Proof-of-concept SLSA provenance generator for GitHub Actions

SLSA GitHub Actions Demo

A proof-of-concept SLSA provenance generator for GitHub Actions.


SLSA is a framework intended to codify and promote secure software supply-chain practices. SLSA helps trace software artifacts (e.g. binaries) back to the build and source control systems that produced them using in-toto's Attestation metadata format.


This proof-of-concept GitHub Action demonstrates an initial SLSA integration conformant with SLSA Level 1. This provenance can be uploaded to the native artifact store or to any other artifact repository.

While there are no integrity guarantees on the produced provenance at L1, publishing artifact provenance in a common format opens up opportunities for automated analysis and auditing. Additionally, moving build definitions into source control and onto well-supported, secure build systems represents a marked improvement from the ecosystem's current state.

Security and Support

This is demo repo and is not intended to be used in production contexts. As such, we cannot make any commitments of future support.


To see an example of the action... in action, see the example action and example provenance in this repository.


The GitHub action has the following user configuration

Input Default Description
artifact_path none Path to build artifact or directory of build artifacts
output_path build.provenance Path to write build provenance file

To try out this provenance generator, add the following snippet to your GitHub Actions workflow:

      - name: Generate provenance
        uses: slsa-framework/[email protected]
          artifact_path: <path-to-artifact>

In this example we use the default output path build.provenance, you can upload the build provenance to the workflow run result with the actions/upload-artifact github action

      - name: Upload provenance
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: my-artifact
          path: build.provenance
SLSA Framework
Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts
SLSA Framework
  • Bugs in provenance

    Bugs in provenance

    1. _type: wrong capitalization: "Statement", not "statement"
    2. name (not Name)
    3. digest (not Digest)
    4. predicateType: wrong capitalization: "Provenance", not "provenance"
    5. should identify the specific workflow that invoked the action, not github hosted actions. This represents the entity that needs to be trusted.
    6. recipe.entryPoint: Should be "<workflow.yaml>:<job_name>", e.g. "example-publish.yaml:build"
    7. recipe.arguments: Should be an object with an input field? Could you test by doing an invocation with an input? (It's OK for this to be null, but if it's not null, I think it should have an input field, but looking at the code I'm guessing that's not the case.)
    8. materials.uri: protocol should be git+https?
    9. buildInvocationId: Can we use a URI instead of just the number, i.e. the /runs/ URI?
    10. recipe.environment: Maybe we should just omit it since it's so huge? In reality I think GitHub would minimize the fields that are present. It's only really needed for reproducibility which is SLSA 4.

    Q: Should the output be an Envelope (with no signatures), rather than the Statement?

  • Add deprecation warning

    Add deprecation warning

    It was brought up that this repository can be confusing for new users wanting to get started with SLSA on GitHub actions. The feedback we got was that it was better to have a single repository for GitHub Actions and that it would be better to direct users to slsa-github-generator as it is better maintained.

    After this PR is merged we can archive this repository.

    /cc @diogoteles08

    Signed-off-by: Ian Lewis [email protected]

  • Confirm that `recipe.arguments` has an `input` subfield.

    Confirm that `recipe.arguments` has an `input` subfield.

    Looking at the code, it appears that the GitHub input object is assigned directly to recipe.arguments rather than recipe.arguments.input. @msuozzo Could you confirm with an example and fix if needed?

  • Revert

    Revert "Properly name each artifact in GH Actions."

    This reverts commit f293d1cd68f0b3457dbf3f4f793e9f9cadd5efa1.

    An "artifact" in GitHub Actions is a collection of files, not a single file, so the original version was working fine (with all files under the collection named "artifact") whereas the new version broke because it tried to download the non-existent artifact named "artifact".

    Let's just revert to the old version because it was fine.

  • Properly name each artifact in GH Actions.

    Properly name each artifact in GH Actions.

    Previously both the artifact (salsa.txt) and the provenance (build.provenance) were uploaded with the default name of "artifact", meaning that the provenance overwrote the original artifact.

  • Prepare for publishing

    Prepare for publishing

    Signed-off-by: Appu Goundan [email protected]

    Adds more metadata to action.yml

    Also contains two examples using the action in this repo

    • example-local.yml (uses the action directly from the repo, since it's private)
    • example-publish.yml (uses this action potentially when it is published)
      • requires that we make this repo public, create a release and publish this release onto github marketplace
  • Improve Scorecard score

    Improve Scorecard score

    Describe the bug I know this is a demo repository, but if we are expecting people to install on their own systems, we should try to follow security best practices as well. If the demo is no longer valid, we could either repurpose for future demos or deprecate the repo.

