sg is the CLI tool that Sourcegraph developers can use to develop Sourcegraph.

sg - the Sourcegraph developer tool

          _____                    _____
         /\    \                  /\    \
        /::\    \                /::\    \
       /::::\    \              /::::\    \
      /::::::\    \            /::::::\    \
     /:::/\:::\    \          /:::/\:::\    \
    /:::/__\:::\    \        /:::/  \:::\    \
    \:::\   \:::\    \      /:::/    \:::\    \
  ___\:::\   \:::\    \    /:::/    / \:::\    \
 /\   \:::\   \:::\    \  /:::/    /   \:::\ ___\
/::\   \:::\   \:::\____\/:::/____/  ___\:::|    |
\:::\   \:::\   \::/    /\:::\    \ /\  /:::|____|
 \:::\   \:::\   \/____/  \:::\    /::\ \::/    /
  \:::\   \:::\    \       \:::\   \:::\ \/____/
   \:::\   \:::\____\       \:::\   \:::\____\
    \:::\  /:::/    /        \:::\  /:::/    /
     \:::\/:::/    /          \:::\/:::/    /
      \::::::/    /            \::::::/    /
       \::::/    /              \::::/    /
        \::/    /                \::/____/

sg is the CLI tool that Sourcegraph developers can use to develop Sourcegraph.


Run the following to install sg from inside sourcegraph/sourcegraph:


Make sure that $HOME/go/bin is in your $PATH. (If you use $GOPATH then $GOPATH/bin needs to be in the $PATH)

Note for Linux users: A command called sg is already available at /usr/bin/sg. To use the Sourcegraph sg CLI, you need to make sure that its location comes first in PATH. For example, by prepending $GOPATH/bin:

export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH

Instead of the more conventional:

export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

Or you may add an alias to your .bashrc:

alias sg=$HOME/go/bin/sg

Then, in the root of sourcegraph/sourcegraph, run:

sg start

This will boot the default commands in sg.config.yaml in the root of the repository.

Alternative install method (if you want to move the binary to a custom location):

In the root of sourcegraph/sourcegraph, run the following:

go build -o ~/my/path/sg ./dev/sg

Make sure that ~/my/path is in your $PATH then.


sg [start,run,run-set] - Start dev environment

# Run default environment (this starts the 'default' command set defined in `sg.config.yaml`):
sg start

# Run the enterprise environment:
sg run-set enterprise

# Override the logger levels for specific services
sg run-set --debug=gitserver --error=enterprise-worker,enterprise-frontend enterprise

# Run specific commands:
sg run gitserver
sg run frontend

# Run multiple commands:
sg run gitserver frontend repo-updater

# List available commands:
sg run -help

# List available command sets:
sg run-set -help

sg test - Running test suites

# Run different test suites:
sg test backend
sg test backend-integration
sg test frontend
sg test frontend-e2e

# List available test suites:
sg test -help

# Arguments are passed along to the command
sg test backend-integration -run TestSearch

sg doctor - Check health of dev environment

# Run the checks defined in sg.config.yaml
sg doctor

sg live - See currently deployed version

# See which version is deployed on a preset environment
sg live dot-com
sg live k8s

# See which version is deployed on a custom environment
sg live

# List environments:
sg live -help

sg migration - Run or manipulate database migrations

# Migrate local default database up
sg migration up

# Migrate specific database down one migration
sg migration down --db codeintel -n 1

# Add new migration for specific database
sg migration add --db codeintel 'add missing index'

# Squash migrations for default database
sg migration squash

# Fixup your migrations comapred to main for databases
sg migration fixup

# To see what operations `sg migration fixup` will run, you can check with
sg migration fixup -run=false

# Or to run for only one database, you can use the -db flag, as in other operations.

sg rfc - List or open Sourcegraph RFCs

# List all RFCs
sg rfc list

# Search for an RFC
sg rfc search "search terms"

# Open a specific RFC
sg rfc open 420


sg is configured through the sg.config.yaml file in the root of the sourcegraph/sourcegraph repository:

    cmd: .bin/gitserver
    install: go install -o .bin/gitserver

    cmd: .bin/gitserver
    install: go install -o .bin/gitserver

    cmd: .bin/query-runner
    install: go install -o .bin/gitserver

    cmd: .bin/searcher
    install: go install -o .bin/gitserver

    installDoc.darwin: 'use brew install'
    installDoc.linux: 'use apt install'

    cmd: ./node_modules/.bin/gulp --silent --color dev
    install: yarn install

  # [...]

  # This is the set that will be used when `sg start` is run:
    - gitserver
    - query-runner
    - repo-updater
    - searcher
    - symbols
    - github-proxy
    - frontend
    - watch
    - caddy
    - web
    - syntect_server
    - zoekt-indexserver-0
    - zoekt-indexserver-1
    - zoekt-webserver-0
    - zoekt-webserver-1
  # Another set that can be run with `sg run-set monitoring`:
    - jaeger
    - docsite
    - prometheus
    - grafana
    - postgres_exporter
    - enterprise-gitserver
    - enterprise-query-runner
    - enterprise-repo-updater
    - enterprise-frontend
    - searcher
    - symbols
    - github-proxy
    - watch
    - caddy
    - web
    - syntect_server
    - zoekt-indexserver-0
    - zoekt-indexserver-1
    - zoekt-webserver-0
    - zoekt-webserver-1

