bodyclose is a static analysis tool which checks whether res.Body is correctly closed.



bodyclose is a static analysis tool which checks whether res.Body is correctly closed.


You can get bodyclose by go get command.

$ go get -u

How to use

bodyclose run with go vet as below when Go is 1.12 and higher.

$ go vet -vettool=$(which bodyclose)
internal/httpclient/httpclient.go:13:13: response body must be closed

When Go is lower than 1.12, just run bodyclose command with the package name (import path).

But it cannot accept some options such as --tags.

$ bodyclose
~/go/src/ response body must be closed


bodyclose validates whether *net/http.Response of HTTP request calls method Body.Close() such as below code.

resp, err := http.Get("") // Wrong case
if err != nil {
	// handle error
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

This code is wrong. You must call resp.Body.Close when finished reading resp.Body.

resp, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
	// handle error
defer resp.Body.Close() // OK
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

In the GoDoc of Client.Do this rule is clearly described.

If you forget this sentence, a HTTP client cannot re-use a persistent TCP connection to the server for a subsequent "keep-alive" request.

  • The following program is not handled correctly

    The following program is not handled correctly

    package main
    import (
    func closeBody(c io.Closer) {
    	_ = c.Close()
    func main() {
    	resp, _ := http.Get("")
    	defer closeBody(resp.Body)
  • SSA and generics (go1.18)

    SSA and generics (go1.18)

    Currently, SSA is not working with generics.

    So your linter produces a panic when it is used with generics.

    There is an issue open about that in the Go repository:

    Inside golangci-lint, we have disabled your linters:

    You have 2 solutions:

    • waiting for a version of SSA that will support generics
    • dropping the SSA analyzers and using something else to analyze the code.

    Related to

  • fix: panic.

    fix: panic.

    WARN [linters context] Panic: bodyclose: package "phttp" (isInitialPkg: true, needAnalyzeSource: true): runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference: goroutine 47307 [running]:
    runtime/debug.Stack(0xf57075, 0x3c, 0xc00167d8b8)
            /usr/local/go/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x9d*action).analyzeSafe.func1(0xc034cff740)
            /Users/denis/go/src/ +0x1af
    panic(0xd9a0e0, 0x1720290)
            /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:679 +0x1b2
            /usr/local/go/src/go/types/object.go:133*runner).calledInFunc(0xc00167dc78, 0xc0b624d7c0, 0xc0b6512800, 0x10ae3a0)
            /Users/denis/go/src/ +0x284*runner).isopen(0xc00167dc78, 0xc0b6476580, 0x14, 0x0)
            /Users/denis/go/src/ +0x555, 0x10b9cc0, 0xc020a70910, 0xc0b6fc58e0, 0x10b9d60, 0xc020aea690, 0xc003d10c80, 0xc0b6f71a10, 0xc0a41bfc20, 0xe41140933e432942, ...)
            /Users/denis/go/src/ +0x589*action).analyze(0xc034cff740)
            /Users/denis/go/src/ +0x87a*action).analyzeSafe(0xc034cff740)
            /Users/denis/go/src/ +0x5b*loadingPackage).analyze.func3(0xc09f24a800, 0xc034cff740)
            /Users/denis/go/src/ +0x69
    created by*loadingPackage).analyze
  • False Positives on Methods/Functions That Return *http.Response

    False Positives on Methods/Functions That Return *http.Response

    For functions and methods that return a *http.Response and handle the closing of the response body by the function/method caller, this tool flags the response inside the function/method as needing to be closed, when it is being closed by the caller.

  • Nil pointer deref in

    Nil pointer deref in

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x50 pc=0x9a694f]
    goroutine 18969 [running]:*runner).run(0xc0000c6d40, 0xc150d96f00, 0x10, 0xd4f8e0, 0xdf189b62edaedd01, 0xc2d16e0ac0)
    	/go/src/ +0x1af*action).execOnce(0xc06bf7d540)
    	/go/src/ +0x68a
    sync.(*Once).Do(0xc06bf7d540, 0xc00189e790)
    	/usr/local/go/src/sync/once.go:44 +0xb3*action).exec(0xc06bf7d540)
    	/go/src/ +0x50
    	/go/src/ +0x34
    created by
    	/go/src/ +0x11b

    I encountered this when running bodyclose through golangci-lint. The stack trace seems to point the finger at this line. AFAICT r.resObj.Type() must be returning nil.

