K_LOGS)); err != nil {
                log.Fatalln("pop log failed:", err)
    func main() {
        var l *ledis.Ledis
        var db *ledis.DB
        var err error
        cfg := lediscfg.NewConfigDefault()
        cfg.DBName = goleveldb.MemDBName
        if l, err = ledis.Open(cfg); err != nil {
            log.Println("open underlying log db failed")
        if db, err = l.Select(0); err != nil {
            log.Println("open underlying log db failed")
        mylimit := 20000
        for i := 0; ; i++ {
            textInsert(db, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("hello %d", i)), mylimit)
  • Cross compile application using ledis fails

    Cross compile application using ledis fails

    Any ideas how to workaround the following issue:

    $ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o streams_$GOOS_$GOARCH
    Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/store/mdb/mdb.go:9:2: C source files not allowed when not using cgo: mdb.c midl.c

    I am building my app on a Mac for Linux using go 1.4.2. My app depends on Ledis (v0.4-61-gb9d10ac). I am using the boltdb or memory backend, so I dont even need mdb support.

  • Ledis-server cli, config file required

    Ledis-server cli, config file required

    My first time playing with ledis-server, just wanted to offer some feedback. The "-config" file must exist or the server can't be started. Rather it makes more sense to either require config or db_name to start since the config file doesnt have anything in it besides the db_name.

    Also, perhaps instead of a json config file you could use https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml ? .. doesnt really matter I guess, but even if you call it /etc/ledis.conf using a toml format, it will feel good and unixy, and just a better format for this kind of thing IMHO.

  • Swapping master and slave and setting up new master/slave replication

    Swapping master and slave and setting up new master/slave replication

    We had a ledis master/slave setup that was replicating fine.

    We recently experienced some data corruption on the master so we took it down and promoted the slave to be the new master.

    Replication now no longer works between the new master and the old master (which is now the slave). The new slave had all its prior data removed and should just function like a brand new ledis slave node.

    On the new master:> info replication
    # Replication

    On the new slave:> info replication
    # Replication

    Is there some additional tasks required to set up replication in this case?

  • Replication not working

    Replication not working


    2 newest version ledis-server "localhost:6380" "localhost:6381" are running, and I want to replicate them. But "SLAVEOF" command return following error.> slaveof 6380
    (error) ERR slaveof must enable replication

    I changed use_replication=false to true and restart, but nothing goes well. Is there another options essential to start replication?

    Then I put slaveof="localhost:6380" to the conf of localhost:6381 and restart. Now localhost:6381 should be slave, and ROLE command displays like this.> role
    1) "slave"
    2) "localhost"
    3) (integer) 6381
    4) "connect"
    5) (integer) 0

    Status is slave. It's ok. but "3) (integer) 6381" is slave port. According to redis reference, this should be master port.

    master node show following. this means master without slave.> role
    1) "master"
    2) (integer) 0
    3) (empty list or set)

    Replication not working.

    redis-cli -p 6380> set a b
    OK> get a
    redis-cli -p 6381> get a

    I found nothing under the path "data_dir/rpl". Am I doing something wrong?

  • how to support lmdb

    how to support lmdb

    make build_lmdb

    godep go install -tags ' lmdb' ./...
    godep: WARNING: Go version (go1.6) & $GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 wants to enable the vendor experiment, but disabling because a Godep workspace (Godeps/_workspace) exists package github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/cmd/ledis-load imports github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/ledis imports github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/rpl imports github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/store imports github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/store/mdb imports github.com/siddontang/ledisdb/vendor/gomdb: must be imported as gomdb godep: go exit status 1 make: *** [build_lmdb] 错误 1

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