  # These can be run with `sg test [name]`
    cmd: go test ./...
    cmd: go test -long -base-url $BASE_URL -email $EMAIL -username $USERNAME -password $PASSWORD
      # These are defaults. They can be overwritten by setting the env vars when
      # running the command.
      BASE_URL: 'http://localhost:3080'
      EMAIL: '[email protected]'
      PASSWORD: '12345'
    cmd: yarn run jest --testPathIgnorePatterns end-to-end regression integration storybook
    cmd: yarn run mocha ./client/web/src/end-to-end/end-to-end.test.ts
      TS_NODE_PROJECT: client/web/src/end-to-end/tsconfig.json

To modify your configuration locally without accidentally committing the changes, you can overwrite chunks of configuration with a sg.config.overwrite.yaml file in the root of the repository. If it exists, the contents of this file will be merged into the contents of the default configuration file, overwriting where there are conflicts. This is useful for running custom command sets or adding environment variables specific to your work.


  • Rename install in the config files to build because it's clearer
  • Add the remaining processes from /dev/Procfile to /sg.config.yaml
  • All of the ideas below
    • Rebuild and restart a command (if it has build defined, see Configuration): sg build gitserver
    • Implement the sg generate command
    • Implement sg edit site-config and sg edit external-services
    • Implement sg tail-log
  • Add built-in support for "download binary" so that the caddy command, for example, would be 3 lines instead of 20. That would allow us to get rid of the bash code.
  • Add a sg rfc create command


When you want to hack on sg it's best to be in the dev/sg directory and run it from there:

cd dev/sg
go run . -config ../../sg.config.yaml start

The -config can be anything you want, of course.


  • sg should be fun to use.
  • If you think "it would be cool if sg could do X": add it! Let's go :)
  • sg should make Sourcegraph developers productive and happy.
  • sg is not and should not be a build system.
  • sg is not and should not be a container orchestrator.
  • Try to fix a lot of the problems in this RFC by encoding conventions in executable code.
  • No bash. sg was built to get rid of all the bash scripts in ./dev/. If you have a chance to build something into sg to avoid another bash script: do it. Try to keep shell scripts to easy-to-understand one liners if you must. Replicating something in Go code that could be done in 4 lines of bash is probably a good idea.
  • Duplicated data is fine as long as it's dumb data. Copying some lines in sg.config.yaml to get something working is often (but not always) better than trying to be clever.

You can also watch this video to get an overview of the original thinking that lead to sg.



The following are ideas for what could/should be built into sg:


# Generate code, equivalent to current `./dev/`
sg generate

# Generate only specific things
sg generate mocks ./internal/enterprise/batches

Edit configuration files

# Edit the site configuration
sg edit site-config # opens site-config in $EDITOR
# Edit external service configuration
sg edit external-services # opens external-services.json in $EDITOR

Tail logs

# Tail the SQL logs
sg tail-log sql
# Tail the http logs
sg tail-log http
# Tail all logs
sg tail-log all
Code search and navigation for teams (self-hosted, OSS)
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    Configure Renovate

    WhiteSource Renovate

    Welcome to Renovate! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.

    🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged.

    Detected Package Files

    • .github/workflows/go-ci.yml (github-actions)
    • .github/workflows/go-lint.yml (github-actions)
    • .github/workflows/goreleaser.yml (github-actions)
    • .github/workflows/lsif.yml (github-actions)
    • go.mod (gomod)

    Configuration Summary

    Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will:

    • Start dependency updates only once this onboarding PR is merged
    • Enable Renovate Dependency Dashboard creation
    • If semantic commits detected, use semantic commit type fix for dependencies and chore for all others
    • Ignore node_modules, bower_components, vendor and various test/tests directories
    • Autodetect whether to pin dependencies or maintain ranges
    • Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of two per hour
    • Limit to maximum 20 open PRs at any time
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    • Ignore spring cloud 1.x releases
    • Ignore http4s digest-based 1.x milestones
    • Use node versioning for @types/node
    • Limit concurrent requests to reduce load on Repology servers until we can fix this properly, see issue 10133
    • Run Renovate on following schedule: on the 1st through 7th day of the month

    🔡 Would you like to change the way Renovate is upgrading your dependencies? Simply edit the renovate.json in this branch with your custom config and the list of Pull Requests in the "What to Expect" section below will be updated the next time Renovate runs.

    What to Expect

    With your current configuration, Renovate will create 1 Pull Request:

    chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v2
    • Schedule: ["on the 1st through 7th day of the month"]
    • Branch name: renovate/actions-checkout-2.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade actions/checkout to v2

    ❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's Docs, particularly the Getting Started section. If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

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