    Unfortunately, the code that triggered this is private so I can't share it with you 🙁

    golangci-lint v1.17.1
    go version 1.12.6
  • fix: call method nil.

    fix: call method nil.

    The following sample panic:

    func issue() {
    	resp, _ := http.Get("")
    	reader := http.MaxBytesReader(nil, resp.Body, 1024*1024)
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x20 pc=0x649024]
    goroutine 1183 [running]:
    	/home/ldez/.gvm/gos/go1.12.5/src/go/types/object.go:134*runner).isCloseCall(0xc0000d0700, 0x804400, 0xc00874e280, 0xc001a28360)
    	/home/ldez/sources/go/src/ +0x234*runner).isopen(0xc0000d0700, 0xc0091909a0, 0x0, 0xc005e44400)
    	/home/ldez/sources/go/src/ +0x2e9*runner).run(0xc0000d0700, 0xc004912750, 0x10, 0x734b80, 0x4519bc3afd235501, 0xc008049190)
    	/home/ldez/sources/go/src/ +0x641*action).execOnce(0xc005e1e3c0)
    	/home/ldez/sources/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/go/analysis/internal/checker/checker.go:513 +0x68a
    sync.(*Once).Do(0xc005e1e3c0, 0xc000047790)
    	/home/ldez/.gvm/gos/go1.12.5/src/sync/once.go:44 +0xb3*action).exec(0xc005e1e3c0)
    	/home/ldez/sources/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/go/analysis/internal/checker/checker.go:434 +0x50
    	/home/ldez/sources/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/go/analysis/internal/checker/checker.go:422 +0x34
    created by
    	/home/ldez/sources/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/go/analysis/internal/checker/checker.go:428 +0x11b

    another sample:

    func issue5() {
    	resp, _ := http.Get("")
    func foo(r io.ReadCloser) {}

    I'm not sure about the fix.

  • panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x20 pc=0x11f5d44]
    goroutine 49 [running]:
    	/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.12.1/libexec/src/go/types/object.go:134*runner).isCloseCall(0xc00004a380, 0x13fd500, 0xc0002eda40, 0xc0003045a0)
    	/Users/dcuadrado/Projects/GoCode/src/ +0x294*runner).isopen(0xc00004a380, 0xc000302790, 0x0, 0xc00033c4e0)
    	/Users/dcuadrado/Projects/GoCode/src/ +0x2e9*runner).run(0xc00004a380, 0xc0000a85a0, 0x10a5c26, 0x5ca8c59a, 0x50dd49c16cc1328, 0x74254feed292)
    	/Users/dcuadrado/Projects/GoCode/src/ +0x641
    	/Users/dcuadrado/Projects/GoCode/src/ +0x6c1
    sync.(*Once).Do(0xc0002b93b0, 0xc000035728)
    	/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.12.1/libexec/src/sync/once.go:44 +0xb3, 0x0)
    	/Users/dcuadrado/Projects/GoCode/src/ +0x195, 0xc00040ed70, 0x1630500)
    	/Users/dcuadrado/Projects/GoCode/src/ +0x33
    created by
    	/Users/dcuadrado/Projects/GoCode/src/ +0xa3
  • Handle more cases — round 1

    Handle more cases — round 1

    We experienced a crash of one of our production services a couple of weeks ago due to an un-closed HTTP response body. This change covers more cases which would have detected the problem and prevented the crash.


  • Do not filter out files without net/http

    Do not filter out files without net/http

    Seems like we should not filter out files without net/http import. Here's the case:


    package a
    import "net/http"
    func doRequest(string url) (*http.Response, error) {
        return http.Get(url)


    package a
    func doStuff() {
        resp, err := doRequest("")
        // ...

    resp.Body remains opened but since main.go doesn't have net/http import analyzer skips it.

    Same happens when you use something like ctxhttp.