    Improve repository's OpenSSF Scorecard score (currently at 4.2)

    To Reproduce docker run -e GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN --show-details --repo= --format=json > scorecard_slsa-framework_github-actions-demo.json

    Expected behavior

    • Branch Protections could be improved
    • CII-Best-Practices Badge could be obtained
    • Project should always have reviews/CI-Tests when possible
    • Project should be Fuzzed
    • Dependencies should be updated regularly with automated tooling
    • Repo is not maintained --> may be as a result of it being a deprecated repo
    • All dependencies should be pinned via hash
    • SAST Tool should be used to scan upon code commits
    • Security Policy should be created
    • Token Permissions should follow principle of least privilege

    Screenshots image image image image image image

    Additional context Attempted to upload the JSON file, but github does not allow me to. Related to recommendation of securing our repos:

  • Configure Renovate

    Configure Renovate

    Mend Renovate

    Welcome to Renovate! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.

    🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged.

    Detected Package Files

    • Dockerfile (dockerfile)
    • .github/workflows/example-local.yml (github-actions)
    • .github/workflows/example-publish.yml (github-actions)
    • go.mod (gomod)

    Configuration Summary

    Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will:

    • Start dependency updates only once this onboarding PR is merged
    • Enable Renovate Dependency Dashboard creation.
    • If Renovate detects semantic commits, it will use semantic commit type fix for dependencies and chore for all others.
    • Ignore node_modules, bower_components, vendor and various test/tests directories.
    • Autodetect whether to pin dependencies or maintain ranges.
    • Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of two per hour.
    • Limit to maximum 10 open PRs at any time.
    • Group known monorepo packages together.
    • Use curated list of recommended non-monorepo package groupings.
    • A collection of workarounds for known problems with packages.

    🔡 Would you like to change the way Renovate is upgrading your dependencies? Simply edit the renovate.json in this branch with your custom config and the list of Pull Requests in the "What to Expect" section below will be updated the next time Renovate runs.

    What to Expect

    With your current configuration, Renovate will create 5 Pull Requests:

    Update golang Docker tag to v1.19
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/golang-1.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade golang to 1.19-buster
    Update module go to 1.19
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/go-1.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade go to 1.19
    Update actions/checkout action to v3
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/actions-checkout-3.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade actions/checkout to v3
    Update actions/download-artifact action to v3
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/actions-download-artifact-3.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade actions/download-artifact to v3
    Update actions/upload-artifact action to v3
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/actions-upload-artifact-3.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade actions/upload-artifact to v3

    🚸 Branch creation will be limited to maximum 2 per hour, so it doesn't swamp any CI resources or spam the project. See docs for prhourlylimit for details.

    ❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's Docs, particularly the Getting Started section. If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

  • Generating provenance file,  path not found error

    Generating provenance file, path not found error

    More guidance on how to integrate the action is required. We have an action to build a docker container:

    name: Docker Image CI
        branches: [ main ]
        branches: [ main ]
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        - name: Build the Docker image
          run: docker build . --file a10rest/Dockerfile.local --tag a10rest:$(date +%s)
        - uses: slsa-framework/[email protected]
            artifact_path: /a10rest
            output_path: a10rest.provenance
          continue-on-error: true

    The integration of the sla-framework action above is an educated guess from the instructions, but it runs. The artifact path however is a mystery: we've tried paths, relative paths and the name of the generated container (tag), but are unsure exactly how to refer to the artifact.

    The above action run with the slsa action producing the error in this case `Resource path not found: [provided=/a10rest]``

  • Document for which SLSA Levels this approach can (and can not) be used

    Document for which SLSA Levels this approach can (and can not) be used

    The README mentions this action is applicable for SLSA level 1. This might be a good place to document what would be necessary for further SLSA levels.

    Looking at the Requirements it looks like this approach could also be used for L2, and that the main things missing would be:

    For L3, it might be the approach no longer suffices, because of the non-falsifiability requirement that specifies the user-defined build steps have no access to the provenance signing key. Of course in GitHub Actions you can make a secret available to only specific steps, but I'm not sure that is sufficient isolation?

  • Add feature to specify extra materials

    Add feature to specify extra materials

    This can e.g. be used when the build entrypoint generates files with extra materials, like installed operating system packages or downloaded zip-files.

    I can type up some more documentation if you like this feature.

  • GitHub- vs Self-Hosted detection is inaccurate.

    GitHub- vs Self-Hosted detection is inaccurate.

    The detection of GitHub-hosted runner vs Self-hosted runner is inaccurate. What we want to know is "did all jobs use GitHub-hosted runners?" Instead, the current code says "does the current job (creating the provenance) use a GitHub-hosted runner." Is it possible to actually check what we need?

    An ugly idea is to parse the yaml to check all the runs-on fields, but that both (a) requires fetching and parsing the yaml, which is terrible, and (b) properly identifying which are github-hosted and which are self-hosted.

    Any better ideas?

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