  • False positive: if function returns io.ReadCloser

    False positive: if function returns io.ReadCloser


    func download(url string) (io.ReadCloser, error) { // body should be closed by User
    	r, err := http.DefaultClient.Get(url)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, err
    	return r.Body, nil
  • False Positive when http.Response from a function

    False Positive when http.Response from a function

    The following code triggers a false positive.

    package main
    import (
    type MyResp struct {
    	resp *http.Response
    func (r *MyResp) Response() *http.Response {
    	return r.resp
    func test() {
    	tmp := &MyResp{}
    	var err error
    	tmp.resp, err = http.Get("")
    	if err != nil {
    	defer tmp.Response().Body.Close()
    	body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(tmp.Response().Body)
    func main() {
  • false positive when close is in another package

    false positive when close is in another package

    The following code triggers a false positive.

    package util
    import (
    func Close(c io.Closer) {
    	if err := c.Close(); err != nil {
    		log.Printf("error closing io: %w", err)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	res, _ := http.Get("")
    	defer util.Close(res.Body)
  • global resp cause check panic

    global resp cause check panic

    var resp *http.Response
    func testGlobal() {
    	resp, _ = http.Get("")

    It cause panic when check this code.

    ERRO [runner] Panic: bodyclose: package "main" (isInitialPkg: true, needAnalyzeSource: true): runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference: goroutine 4224 [running]:
    	runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x65*action).analyzeSafe.func1() +0x155
    panic({0x4aeda60, 0x557d2c0})
    	runtime/panic.go:1038 +0x215*runner).isopen(0xc003c2dd08, 0xc01d94f770, 0x4)[email protected]/passes/bodyclose/bodyclose.go:135 +0x18d{0xc014270f70, {0x4e5caf8, 0xc0024143c0}, 0xc01d94f770, {0x4e5cb98, 0xc0024145f0}, 0xc000da2640, 0xc01b888a20}, 0xc014270f70)[email protected]/passes/bodyclose/bodyclose.go:102 +0x5c5*action).analyze(0xc0003b4300) +0x9c4*action).analyzeSafe.func2() +0x1d*Stopwatch).TrackStage(0xc001a0e8c0, {0x4c2232d, 0x9}, 0xc002c0d760) +0x4a*action).analyzeSafe(0xc0003b4300) +0x85*loadingPackage).analyze.func2(0x0) +0x67
    created by*loadingPackage).analyze +0x1fd
  • False positive with body close inside separate function

    False positive with body close inside separate function

    I think that bodyclose produces false positive warning on this code: response body is closed in a separate function inside each logic case. I can not use defer response.Body.Close() due to infinite loop with ticker.

    func isAppReady(
    	logger *zap.Logger,
    	shutdownChannel <-chan bool,
    	appHost string,
    	appHealthCheckURI string,
    	appCheckFrequency int,
    ) bool {
    		"[Consumer] check that App is available in the infinite loop with frequency",
    		zap.Int("appCheckFrequency", appCheckFrequency),
    		zap.String("app url", appHost+appHealthCheckURI),
    	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(appCheckFrequency) * time.Second)
    	for {
    		select {
    		case <-shutdownChannel:
    			logger.Info("[Consumer] got Shutdown signal, terminating app health check")
    			return false
    		case <-ticker.C:
    			response, err := http.Get(appHost + appHealthCheckURI)
    			if err != nil {
    				logger.Error("[Consumer] error after the app health check request", zap.Error(err))
    				closeResponse(response.Body, logger)
    			if response.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
    				logger.Info("[Consumer] got 200 OK: application started",
    					zap.String("app url", appHost+appHealthCheckURI),
    					zap.Int("response.StatusCode", response.StatusCode),
    				closeResponse(response.Body, logger)
    				return true
    			closeResponse(response.Body, logger)
    				"[Consumer] app is not ready yet to consume events, continue to wait",
    				zap.String("app url", appHost+appHealthCheckURI),
    				zap.Int("response.StatusCode", response.StatusCode),
    func closeResponse(responseBody io.Closer, logger *zap.Logger) {
    	if err := responseBody.Close(); err != nil {
    		logger.Error("[Consumer] can not close the response")
  • False positive with a retry for

    False positive with a retry for

    The following code is fine, because it closes the body only when the error is nil, but gets response body must be closed errors on both the d.client.Do(req) lines.

    func (d *Dispatcher) call(req *http.Request) {
    	// keep retrying the request until the error is nil
    	tries := 0
    	wait := time.Second
    	resp, err := d.client.Do(req)
    	for err != nil && tries < d.retries {
    		// wait a while
    		wait *= 2
    		// try again
    		resp, err = d.client.Do(req)
    	// maximum retries exceeded
    	if err != nil {
    		// log error here
    	// now the request was successful; do some work
    	// close the body now
    	if err = resp.Body.Close(); err != nil {
    		// log error
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